What Preppers Need to Know About Monkeypox

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Author of The Blackout Book and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted

Is monkeypox the next big pandemic? Are you at risk? Is it serious? Here’s a roundup of what we know about the virus that’s all over the mainstream media.

Monkeypox has been on the global radar since 2022. Just last week, the World Health Organization declared it an international public health emergency, setting the stage for…

I think we remember.

Part of this article is from research I did in 2022. Part of it is newer information from the current panic. That’s why you’ll see such a wide disparity in the links and there will also be some older comments.

Where did monkeypox start, and where are the current cases?

Monkeypox is not a brand new virus. It was initially discovered in 1958, in – you guessed it – colonies of monkeys. The first confirmed human case of monkeypox is documented as occurring in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. According to the CDC:

The first human case of monkeypox was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) during a period of intensified effort to eliminate smallpox. Since then, monkeypox has been reported in people in several other central and western African countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo, and Sierra Leone. The majority of infections are in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. (source)

What with global travel, the virus has escaped the continent of Africa, and cases have been diagnosed in countries where it is not endemic as of May 21, 2022, including the United States, Israel, Spain, the UK, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Portugal. (source)

Currently, as of the update of this article, according to the CDC itself, there are only three cases of monkeypox in the entire United States.

What is monkeypox?

According to Harvard University:

Monkeypox is an infection caused by a virus in the same family as smallpox. It causes a similar (though usually less severe) illness and is most common in central and western Africa. It was first discovered in research monkeys more than half a century ago. Certain squirrels and rats found in Africa are among other animals that harbor this virus.

The early symptoms of monkeypox are flu-like and include

  • fever
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

The rash that appears a few days later is unique. It often starts on the face and then appears on the palms, arms, legs, and other parts of the body. Some recent cases began with a rash on the genitals. Over a week or two, the rash changes from small, flat spots to tiny blisters (vesicles) similar to chickenpox and then to larger, pus-filled blisters. These can take several weeks to scab over. Once that happens, the person is no longer contagious.

Although the disease is usually mild, complications can include pneumonia, vision loss due to eye infection, and sepsis, a life-threatening infection. (source)

Most of the statistics available for monkeypox are from African countries, where healthcare and nutrition are different than outside of that region.

The case-fatality ratio has varied but has remained between 0 and 10 percent in all registered infections.

“It’s been estimated that the West Africa strain, which the UK cases have, has a mortality rate of about one percent. There is also a strain found in the Congo region which can be fatal in as many as 10 percent of cases, but the UK cases do not have this strain,” Simon Clarke, associate professor in cellular microbiology at the University of Reading, told SMC. (source)

At the time of publication, there have been no deaths from monkeypox outside of Africa.

How is monkeypox transmitted?

There are several websites stating that this is a sexually transmitted disease. It’s really too soon to make that judgment. As per Harvard:

Monkeypox is not considered a sexually transmitted illness (STI) because it can be spread through any physical contact, not just through sexual contact. Some of the recent cases have occurred among men who have sex with men. That pattern hasn’t been reported before. (source)

The reason this may currently be the case is that “superspreader” events took place in Europe that are thought to be the basis for the spread of this virus.

Spanish health authorities believe that a string of new monkeypox cases is linked to a gay sauna near Madrid and a Pride event in the Canary Islands that drew tens of thousands of people.

Spain announced 23 new cases Friday. Madrid regional health chief Enrique Ruiz Escudero told journalists that health officials have been tracing the cases from an outbreak at the now-closed sauna, Reuters reports…

…Elsewhere in Europe, an outbreak of monkeypox in Belgium has been connected to visitors at the Darklands fetish festival in early May, PinkNews reports.

At least three cases have been linked to the festival, according to the organizers.

“There’s reason to assume that the virus has been brought in by visitors from abroad to the festival after recent cases in other countries,” they said in a statement. (source)

Beware of generalizing this or any other disease as “only” affecting those with different lifestyles. People said the same thing about other viruses, which later became widespread outside the original community.

Suffice it to say, this virus is spread by close, personal contact of all kinds.

Is there a vaccine for monkeypox?

Unsurprisingly, there are already vaccines for this illness. First is the regular smallpox vaccine. Since the two viruses are of the same family, this vaccine is said to be 85% effective in preventing infection. ACAM200 is a live virus, and the recently vaccinated must take care to prevent infecting others.

Following a successful inoculation, a lesion will develop at the site of the vaccination. The virus growing at the site of this inoculation lesion can be spread to other parts of the body or even to other people. (source)

A newer vaccine is JYNNEOSTM, also known as Imvamune or Imvanex. This vaccine is specifically for monkeypox.

JYNNEOSTM is administered as a live virus that is non-replicating. It is administered as two subcutaneous injections four weeks apart. There is no visible “take” and, as a result, no risk for spread to other parts of the body or other people. People who receive JYNNEOS TM are not considered vaccinated until they receive both doses of the vaccine. (source)\

The CDC reports that these vaccines can be preventative even up to 4 days after infection. The ACAM200 vaccine is introduced by scarification.

Smallpox vaccine is administered by puncturing the skin multiple times with a bifurcated needle containing a small quantity of vaccine. A small papule develops after 3 to 5 days, following the virus replication in the dermis. The papule evolves into a vesicular and pustular stage over 8 to 10 days.17 There is typically an indurated area surrounding the central lesion. This is followed by scab formation with the development of a residual scar. The process of vesiculation and pustule formation defines a ‘take’ of the vaccine. The take is considered equivocal if a pustule, ulcer, or scab, does not develop at the vaccine site; revaccination is recommended in this situation.17 Skin reactions following revaccination tend to be milder and have an accelerated course. (source)

Once smallpox was deemed to be eradicated, the smallpox vaccine was no longer required.

Risks of the smallpox vaccine

The smallpox vaccine was discontinued as a regular part of the vaccine schedule in 1972. The CDC lists the following risk factors:

There are side effects and risks related to the smallpox vaccine. Most people have normal, usually mild reactions such as a sore arm, fever, and body aches. However, some people may have reactions ranging from serious to life-threatening.

You are more likely to have serious side effects if you:

  • currently have or have ever had certain chronic skin conditions, even if it was only once (especially eczema or atopic dermatitis.)
  • have active breaks in the skin at the time of vaccination, like poison ivy or acne.
  • have a weakened immune system. You may have a weakened immune system if you:
    • Have had a transplant.
    • Are HIV-positive.
    • Have cancer, or are being treated for cancer.
    • Are taking medications that suppress your immune system, like steroids. (source)

According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the smallpox vaccine was discontinued because the risks of the vaccine were higher than the risk of becoming infected with smallpox.

Although this disease is deadly, no cases occur anywhere in the world, so the risk today is zero. Because there is no risk of disease, this is a situation in which the use of a vaccine does NOT outweigh the risks of disease.

Vaccine risks

  • Inflammation of heart or tissues surrounding heart
  • Infection of the inoculation site
  • Inadvertent inoculation of another site or other people
  • Swelling of brain or spinal cord
  • Severe allergic reaction
  • Rarely death (source)

What about vaccinia virus?

There is some risk that those inoculated against smallpox can transmit illness to their close contacts. This hasn’t been studied since the 1960s. As per the NCBI:

Vaccinia virus may be spread from person-to-person, which means that people who have close contact with recent vaccinees may be exposed to the virus and may be at risk of developing complications. In particular, close contacts of persons with a history of eczema or atopic dermatitis, or contacts of immunocompromised individuals should not be vaccinated. Individuals should not be vaccinated if they have close contact with pregnant women or infants. Close contacts include both household members and sexual partners.

Eczema vaccinatum and inadvertent inoculation are the most frequently reported conditions in contacts of recent vaccinees. Twenty percent of the eczema vaccinatum and inadvertent inoculation cases reported in a 1968 study occurred in contacts of vaccinees.21 In this study and several others from the 1960s, eczema vaccinatum was more severe in contacts than in those who were vaccinated themselves.21,27 No cases of progressive vaccinia or postvaccinial encephalitis have been documented in contacts of vaccinees.29,30 

Most cases of contact vaccinia occur through direct person-to-person transfer of virus.30 Frequent hand washing and proper maintenance of an occlusive dressing over the vaccination site may reduce the likelihood of viral transmission.30 Aerosol transmission of vaccinia virus from a vaccinee to a contact has never been definitively documented.30 Nosocomial and fomite transmission of vaccinia are rare but have been reported. (source)

The real reason for concern in 2024

Dr. Peter McCullough doesn’t believe monkeypox is a threat to the average American – not right now, at least. But that could change. In a podcast, he elaborated:

“In March of 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative, which is a think tank out of Washington, met in Munich within Munich Biosecurity Group, and they did a monkeypox bioterrorism tabletop exercise,” McCullough explains.

“There is a timeline in the report from NTI, and the release date of the monkeypox outbreak is scheduled in May of 2022 … when we started to see the monkeypox cases being reported.”


Does that sound familiar? Something is tampered with that makes it more communicable and widespread, causing panic across the globe?

How worried should we be?

The media is fueling hysteria about monkeypox, and because of that, more than the virus itself, we should be somewhat concerned. As Covid-19 begins to be treated more like the seasonal flu than a deadly pandemic, we must look at the effects that virus had on our society. Before it became widespread, Selco wrote an article about how we should worry more about the system than the virus, and he was absolutely correct.

Since the pandemic began, we have seen some of the following adverse effects on our society and our economy, which, in my opinion, can be directly traced to the response to the virus:

It would be a mistake to underestimate the zeal with which those in power would attempt to regain control in the name of “public health” in the future after the last pandemic crushed citizens so thoroughly.

Because monkeypox is visually disturbing, covering victims with sores and lesions, it would be a lot easier to push the fear factor than it was with Covid, a far less physically visible illness. But keep in mind that there are very, very, very few cases outside of Africa at this time, and while it’s spreading, it isn’t spreading quickly.

I’m far more concerned about future power grabs than I am about this currently hard-to-transmit virus. While you should never completely disregard an illness in the smallpox family, this is not our first rodeo. Just keep in mind the lessons you’ve learned over the past two years about just how far our government and many others will go to push a narrative of fear, and be prepared for even more media manipulation. Be prepared for even more shortages and societal issues to be blamed on or caused by this new “pandemic.”

Prepping for a monkeypox pandemic

Even if you aren’t convinced that this is a real threat (and it isn’t, not yet), we all know from experience the shortages and real-life problems this kind of scare can cause. Be sure you…

Stock up on food

Stock up on fresh water and ways to purify water

Prescription medications you commonly take

Prescription meds to treat illnesses

OTC medications

And for the love of fluffy kittens, don’t forget the toilet paper.

What do you think?

Are you concerned about monkeypox? Are you concerned about the government’s response to monkeypox? Share your thoughts in the comments.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at Self Reliance and Survival.com. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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57 Responses

  1. I am not at all concerned about monkeypox. I am not yet fully convinced that it is not a vaccine reaction as many cases of shingles have been reported post vaccination which can also of course appear as a rash and with similar other symptoms.

    I have also read, but not sure of the accuracy or legitimacy of this, that those of us who were indeed vaccinated against smallpox may still have some immunity to monkeypox.

    Unfortunately, I have recently discovered that our government here in Canada (province of Saskatchewan), in its infinite wisdom, has destroyed all of the inoculation and other health records of people born prior to 1978, so I have no actual proof that I was vaccinated… But I do have the scar.

    Incidentally, I was reading on a history website that the vaccine scar from smallpox vaccination was actually the original “vaccine passport“. People were not allowed to attend public functions, school, etc. unless they could show that scar…

    1. That is very interesting information about the vaccine scar. I will certainly look that up and see how widespread it was.

      1. I got the smallpox vaccine twice: the second one was marked Take, so I guess the first one didn’t take. I never had a scar. Everyone I ever knew did, a round white scar about half an inch big on the outside of the upper left arm. We used to show our arms to compare them, but I didn’t have one. No one ever asked to see it.

  2. What of the rumors that Monkeypox has been in testing for gain of function research. How about considering that this has been genetically modified and weaponized. After the Covid fiasco does anyone trust the powers that be?

  3. Pretty sure I already received the smallpox vaccine when I was a missionary in Peru. My concern is that governments, especially the US, will use this as an excuse to do all sorts of terrible things to us. Again.

  4. Seeing as how I am not in “close” physical contact with anyone but my wife, I am not concerned.
    Also, got the smallpox vaccine before deploying to Afghanistan.

    Seeing the hype on MSM, well, they need something to rant and rave about.
    I am watching for the reaction from the government.

  5. I’m not at all worried about it but I do agree the MSM is trying to hype it up….and of course, midterms are coming up so they’ll try the whole lockdown/mail in ballot crap. I was vaccinated in grade school and yes, have the scar to prove it. 🙂

  6. Warts. WARTS! We need a vaccine! Oh, wait, there is one. It’s called Guardasil, and it has killed hundreds and injured thousands of young women. Don’t worry about that, BigPharma is making profits on it. There are something like 257 cases of Monkey Pox, world wide. They will try to sell billions of doses of a vaccine.

    1. Your numbers are flat out wrong. Cervical cancer kills far more women a year than Gardasil. HPV can also kill males so equal opportunity virus. As with any vaccine, medication, OTC medication, and food, there are people who die. Usually underlying health conditions (with the exception of food) are the primary cause, not the vaccine. Nothing is 100% safe.

      1. you are right in fact, we all will die of something. cant get around it. but all the “underlying conditions” are caused by the chemicals that we have ingested throughout our lives, it started long ago. some of us are luckier than others, live longer than others, etc. but they have been poisoning us, our food/water/air/ OTC meds/presc meds etc., for centuries and continue to do so. so no one is exempt…..

      2. Well then Selena, I suggest you go for it and take numerous vaccinations and then we’ll see what happens.

      3. I have a suspicion that the government will be just as dishonest over the hype of the Monkey Pox as they were about Covid in 2020.
        Also, Iatrogenesis will still be worse this next time:
        It may come as a surprise but The Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA) has reported that fatal adverse drug reactions (FADR’s) are now the leading cause of death in the U.S.” ~ Foreward, Curing The Incurable, by Thomas Levy, MD, JD.

  7. I’m not concerned about monkey pox but that doesn’t mean I won’t be prepared. Like Dr Robert Malone said monkey pox isn’t a real threat unless it’s been modified. Well if Gates and Fauci have their hand in this I’m sure it has been. I wasn’t concerned about covid either but I also had immediate suspicion there was something/someone sinister behind it so I prepared. I made sure I had all the natural remedies I would need. I guarantee there are people already trying to find out where and when they can get this vax. My son is completely unvaxxed and my husband and I haven’t had any kind of vax since we were school age and we’re now in our 40s. Although we have very robust immune systems my husband still got deathly ill with pneumonia from covid. We have no idea why since he doesn’t have any comorbitities. Anyone who knows us was completely shocked that he got so sick. So although I trust in Mother Nature I certainly don’t trust the evil amongst us and what lengths they’ll go to. I think part of not being fearful is being prepared. If I hadn’t been prepared for covid my husband likely wouldn’t be here today. So of course I’ll still be prepared.

    1. Agree with your statement and I also read Dr Malone’s thoughts as well as Dr Peter McCullough.

      The website Deep Roots at Home shows some natural treatments for this type of small pox like virus.

      The powers of this realm are trying to overwhelm us with fear.

  8. My take on it….”they” start it out as monkey pox and slip in smallpox early fall. Remember the smallpox samples they found Just in time for mid terms.

  9. As far as this new virus, I’m not worried. That isn’t my life style.
    It is becoming clear that these vaccines aren’t living up to the hype. I have a friend who has had all covid vaccines and boosters, yet has been continually sick for the last year. I’m not interested in being continually sick. I had the Hong Kong flu in 1967. I was bed ridden for 2 weeks. But I got better without any vaccines. All this hype about covid has just isolated the world in fear and now financial mess. I realize I’m old and not worth a plug nickle to these yahoos, but I’m not going to go quietly into death. We have been forced onto a very bad road. Heaven help us.

    1. yep, same here. had the flu shot, got awfully ill for 2 weeks, never got a shot since, luckily never had flu again, only time I’ve been sick, few years back – lyme disease – it bugs me to this day. no shots for me, like you, I’m old, I’ll take my chances, tho they’re killing us and making us sickly with chemicals in food, water, air, they wont stick me with’em….good luck!

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  10. Daisy, I’m sure it was a simple mistake, but you misspelled the disease. It’s spelled MONEY POX. It’s ok. I’ve noticed this as a common mistake.

    Simians everywhere should be throwing poo at the tv every time someone on the news makes this error.

  11. “Since the pandemic began, we have seen some of the following adverse effects on our society and our economy, which, in my opinion, can be directly traced to the response to the virus”.

    To your list, I’d add Attack by the government on Constitutional rights, including freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and more (possibly the 10th amendment).

  12. Excellent and very informative article: thank you, Daisy! All evidence points to the conclusion that our governments, acting for the WEF Global Predators, are far, FAR more dangerous and deadly than any virus they could find or manufacture.

  13. Here’s the non-terrifying factual information I gleaned from another article May 31st:
    “WHO has reported 257 confirmed monkeypox cases and about 120 suspected cases from 23 countries where the virus is not endemic. The international health group said it WAS NOT AWARE OF ANY DEATHS CAUSED by the virus’ increased spread.”

    Nuff said.

  14. Basically, if you ain’t in the LGBTQ-XYZ%@*&+-/ Group you’re pretty much safe. If you are part of the LGBTQ-XYZ%@*&+-/ Group (also known as the Fruits, Nuts & Flakes)…..knock it off!! Your behavior is killing you, didn’t the 1980’s teach you anything??

    1. Personally, in my humble opinion… The small group of elites that are running this show likely hate gays, transgender, or any sort of sexual deviant. History has shown us this.

      This may be their way of thinning that herd… Kind of like AIDS and the deadly drugs used to treat it.

      Sometimes I wonder why it has come around to these people being elevated to some sort of a “hero status” – With what started out as a special day, that turned into a week that morphed into a month (and now pretty much continual) with special parades and festivities, and also special privileges being given in some places when considerations are made for hiring or promotions.

      Do the powers that shouldn’t be actually love these people that much? Or is this more of a case of “come out, come out wherever you are…”.

  15. Remember the little boy who cried “Wolf, wolf!”?

    After the last two years, I’ve heard the government and MSM cry “wolf” so much that I don’t believe them anymore. This article backs up my skepticism. I’ve not had a vaccine since childhood when I didn’t have a choice. I don’t intend to start now, especially not for a disease with such low mortality. I survived Covid, it looks as if I won’t even get this one.

  16. Thanks for an informative and factual article. It’s clear this will be the next way to panic and control people. I swear people are addicted to fear. Basic prepping seems more important than ever to me.

    1. For sure. It feels much safer following what are perceived to be social norms. I am pretty much positive that the percentage of people vaccinated for Covid that they were reporting was much lower than reality… But they know that people are easily swayed into doing something which they perceive that the majority are doing it.

      Plus… If you aren’t displaying how scared you are by lining up for all of the shots and boosters, wearing a mask and freaking out if somebody stands too close to you… You will have nothing to virtue signal about, and you won’t be able to put that cool little “I got my vaccination” pic up on your Facebook wall either…

  17. For the love of fluffy kittens, stock up on kitty litter if you have a kitty. Like tp, it lasts forever, so you might as well. It’s a hedge against inflation, and a better investment than money in the bank (guaranteed to lose value and risk of near-total loss thru hyperinflation).
    You might as well have plenty of clothes, underwear, socks, cleaning supplies, etc. same reasons.
    Above all, do not get a swab rammed up against your blood brain barrier for an invalid “test” to [fail to] see whether you are infected; do not wear a face diaper to concentrate whatever germs you do have in your chest and do not get jabbed with modified RNA.
    I lost my website bookmarks, including one for a video showing how masks (and six-foot distancing) are used in satanic ceremonies. Many are flippant about that, but we are supposed to have religious freedom in this country, and that certainly includes freedom NOT to participate in Satanic rituals. I hope to find that video again, for a defense.

  18. I remember a lead researcher at Fort Detrick complaining about how much he hated getting the smallpox vaccine when I visited there many years ago. Of course WHO’s trumpeting about a monkeypox threat is the start of another grab for power. In comparison to its absurdly small numbers, I will point out that every year, 5 million Americans are bitten by dogs and cats, and someone with a compromised immune system can die from the Pasteurella bacteria that is commonly found in those bites. Why aren’t they running around trumpeting fear porn about that? Maybe because they think people frighten more when it’s an animal from Africa?

    1. I explained in the article, but I may not have been clear enough. 🙂 This illness first came on my radar in 2022 and I did some research about it then. I’ve combined updated information with the information from that time but some of the comments were quite valuable. So, there are contents in this article from two years ago and from today.

  19. Based off the information that we knew at the time of the original posting of this article and what we know now, simple personal protection protocols, hand washing, not having random sex with unknown people, and common sense would negate the need for any vaccine.
    My previous PHP was a big proponent of vaccines, pills, and other Rx drugs. Had a rather condescending attitude too.

  20. I think we need to see who holds the patent on the latest iteration of monkeypox.
    Our “lovely” govt holds the patent on Ebola, so why wouldn’t they hold this one too?

  21. The only thing that scares me is how dangerous “vaccines” are now. The one that I ALWAYS keep up on is tetanus.
    –>Tetanus is a potentially fatal bacterial infection that affects the nerves. A vaccine can easily prevent the infection, which has no cure.<–
    Getting tetanus is a horrible way to die, so I am spot on with keeping up on the vaccine. Now? I am not sure that I trust what else is in that vaccine.

    1. I am concerned about this as well, Sandra. The only thing I can think of is insisting on only the tetanus vaccination, not the Tdap or any other combo (stupid pharmacist tried to tell me that you can only get it in combo. Not true. You just have to find a doc/pharm willing to get the solo vaccine). I would also read all the fine print in the insert to make sure it is truly just tetanus, and has no mRNA component in it. I truly do not know if they have mRNAed tetanus yet or not.

      1. There are many reports stating that the mRNA *stuff* is in pretty much all vaccines now, even the flu shot. It’s also in dental anesthetics.

  22. I wonder how many people vaccinated with the Astra Zeneca vaccine (who had in the list of ingredients, chimpanzee cells) will get the Monkey Pox? Some years ago, Hal Turner showed on his website a big photo of a vial of Astra Zeneca label showing all the ingredients of the vaccine.

  23. Monkeypox is AIDS 2.0, sorry to hurt people’s feeling but that’s how 98% of Monkeypox is spread. If you’re normal (ie not: Gay, Democrat, Marxist, etc.) and don’t sleep around with anything with a heartbeat, you should have no problem. Now the CDC and Uncle Marx (Uncle Sam’s Marxist Cousin (twice removed)) will use Monkeypox to screw with the 2024 Election, Lock everyone down, Forced “Vaccinations”, blah, blah blah. Think WuFlu 2 Electric Boogaloo but on Steroids.
    I’ll do the same thing as I did for WuFlu. Ignore the Government Weenies and any of their “recommendations”, decrees or orders.

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