Preppers Market

A question I’m often asked is what my favorite prepping supplies are. I have so many that for a long time, I ran an online store to sell them. But sometimes the quality of product changes and then I’m not as happy with them. I decided instead to provide a list of my favorite prepper things. You are welcome to buy these through the links (I get an affiliate commission for some items) or simply use this as a guide for when you go shopping.

Emergency Food I Recommend

I  love Legacy Foods for the vast variety they offer. Legacy has standard buckets of survival food, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and protein. The quality is very good and the meals are tasty when prepared.

Here are some of my very favorite items from Legacy.

You can get powdered milk, packaged for the long-term.

They have some awesome protein sources, too. (Something that is missing in many prepper pantries.)

And of course, COFFEE.


Water Preparedness Items I Recommend

Check out these supplies for water storage and filtration. There’s even an emergency manual well pump!

Survival Gear I Recommend

Gardening Supplies I Recommend

I love these towers for city dwellers. You can grow up to 50 veggies in 4 square feet of space!


You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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