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Author of The Blackout Book and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted
As all hell breaks loose across the United States of America (and we haven’t even gotten to the election yet), a resistance movement to the status quo seems to be increasingly violent, taking over a Minneapolis police precinct and an area in downtown Seattle. Protests continue to be peaceful in some areas but show little signs of letting up.
A lot of folks are pretty sure that a revolution is coming – and many people say it’s already here.
I got a great question in a group that I moderate: how do you prepare for a revolution?
As preppers, this is always our go-to response to trouble. We want to know what we can do, specifically, to meet the crisis head-on and keep our families safe.
How do you prepare for a revolution?
In this article, I want to speak specifically about the practical steps you need to take to be prepared for a revolution if things should come to that point across the country. This article is not about philosophy or right vs. wrong. It’s not about fighting for your “side” whatever side that might be. It’s about surviving. There are lots of links because I’m not reinventing the entire wheel here – that would be a book on its own. This is merely a guideline so you know where to focus your time, money, and attention.
I pondered the question for quite a while before answering because it isn’t really a situation I had given a lot of thought to before.
The answer is really not anything earth-shattering. In fact, many will probably find it underwhelming.
You prepare for a revolution by simply continuing to prep. Specifically, consider prepping for the following:
- Supply chain disruption and shortages of food
- Supply chain disruption and shortages of material goods
- Civil unrest
- Disruption of utilities
- Disruption of services
So for the most part, this is general prepping. The event causing all the disruptions may be different but the end result is the same. Let’s talk about each of these things.
Supply chain disruption and shortages of food
We’re already beginning to see disruptions of the food supply due to the COVID pandemic. Imports have been interrupted and distribution processes have utterly failed. As I wrote before, farmers are being forced to cull livestock and plow under produce because they have no way to get it to consumers.
In an uncertain future, these difficulties could continue or even become worse through strategic blockades.
Here are some things you can do:
- Now is the time to make sure you’re stocked up. This book can help.
- Localize your supply chain. Look for local farmers and purchase food in bulk.
- Learn how to preserve food. Here are guides for canning foods and dehydrating foods to make them shelf-stable.
- Learn how to acquire food with hunting, snaring, fishing, and foraging.
Become responsible for your own food supply. Stores may not be reliable sources.
Supply chain disruption and shortages of material goods
A shocking amount of our general supplies are imported. Here’s a list of things that come from China alone. Not only are imports disrupted but so is distribution in general. You may have noticed if you’ve been in any stores since things reopened that there are a lot of bare spots on the shelves and that you don’t have the same amount of choices as you did before the outbreak.
Things like bedding, clothing, footwear, tools, dishes, and hardware are sparse in many parts of the country. Here are a few steps you can take.
- Focus on repairing instead of replacing.
- If you do have to discard something, strip it of its useful parts. Sort out screws, fasteners, buttons, laces, etc., and store them for the time you need them.
- Buy sturdy clothing now: pick up winter jackets, shoes, jeans, and practical clothes. For children, you may want to purchase things a size or two up from what they’re currently wearing.
- Every time you go to the store, grab basic items like toilet paper, aluminum foil, ziplock bags, or other things you normally use.
- Look for reusable options for things you’d normally throw out after one use.
- Stock up on the tools you might need to repair, make, or mend things in the future.
- If there are things you’ve been planning to replace or update, do it now if it’s an essential item. You might not be able to do so later.
Take time now to get ready for a world that could be poorly stocked.
Civil unrest
We’ve published a lot of articles recently about surviving civil unrest, with the number one phrase you’ll read being “don’t be there.” In essence, a revolution is civil unrest with heavier firepower. You’ll still be avoiding angry crowds, hardening your home, and keeping your family together, just on an even more life-threatening scale. You’ll definitely want to check out this on-demand webinar where Selco discusses his experiences and gives advice about surviving riots and unrest.
That being said, much of the same advice applies. Here are resources that may help you get prepared for this.
- SELCO: Mob Mentality and the TRUTH About Protests
- Take this on-demand webinar with Selco
- RIOTS Are Coming to a City Near You: What You Need to Do RIGHT NOW
- How to Survive Riots and Civil Unrest
- Check out my book, Be Ready for Anything.
- SELCO: I’ve Seen Where This Leads. It Will Only Take ONE SPARK to Lead to Devastating Chaos
- 3 Reasons Why Prepared People Need Guns
We’re in relatively uncharted territory right now. It’s important to make your plans well before things erupt. Don’t be so tied to a place or a pile of things to the point that you’re willing to risk your life (or the lives of your families) to face a horde against whom you have no chance of survival. Be willing to be adaptable and resilient – your life could depend on it.
Know where you’re going to go if you have to bug out and how you’ll get there. (Here’s a PDF guide for bug-out plans.) And for goodness sake, stop thinking it’s shameful to bug out and don’t listen to anyone who tells you that it is. Your goal here is survival, not posthumous glory.
Disruption of services
Even with the current level of unrest and the recent pandemic, some areas have experienced the disruption of services we take for granted. Calling 911 in the event of an emergency and having someone show up, going to the emergency room and receiving prompt care, being able to have medical treatments that aren’t non-emergency but are still important, being able to call the fire department and have them come save your home – in the United States all of these things have been in question in at least some areas this year.
If civil unrest continues to grow at its current rate, you can expect these problems to worsen and widen to areas previously unaffected. Right now, there is more than one police precinct in the US that has been overrun by protesters. Fire trucks haven’t been able to get past mobs to deal with buildings that are aflame. People waited so long for urgent medical treatments that they died as hospitals were closed due to COVID.
What can we learn from this? We could find ourselves completely on our own and we should proceed as though we will be.
We need to be prepared to be our own first responders with regard to emergency medical care, low-level fires, and home security. I’m not saying you need to be ready to fight a five-alarm fire with a garden hose but at the very least, learn about the different types of fires, have fire extinguishers, and keep your fire-fighting equipment maintained in good working order. Know how to stop bleeding and perform CPR.
Disruption of utilities
Another possibility is the disruption of utilities like power, water, internet, and communications. This could occur organically as the side effect of a natural event like a storm or if it was caused by humans, due to government interference or guerilla sabotage.
Taking out the power is not an unusual action for governments to take when they’re trying to regain control of an area. It happened in Venezuela, although the government there blamed the United States and has been threatened in California as a move against businesses that didn’t follow the rules of the COVID shutdown.
In Egypt, during the Arab Spring riots, the government there took control of the internet, and just recently there was an alleged communication blackout in Washington, DC which turned out to be misinformation. The power grid was deliberately sabotaged in California at least once and the threat of sabotage against public water supplies is of constant concern to providers.
The question isn’t really “can it happen?” or “will it happen?” – it’s more a matter of when.
It’s pretty likely if things became incredibly heated that it would. Taking away these vital services and limiting the ability to communicate are both standard tactics. Think about hostage situations – negotiators often turn off the AC on a sweltering day and jam phone service.
To prepare for this kind of thing, you need, again, to go back to the basics you’re already putting in place.
- Learn how to handle a blackout here.
- Learn how to handle a water emergency here.
- Learn more about emergency communications here.
Obviously, you’ll also want to have ways to keep folks entertained and at least moderately content if the internet and power are down.
Remember OPSEC.
Another thing to consider in times of revolution and widespread tensions is OPSEC. Not so much the kind where you’re being very careful that nobody knows you’re a prepper (although that is always important) but more the kind where nobody really knows what your thoughts are on volatile matters.
Survivalist author Selco Begovic explains this further.
If we are talking about a “revolution” event, there is a saying about it that “what was down goes up” (and vice versa), and in addition to that things might get pretty radical. In essence, that means that you should pay extra attention to OPSEC.
It is always important of course, but in times like this, even when they are temporary, it is very easy to get labeled as an “enemy”, and to be an enemy in this violent and very emotional times is dangerous, simply because things might happen in a way without too much logic and very fast.
In the time it takes to prove yourself that you do not have anything to do with some event, or that you are not an enemy or threat it already can be too late.
Always have in mind that when times get turbulent and violent, some of your indiscretions or breaches of OPSEC before the event can simply label you as an enemy. And there may not be time for law and logic in those times.
Always be aware of what kind of information you are giving up about yourself with how you look, act, and what you say. Do not be paranoid but use common sense. Be careful, and follow OPSEC practice as much as you can.
So, now isn’t the time for your political bumper stickers and t-shirts. It’s not the time to publicly announce your support of causes that could one day make you “the enemy.” You may want to tone down your rhetoric on social media because the internet is forever and this stuff can come back and bite you in the rear end.
We’ve all heard about the so-called “cancel culture” in which a person can lose his or her livelihood for having an unpopular opinion. It’s pretty extreme now – it can affect your whole life. Imagine how incredibly dangerous it would be in a world ripped asunder by a violent revolution.
You’re really just going back to basics.
Remember when the pandemic was beginning and people were frantically asking what to do? In his usual succinct way, Selco said “get ahold of yourself and go back to basics.”
This is true of just about any situation you’ll ever find yourself in. Of course, there are a few factors that are unique to any scenario, but going back to basics is always your best option. Break down the different facets of the emergency and you’ll nearly always realize that preparations you’ve already made for other purposes will apply.
What with the election coming up, we could be in for an extremely bumpy year. As the saying goes, let’s hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Are you making any changes to your preparedness plan due to concerns over an uprising or revolution in the US? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
About Daisy
Daisy Luther writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, voluntaryism, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, The Organic Prepper. She is widely republished across alternative media and she curates all the most important news links on her aggregate site, PreppersDailyNews.com. Daisy is the best-selling author of 4 books and runs a small digital publishing company. You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.
51 Responses
One topic I didn’t see addressed in this excellent article was that of INCH planning — that is short for “I’m Never Coming Home” to explain the I.N.C.H. acronym. (It’s possible that it may be discussed in some of the embedded links above that I haven’t explored yet.) I take inspiration for such thinking from the history of some of my heroes in history who had to flee from Europe during the 1930s, such as Ludwig von Mises (who was a powerhouse of libertarian thinking and Austrian Economics theory), Dr Hans Goldschmidt (who after working in our war supplies factories in California during WWII … invented the Shopsmith system for home woodworkers that became the most widely sold multi-function shop tool in America from the late 1940s on, and Hedy Lamarr (whose Hollywood acting fame was far more well known than her dedicated inventing activities which resulted in the first version of spread spectrum signal transmission and reception as a way to guide American torpedoes with signals that the Nazis couldn’t intercept. While it was used by our navy during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, it later made possible fax machines and cell phones.)
All of these people had to leave behind most of their assets, libraries and personal effects. The extensive von Mises library fell into Soviet hands after the war and didn’t become available to Western researchers until after the Soviet Union’s collapse.
In contrast, the story of Audrey Hepburn is instructive. She suffered through extreme starvation in the Netherlands during the war years where her parents had thought would be safe. She suffered enough permanent damage that her dreams of becoming a ballet dancer were destroyed. So she turned to acting instead.
The point is that there is a difference between the widely discussed bug-out bags and their suggested contents and INCH planning for a situation where you may never get to come home in your lifetime. (Hedy Lamarr retained a lifelong appreciation for Austria despite not being able to return. She did specify that her ashes were to be scattered in the Vienna Woods, and they were.)
Very good point, my wife was forced out of her childhood home three times. Nothing pleased her more than stocking up on food and having a plan A, B and C. Unfortunately we really doesn’t plan on cancer!
One of the scenarios that does not fit with the bugging In mentality, is political upheaval.
Or as put here : Revolution!
Currently, It would be hard to form a group of like minded neighbors, to defend your neighborhood block in a political scenario.
It is more likely to be a “every man for himself situation”. We are to diverse in our politics and intermixed throughout our current areas of residence. There are groups of Liberals scattered around, even in the most conservative areas of any state or city.
We have in the US , lived in a political utopia for so long, that we have forgotten how good it is and take it for granted. However many places see political upheavals ever few decades.
If it ever happens here, it will be a real mess.
Just imagine if you were living in something like Seattle’s Autonomous zone and say that they were, armed, violent and that they expected everyone to comply with their political ideology or face execution, (similar to how ISIS acted, when taking over a city).
As groups like that to expand their territory, they would be in constant warfare with the other neighborhoods. They might even go door to door, to conscript people to fight for them or provide supplies for their “war” effort.
These are the kinds of things most of us do not plan for, but due to current events, they are becoming more and more of a possibility.
Many would say that it can’t happen here, but just 20 years ago, we would not have expected to see a major city have an area of town that was “conquered an held”, by protesters either.
Political instability and it’s resulting wars and chaos, is quickly becoming the number 1 most likely scenario for a SHTF situation. So it is something that we all need to plan for.
Stick with like minded people in defense of your neighborhood even if it means all relocating to one residence and combining supplies for mutual defense. The liberal enclaves will not be an issue very long once the suburbs are breached. It’s sad but the laws of natural selection will be on full display and the urban animals will not be kind. Have hope and protect each other.
Daisy, please join the “rest of us” that have either been “kicked off &/or blocked/banned” from #Faecesbroke, the DeadTwitBird, Instagram, reddit, and others that have become Totally Unsociable Media. Most Of Us Are On @gab.com ! And, Gab is Growing In Size Daily.
Always my best,
— jrc
All true????
We are living in scary times and times that most of us have never experienced before. I am having some concerns about bugging out. I am in my 60’s and disabled and probably can’t walk more than a block. My husband is in his late 60’s and while he can make it a distance if we need to walk, he will not leave me. Other than bugging out at home, what can we plan based on my disabities?
Right now our neighborhood is pretty safe, an older subdivision at the outskirts of the city which is a small city next to a large city. We have had protesters and riots recently, but they seem to be more downtown and in the areas with businesses. I’m sure if things get worse, that there will be looters that will move towards the subdivisions.
I don’t know your disabilities,but have you stored up food and water? Any means of self defense weapons? In your case,I,personally would suggest ‘going grey’. Become as unassuming as posssible,stay below the radar. Network among friends,etc. It’s possible,just will take some time
Get some cash, keep the car full of gas, buy a gun and some food, a small tent and sleeping bags. Lock the door and leave to a predetermined spot at the first reports of violence in your immediate area. In your situation you are limited and vulnerable.
Seems obvious you’re not going anywhere on foot. so stock up on food, water, meds and whatever you need to live on so you can stay home. If you have a car and know people you can go stay with then make those arrangements just in case. Otherwise I guess just plan on staying where you are. Most of us will be doing just that, even if physical disability isn’t an issue.
Can you get a stow-able wheelchair? Don’t leave until you have to — but a wheelchair could be really handy if push comes to shove. Those wheels will also be better for carrying your gear in the longrun. I think you can still be gray in a wheelchair.
I work in an industry that is in the business of maintaining senior homes (independent, assisted, skilled nursing/memory care). There are emergency evacuation chairs used in senior homes that have more than one level (for stairs). In California, they are mandatory to be in senior homes due to earthquake and wildfire threats. They aren’t cheap however starting at around $1K and go up from there. However they are rugged and you may get a senior discount price or possibly partial reimbursement in the purchase through Medicare. For outdoor use you would need to install heavier duty pneumatic tire casters.
I asked this question in the online seminar with Selco: where in the world is going to be safe
Obviously somewhat rhetorical question, but I have the means and opportunity to leave the US before the end of summer and want to do so, but where?
still waiting for feedback on that one.
There are no guarantees of a safe place in this life, plan, prepare and pray…make good choices on where to make your stand. It’s better to associate with others who share your belief system…that is where you want to be.
I agree that there are no guarantees, but the USA seems to be at exceptional risk and I want out.
New Zealand?
Everyone says New Zealand for some reason. I don’t see it. Personally, I’m set up to bug out to the island of Saipan. Yes, it is still American territory. But it is stable and hosts a large community of retired American veterans. Great fishing, wonderful climate, and its ports receive goods from all across east Asia and Australia/New Zealand.
I’m in NZ and we’re getting increasingly infected with the same anti-white BLM-focused tax-thieving illness as most pseudo-democracies. We’re also under a socialist-communist government (look up the commie background of pier current Prime Minister) and that government has trashed our economy for a generation with her idiotic first-late-then-over-reaction to ‘rona. Last year the same individual organized a gun grab from law-abiding city while leaving crims well-armed; and we have no Constitution. I’m not saying don’t come, and I’m not leaving my pwn country. But be aware, appearances are deceptive and our so-called elites are as trashy as your’n.
If you’ll do your research, you will find that every place on the planet has risks. If you leave the USA, you’ll just be trading one set of risks for another, and it won’t necessarily be an improvement. Most likely you will be much worse off. The problem is the orchestrated events going on now in the USA are simply the “execution” phase of a hundred years of planning and waiting for these times. Which were triggered by weather events rising above a certain threshold. Which means a cyclic event of catastrophic weather is manifesting in the next year or two, and the government wants to make sure they come out of the destructive cycle (about 8-10 years) with their power, authority, and control intact.
Again, deep research (not theories!) will show you that the government in this case is much more than elected & appointed officials in the USA. Which means you can’t run to someplace safe. Your best choice is to be fully informed, align yourself with like minded people, and make preparations as the situation unfolds. This is a cyclic event that happens at least every thousand years, and the previous 5 cycles are very well documented in recorded history.
Wherever you go, this is a well researched based GIS list of what/how people survived in the previous five thousand years during such a cycle. (Updated to present times) Find shelter, to include a below ground basement or storm shelter located in an area with these features:
– At least 4,000 ft MSL
– At least 100 miles from the southern border
– At least 200 miles from a coast
– At least 800 miles downwind from a nuclear power plant or volcano
– At least 60 miles away from an Interstate Highway
– Geologically stable terrain (not on a fault line)
– Small town near (1-3 hours) a bigger town of 100,000
– Good soil, weather, cultural values (low crime rate, etc)
Not that complicated or difficult to do. But time is running out.
That is an unusually interesting post. But you do not name the cycle you are talking about, which means I/we cannot research it. Survival odds would increase the more we know.
And the more survivors, the better. Especially of responsible people that try to think ahead, like this site’s readers.
You know why you can’t make a decision.
There’s no magical shangrala with no risk and despite the goings on it ain’t bad. My work partner is in Florida on the beach. I’ve had a full weekend with both sets of grandkids. We went shopping. I went to tractor supply and bought feed n stuff.
As for me I’ll stay and hold what I’ve got cause these idiots don’t run nothing but their mouths round here.
Geographic isolated valley with head waters, no strategic value, farming rural community. Self reliant people both secular and non.
Large number of military service vets and actives. Already have a community plan for this event.
More animals than people.
HaRd winters, being trapped in mountains would end up like donner party. Traditional skill still all in use. Lots of horse/oxen powered machines.
Place where if world ended at edge of area would keep on working fine.
New Zealand is where all the people who have the means are going but most have already went.
All excellent points, readers should have done these steps months or years ago because now it’s two minutes to midnight and the clock seems to be running faster these days. I have never stopped prepping and have run the various scenarios over and over in my mind and developed a plan that works for my situation.
I live in an upper middle class suburb bordering a medium sized city in a deep red state. I watched the “Roof Koreans” success in the 1992 L.A. riots and will take my supplies and weapons to my flat roof with masonry bulwark, I have friends on neighboring roofs overlooking an open 100′ yard field of fire on a golf course. I don’t intend to go anywhere unless the military or air power shows up. I wish everyone good luck and God’s speed, run don’t walk to the store and prep.
Hello! Hummm… Me thinks people, including females, need to grow a pair. Police station overrun by mob and taken over. Why?? Don’t police have fully automatic weapons to defend themselves and their precinct?? This is war… mow them down. They won’t try it again. Fire trucks can’t get through an unruly mob?? Fire truck big. Mob small. Arm firemen then run them down if necessary. Unruly mob will get out of the way next time. Time to get serious about this and quit acquiescing to the mob!! We need serious people on the front lines making the right decisions. Unruly mobs only understand brute force! You can’t reason with a rabid dog who is intent on biting your ass!!
I couldn’t agree more! I’m a 74 year old woman but unless someone has a gun to my loved one’s head I’ll be damned if I’ll “take a knee” to anyone!
Please enlighten me here as a non-American. Where does this thing “bug-out” originates from? Some dystopian Hollywood crap or what? You are in grave danger my friends. It is time to stand your ground and fight and defend what you believe in and hold dear. Not bug out like cowards and hide in a bunker. Bunkers are for weather storms. Not hiding from a revolutions.
This is more about the survival aspect than the resistance aspect. One thing Selco talks about is fighting on YOUR terms. If an army/mob is incoming and it’s you and two people in your home, do you think you have ANY chance of victory or even survival in that case? Probably not. I’m not a soldier but I believe the wiser decision then, is to wait for your time. Wreak havoc on your own timeline when THEY are the ones who are unprepared.
Take this for what it’s worth from someone who has never faced combat, but my job is to protect my children and if I have to retreat to a place that is not in the occupied area then that’s what I’ll do.
Daisy you can win against a mob… need to prepare place of battle. Have the skills and the mentality to see it through.
History has many such events.
The question is do you have the ability and the ruthlessness could you live with yourself after?
A very small number of well trained people can make the cost too high for a mob to stomach on prepared ground with fall back positions. Gun fire is one thing things like fire and explosions reach deep into the lizard brain and tell you to get the hell out of there.
I pray to God none of you have to go total war but if you can’t run then all you can do is make them pay dearly for nothing.
Bug out is an old term sometimes used in militaries.
There are those that need to fight, those that need to bug out and those that need to figure it out.
Bugging out doesn’t mean the end of the fight. Think of it as a tactical retreat. If I’m facing armor with a light rifle it’s time to bug out. I can later get back into the fight when I’ve got a better plan and equipment.
That’s not cowardice that’s smart.
Moving a family to a bunker or a retreat isn’t cowardice either. You will be more combat effective if your not worried bout them and can keep your head in the game.
There are also different types of preppers and survivalist. There are those who will survive at any cost and those who aren’t in it just for survival but to maintain America. I’m more like the second and while it’s a terrible survival plan I believe my children and grandchildren need something to survive for otherwise it’s a moot point.
It’s a sacrifice but one I’m very familiar with.
Any uprising will be started by the USA government which will control both sides or all sides if there are more than two.
They will crush the side or sides that does not align with their end goal without mercy.
I’ve had to really give some thought to the whole notion of not expressing what I’m thinking in any public way that’s easily identifiable. Watching as people are falling all over themselves to promote BLM, calls for defunding the police, accusations of “white privilege” etc have been flying about even in my state. I’ve had to restrain my inclination to protest all of this nonsense and to say what I feel about it. Although doing so is so very tempting, I’m guessing it’s probably safer to keep a low profile and not make waves. Sadly, I have no idea how many others feel as I do as the vocal ones seem to be all of those out there virtue signalling their wokeness. I don’t think most of these people know how much they are being used to promote an agenda that has little to do with what they think they are supporting. But I’m thinking more and more I just need to keep prepping and lay low. I don’t have bumper stickers nor do I wear any “controversial” t-shirts anymore.
It makes one feel very alone and surrounded by enemies. I do wonder how many others there are who think as I do but are just wary of being labeled as a “problem” or the “enemy”. I thought the virus lockdowns were bad. Now this. What’s next?
I think you are wise Ani. If you do not agree with the “mob” logic, you ARE the enemy. This is not an argument based on any level of reasoned thinking and njecting yourself into the middle of it can only bring harm to you and your loved ones. The only way to win this game is not to play. Hunker down, keep a low profile, be prepared and save your voice for the ballot box.
Sounds like the old westerns when the good guy had to face all the bad guys because every one else was trying to save their own skin.
Excellent advice! I need to remember this because I tend to want to defend what I believe and realize it’s a lost battle – so don’t even go there.
You’re not alone. Not by a long way.
We can’t do it alone. I feel an urgent need to make friends. I ponder how to feel people out without giving the impression that I am Miss Money Bags with enough stored food to feed the whole state. If it gets much worse, I am going to NEED good relations with neighbors. I would love more information on that.
I’m so blessed. I spent most of my working years in huge cities on both coasts and invested lots of time and energy researching relocation sites with minimal risk. Through a series of strange decisions over the last 20 years I find myself in the “suburbs” of a tiny county seat about 75 miles from a sizable city. “Remote” hardly begins to describe my situation. Plus, I’m half owner of a large property about 45 min. away down a winding 2 lane road with a year round stream and a natl gas generator. That’s so remote I have to meet people several miles away and escort them in. Hopefully I’m pretty safe from violence although I guess food security isn’t completely there yet.
My point is that we have to leave a little room in life for random occurrences and unexpected events. I wasn’t putting safety first in the decisions that brought me here, surrounded by siblings, friends, and LOTS of space, but I ended up in a pretty good spot anyway, one choice at a time.
Per the “Admin user” question about safe places to live outside the US, I ran a search on one of my favorite non-Google search engines … and here are just a few of the hits in no prioritized order whatsoever:
https://www.investopedia.com/retirement/best-countries-to-retire/ — some tax errors
It pays to keep track of the date of any such information. For example, an article about the glories of living in Mexico might not mention that the US State Dept currently has a travel warning against going to Mexico because of violence. That could really hurt those who often go to Algodones for much cheaper medical or dental care plus pharmaceuticals. Articles about Spain may not mention the horrendous new coronavirus rules in place that people who lived under communist rule in Eastern Europe say are worse than anything they had to suffer under.
Everyone’s situation will be different, so I’m not suggesting any one-size-fits-all answers. Your financials, your family size, their ages and health, your earning skills, your language learning skills, whether or not you have a current passport, etc, etc are all different. I mention the passport because the US State Dept issued a statement this Spring that they have cut way back on staff that processes passport applications and renewals. They strongly discourage both right now for at least several months (length of time uncertain) unless there is a life or death issue. Whether they will link that staffing back to full strength with a requirement that you’ve accepted a Bill Gates coronavirus vaccine jab for something that can’t possibly be safely tested in the medically criminally too short time frame being contemplated is flat-out unknown.
Another issue I didn’t mention is that it’s possible to live as an expat on a near permanent tourist basis in many countries. It might require that under such conditions you might have to border hop out of the countries for a few days before returning — much cheaper than a trip back to the US. But that might be a useful option to wait out whatever mess the US may have to clean up after a few years.
Per the “admin user” question about safe places to live outside the US, I ran a search on one of my favorite non-Google search engines … and here are just a few of the hits in no prioritized order whatsoever:
https://www.investopedia.com/retirement/best-countries-to-retire/ — w/ some tax errors
It pays to keep track of the date of any such information. For example, an article about the glories of living in Mexico might not mention that the US State Dept currently has a travel warning against going to Mexico because of violence. That could really hurt those who often go to Algodones for much cheaper medical or dental care plus pharmaceuticals. Articles about Spain may not mention the horrendous new coronavirus rules in place that people who lived under communist rule in Eastern Europe say are worse than anything they had to suffer under.
Everyone’s situation will be different, so I’m not suggesting any one-size-fits-all answers. Your financials, your family size, their ages and health, your earning skills, your language learning skills, whether or not you have a current passport, etc, etc are all different. I mention the passport because the US State Dept issued a statement this Spring that they have cut way back on staff that processes passport applications and renewals. They strongly discourage both right now for at least several months (length of time uncertain) unless there is a life or death issue. Whether they will link that staffing back to full strength with a requirement that you’ve accepted a Bill Gates coronavirus vaccine jab for something that can’t possibly be safely tested in the medically criminally too short time frame being contemplated is flat-out unknown.
Another issue I didn’t mention is that it’s possible to live as an expat on a near permanent tourist basis in many countries. It might require that under such conditions you might have to border hop out of the countries for a few days before returning — much cheaper than a trip back to the US. But that might be a useful option to wait out whatever mess the US may have to clean up after a few years.
I believe this will be larger than just America.
All the steps listed are good ones. Don’t be afraid to get out of the box too.
We’d all like to think we can hold our own and stay put but it is possible that you might not.
Stay flexible. Bend with the comings. Flow with the current.
It’s the adage of Run-Hide-Fight on a much larger scale.
You can not do it by yourself. Need proof? Do a weekend of 24hr ops with perimeter guard and manual labor with no electricity. You’ll learn quickly. Can you even do a roster or do you have blank rosters? Is everyone capable of pulling guard? Cooking? Physical work? Probably not so thought must be given to keep it fair. If ones cutting wood all day while the other sits on their ass “on watch” it will get ugly quick.
Lots to do and think about.
3M™ Safety and Security Window Film Safety Series. “Glass doors and windows are among the most vulnerable points of entry into homes and businesses and pose as one of the greatest dangers when the glass is broken. 3M™ Safety & Security Window Films are designed to hold broken glass in place and help prevent flying shards of glass from harming people and damaging property.”
Super good, super smart article, Daisy. Your social media will be used against you. Don’t join overt organizations right now. Many are fronts for gathering information on you. Be careful of covert ones, too. Often they are infiltrated by revolutionaries and state security. Trust no one. In the Soviet Union and East Germany, snitches were commonly used. Even family members ratted out each other. As Americans this ‘don’t trust anyone’ attitude is foreign to our culture.
But discernment will be extremely helpful, if not life saving. Many You Tubes are available on topics such as spotting a liar and deceitful people.
Revolutionaries tend to be a tight group until they gain power, then they become paranoid and start executing each other. After Stalin took power, he saw conspiracies everywhere. By 1937, he had the old revolutionary guard of the 1917 revolution shot and put in place young aggressive ‘yes’ men. That’s the way it works. You become useful at first, then later, you’re shot. You idiots out there that think you are going to become part of the revolutionary power structure, think twice. I, as the resistance will be first to be shot… But you’re next.
This is a timely critical article especially as we now see Atlanta burning (Wendy’s) due to another unfortunate killing of a man there today.
The veil between maybe and for sure happening is growing thinner by the hour..
Some people I know are making ghost guns so the government doesn’t know they exist. This civil war is going to be very bloody.
Never heard of ghost guns but sounds like it may be essential.
One measure of the quality and timely significance of articles like this one on TheOrganicPrepper.com is their frequent reprinting on ZeroHedge.com as was done with this article late last night:
How Do You Prepare For A Revolution?
Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,
Reprinted on ZeroHedge.com last night, Sat, 06/13/2020 – 22:30 hours, EDT
Plus 459 unique (to ZH) comments (as of a few minutes ago), & counting…
Not hardly
Not hardly
Amerikans aren’t even bright enough to even figure out this flu-hoax was a cover to hide the collapse of the enormous bubbles the gov and unconstitutional Fed’ created so they could all get more rich. An estimated $100 TRILLION has now been ‘transferred’.
The fear of catching a flu allowed the above to – AGAIN – walk away blameless and MORE rich (” ‘everything’…is not enough”.
But stupid Amerikans are STILL running around with their silly Covid Clown Costume on, believing – again – lies from proven liars who’ve done nothing BUT lie to them.
But THIS time, they’re telling the truth, right?
And MORE ‘Weaponized Language’ as Daisy ‘confirms’ the ‘pandemic’ – which has proven to such a blatant hoax that the governments had to pay off doctors to list everything as ‘covid’ just to try to get some kind of believable numbers! Meanwhile EVERY ad was ‘covid’ this or that, the ‘rules’, and MSM did NOTHING but talk the hoax to death, show empty pine boxes as ‘bodies being buried in the park in unmarked graves’, ‘the funeral pyres burn non-stop here in Mexico City’ – at a morgue that was basically closed! The videographer THEN walked across the street (dollar vigilante) to a funeral parlor to ask how business was, and the guy was like ‘No. Very slow’
‘Revolution’? No. Not a chance. Not a bright enough population to figure out who’s screwing them. Ever.
But robbing, looting, killing each other when shit starts to run out?
Oh, yea. Absolutely.
It’s going to get ugly. But for all the wrong reasons and generally in the wrong direction.
“No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public” ~ HL Mencken
“Americans are the most misled, misdirected, and therefore the most gullible people on the face of the planet” ~ Alan Hart
I’m prepared as much as can be. The only thing left is to get several extra pairs of eye glasses for my spouse. I don’t wear prescription lenses, but have sunglasses for concealment and protection from too much sun. Keeping the vehicles maintained and having extra tires, batteries and products in case of any dental problems also seems prudent.
Thank you for putting this out. Just came across it Sept. 23, 2020. I was in the Tea Party back in 2009. We were talking about your items back then. My husband and I starting prepping for a civil war when the last President got in office. If people study history they’ll find out that events occurred 20-40 years before the American Revolution and before the War of Northern Aggression (Civil War) – you are giving people the knowledge of how Americans can get prepared. THANK YOU for sharing.
It’s better to be prepared if things get worse, than be lost.
Read this somewhere. They say that in America, there are four boxes of liberty. The soapbox, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammo box. However, voting officials, either through laziness or incompetence, allowed thieves to steal in the dead of night and cheat our ballot box, so that we can no longer rely on its contents. We fight now with the jury box, in the hope that the final box – the one most akin to Pandora’s – will remain closed.
There’s going to be a reckoning one way or another.
It’s getting close to the time when someone is going to open Pandora’s box while we still have a chance. Then God help us all.