Violent, Destructive Riots Could Erupt into Post-Election CHAOS

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Author of How to Prep When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

It feels like only a short time ago when I wrote a similar article about post-election chaos in the battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. And all hell did break loose in cities across the country. While the worst of it was short-lived, it set the scene for four years of contempt, disrespect, and growing disenfranchisement with the opinions of our fellow Americans.

And here we are with another hotly contested election between two candidates who are both deeply scorned by the opposition. In terms of unrest, it doesn’t matter who is announced as the winner of this election. Someone is going to be furious.

We’ve already seen at least two legitimate assassination attempts against Donald Trump. We’ve seen people with huge social media followings call for his death with no blowback from the Secret Service. Kamala Harris never won a presidential primary and thus far, the momentum seems to be swinging for Trump.

Regardless of who wins (or is announced the winner), chaos is likely to erupt. And with both candidates suggesting they might be unwilling to concede to the other, expect the flames to be fanned by this.

But this article is not about Republicans or Democrats or even the election process itself. It’s not about whether our election integrity is still in place.

It’s about the aftermath and how it will affect all of us.

Will we all lose on November 5th?

D*mned if we do and d*mned if we don’t.

That basically sums up the current election cycle. I’d go so far as to say that everybody loses during this election, especially if the promised chaos erupts when the winner is announced.

Regardless of which candidate “wins” the presidential election, I have a bad feeling about the aftermath. I think we could be on the cusp of the most widespread civil unrest since the Civil War.

It’s important to note motivations. Some folks will be true believers that their candidate was the only person who could save America. Others will look at it as an opportunity to loot with no repercussions. Both can be very dangerous, but true believers will target persons and institutions with different philosophies from them.

You need to get prepped. Immediately.

What it all boils down to is that we need to be prepared.

We need to be ready for any unrest that comes about as a direct result of the election – and I really believe that there will be some form of uprising against the result. I hope it will be nothing more than a few minor, isolated incidents, but I can’t get past the nagging feeling that all hell is just about to break loose.

November 4th could be the last day of relative normalcy for quite some time.

If possible, hunker down in a safe location.

Generally speaking, urban areas will be the most dangerous. If you live downtown, election week might be better spent visiting friends or family outside of the city. However, I know that life continues, and you may not be able to just pick up and leave. If you can’t do that, you need to prepare your home for the potential of riots. (See this article.)

Of course, no place is completely safe. Just ask the lady who flew a Trump flag during the last election who received a letter saying her rural home was a target for arson.

Dear neighbor, you have been identified by our group as being a Trump supporter. Your address has been added to our database as a target when we attack should Trump not concede the election. We recommend that you check your home insurance policy and make that it is current and that it has adequate coverage for fire damage. You have been given ‘Fair Warning.’ (source)

I’m not trying to scare you, but if these folks in small-town New Hampshire are targets, anyone could be. Don’t let your location lull you into a false sense of security. When people are angry and radicalized, any place where someone disagrees with them can become a target.

Don’t be afraid – be prepared.

Check out this anthology, How to Survive Dangerous Times, for more information.

Have what you need so you don’t have to leave home.

Once you get hunkered down, be prepared to stay put for a while.  You don’t want to have to shove your way through an angry mob to get a gallon of milk or a necessary prescription. You will be far better off if you are able to get the supplies you need to stay home for at least a week without leaving.

  • Food
  • Water
  • Medications
  • OTC remedies
  • Hygiene supplies
  • Pet supplies

Try to shop for two weeks at a time on your next few grocery trips so you can be sure to have what you need on hand. Do NOT forget essentials like prescription medications.

You may want to grab a prescription medication kit from The Wellness Company to make sure you have the things you might really need.

Stay informed.

You need to stay apprised of what is going on in your area. In this digital era, it’s easier than ever before to know what’s going on near you. Some of the following can provide communications options.

  • Police scanners: Search “Broadcastify” and “city name” to tune in to your local scanners online. Here’s the website itself.
  • Twitter: Search #citynameprotest or just your city name and protests without the hashtags. Follow local news stations too.
  • Local watch groups and apps: If you are on social media, you may be a part of a local neighborhood watch group. These can even be broken down into neighborhoods in larger urban areas. Check out “city name” and “watch” on Facebook. There are also apps like NextDoor which may help you to remain informed.
  • Sign up for Alerts USA: This is the app I use on my phone to keep me apprised of civil unrest, terror attacks, and more. I’ve had it for ears and can tell you for a fact that I get information way before the news is reporting it.

Remember that your information is only as good as your source. If there’s a person in your local group that responds with hysteria to every event, he or she might not be the best arbiter of truth. As well, the media has been notoriously biased in its coverage, calling violent riots “peaceful protests.” Take the time to confirm the information with more than one source when you can.

Avoid trouble.

The thing that Selco and Toby said to us the most when we were in Croatia discussing different scenarios was, “Don’t be there.” And if it was a situation where you found yourself there, the advice was, “Don’t be there as soon as  possible.” Or in other words, get the heck out of there.

Don’t go to a “peaceful protest” in solidarity if you aren’t also prepared to be swept up into a riot. Mobs form quickly and do not think rationally. (More on mob mentality here) Stay as far away from large, angry groups of people as possible. You may feel a strong urge to counterprotest – you should squelch that urge if safety is key for you. I’ve written before about how survival is just about surviving and no place is that more true than in situations like this. Many readers call this cowardly and if they want to go down fighting, that’s certainly their prerogative. I plan to live to fight smarter when the odds are in my favor.

Don’t go out of curiosity to “see what’s going on.” Avoid volatile situations and people. Don’t try to confront a mob by yourself – your property is not worth the lives of you and your family. To learn more about surviving civil unrest and riots, go here and learn about surviving civil unrest from Selco.

My best advice is this: Get home. Stay home. Be ready in case trouble comes to you.

Try to stay under the radar.

Your best defense is avoiding the fight altogether. You want to stay under the radar and not draw attention to yourself.  The extent to which you strive to do this should be based on the severity of the unrest in your area. Some of the following recommendations are not necessary in an everyday grid-down scenario, but could save your life in a more extreme civil unrest scenario.

  • Keep all the doors and windows locked.  Secure sliding doors with a metal bar.  Consider installing decorative gridwork over a door with a large window so that it becomes difficult for someone to smash the glass and reach in to unlock the door.
  • Keep pets indoors. Sometimes criminals use an animal in distress to get a homeowner to open the door for them. Sometimes people are just mean and hurt animals for “fun”.  Either way, it’s safer for your furry friends to be inside with you.
  • Don’t answer the door.  Many home invasions start with an innocent-seeming knock at the door to gain access to your house.
  • Keep the family together.  It’s really best to hang out in one room. Make it a movie night, go into a darkened room at the back of the house, and stay together. This way, if someone does try to breach your door, you know where everyone is who is supposed to be there. As well, you don’t risk one of the kids unknowingly causing a vulnerability with a brightly lit room or an open window.
  • Remember, first responders may be tied up.  If the disorder is widespread, don’t depend on a call to 911 to save you. You must be prepared to save yourself.  Also keep in mind, as mentioned earlier in the article – the cops are not always your friends in these situations. This isn’t a denouncement of all police officers but a realistic assessment of a heightened state.

Be ready for the potential of fire.

Fires are very common during incidents of civil unrest. Generally, vehicles and commercial properties are where fires are set but in some incidents, homes have been burned too.

Fire is a cowardly attack that doesn’t require any interaction on the part of the arsonist. It flushes out the family inside, leaving you vulnerable to physical assaults.

Fires can easily spread from one building to the next, especially if firefighters can’t respond safely or can’t get their fire truck through the mob. Be on the watch for fires in your vicinity.

Fire can also be used as a weapon. Here’s an article about dealing with firebombs and Molotov cocktails should such an event arise.

Be prepared for defensive action.

If, despite your best efforts, your property draws the attention of people with ill intent, you must be ready to defend your family. Sometimes, despite our best intentions, the fight comes to us.  (Have you seen the movie The Purge?)

Many preppers stockpile weapons and ammunition for just such an event.  Firearms are an equalizer. A small woman can defend herself from multiple large intruders with a firearm if she’s had some training and knows how to use it properly. But put a kitchen knife in her hand against those same intruders, and her odds decrease exponentially.

When the door of your home is breached, you can be pretty sure the people coming in are not there to make friendly conversation or borrow a cup of sugar.  Make a plan to greet them with a deterring amount of force.

  • Don’t rely on 911. If the disorder is widespread, don’t depend on a call to 911 to save you – you must be prepared to save yourself.  First responders may be tied up, and in some cases, the cops are not always your friends.  In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, some officers joined in the crime sprees, and others stomped all over the 2nd Amendment and confiscated people’s legal firearms at a time when they needed them the most.
  • Be armed and keep your firearm on your person.  When the door of your home is breached, you can be pretty sure the people coming in are not there to make friendly conversation over a nice cup of tea.  Make a plan to greet them with a deterring amount of force. Be sure to keep your firearm on your person during this type of situation, because there won’t be time to go get it from your gun safe. Don’t even go to the kitchen to get a snack without it. Home invasions go down in seconds, and you have to be constantly ready.
  • Know how to use your firearm. Whatever your choice of weapon, practice, practice, practice. A weapon you don’t know how to use is more dangerous than having no weapon at all.
  • Make sure your children are familiar with the rules of gun safety. Of course, it should go without saying that you will have pre-emptively taught your children the rules of gun safety so that no horrifying accidents occur. In fact, it’s my fervent hope that any child old enough to do so has been taught to safely and effectively use a firearm themselves. Knowledge is safety.
  • Have a safe room established for children or other vulnerable family members. If the worst happens and your home is breached, you need to have a room into which family members can escape.  This room needs to have a heavy exterior door instead of a regular hollow core interior door. There should be communications devices in the room so that the person can call for help, as well as a reliable weapon to be used in the unlikely event that the safe room is breached. The family members should be instructed not to come out of that room FOR ANY REASON until you give them the all-clear or help has arrived. You can learn more about building a safe room HERE.  Focus on the tips for creating a safe room in an apartment to put it together more quickly.

Always have another plan.

Forget simply having a Plan B. If you find yourself in a chaotic situation, you must constantly think of the next plan. You must constantly think, “What will I do if …… happens?”

Even if your plan is to hunker down, you must be ready to change that plan in the blink of an eye.

Plan an escape route.  If the odds are against you, if your house catches on fire, if thugs are kicking in your front door… devise a way to get your family to safety.  Your property is not worth your life. Be wise enough to accept that the situation has changed and move rapidly to the next plan.

We’re in this for the long haul.

I hope that none of these preps are necessary, but this is WHY we prep – just in case. We look ahead and use our best judgment to face potential problems.

The post-election world could look very different. The United States has been hit with a lot lately, everything from a straight-up invasion at the southern border to protests on behalf of Palestine turning into riots in our streets to Venezuelan gangs literally taking over American apartment buildings. Our own citizens in Western North Carolina are reeling from the most destructive storm in the history of that area. At the same time, the government shortchanges them and gives millions to Ukraine and Lebanon.

Inflation is at an all-time high.

Crime rates are climbing rapidly – the FBI just quietly updated their statistics to reflect this.

This election will add fuel to the fire regardless of the outcome. In fact, the outcome itself could remain in question for months to follow, sparking even more unrest.

We are looking at a world in which violence is becoming increasingly more common, where people are at the ends of their ropes financially, and where everyone believes fervently that their candidate is the only option.

No matter who you are, no matter where you are, you’ll feel the effects of this in some way.

What do you foresee?

There’s an old saying, hope for peace but prepare for war. Our own country could look very much like a battlefield in the near future.

How do you see events unfolding after the election? Does your prediction vary by the candidate who is declared the winner? Let’s discuss it in the comments. Please remain civil, and for the love of fluffy kittens, do not threaten violence in the comments section.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand You can find her on FacebookPinterestGabMeWeParlerInstagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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41 Responses

  1. Election day has been on my mind for quite a while now. I don’t believe American citizens will ‘win’ either way. I think there are enough people on both sides that will cause a lot of problems if their candidate doesn’t win. Like you said, the US already has SO many problems. Election day going on way or the other will be the icing on the cake so to speak for some.

    1. No, the American people never win when there is an election, because the two party system is a sham, a false dialectic, with the supra-national elite calling the shots and both parties are subservient to it. The hoopla is carefully choreographed to make you think that all of your problems are due to the opposite political party’s policies. Okay, wise guy (you say to yourself) who is this so-called “elite”? They are the top one or two hundred families in the world, in terms of wealth and power. Names you’ve heard of (Morgan, Rothschild) and ones you haven’t, but they keep the power concentrated in their families through nepotism and control of governments.

  2. Thanks for bringing this up Daisy. I’ve taken off work from November 3rd to the 11th with all of my pto. I have my doctor note ready for fmla disability ready to go if this needs to be long term. My daughter is on way to Texas from sarasota Florida and will be here this week.
    Stuffs getting real right now. I live in what used to be a semi rural, predominantly conservative area in Texas. Used to be are key words here. We’ve had car break ins at work, had a bomb threat the other day, and they are hiring anyone that is breathing now because they have to fill their quota.
    I was speaking to my liberal neighbor the other day, (we have to stop demonizing these people. This is NOT about politics in the Normal sense anymore) and she and I are getting our community together for fire safety because there’s only 1 way in and out up here, and our lake is damn near dry. I have topographical maps of area and we’re doing test runs around neighborhood to see if theres another evacuation route.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    1. Beautiful, Texas Antigone! The biggest answer to this ElectionPanic issue is uniting with your neighbors regardless of politics, and it is especially good to connect before the elections, and to serve others before you need something yourself.

        1. With numerous encounters with those troops of robbers called “Sheriff’s”, they insist on forced association with whatever fantasy they are pushing, and opting out is never an option. So I understand that mob mentality all too well from many personal experiences. They terrorize and marginalize anybody who’s not in the “Big Club”. They took our lives, our children, our guns, and renounce anybody who opposes them as “criminal”.

        2. Well Carla, actually I do mean democrat . 😂. She’s called the sheriff out here several times on our redneck neighbor because he was blasting old school country music. She got an earful from me, a long with the handful of other libtards that called on my redneck buddy. Her and I been cool ever since. I had to school her on the protocol of why she needed to mind her business. 😂

      1. Yeah I had to look past her and her husband nasty voting habits and start talking real with her. She and I have a lot in common and our neighborhoods safety is utmost the first priority.

    2. Make no mistake, liberals are the enemy!! Regardless what you think!! I have zero libs in my life! If Trump wins, will your neighbor behave??? Anyone that votes to destroy our country is an enemy! Best get your head out of your rear!

      1. Well Michael, u n I gonna have to agree to disagree on that one, buddy. Most of these libtards ( at least in my neck of the woods) are just normal folks who believe differently. As far as behaving when Trump wins and shtf? Well I’m guessing since there ain’t but a handful and they are anti gun, they gonna have to get with the program and behave. I believe in a shtf scenario they would realize it’s pointless to try to go up against several hundred other 2A open carrying folks. They don’t have any harris signs up this year, so I am hopeful. 😂

  3. Okay, I have read as far as the police broadcaster and clicked on the link. This required me to download something-a big red flag. So I websearched it, and found info about how to get rid of it, “bloatware” that is added without your knowledge or consent, and so on. It is not only physical things that we have to be wary of. Even more, we must be very careful about what we do online.

    1. My rural county is upgrading their police/fire/EMS comms system from analog to digital, so my old analog police scanner won’t receive their signals. Is that the point of their switch (which is nationwide), so snoopy citizens can’t hear them? I don’t know if access codes are allowed for us mere deplorables.

      1. Analog can get easily jammed, weakened by distance, and otherwise blocked. Digital can still get through a lot of that stuff, therefore is more reliable.

  4. Excellent article. Do you have a link to information on how to travel the roads if necessary? Our family members are 73 and 100 miles away. I’m the prepper and mom, and would prefer they come to me.

    1. If possible, it’s better that they come ahead of time. If that isn’t possible, they should find routes that avoid large cities or any place that is likely to have protests. (Check the news for that.)

      You have two options – the freeways, which should get them there faster and keep them out of downtown areas, or the backroads, which will take far longer but they’ll be less likely to run into trouble.

      Unless the freeway is shut down due to protests, I’d probably suggest the faster way but that is a decision you all must make ahead of time.

  5. I’ve been concerned about this for quite a while now as well and trying to prepare as best I can. My son’s school has a church attached which is a polling place. Surprisingly to me, they aren’t closing school on Election Day so we will be keeping him home. We live very close to the school and have had discussions on what to do should anything happen at school. Thankfully I work from home now but I worked downtown St. Louis during the whole Michael Brown fiasco and was fearful to go to work every single day. Criminals will watch and wait for events to happen so they can loot for their “purpose”. Even this year, a police officer was critically injured by a criminal protesting Browns death on the anniversary. Another recent incident, a man was executed for murdering a woman and immediately after his execution was confirmed, criminals were breaking into stores looting. This guy stabbed a woman 40 TIMES. What is there to “protest”?! I have absolutely no doubt that the election will be used regardless of who wins.

  6. Hi to the other Lori. I’m in the hospitality industry and will be working overnights all around election day. Luckily we’re not in a downtown location. I’ve already informed management that there will be zero tolerance for anyone causing a disturbance. We’ve already seen distention between staff members because of politics. No you are not wearing your MAGA ballcap while setting up a banquet function. Not because of politics, but because it violates dress code. Have some code phrases for security and will be carrying pepper spray.

    1. “Distention” – a new word, both dissention and distending. I like it, put that in the urban dictionary.

      Good article, touching a lot of points. I was in Floydsville during the Summer of Love (they burned down 3 miles of Lake Street) and Tampon Tim was useless in containing the riots. At least he’s got experience in uselessness. I’m still puzzled that rioters were not blown away by outraged residents; I wouldn’t count on that next time.

  7. When the riots turn to burning buildings,put out the word that if a rioter even so much as takes out a match and lights a smoke,SHOOT HIM.

  8. I think if one candidate loses, she will react in extreme anger which has already shown itself in interviews and send the DOJ and other local gov’t against the other candidate and voters and the progressive party is so desperate to keep the power, they will do anything to keep it. This is an explosion waiting to happen which is already presenting itself. In that instance you could see explosions literally and figuratively. I do think there will be burning and rioting no matter who wins from the usual suspects was saw from 2020 to current day. Just what I see..

    I am concerned about work and being on the road. We don’t talk politics at work at all. I have no idea where people stand. I am not concerned about them, but others on the road to work….

    1. My entire Company is libtards. I think it’s only 3 of us there that are maga and Christian. Hence why I’m taking off from 3rd to 11th. I just talked to the other conservative at my job, tonight, he’s taking off that week too and he feels these idiots at my job will probably burn down our office building either way it goes. And this is in semi rural Texas. Is there any way you can take off work for at least a few days around election?

  9. I noticed fewer Trump sign but more Harris signs in my area, and I know people don’t want property damage from the murderous Leftists. You will need ammo, so stock up.

  10. I am very worried about traveling to another state for Thanksgiving. My parents are elderly and you never know when it will be the last time you see them. It is also the only time of year the entire family gets together. We will come prepared to defend ourselves and have extra supplies on hand, but I am extremely worried!

    1. How long is the trip? Is it possible to pick up your parents and bring them to you?

      I’m hoping that by Thanksgiving things will have settled down but there will likely be another uptick at inauguration time.

      1. It is a 5 hour trip each way. It is not possible to pick them up because all my brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, and their kids will be there. Everyone once a year. I hope it will have settled down too. I would rather ride things out at home but will go as prepared as possible.

    2. Same issue with me here. The wife thinks that nothing significantly won’t happen and we ( this is news to me) are driving to eastern North Carolina in early November and going on a cruise in January with a “private island resort “ stop over off at Haiti leaving from Ft Lauderdale Florida.if the democrats do happen to steal this election, no one will be going ANYWHERE. No matter who wins, there will be chaos and violence pretty much everywhere even in our western North Carolina mountains where we live. Hopefully, nothing does happen, but I have a VERY BAD FEELING about this…. Prepare……

  11. The Wellness company doesn’t take drug insurance and we have the best insurance. I go to PUblix and get Rx’s for hubby and myself and because of insurance the drugs are cheap out of pocket. With so much going on, there is no way it is safe to put political signs in the yard. Besides, others don’t care who you vote for. But some areas people are making threats to Trump voters.

  12. I see you attempted to stay neutral but in reality during 2020 election and after it wasn’t republicans or conservatives robbing, mugging, destroying… burning businesses to the ground.
    Destroying jobs, careers, lives.
    Counter protesting decent peaceful protests and throwing ice/rocks/food, insulting name calling and fighting, attacking people.
    Murdering people.
    *over 24 deaths directly associated to those leftist autonomous zones*

    I heard a lot about the “violent right”- it was just a leftist media distraction and baldfaced lie.
    I only viewed the leftists, socialists and general idiots.

  13. There will be trouble. Regardless of who is (s)elected, Anti-fa and BLM will be running wild along with the tens of thousands of illegal thugs and gang members. This has been planned for a long time.
    Being retired I don’t have to leave our little “Hole in the Woods” so we will just hunker down until(?) things are quiet again.
    Continue to prep and pray; although I think those should be reversed in their order.

  14. Shatter resistant plastic film on windows, shotgun for home defense (good for taking out more than one assailant at a time and legal in areas where hand guns aren’t) can be useful, and don’t forget a 5 gallon pottie bucket and snacks and water for the safe room, as well as flashlights. The safe room should have another form of egress, if possible.

    A smoke hood for each family member and a fire blanket could be useful, too. There is a new kind of gel pepper spray which doesn’t create a fog which can blow back on the user, and also a company called Byrna has pistol-like weapons that shoot pepper balls and other less than lethal rounds for folks who live in areas where hand guns are prohibited.

  15. Nothing is going to happen! You are all getting worked up for no good reason.

    If you put it in your head that violence is inevitable you are priming yourself to act irrationally if the sound of thunder in the distance resembles a boomstick. Relax! Chill! Don’t be ridiculous Wild West Gunslingers on a hair trigger. Be sure to attend large gatherings and events. Go to your favorite pub downtown alone and have a few drinks.

    Peaceful protests are just that. Peaceful. And protected by our first amendment and they are ALWAYS peaceful. Trump isn’t a Nazi and Kamala isn’t a Communist. The world isn’t going to come to an end and SHTF is a wet dream for people who watch too many horror films… … … … … … … I can dream!

  16. Excellent advice Daisy and from other commenters as well. So prepare in any case. But a better question Daisy might be is will we even have a presidential election in 2024.

    We are one Israeli retaliatory strike against Iran from World War III. “Iran says they will hold the United States accountable for any Israeli retaliatory attack” That’s middle east macho man Muslim brain lingo for we will strike US military bases and war ships if Israel attacks us. And Iran has even said they have a “Secret Weapon Far More Dangerous Than America’s Nukes”.

    The US in response sent B2 stealth bombers to bomb Houthi targets in Yemen to tell Iran that if you do we will be giving their leaders first class tickets to their 72 virgins.

    Once our casualties start adding up the Biden-Harris puppet show must in turn retaliate directly against Iran. Russian war ships docked in Iran will complicate matters. But never fear the puppet masters know what they are doing and have it all figured out. US military personnel will be sacrificial lambs in their grand scheme to make the United States a military dictatorship with a “temporary” suspension of civil liberties. The Constitution will be paused.

    Joe Biden as ordered by his puppet masters has allowed Iran to grow wealthy and powerful so it could fund its proxies and sponsor the October 6, 2023 attack on Israel. That attack started this whole sequence of events which brings us to where we are today.

    The US Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system was being delivered to Israel on October 15, 2024. This is a billion dollar piece of hardware with some incredible capabilities. Israel will not strike back at Iran until the system is fully operational which will be in “CENSORED” days

    Israel has said it will not strike Iranian nuclear or oil sites which means that they will definitely be targets. The first casualty of war is the truth.

    This war will likely be called the Six Minutes War after Israel’s famous Six Day War. Why? Because Israel cannot sustain a war at this level that goes on for months. Iran needs to be defanged and sent back to the stone age militarily quickly. It also means Israel’s military intelligence on Iran must be absolutely perfect.

    What does this mean for the upcoming election? It means World War III will soon be here and we are all going to die in a nuclear war. The sense of impending doom will be worse than during the COVID pandemic. The globalist controlled main stream media will be pushing this dooms day story 24/7. But just when we think we are all going to die in a nuclear holocaust, papa Joe will pull us back from the brink and save us all. Biden will be hailed as a war hero his approval will sky rocket and Kamala Harris his golden child, the chosen one will bathe in his glory and be elected overwhelmingly as president.

    There is of course a more likely alternate ending to this story where the Biden-Harris DEI clown show screws up, look like total fools and Donald Trump is elected. The puppet masters only have 16 days left till the election to get their preferred version of this election to work. So we don’t have long to wait to see what will actually happen.

    Israel assures US it won’t strike Iranian nuclear or oil sites, US officials say
    By MATTHEW LEE Updated 5:39 PM EDT, October 15, 2024

    Israel War: Iran Unveils Secret Weapon Far More Dangerous Than America’s Nukes | First Shocking Look

    Oneindia News Oct 17, 2024

    In a shocking revelation, Iranian Brigadier General Ebrahim Rostami has claimed that Tehran possesses weapons “far superior” to nuclear bombs, sparking widespread concern. The statement comes amid rising tensions with Israel, as lawmakers in Iran push for a review of the country’s military doctrine in response to Israeli threats. While specifics remain classified, the General hinted at past covert operations involving these advanced weapons, leaving the world on edge as the possibility of a deadlier conflict looms.

    1. Not everyone will die in a nuclear exchange, not by a long shot. Airburst nukes leave behind only minimal radiation. The CCP wants to occupy and settle their people here, therefore won’t leave behind poisoned land. But tens of millions of us will die.

      Don’t forget that the mullahs in Iran were recruited by the KGB years ago. They do Moscow’s bidding.

      From another site, I learned that the CCP plans to activate their troops during October that they have smuggled here thanks to Biden—there are ten days left in this month. I hope it doesn’t happen.

  17. Interesting thoughts John Adams, and indeed, truth is the first casualty as we have seen for quite a few years……don’t forget Xi Jingping has yet again told his military to prepare for war, and while they probe our critical national infrastructure on a continuous basis, they have roughly 10 battalions of troops (likely many more) already distributed throughout the US thanks to our open borders…..not to mention all the civilians they’ve been pre-positioning here for more than a decade. Meanwhile, as Pakistan grows ever closer to China, both Pakistan and India are just itching to use their nuclear arsenals against each other. Their are just enough loose cannons in positions of power around the planet who might throw a curve ball into the mix… you noted, excellent advice from Daisy and others…..sure wish I had a crystal ball.

  18. What it comes to the election I really think they know, they cannot win and Trump supporters are going to be watching for “cheating”… but so will the Democrats. And if the honest polls are showing that Trump is winning by a margin “too big, [for Dems] to rig”, they will intentionally and obviously rig it for Trump and call into question the legitimacy of his votes and drag out the electoral process for as long as they can. Even risking a Civil War.

    There is no other way that they can win. They try a fair election they lose. They try to rig it for Kamala, they get caught or fail because voter turn out is too large for Trump.


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