How Politics Is Ruining Thanksgiving This Year

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Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays. No gifts are required – it’s just about gratitude and good food. Spending the day with the people I love is an added bonus.

But this year, the day of thanks is at risk.

By no less than politics.

It’s hard to imagine that people are ready to cut off family members or rub salt in the wounds of the folks they’re supposed to love, all in the name of a presidential election.

But here we are, with people uninviting family members who voted the ‘wrong’ way, people refusing to attend the event, and still others planning to deliberately make the day uncomfortable for ‘wrong-voting’ loved ones.

Kamala voters are leading the way to cancel Thanksgiving.

Social media is filled with examples of people who refuse to attend a holiday of gratitude with family members who voted for Trump. Worse still is that some of the mainstream media is supporting this division.

Joy Reid has spent loads of time dumping on Trump voters and has called in a Yale psychologist to justify it.

USA Today posted an opinion piece entitled, “We can’t share Thanksgiving. You voted to deport people who look like me.” The author writes:

I am one generation from family members who came to America from Mexico. My family is here because of a guest worker program that today’s political climate would never allow, mostly because of Republicans.
I grew up, went to school and lived my life with the very people many of you think should be part of Donald Trump’s promised militarized mass deportation. I am them. They are me. We are who you voted against.

Why would I sit at the same table and pass the stuffing around with those voters on Thanksgiving?
I’m not even judging or dismissing people who voted for that…
…But I’m not breaking bread with that. No chance.

Newsweek also published an article with a round-up of folks who are checking out of this year’s festivities with family. One woman quoted said:

“This is already the most sad holiday season I think I will ever experience – solely for the fact that I have made the decision for myself and my fiance and our child to skip out family holidays with my family that voted for Trump.”

“And it’s not the fact that they are Republicans, it’s the fact that they voted for Donald Trump knowing who he is and what he is capable of,” she added, “and I’m mourning the fact that my family is educated white people and they still voted for him – and they still voted for him.”

She went on: “This to me proves that Trump and his MAGA cult are truly brainwashed and it’s sad not knowing if I’ll ever get my family back.

It continues to discuss folks on Reddit who aren’t just canceling Thanksgiving, but also relationships – some people are planning to cut ties with their families forever over an election.

Huffington Post published an essay entitled, “My Husband And His Family Voted For Trump — So I’m Canceling Thanksgiving And Christmas.” She wrote:

Later that night, I briefly glanced at my husband and found myself not wanting to look into the eyes I love…

…“I am sorry about the holidays, but I cannot bite my tongue like I did with Hillary,” I told him. “I don’t want to disrespect your parents or your brother and his family in their home, or our home, so it’s best this way. No scenes. You can go see them. Seriously — I will not be in a room of 15 people who voted for Trump.”

…I was surprised he didn’t argue about the change in holiday plans. Normally, it would be a bone of contention because of how close he is to his family. Somewhere inside, he must understand what this election outcome means to me. I know he has empathy for me, for which I am thankful. I will hold onto this like a life raft as I try to figure out how we move forward with our marriage.

But I will not give thanks and hold hands in a circle with people who voted for a party that wants to take rights away from LGBTQ people. I will not pass the turkey to someone who supports people who have signaled they will cause harm to people with disabilities and the elderly. I will not sit by a Christmas tree celebrating the birth of Jesus and sipping eggnog when I know how many people may now find themselves in grave — even deadly — danger because they cannot get the reproductive care they need. I will not unwrap gifts given to me by people who voted for a party that has talked about building internment camps and mass deportation.

It’s really difficult to see how that couple will get past the sense of betrayal, much less the holidays.

Why is this happening?

We’ve all been on the losing side of elections in the past, and the holidays proceeded as normal after most of them. But this year is different.

As I’ve written before, I blame the propaganda and outright lies of the mainstream media for this rift. They have legitimately brainwashed almost half the country into seeing this as an existential crisis. This has caused anxiety, fear, and outright terror, and most of it is based on falsehoods.

This year, it’s not just a political disagreement for those people. It is an existential crisis, and they feel horribly wounded by people they believe voted for hatred. Some people are intent on punishing loved ones for seeing the world differently, while others feel devastated and betrayed.

But the problem is, the folks who end up hating former loved ones and cutting ties with them are the ones who believed the propaganda.

Unfortunately, I think this has the power to permanently sever a lot of family relationships. I don’t see a way back from the fear-inspired anger, nor do I see a way to convince people who feel this way that their fears may be overblown.

So, not only has the media affected people’s mental health. It has destroyed entire families.

How to move forward

If you are a member of a family in which the votes of the others has you upset, I have a few words of advice.

Please remember that this is one election over the course of a lifetime of elections. While you may have really big feelings right now, as you progress through the next four years and see that this is not the extinction event you were convinced it was, if you allow yourself to assess things accurately, you will soften toward people who saw things differently.

If your candidate was the winner, I urge you to squelch the desire to gloat or be cruel to people whose mental health is genuinely suffering over the outcome of this election.

In fact, I think it would be great if families avoided politics altogether at family gatherings. Not just this year but every year. I think we should spend our time together being nostalgic and remembering the shared bonds and experiences created by years of holidays and events. Break out the photo albums. Remember old times. See the similarities between your grandkids and their parents as children.

Lead the way with love.

This year could be (and probably will be) dicey.

But if we focus on the good intentions of people who see the world differently, even if we disagree with their conclusions, we can still have a season filled with gratitude and love for one another.

If you’re looking for a way to get through this together, I found this book to have some wonderful recommendations.

What are your thoughts?

Have politics threatened Thanksgiving this year in your family? Are you the outlier who voted for a different candidate than the others? What strategies will you use to make sure that family comes first?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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52 Responses

    1. I’m so sorry.
      Hopefully, as time passes, the propaganda and lies will be revealed, and folks will discover that both sides were guilty of manipulating the public. This will give us common ground to search for the principles on which we agree. We may still not agree on the best path to achieve those principles, but, at least we will have the common ground on which we can finally “Agree To Disagree” and be friendly again.

      God Bless.

  1. Throw away your family because of one election? I think that’s the definition of “serious mental health issues”. My family will all be together for Thanksgiving and Christmas, no matter who they voted for (I don’t care who they voted for, they are Americans and have a free vote the same as I do)…. and I’m very thankful for that!

  2. I didn’t want to travel for both Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I’m spending Thanksgiving locally with like-minded friends. Christmas will be with my brother and his family, who didn’t vote as I did, but we all get along and I never discuss politics with them. I feel badly for families who have split over this issue.

    1. I agree. This is a sad time in our history. It’s wise to avoid controversial subjects at family gatherings. So glad to read you and your family are one of the wise ones!

  3. Crazy is it not?
    Back in 2016, reading about a woman who was divorcing her husband of some 30+ years all because he voted for Trump.
    Now we have even more crazy. Cutting off ties with friends and family over who they voted for. Know what else that reminds me of, a cult. Separate one from friends and family and get them to rely on the “cult” for their support.
    I voted for Trump. I would not gloat about it. But if they brought it up, I would gladly spell out the facts of the situation as my parents watch only MSM. Last time I was visiting, economics came up and I easily debunked a number of things they said. I was not snarky about it but just used facts.
    While I am sure there might be some out there calling for cutting ties with friends or family who voted for Harris, seems the majority of the calls for cutting ties with friends and family is coming from MSM and Harris supporters. Makes one wonder about their emotional state and possible mental health.
    As for the propaganda coming out of MSM, turn it off. You will be better off without MSM.

    1. Hear ye! Hear ye! 1stMarineJarHead has spoken.
      Well said, Marine! Debunk without being snarky. Majority of ‘cutting ties’ is coming from Harris supporters. You’re right about the propaganda, too. Everyone would be better off without MSM as it is today – entirely paid off by Soros and his minions.

  4. 10/7 ended seven or eight, nearly all, of my friendships, revealing them to be anti-Semitic. And that’s it, I do not give the time of day to anti-Semites. I had several friends from countries and a religion associated with that ideological position. Also from EU countries. My background is in academia, and there you go.

    My gmail informs me of FB updates by them, so I know that they all hated Trump and voted Dem. My ethics and morality do not permit me to hear someone talk about their reproductive rights, while not mentioning their approving of the killing of babies. Of uncounted millions of illegal immigrants claiming unending and total support from taxpayers on the verge of bankruptcy. Killing or raping a lot of them. Of the destruction of the state of Israel. Of total war in WWIII to kill another million Ukrainians and Russians, sending Western troops to join in the bloodbath.

    If I were to pretend that the ideology which guides their actions were less important than our relationship, it would mean betraying the victims in the situations just mentioned. They are all burning in my heart. I would feel dirty and guilty if I went to Thanksgiving wearing a muzzle, forcing myself to not reply to provocations, but with observations on the sudden cold snap. I think you have to speak out to bring change. I read that 20% of black men and 40% of Hispanic men voted for Trump, which will bring much-needed change. An unprecedented realignment. Most of them shifted their allegiance based on conversations with other people. Silence is complicity.

    1. I admire the courage you have of your convictions.

      They say “Time heals all wounds.”.

      The comic will say “Time wounds all heels.”.

      We can hope and pray that that those who violate moral principles will someday come to their senses, and choose a better path.

      But, right now, they are hurting, angry and afraid. Their emotions short-curcuit their thinking and they are not capable of reasoning. So, it is best not to engage, and let time reveal the truth.

      Meanwhile, the challenge for us is to not be judgemental and self-righteous. We must pray for the lost, confused and frightened.

      It gives me hope that both The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times are choosing to start having more conservative perspectives published in their newspapers. A lack of balance and objectivity by suppressing conservative voices has been a big part of the problem.

      Time will tell.
      Meanwhile, we pray.

      We pray for our families. We pray for our friends and colleagues. We pray for America. We become prayer warriors!

      G*d Bless You !!! 🙏❤️🇺🇲

    2. People are entitled to their beliefs whether you are with them or not. You don’t get to control or sway others. I agree with your beliefs but if I didn’t (and I too have many family and friends who believe different than me) I would not cut you out of my life. We would have respectful dialogue if you were willing .

      1. Are you saying that if you’d been in Germany in the 1930s-40s and you had family members who were going into the ghettos, rounding up Jews or using whips and dogs on them, or forcing them into gas chambers, that you’d be just fine sitting down with them at a jolly holiday meal?

        And before my question gets misconstrued into comparing it to forcing illegals to go home, just don’t. They are both anti-Semitic and pro-illegals.

        1. I thought the same thing. Hitler’s willing executioners. I also thought about civil rights in the 50s and 60s, about the reprehensible way that blacks in the US were treated for centuries. But no longer. About the pogroms occurring in Europe now, and on campuses here last spring.

          We’re having Thanksgiving alone, which is fine. Marinated turkey tenders, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, chopped cranberries with pineapple and pecans (recipe from Vegetarian Celebrations, Nava Atlas), cornbread stuffing with mushrooms and pine nuts (same), and pumpkin pecan pie (Moosewood Desserts). It will be delicious!

  5. In all seriousness, what is going on right now with people turning on family is a mental illness, for four years they belonged to a cult-like mob that was told repeatedly to hate the opposition because they are evil, they heard lies repeated to them over and over again, on TV, on the radio, on social media, in universities, 24/7, they were brainwashed into thinking their hate was love, their intolerance was tolerance, their violence was in the name of peace, etc. Be patient with them. If they dis-invite you or turn down your invitation, let them know they are your family and you still love them. Wish them a Happy Thanksgiving, and in a few weeks invite them over for Christmas, then New Years Eve, send them that birthday card, show them love and mercy because, and again, with all seriousness, this is an illness and would you turn on a family member that had any other illness or would you support them and let them know they are loved. Understand that within a 24 hour period their “cult” imploded, their leaders turned on each other, and those that pushed this way of thinking essentially turned around and said, “Yeah, we kinda made that stuff up. You’re on your own now.” Their reality crumbled around them and they don’t know how to pick up the pieces, or sort through what is real and what isn’t, and get on with life; in a way they are socially crippled.

    When they do reflect on the past four years imagine what they have to admit to themselves, that they sexualized children with the “trans” movement, they turned on women and told them men can compete in women’s sports, that killing fully formed babies is a right, that our country should have no borders, that we should eliminate all police, that all White people hate non-white people, and that if you disagree with them it’s okay to violently assault you. It’s probably much easier to live in denial than to face this reality.

    All we can do is be patient and hope over time they see for themselves they were wrong.

    1. Agree :). I have family I haven’t seen for years cause I didn’t get the jab. I’ve tried to show love etc but they are stone cold silent. Their loss :/

    2. You just listed many of the practices which no decent person can tolerate. As Carla said, if someone in 1948 expressed approval of Kristallnacht, would you remain silent? If you had read a newspaper article encouraging antisemitism, does that let those liking it off the hook?

      I would imagine that millions of Americans will not bring these subjects up today, for the sake of having a nice dinner.

  6. My brother unfriended me on Facebook because I put a meme on my wall that said I don’t support Kamala Harris or anything she stands for.

  7. Call it a character flaw, but i have ZERO desire to have ANY left-of-centers polluting my family holiday table. After all the vitriol, hate and insults they spewed at US the last 4 years and CONTINUE to spew, they can take their mental illness , their pronouns, their bad haircuts, nose rings and aversion to bathwater, fold it 5 ways, and shove it up their @sses. They came a hair’s breath away from destroying this country with their pronoun crap, while we have mothers crying online because they are now rationing bacon and peanut butter to their kids, and skipping meals just to keep a ROOF over their family’s heads! They simply don’t get reality! And these jagoffs voted for pronouns… I feel nothing but contempt for people so mentally weak that they allowed themselves to get brainwashed to this severe degree so easily…..
    I have no forgiveness in my heart for these selfish, self-centered, narcissistic nose-ringed douchebags. They have zero concept of what gratitude and thankfulness even IS…
    Let em spend Thanksgiving with a Swanson pot pie for all i care!
    Note… I thank the dear lord daily, that nary a ONE of my immediate family members is a commie piece of crap! That ALONE bears a year’s worth of gratitude…

  8. This reminds me of how they encouraged their followers to shun the “unvaxxed” a couple of years ago. Speaking as a childless, cat lady who refused to vote for either party this year, I find Joy Reid’s face creepy and ugly. She looks possessed with crazy devil eyes as lie after lie pours out of her leering mouth.
    “Your body, my choice,” sounds like what The View members were spouting about the clot shot. Everyone who was injured or lost a loved one to that experimental injection should come together to hold them and the rest of the MSM accountable.
    But those who continue to reject family and friends out of love for these wicked liars should be allowed to go their own way.
    My problem is not the rejection of Trump but pop culture’s outright renunciation of Truth. I am very pro Truth. I refuse to live by lies no matter how hip and fashionable they are or how many vacuous celebrities tout them. Those who love and practice lies are no friends of mine.

  9. For the last 15-20 years, the rule in our house for large family gatherings, regardless of the occasion, has been NO politics, NO religion. It has worked well.

    Now, our smaller-ish family gathering (Kids, grandkids, and spouses now at 15) are all on the same page, so anything goes. 🤪

  10. well, there some quite diverse comments here, lol. it hurts me to see and hear the way our society has been divided. why cant people realize that everyone has a right to their opinions. it it doesnt coincide with yours, so what? agree to disagree and move on. families are a special gift, they should be treated as such – if you dont agree with each other, thats ok. dont discuss the topic any longer. talk about something else you both love, do something you enjoy together etc. I’m a senior and wasnt raised to be prejudiced in any respect. it bothers me to see things as they are now. people are individuals and as such will have difference of things with other folks. so what? make the world interesting, doesnt mean to expell your family, your friends etc. just because they dont think/talk/dress/eat etc the same as you. nothing wrong in that. we need to be much more TOLERANT of each other and allow each one to have their own personality, do their own thing, voice their opinions etc. (not to be mean, nasty, hateful, racist, etc). WE ARE INDIVIDUALS. enjoy your friends, family and animals, enjoy the world while we still have it, enjoy and be thankful for each and every day no matter what it may bring. a saying to remember: tho you may not have everything you want, you may have illness, nor everyday basic items, remember: there is ALWAYS someone WORSE OFF THAN YOU! count your blessings no matter how small or large, cherish what and who you have in your life now, and thank God everyday to see another beautiful day He’s created for you.. Blessing to all!

  11. Every year since I’ve been married (32 years) I have more or less hosted thanksgiving and we do not talk politics. My extended family is both Democrat and Republican. Isn’t that normal? We are all different, on so many levels, I don’t have enough time to write about lol. If people are so traumatized by politics and religion and world events, maybe they’d be better off throwing out their two-lie-vision. I know people get heated about sports as well, lol. It’s all so dumb and immature to me. Like who you like, eat what you like, watch what you like, vote for who you like, and live your dam lives. Time is ticking…..

  12. It is not about whether you are one Party, or another, whether you are vaxxed or not, it’s about how we all want to just live our lives in peace, in providing for our families, supporting our friends and neighbors and progressing in our daily lives in a manner that is respectful of ourselves and each other!

    Most people share in wanting these basic things, so focus on that and quit giving a darn about such foolish things as political parties and remember, most of us on this planet agree in making our lives and other lives better, is our true purpose in life!

    1. Most people share in wanting these basic things, so focus on that and quit giving a darn about such foolish things as political parties…..”

      Oh, but these things do matter. They matter a lot and your attitude is typical of how we got in this mess in the first place. Those who keep silent in the face of tyranny just for the sake of peace will eventually wear chains.

      1. Whoa that is really harsh. Not everyone wants to be abrasive or dismissive to their loved ones. We have a lifetime to love our families, and we need to give everyone grace and space to align their beliefs as they grow. I have faith that we as a country are going in the right direction.

        1. And let me add that my two daughters and their spouses have college degrees and three out of four of them have masters or further education in their field, so I agree with the idea that those well educated young folks are perhaps following the wrong ideals that have been fed to them. My job is to love them unconditionally. Maybe not so much for my extended family…

        2. Yes, it was harsh. But it was also the truth. If decent people had spoken up years ago instead of just keeping their heads down to keep the peace, I believe we wouldn’t be in this mess. The rampant evil of sterilizing children, slaughtered unborn babies in the millions, boys in girls’ sports, drag queen story hours, having our Constitutional rights suspended during a taxpayer funded epidemic, criminal illegal aliens making us unsafe on our own streets…..

      2. My attitude has nothing to do with the ‘mess’ we are in! People who live with respect for others, always make the world a better place! I do not remain silent against the tyrannical actions of others and never will! I do not vote democrat, if that’s what you assumed!

        Getting caught up in the classic divide and conquer mentality is why the USA and elsewhere are the reasons we are in the mess we are in!

        I appreciate what you say but it is a judgement you cannot accurately make when all you go by is the few words I wrote! Thank you for all you do to make your life and others better! Best wishes to you and for all!!

        1. Maybe I’m older than you and have been around the block a few more times. Maybe not. What I have seen in my life is people who feel that nothing is worth being uncomfortable over caving time after time and the only voices being heard are the shrill ones from the left. I made no assumptions about how you vote. What concerns me is that when only one side is being heard (to keep the peace) and that people who are undecided aren’t presented with an alternate view point, they begin to think that that’s all there is, so it must be correct.

          I’m not advocating for a free-for-all around the Thanksgiving table, because that makes for some really bad memories. What I am saying is that there are worse things that the vitriolic people not being included. But if they are, if/when they something stupid, someone should say something.

          I used to be one of those stupid liberals who regurgitated what I heard on npr and felt morally superior for it. Until one day I said that I thought taxes should be raised on corporations but not ordinary citizens. My brother-in-law very calmly said “then the ordinary citizens will pay more for products because that’s what happens when their costs go up” and therefore we’ll end up paying for it anyway. Never before had I heard a conservative viewpoint. That stewed around in my head for awhile. Still a Democrat, I voted for Reagan twice, then switched parties in the 90s.

          That brother-in-law’s one comment started me thinking, and I’m VERY grateful he spoke up in a family in which he was about the only conservative. That took courage for him and it was absolutely the right thing for him to do.

  13. I’m not facing this from family members but I faced this with friends “because Covid”. So I guess that because many old friends axed me from their lives due to my being unvaxed and unwilling to hide in a bunker wearing a mask, I’m not having to deal with this as it’s exactly those friends who would definitely have voted for Harris. I’m positive they would have hysterically rejected me from their lives if they were still speaking to me. Interesting how the two groups overlap. Mass formation psychosis at work.

  14. About half the commenters think it was “just an election,” while the other half understand that we are looking a giant difference in worldview. Those here are TRUTHERS, yet only half have faced what it means to refuse all facts. Jesus said a man’s (person’s) enemies would be those of his own family. That was true at the beginning of Christianity, with the shift of the age. Nowadays, we are again at a shift of ages, with momentous things occurring. We are exposing lies and murders that have been hidden for thousands of years. It is not trivial; it is enormous.
    But many of those still adhering to lies are slowly waking up. We need to hold the door open for them. Some of you are very good at that!

    1. Jesus also said, “Love thy enemies”. We cannot expect people to change unless we, as you stated “Leave the door open for them.”

  15. Well my family and I had Thanksmas on Sunday because I work all holidays. I had to cut out family and neighbors on both sides because they’re mentally ill drunks, not because of their political views or who they voted for, so honestly we had a wonderful Thanksmas with a couple of my kids and some of the mentally balanced neighbors. And not all of these people voted Trump, as we did. We didn’t even bring up politics. My friend at work is libertarian it appears and was talking how deranged people have become and we both agreed that it’s the news fault.

  16. I just park ‘em at the card table with the other unruly children. This tactic has worked annually at the holiday table for over a century.

    As long as the primary culprit of problems (my brothers communist sow wife) keeps anxiety eating hours’dourves (sp?) throughout the afternoon and then shovels the beautiful meal into her grotesque jowls at the little table, she doesn’t get a chance to stir up trouble. She just collapses into a triptophan coma for a couple hours until it’s time for pie. Then she gets loaded into their car in the evening and they leave.

    It’s a marvel how good food and a card table has kept the peace for years 😊

    1. Spelling is easy on the web. Just type your guess into a new window and the correct spelling usually pops up. In Brave browser, I just highlighted hours’dourves and the definition popped up with the correct spelling, and pictures. Try it for triptophan, too.

  17. This election dealt with issues of existential import. We have been brought up to believe that pluralism and neutrality are possible, even virtuous. That is nonsense – at times beautiful nonsense – but nonsense all the same.

    A family, a community, a nation canNOT remain unified when those within them hold views on life, sexuality – fundamental morality! – that are so diametrically opposed. Yes, while my Christian faith informs me that forgiveness and redemption are available for all who will come and receive it (NO room for self-righteousness here!), there are some things that are simply irreconcilable if we are to remain in union with one another. Too many on the Left are at war with reality itself!


    Still, there is MUCH to be thankful for, and we should indeed share in that gratitude with those who will!

    1. Thank you for your truthful comment that faces reality. Many here would love to get lunatic lefties to say, “You were right.” Well how about applying the Golden rule, Do unto others… found in Christianity and all other faiths as far as I know.
      I just wrote an email to my Harris-voting sister entitled “You were right.” She expected some hate-nonsense about Trump, but instead found many other areas in which she is right. She wrote me back a lovely email.
      Lunatic-lefties are wrong about too many things to be corrected in one jump. Another poster here eventually switched political parties because ONE single comment made her think.
      One thing that Lefties tend to get right more often than Republicans is Organic food and farming. My sister has strong interest in this–and we have an exceptional opportunity there with RFK’s MAHA. I told her I disagree with RFK on a LOT of things–but Trump is playing to his strong suit and that we could make a difference by encouraging the parts we agree with.

  18. “We can’t share Thanksgiving. You voted to deport people who look like me.”

    No, we voted to deport ILLEGAL ALIENS. If they happen to look like you it’s purely coincidental. If you want to isolate yourself because of your political views and because we want our laws upheld, that’s on YOU, and will affect no one BUT you…

    By the way; how can you look black, white, brown, and whatever, all at the same time? It’s not about RACE, as much as you want to think it is. It’s about being in this country LEGALLY…

    These people need therapy… No… Seriously… The DO need THERAPY…

  19. I think most of the people who buy into the mainstream media deception do so, willingly.

    There is something corrupt deep in their souls that makes them willing to embrace demonstrable lies.

    I think this is The Great Winnowing.

    People will either use their God-given good sense to seek and embrace truth, or they will willingly embrace lies, because it gives them an opportunity to hate their fellow man.

    Sounds harsh, I know.
    Some in my own family are showing disdain for folks who disagree with them politically.

    I don’t like seeing this aspect of their souls, but there it is.

    I pray for them and show them love and respect, but if the time ever comes when independent thinkers like me are rounded up and sent to gulags, I think they will be fine with that.

  20. The people you’re referring to seem to run on feelings or emotions instead of facts or doing their own research. Not sure how to deal with these folks. I’ve read the constitution and Bill of rights and haven’t found anything that says you have the right to not have your feelings hurt

  21. My family has been breaking apart since 2008. Three have died. The only get togethers are funerals and children birthdays. The improvement was the only two kids were baptized. I was surprised.

    1. The same with our family. I counted up and in the space of 12 years, 3 generations of one branch of our family had died. In my husband’s family, one of his branches nearly all died within 10 years, leaving only one cousin and his homosexual son (no children). We aren’t replacing ourselves and people are dying younger. Congratulations on the baptisms.

  22. If you found out a family member had given a key to your house that you had trusted them with, to criminals that would harm your family, steal your guns and destroy everything you have worked for, would you still want to spend Thanksgiving or any time with them? That’s exactly what they did when they voted Democrat. They voluntarily gave their support to a political party who’s goal is to destroy your Constitutional Rights, force insane medical policies on you and your children and destroy your way of life.

    It’s not about Biden, Trump or Harris, it’s what they represent. I cut all ties with liberal family and friends many years ago and have ZERO regrets. Bees don’t waste their time trying to convince flies that flowers taste better than shit nor do they associate with them.

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