Here’s How a Massive Cyberattack Could Happen To Us

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By Daisy Luther

The Petya Ransomware attack hit globally, but one country, in particular, was devastated by it. The Ukrainian infrastructure was brought own by the attack, where the epicenter occurred, and now, experts are suggesting that it may have been deliberate and state-sponsored.

The ostensible purpose of all that damage was to make money — and yet there’s very little money to be found. Most ransomware flies under the radar, quietly collecting payouts from companies eager to get their data back and decrypting systems as payments come in. But Petya seems to have been incapable of decrypting infected machines, and its payout method was bizarrely complex, hinging on a single email address that was shut down almost as soon as the malware made headlines. As of this morning, the Bitcoin wallet associated with the attack had received just $10,000, a relatively meager payout by ransomware standards.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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12 Responses

  1. Agenda 21 is a blueprint for collective human sheeple management where everything is strategically and intentionally connected.
    The “Divided We Fall, United We Stand” concept is a two edged sword.
    What on one hand may save you, on the other may also equally be your demise.
    Electronics has enlightened and liberated countless minds, but would also be the means of enslaving and killing billions.

  2. I too think this cyber attack was some sort of test.

    I found the words of this computer expert quite chilling.

    “The aim of the latest attack appears to be disruption rather than ransom, said Brian Lord, former deputy director of intelligence and cyber operations at Britain’s GCHQ and now managing director at private security firm PGI Cyber.”
    “My sense is this starts to look like a state operating through a proxy … as a kind of experiment to see what happens,” Brian Lord told Reuters on Wednesday.

  3. Given that the software behind these ‘attacks’ is NSA-created, one has to wonder what role the US Deep State/NSA has in all this. False Flag attacks have been a mainstay of geopolitics and ‘justifying’ war (AKA profits for the military-industrial complex).

  4. If you want to get a good picture of what could happen in the worst case scenario in case of an EMP or to a lesser degree a cyber attack, read “One Second After” and ” One Year After” by William R. Forstchen. It wouldn’t matter if you have all the gas stored up that you would ever need, if your car had any computer components in it. . .it wouldn’t work. You would have to have an older vehicle made before computer parts were installed.

  5. Water, food (and ways to cook it), shelter, gas, firewood, guns, ammo, buckets (for hauling water for flushing toilets, so you don’t have to use stored drinking water), toilet paper, places to hunt and fish, smokehouse for storing/curing meat.
    Turn off the TV and read about/study survival techniques now, so that you’re not in a total panic if and when a shtf situation actually happens. Thanks Daisy.

  6. I don’t know what else we can do, except to continue to do what we are preparing for now, the economy crashing. A malware attack would have a lot of the same impact, electronics shutting down, a quick shortage of food, water, prescription drugs, etc. We’ve discussed this and have decided, that we are as prepared as we can be for a possible malware attack. Preparing for other scenarios, economic collapse, society collapse, natural events, anarchy; just pick your poison, should have prepared us for such an event, well as much as one can be prepared, both mentally and material wise. If were both at home, we’ll not venture out, but fire-up our communications back-up to determine the extent of the attack and how long it’ll be before we can expect some semblance of normalcy. We’ll not run around like a chicken with it’s head cut off, but evaluate the damage and potential results, based on the available data and go from there. Regardless, I don’t see any scenario, where we’d leave, since we’ve been preparing our 40 acres for over 30 years. We’re kind of an outlier, when it comes to prepping. We’ve seen the slow collapse of America’s economy and morals for 3 decades and have always, when possible, to purchase items that would have a dual purpose.

  7. What makes Daisy’s articles so interesting to me is that she actually has done what she’s talking about. She has skills and experiences which are the most valuable thing you can carry. Talking about something is always so much different from the actual deed. Like swimming!

    If you’re serious about prepping or survival, you need to acquire the skills by doing them, preferably more than once and learn more from the mistakes. Get outside and camp; even if it’s in your backyard for now. Thanks Daisy!

  8. For what it’s worth, I always keep several weeks spending money in cash in case the banks shut down or can’t access their computers.
    Of course that’s in addition to the normal preps as mentioned.
    Being on well and septic has it’s advantages, especially if you can access the water without power. It may be a hassle, but it’s do-able.

  9. Didn’t Microsoft release an update to prevent these attacks? Seriously, how hard is it to click update now. One can only hope that this isn’t going to become a massive attack on the US, while still preparing for it to be a massive attack on the US.
    This is going in circles when you say hope for the best but prepare for the worst ????

  10. Wow! This is a great article! One of the best I’ve seen in a while. It brings up a lot of issues that people should be aware of. I’d like to share what happened to my wife and I during the power outage of 2003.

    I retired at age 62 and began collecting Social Security. But then received a job offer I couldn’t refuse in Canada.

    So I began working in Canada on August 1, 2003. The company put us up for 3 months in a furnished luxury townhouse (bedding on the beds, dishes in the cupboards, pool, maid service, all that). As a consequence, we brought no preps with us.

    Two weeks later (August 14) the lights went out in the entire northeast for several days. We had no food to speak of in the cupboard, no Canadian money, and not so much as one candle for lighting. When the sun went down it got dark.

    Later on my wife confessed, “You don’t know how close I was to begging you — I’m scared. I don’t care about the job. I don’t care about the money. Let’s go home.” (I never told her there wasn’t enough gas in the car to get back to the border. And, of course, the pumps weren’t working.)

    That blackout was my impetus for writing the eight-book Non-Electric Lighting Series. It’s been well received. Today, whenever I feel sorry for myself, I go to Amazon and browse the reader feedback. Gee, maybe I’m not such a bad guy after all.

    Here’s a link to one of the books. This one is on vegetable oil lamps. Really nice stuff to know if you get caught away from home (and away from your preps) when the lights go out.

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