VENEZUELA: Imagine How Devastating a Pandemic Would Be AFTER the SHTF

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An outbreak of a sickness is always bad, but can you imagine how bad it would be in a country where the system has already collapsed?

They say there is no isolated disgrace. They always come three in a row. My country is totally vulnerable nowadays. Our economy has crumbled. Our medical system has collapsed. We can´t respond in any way to this sort of threat like the coronavirus out of China.

With such a close economic relationship with the Chinese, I heartily doubt the world will learn anything useful about the spreading of the disease. Remember, we in Venezuela are being subject to an extermination policy. Who dictated it? I can´t tell…yet. But once the truth can be told, I will.

It would be worse in metropolitan areas.

The spreading of the disease can be much faster in places like the Caracas metro, where the air conditioning is no longer working, and the crowding of people is constant and quite high. This is the perfect media to get infected. With the coverage of the metro and Caracas being a small city, in a couple of weeks the real disaster will present itself.

My perception is, most of the medical staff will get the heck out with their families. There is a real difference between battling a potentially deadly virus under normal circumstances and a totally different animal when medics are going from patient to patient without even being able to change gloves.

How many of those attending to some medical care center with regular flu symptoms will be contaminated? How are the doctors to be able to perform the needed tests? The gangsters already burned semi-trucks loaded with the aid trying to get into the country and blocked the borders.

It will take longer than usual to reach the countryside

Our vulnerability is high, indeed. However, there are some interesting aspects to consider, brought along with the induced collapse: the lack of mobility will slow the disease spreading outside the cities themselves.

The arrival to the countryside is inevitable, though. There are too many products that can´t be found there, and finally, someone will start trading, and, just as has happened in human history, it will bring the disease.

Despite my acknowledgment of the spirit and dedication of our doctors, my impression is, that given the high level of risk, they will get their families out of the cities, to get out of dodge as well, once the conditions are given. I know there is a lot of control exerted by the military over the hospitals. These have become an underground business in some instances. I haven´t got any proof (yet), but it has been like this for a long time. This was one of the needs for change that people who voted Hugo wanted in the first place. Health care was available freely, but good healthcare was just for those who could afford it.

Back on topic, we know that being isolated in a secluded, self-sufficient and sustainable place is the safest way to overcome this type of disaster, if it gets out of control (at least for some time).

Nowadays, Venezuela is lacking a capable workforce in most of the cities and public administration positions. We all know the disaster already present in the hospitals, without money to acquire the supplies my people desperately need.

The disaster will be unparalleled in our current situation.

You don´t need too much imagination to know what could happen once the mostly useless medical facilities start to receive the patients. Those who perhaps assisted looking for care or accompanying someone who maybe was not even part of the contaminated crowd will be exposed and it´s very likely they will get sick. This part could happen anywhere.

Right now, in the United States, people in the know rush around getting supplies. Hospitals establish protocols.

Under the current circumstances, there is no way that Venezuela can resist an epidemic event. Once the disease starts to affect the barracks where the uniforms live…it´s going to be an epic catastrophe.

Arsenals undefended will be looted. Gang wars will start in a matter of days. Maybe a lockdown of the cities would be enforced…provided there are troopers healthy enough to execute it. Maybe finally, people will lose fear and some kind of revolution starts. This is a truly shadowy scenario, indeed. It reminds me of those areas of Pakistan that suffer an earthquake first and later flooding. Dang.

The Caracas Metro subway was considered once the most modern in all of Latin America. But, as usual in everything the commies occupy, I would rather take a cab, even being broke. It´s not being properly maintained, breaking down in the middle of the tunnels, and people have had to risk their integrity walking between stations…INSIDE the tunnel. Public transportation is one of the most likely ways to get infected, indeed. The other ways are those present in most of the cities. Elevators, stairs, hallways, markets, supermarkets, and alike.

Leaving the city would be difficult once the outbreak occurred.

Once the roads are closed…I don´t know what could happen. The law enforcement organizations lack enough resources. Most of the vehicles are in need of repair. This includes ambulances and fire/police trucks. Someone riding along a road could be subject to harsh treatment if he gets caught. Maybe at night, but with the high risk of road pirates…this is hard to predict.

What I feel is, that those unable to isolate themselves for enough time until the breakout resolves by itself are going to have a real hard time in the cities.

You would need to be in a secluded place, stocked with supplies and some degree of sustainability and communications with the outside world (a police scanner with a good antenna in a mountain hidden of prying eyes would be extremely useful right now if you ask me).  Maybe this will be the only way to survive.

There would be so many deaths.

The few supplies that could be sent to the affected communities, as usual, will never arrive there. It has happened before with the rationing scheme. Just like in every place the communists have stomped, a black market is quickly in place, with all kinds of rationed products at inflated prices.

Facing a sudden pandemic, with our people already weakened from malnutrition, would result in tons of casualties, that´s for sure. Those in charge of at least recording the numbers will hide everything. That data will never be properly collected, and if someday those numbers happen to see the light, they will be inaccurate and unreliable.

The death toll and suffering will be unfathomable.

And it will be covered up.

About Jose

Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations:

Picture of J.G. Martinez D

J.G. Martinez D

About Jose Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations:

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5 Responses

  1. I am in the country side. I am at my bug out location. I have enough food for the long haul. What I worry about is being away from here. I visit my elderly parents (I am also classified as elderly) and do grocery shopping once a month. Both my husband and I have to travel for doctors appt. The closest being 90 miles away. Next week I will be in Belton, TX attending the Mother Earth News Fair. If the lock down happens when either of us are traveling, we will be hurting. Getting home would not be easy. Bug out bags are not for the long haul. Due to our animals we don’t normal leave here together except to go 25 miles to the nearest town (not our town which only has four people and no businesses anymore).

    1. Dear Mette,

      That is a complicated situation. I don´t think it´s going to be a lockdown in the USA unless this gets really serious.
      Your place is quite protected with such isolation. That was a wise choice.
      My advice would be cutting a deal with someone very trustworthy at your location to pick you up in some point where you can make it on foot or even in mountain bicycles if you can ride.
      These can be in a rack on the roof of your truck and you won´t notice they are there. Of course this travel should be off-road and must be unnoticed and you will need HAM radios and coded communications to converge in the evacuation point.
      If you need further advice, being an elder I´m more than happy to provide it based in your particular circumstances, so feel free to contact me via social media for more ideas.
      Thanks for your comment!
      Be safe,

  2. I believe that this virus will bring many “troubles” with it. Sure the medical/deaths problems. Then the “hurt” it will put on various World economies. Thirdly, political, such as “who is to blame?”, riots, maybe even wars?

    Mr. Jose, you and your former country are in my prayers daily.

    1. Dear Seminole,

      I appreciate your kindness and touched for your generosity. Being myself mixed with some South American native, is rewarding to receive them. This is going to be a difficult year for the world, I´m afraid.

      However, we preps should combat, and we will prevail at the end.

      Best regards.

  3. Actually, Venezuela should do fine during this outbreak; few go there for business or pleasure anymore. Business between China and Venezuela does not seem to involve constant person-to-person contacts.

    All the known cases of transmission to foreign countries seem have been by Asian tourists and business travelers.

    Venezuela’s difficulties are largely due to U.S. sanctions and the oil price collapse; however, the lack of Venezuelan government ability to interfere in a health emergency is probably a plus.

    Venezuela had made great strides in providing basic health care for all. The help-thy-neighbor sentiment seems not to have died with government capabilities to provide health care.

    Venezuelans have by now developed their own means of coping without big centralized health care.

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