Search Results for: Selco – Page 9

Prepping & SurvivalSelco

Selco’s Favorite Survival Exercise: Prep in Your Everyday Life, Then Add PRESSURE

Selco wants you to prep for the most likely events in your everyday life and settings, then crank up the PRESSURE to learn to respond when things are intense.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone Now Or You’re Going to Have a Bad Time When the SHTF

Selco warns that if you don’t step outside your comfort zone when training and preparing, you’re going to have a really bad time when the SHTF

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

Selco’s Rant: A**holes, Experts, and Conspiracy Theorists in the Survival Community

Selco is fed up with the a**holes and the so-called experts in the survival community and he has some advice about who you should really listen to.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: What Really Happens When the SHTF Is Over Is Not What Most People Expect

Selco warns when the SHTF is over, if you survive you will be forever changed. There are some skills and experiences you cannot gain without paying for them.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

Selco: Dealing With Dead Bodies When the SHTF

When a long-term SHTF situation happens, people will die. You need to prep for death – and for the dead bodies that come with it – both mentally and physically.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: No List of Supplies to Hoard Can Prepare You for the Fluidity of the Situation When the SHTF

Selco warns, “No list of supplies to hoard can prepare you for the fluidity of the situation when the SHTF actually happens.”

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Selco’s Guide to Looting and Scavenging When the SHTF

Looting and scavenging aren’t just for bad guys when the SHTF. Selco says you need to have a plan because with a new reality comes new rules.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: My Experience with Precious Metals During a Collapse

There are a lot of misconceptions about the usage of precious metals during a collapse. According to Selco, they are valuable, but not in the way you may think.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: Observe and Prepare for the Confusion, Panic, & Mayhem of SHTF

You must prep for the basics so you can perform during the confusion, panic, & mayhem of SHTF. You must observe your surroundings before an event happens.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: The Importance of Friends and Family When the SHTF

When the SHTF you will want to surround yourself with friends and family. But how do you know who you can trust when times are bad?

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Books & EntertainmentPrepping & SurvivalSelco

Selco’s SHTF Anthology

This 150-page PDF contains EVERYTHING written by Selco for The Organic Prepper. It contains the bonus of some additional notes at the end of each article.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: What You MUST Know About SHTF Medicine

Lots of people think they are medically prepared, but Selco warns that the truth about SHTF medicine isn’t that simple.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

An Urban Survival Course with Selco: Noise, Light, and Your Mind Playing Tricks

In the second part of Selco’s urban survival series, he talks about keeping a low profile with regard to noise, light, and your mind playing tricks on you.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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