Search Results for: Selco – Page 28

Pandemic Watch

Covid-19 Containment Efforts Appear to Have Failed: What Happens Next?

As confirmed cases of Covid-19 pop up around the United States, it appears that containment efforts have failed. Here’s what happens next.

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Pandemic Watch

Here’s Why I Don’t Really Trust the Official American Coronavirus Numbers

Comparing China’s official response to the American response, some troubling similarities cast doubt on whether our own coronavirus numbers are accurate at all.

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Pandemic Watch

THIS IS NOT A DRILL: Why Covid-19 Could Be the Deadly Pandemic That Changes Everything

Covid-19 has all the warning signs of becoming the next deadly global pandemic that will affect us all in some way. This is not a drill.

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Pandemic Watch

Monday UPDATE: What Happened with the Covid-19 Crisis This Weekend

The Covid-19 crisis increased rather dramatically over the weekend. Here’s a quick report with links to update you on the weekend’s information.

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Prepping & Survival

Knives for Personal Protection: Introducing Pikal (Reverse Grip Edge In)

Knives for Defense: Pikal (reverse grip edge in) is an easy to learn, quick to apply, easy to retain, and highly effective method of self-protection

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Pandemic Watch

When US Hospitals and Military PUBLICLY Brace for a Coronavirus Pandemic, You Should Pay Attention

When US hospitals, the DoD, and the military publicly brace for the possibility of a coronavirus pandemic, you should probably start paying attention.

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Pandemic WatchPrepping & SurvivalSelco

Would We Still Have Power and Water If We Had a Massive Coronavirus Quarantine in the US?

What would happen to utilities like power and water in the US if we had a massive quarantine like the one in China? Selco and Daisy discuss the possibilities.

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All Hell Breaks Loose in the Subways After Antifa Issues “Endgame Warning” to NYPD

All hell has broken loose in the New York City subway system today. With both sides issuing their own “Endgame” warnings, it’s the NYPD vs. Antifa.

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Prepping & Survival

What I Bought to Prep for a Coronavirus Lockdown

The best method to avoid becoming ill is social isolation, also called “lockdown” or “self-quarantine.” Here are the supplies you’ll need if it comes to that.

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

Think the Government Will Save You? Puerto Ricans Find Warehouse FULL of Emergency Supplies Stashed Since Hurricane Maria

Think the government will save you? Puerto Ricans just found a warehouse FULL of emergency supplies stashed since Hurricane Maria and never distributed.

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Prepping & Survival

VIOLENCE: Will You Panic When You Least Expect It?

What would you do if you experienced or witnessed raw and brutal violence? Would you panic or would you be able to act? Here’s how to prepare for it.

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Prepping & Survival

USE&E: The Most Important Skills and Gear Might Not Be What You’d Expect

The most important skills and supplies for Urban Survival Escape & Evasion may not be what you expect. It isn’t fighting, weapons, or escaping restraints.

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Prepping & Survival

National and Global Events: What You CAN Control and What You CAN’T

There’s a lot of fear out there about events over which the average person has no control. It’s far more productive to focus on what you CAN control.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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