Search Results for: Selco – Page 26


The Second Wave: Regardless of What You Think About the Virus, Things Are About to Change

We need to accept the longevity of our current situation. Regardless of your personal opinion about the virus, things will change for everyone with the second wave.

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Remember What It Is to be an American. And Let Freedom Reign Again.

Be strong. Be brave. Be one with your brothers and sisters. Remember who you are. Remember what it is to be an American. And let freedom reign again.

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

Preparing for the Potential of Independence Day Unrest and Violence

We could see an Independence Day like nothing we’ve ever experienced. These resources can help you prepare for the potential of civil unrest and riots.

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Activist: Depictions of Jesus Are “White Supremacy” and People Should “Tear Them Down”

Shaun King, a prominent civil rights activist, has told followers he believes that all depictions of Jesus which show him as white should be taken down.

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Why Changing CHAZ to CHOP Is Actually a Very Big Deal

The name change from the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) to the Capitol Hill Occupy Protests (CHOP) is actually far more significant than it seems.

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An Eye-Witness’s Shocking Account of What’s REALLY Happening During the Seattle Riots

An eye-witness from the Washington National Guard shares the shocking truth about what’s really going on during the Seattle riots and how the Capitol neighborhood was allowed to be taken over.

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

How Do You Prepare for a Revolution?

A lot of folks are pretty sure that a revolution is coming – and many people say it’s already here. So, how do you prepare for a modern-day insurrection?

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There’s an Actual Playbook for Everything Happening Right Now and the US Wrote It. But Who Is Using It Against Us?

Did you know there’s actually a playbook that encompasses all of the chaos going on in the US? There is and it’s an American one. Here’s the step we’re on right now – and who might be using our own psychological warfare guide to fan the flames of our pending societal collapse.

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Prepping & Survival

3 Reasons Why Prepared People Need Guns

Firearms are a vital part of your home and personal defense plans. As things devolve in our country, it’s important to understand why prepared people need guns.

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

RIOTS Are Coming to a City Near You: What You Need to Do RIGHT NOW

If you are living near the location of the riots, what should you be doing right now? Here are some tips from a survivor of the Ferguson riots.

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DPS Quietly Covers for Minneapolis PD, National Guard, After They Shoot Paint Rounds at Women on Their Porch

The Department of Public Safety quietly tried to cover for the MPD and the NG after video emerged of them screaming “Light them up” and shooting paint rounds at women standing on their own front porch

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Masks vs. No-Masks: Is This The New Symbol of Tribalism?

Masks have become symbolic in the United States and for some folks, whether or not you choose to wear one says a lot about you. Sometimes it says so much that an encounter ends in violence.

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Prepping & Survival

How to Prepare for What Comes Next

While it’s impossible to guess precisely what comes next, here’s what we can surmise from current events and how we can prepare for the future.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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