Search Results for: Selco – Page 25


WARNING: Armed Conflict in America Is a Turning Point. Are You Prepared?

We have reached a major turning point in the US. Armed conflict has broken out in the streets of America, both against law enforcement, and civilian against civilian. Are you prepared for this?

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Literal Battle Zones Are Erupting All Over America (WARNING: VIOLENT CONTENT)

Part of the “new normal” in America is violent battle zones erupting across the nation. We’re seeing full-on sieges that last for days, weeks, or even months.

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Here’s How a Cashless Society Would Affect Day to Day Life

A cashless society would dramatically affect everyday life and would allow an alarming amount of control to those who hold the electronic funds.

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Prepping & Survival

The Case for Air Rifles and Pistols

Since ammunition is getting difficult to find, consider that air rifles and pistols exercise the same fundamentals of marksmanship and can even be used for hunting.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

The Importance of Silent Self-Defense Weapons in Secluded Places

The more isolated and secluded you are, the more silent your choice of self-defense weapons needs to be. Here are some options to consider.

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The Preparedness Community’s Dangerous Failure of Imagination

Believing that unrest and violence can’t happen because you’re not in the city is one of the most dangerous failures of imagination in the preparedness community.

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MindsetPrepping & Survival

Survival Mindset: Know That YOU Are Worth Defending

Are you concerned that you don’t have what it takes to survive? Doubting yourself? Begin by realizing that you are worth defending. You are worth surviving.

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Prepping & Survival

There’s No Such Thing As “Without Rule of Law” – WROL vs. DROL

People involved in preparedness think that there will come a time when actions won’t have consequences. This is wrong. There is ALWAYS a rule of law.

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CommentaryHealth & Mindset

Mental Health and the Pandemic: What Preppers Need to Know

Even among those who prepare for interruptions in our day to day lives, the pandemic’s effect on mental health has been something many didn’t expect.

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Prepping & Survival

Building a Better Bug-Out Bag: You’re NOT Going on a Fun-Filled Camping Trip

Lots of folks have bug-out bags that seem like they’re setting off on a fun-filled camping trip, not fleeing for their lives. Here’s how to make a bug-out bag that works for YOU personally.

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Prepping & Survival

Dehydrated Blueberry Muffin Syndrome: Survival Isn’t Always Comfortable

Many preppers refuse to fathom a life in which they won’t have time or facilities to bake a batch of muffins. We call this Dehydrated Blueberry Muffin Syndrome.

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Here’s How COVID Is Affecting the Food Supply

Prices are going up and shelves are still bare. But why? Here’s what we know about how COVID and the lockdowns are really affecting the food supply.

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Prepping & SurvivalSurvival Stories

Here’s What 75 Preppers Learned During the Lockdown

The recent pandemic lockdown was like a practice run for a bigger SHTF event. In this article, preppers share some of the lessons they learned.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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