Search Results for: Selco – Page 24


911 Goes Down Across the Country: Was This a TEST?

Nationwide outages of disparate 911 services have a lot of people wondering – was this a test of our emergency response systems?

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What’s the Conflict Between Greece and Turkey All About?

If things between Greece and Turkey don’t cool down, a European/Mediterranean war will ensue. Here’s some background on what’s actually going on over there.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

Here’s Why Biogas May Be the Best Fuel for Preppers

Biogas is reasonably easy to produce, environmentally safe, and is made from readily available resources, making it an excellent choice for preppers.

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Notes from Daisy

A Personal Letter to Stressed Out Preppers Who Are TIRED of This Apocalypse

In 2020, we’ve had a pandemic, riots, shortages, unemployment, and economic collapse. So many things have proven preppers right that it’s positively exhausting.

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Books & EntertainmentPrepping & SurvivalSelco

As Things Devolve, Here’s Why Understanding the Brutal Reality of the SHTF Could Save Your Life

When the SHTF, it’s essential to adapt quickly to the new reality you’re facing. And to do that, you need the brutal truth about exactly how horrific it can be.

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CommentarySurvival Stories

A Terrifying Eye-Witness Account of the Kenosha Riots: “Everyone in the city was getting ready for a war.”

The residents of Kenosha who stood their ground were completely on their own against the mobs rampaging through their neighborhoods. Help was NOT on the way. Here’s one woman’s account of the terrifying siege.

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Our System Is Crumbling Right In Front of Our Eyes

From the economy to the justice system to the infrastructure, our system is crumbling in ways that could completely change the United States of America.

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Prepping & Survival

Sometimes Survival Is Not About WHAT You Know – It’s About WHO You Know

People can be resources, even if they aren’t members of your immediate community. Being the person who always “knows someone” is something anyone can work on.

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Prepping & Survival

The 5 R’s: These Strategies Are Essential for Resilience

Whether you are new to prepping or have been doing it for some time, these 5 strategies are sure to help you build the resilience you are aiming for.

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Prepping & Survival

Escalation of Force: How to Choose the Appropriate Response to Potential Violence

Have you thought about how you would respond to threats of violence? The appropriate escalation of force can keep you safe and out of prison.

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These People Want to Convince Everyone That Looting Is A-Okay

Some folks are trying to tell us all why looting is not just okay, but actually awesome and just. They don’t understand that one day, people WILL protect their property. And then things will REALLY get ugly.

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Prepping & Survival

How to Survive When You’re the Target of an Angry Mob

What would you do if you were the target of an angry mob? Learn to read what is happening and make a plan of action to survive this type of violence.

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Prepping & Survival

The 7 Pillars of Urban Preparedness

Preparedness is just part of the roof of resilience. The Seven Pillars are designed to be the strong foundational pillars upon which it is supported. Here are what these pillars are and some actionable items.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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