Search Results for: venezuela – Page 22

Prepping & Survival

How (and When) to Prepare for the NEXT Lockdown

As the time for the lockdown to end draws near, reflect on what you learned and what you need to do before the next lockdown rolls around. Because it’s not a matter of if, but when.

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Prepping & Survival

The Truth About Neighbors, Coworkers, & Friends in Survival Situations

There’s a lot to learn about the folks just outside our inner circles – neighbors, co-workers, extended families, and friends – when it comes to survival situations.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

WARNING: This Video Shows How Far Those in Power Will Go to Maintain Control of a Quarantine

This shocking video shows exactly how far those in power will go to maintain control of a quarantine. Are you prepared for desperate measures?

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

Think the Government Will Save You? Puerto Ricans Find Warehouse FULL of Emergency Supplies Stashed Since Hurricane Maria

Think the government will save you? Puerto Ricans just found a warehouse FULL of emergency supplies stashed since Hurricane Maria and never distributed.

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Prepping & Survival

USE&E: The Most Important Skills and Gear Might Not Be What You’d Expect

The most important skills and supplies for Urban Survival Escape & Evasion may not be what you expect. It isn’t fighting, weapons, or escaping restraints.

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Prepping & Survival

Meet Urban Survival, Escape, & Evasion Instructor Terry Trahan

Our newest contributor has lived an extraordinary life. His experiences will broaden our horizons within the scope of violence, personal safety, and mindset.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

When Your Partner Is Not a Prepper

If your partner isn’t on board with prepping, it can make getting prepared a lot more difficult. And when the SHTF, will you be able to work together?

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

How to Survive the EXTREME Stress and Despair of SHTF

You may feel stress every day but when the SHTF, your stress will peak at entirely new levels. Here’s how to handle an extended period of constant worry.

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Prepping & Survival

How to Communicate Sensitive Information: Old School Spycraft Skills & Secret Communications Systems

Wondering how to communicate sensitive information completely off the grid? Check out these old school spycraft skills and secret communication methods.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

What Preppers Can Learn from the Riots in Chile

Based on what I have learned after living through SHTF in Venezuela, I want to provide you with a few pieces of important advice for anyone facing such turmoil.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

What’s REALLY Behind the Civil Unrest in Chile?

Someone is organizing those vagrants. There is someone behind providing drugs. Weapons. Someone telling when to attack what. This is not a spontaneous protest.

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55 Ways to Starve the Beast

Big Agri, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Food, Big Banking, Big Oil, and Big Government form a Beast that seeks to control us. Here’s how to fight back and starve the Beast.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

6 Warning Signs That Civil Unrest Is IMMINENT

Civilian turmoil can happen so suddenly that the only option you will have is to bug in. Here’s how to recognize signs of impending civil disorder.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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