Search Results for: Selco – Page 22

Prepping & Survival

Things Are Hard Right Now, But You’re Going to Be Okay

Has the stress of current events begun to make you feel hopeless? Are you worried about the future? I know things look pretty bad right now, but here’s why I believe that you’re going to be okay.

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Prepping & Survival

No Money? 9 Ways to Prep for FREE (or Almost Free)

Want to get prepped but you don’t have any extra money kicking around? Don’t worry – there are still a LOT of things you can do. Here are 9 ways to become better prepared that are either free or almost free.

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Prepping & Survival

STRANDED: Sheltering at Your Workplace When Going Home Is NOT An Option

Recent events have made a lot of people realize that they could find themselves stranded at the office overnight due to unrest or natural disasters. Here’s how to get prepared.

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Prepping & Survival

How Prepared Are You REALLY? The Prepper’s Objective Self-Assessment

When is the last time you objectively assessed your preparedness level? It’s time for a totally honest and even brutal assessment of yourself and your preps.

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Prepping & Survival

The Uncensored, Real-Deal Guide to Bugging Out of the City

As tensions continue to rise around the world, we’re about to see more and more people fleeing from the cities. Let’s cut through all the nonsense and terrible advice and get real about bugging out.

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Prepping & Survival

Here’s How to Prep for 2021

2021 isn’t going to magically be better, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep prepping! You just need to be more strategic and prepare in different ways. Here are some realistic New Year’s resolutions for preppers.

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Prepping & Survival

The Fine Art of Bribery

Bribery sounds like a horrible thing to do, but there are situations that call for behaviors in which you wouldn’t normally participate. It could save your life one day.

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CommentaryOpinionPandemic Watch

How Many Times Are the “Facts” About COVID Going to Change?

How many times are the “facts” about COVID going to change? What are we to believe? How do we make informed decisions about our health? Is it even possible to make decisions in this uncertain environment?

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Survival Stories

Luck? Chance? Miracles? Willpower? The Mysterious Common Thread in Extreme Survival Stories

Luck? Chance? That is one factor of survival. But, there is something more. Something that is beyond our limited comprehension, let alone our control. Look at the common thread in these unimaginable survival stories.

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How the Covid Response Has DESTROYED the Personal Finances of Americans

It isn’t just the virus that has caused our financial woes – it’s the response to the virus. Nearly every family is feeling the effects to some degree.

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BLACK FRIDAY: Shop Small Businesses with These Gifts for Preppers

Here’s how you can support small businesses, your favorite websites, authors, artisans, and locals this year when you do your Black Friday shopping.

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How (and Why) to Support Small Businesses This Christmas

Here’s how you can support small businesses, your favorite websites, authors, artisans, and local folks this year when you do your Christmas shopping.

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Prepping & Survival

How to Survive a Mass Shooting

What would you do if you were in a public place and suddenly heard gunshots? Would you freeze or take action? Here’s how to survive a mass shooting.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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