Search Results for: venezuela – Page 21


Here’s How a Cashless Society Would Affect Day to Day Life

A cashless society would dramatically affect everyday life and would allow an alarming amount of control to those who hold the electronic funds.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

The Importance of Silent Self-Defense Weapons in Secluded Places

The more isolated and secluded you are, the more silent your choice of self-defense weapons needs to be. Here are some options to consider.

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The Preparedness Community’s Dangerous Failure of Imagination

Believing that unrest and violence can’t happen because you’re not in the city is one of the most dangerous failures of imagination in the preparedness community.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

CLARITY: An Insider Looks Back at the Fall of Venezeula

Looking back on the past, no matter how rough it was, has its advantages. Lessons from the past can be learned and used to prepare for the future.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

Alternative Transportation When the SHTF: Bicycle With a Pushcart

What would you do if you had no means of transportation during a disaster? This article shows you how to modify a bicycle using common materials.

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Here’s How COVID Is Affecting the Food Supply

Prices are going up and shelves are still bare. But why? Here’s what we know about how COVID and the lockdowns are really affecting the food supply.

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Jose from VenezuelaSurvival Stories

An Average Day in the Life of a Refugee

What’s it like living as a refugee? In this article, Jose shares how he and his son spend their days in a tiny apartment without hot water or a kitchen.

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Jose from VenezuelaSelf-Reliance & Skills

A Prepper’s Guide to Biogas as an Alternative Fuel

What will you do if there’s no access to gasoline? For some, biogas may be a good alternative – and it can be made from things that normally go to waste.

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Jose from Venezuela

Planning: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

As a prepper, you must be prepared to see even your best-laid plans go awry.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

Social Media and OPSEC: How Much Information Are You Giving Away?

Have you ever stopped to think about how much information you might be giving away on social media? These tips will help you keep your OPSEC tight.

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

How Do You Prepare for a Revolution?

A lot of folks are pretty sure that a revolution is coming – and many people say it’s already here. So, how do you prepare for a modern-day insurrection?

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There’s an Actual Playbook for Everything Happening Right Now and the US Wrote It. But Who Is Using It Against Us?

Did you know there’s actually a playbook that encompasses all of the chaos going on in the US? There is and it’s an American one. Here’s the step we’re on right now – and who might be using our own psychological warfare guide to fan the flames of our pending societal collapse.

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Jose from VenezuelaSelf-Reliance & Skills

Soap Shortages: Here’s How to Stay Clean

Soap has been in short supply in Venezuela for quite some time and we could similar shortages here. These tips will help you stay clean in the event of soap shortages

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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