Search Results for: Selco – Page 21

Prepping & Survival

Here’s How 30 Preppers Have Adapted and What They Foresee Happening Next

One of the major components of preparedness is adaptability. Here’s how 30 preppers have adapted to our current situation and what they foresee in the near future.

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Jose from VenezuelaSurvival Stories

Are You REALLY Prepared to Bug Out on Foot? Heed This Cautionary Tale of a Deadly Desert Crossing

Have you ever considered bugging out on foot? If so, heed this cautionary tale of people who set out to cross one of the world’s most dangerous deserts while completely unprepared.

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Prepping & Survival

These Small Yet Vital Things Can Help You Survive the SHTF With Your Sanity Intact

The importance of keeping spirits high and a sense of sanity under distress is a constant in survival chronicles and for a good reason. Mindset can change everything.

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Prepping & Survival

How to Prep in Short-Term Locations

Prepping looks a lot different when you are in a temporary location, traveling, or living in an RV/van but it can – and should – still be done. Here’s how.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

Here’s How Fast and Brutally Migrants and Locals Can Turn Against Each Other

When a migrant was murdered by a local, the media didn’t say a word. But a video of the event was shared on social media. And then the retaliation began.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

SCAMMERS Find a New Way to Rip Off Desperate People in a Collapse

During an economic crisis, someone will always figure out a way to make a living ripping off struggling, desperate people. Here’s a unique scam occurring in Venezuela.

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How Do You Adapt When the Rules Are Constantly Changing?

Constantly changing numbers and stats make it difficult to discern truth from fiction. It can be difficult to adapt when the rules are always changing.

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Prepping & Survival

How Familiar Are You REALLY with Your Survival Equipment?

Even knowledgeable people can forget the basics at times. Ensure you are familiar with your essential equipment so you can use it comfortably in an emergency.

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How to Survive “Cancel Culture” When You Have Unpopular Opinions

In this era of cancel culture, don’t willingly compromise your future. Stop engaging with the sharks. Allocate your time to beneficial activities.

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Prepping & Survival

HOMELESS: What We Can Learn About Survival from Life on the Streets

If the SHTF, the homeless may be better equipped to survive than the rest of the population who depend on the grid. Here are lessons we can learn from life on the streets.

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MindsetPrepping & Survival

ANYONE Can Use These 2 Powerful Preparedness Tools Today

Using these tools assures you that you are as prepared as possible and helps to manage the stress and anxiety around survival scenarios.

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Prepping & Survival

RESILIENCE: Here’s How Prepping HAS to Change

Preppers shouldn’t just amass supplies and expect that to save them. Instead, we should focus on building the resilience to withstand the unexpected. The future looks to be anything but predictable.

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Books & EntertainmentPrepping & Survival

This Is The Survival Book That EVERYONE Should Have in Physical Format

With times being as tense as they are right now, there are some books you just need a physical copy of and this is one of them. It’s even been called “an encyclopedia of survival.” Check out this video review.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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