Search Results for: venezuela – Page 19

Jose from VenezuelaSelf-Reliance & Skills

5 Essential Homestead Machines to Have When the SHTF

These simple yet essential homestead machines will reduce your physical workload when the SHTF.

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Are You Suffering from Situational Bias? Be HONEST.

Situational bias is a cognitive bias that can cause some people to believe that their unique skills, level of preparedness, or location make them immune to the disasters that may befall others. Be honest…is it possible that you might be suffering from this bias yourself?

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Microchips Are the “Brains” of Every Electronic Device in the World and They’re Becoming Scarce

Everything that requires a microchip could soon become unrepairable…this includes your car, anything with “smart” tech, and your computer.

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Jose from VenezuelaSelf-Reliance & Skills

A Child of the Apocalypse

Children who come of age during extremely difficult times must grow up fast and learn very different lessons than kids from other circumstances.

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Hundreds of COVID POSITIVE Immigrants Released into the U.S. While Americans Are Urged to “Stay Home”

While part of the country tentatively reopens, Americans in many areas are still urged to “stay home.” Meanwhile, hundreds of COVID POSITIVE migrants are released into the US.

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MindsetPrepping & Survival

Americans Aren’t Experiencing REAL Shortages Yet. We’re Just Living with Limited Options

Americans are experiencing limited options, not shortages. The sooner you adapt to limitations, the better off you will be when true shortages occur. Here’s how to handle the differences in the supply chain.

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Jose from VenezuelaSurvival Stories

Are You REALLY Prepared to Bug Out on Foot? Heed This Cautionary Tale of a Deadly Desert Crossing

Have you ever considered bugging out on foot? If so, heed this cautionary tale of people who set out to cross one of the world’s most dangerous deserts while completely unprepared.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

Here’s How Fast and Brutally Migrants and Locals Can Turn Against Each Other

When a migrant was murdered by a local, the media didn’t say a word. But a video of the event was shared on social media. And then the retaliation began.

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EconomyPrepping & Survival

This Diary from the Great Depression Is Like Reading a Modern-Day Newsfeed

Reading the diary of a middle-class professional and family man hit directly by the economic devastation of the Great Depression feels uncannily like reading a modern-day newsfeed.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

SCAMMERS Find a New Way to Rip Off Desperate People in a Collapse

During an economic crisis, someone will always figure out a way to make a living ripping off struggling, desperate people. Here’s a unique scam occurring in Venezuela.

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Prepping & Survival

Here’s Why a Bicycle Might be the Ultimate SHTF Transportation

What is the ultimate SHTF vehicle? You can find all sorts of fancy bug-out vehicles out there, but here’s why you should consider the humble bicycle.

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Prepping & Survival

RESILIENCE: Here’s How Prepping HAS to Change

Preppers shouldn’t just amass supplies and expect that to save them. Instead, we should focus on building the resilience to withstand the unexpected. The future looks to be anything but predictable.

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

An Ominous Sign: Americans Have Begun STEALING FOOD to Survive

You know the US economy has gotten really bad when Americans who never would have contemplated shoplifting before are stealing food to survive.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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