Search Results for: venezuela – Page 18

Jose from Venezuela

Bartering: Could You Live Without Money?

What would a society without money look like? A lot of folks are experiencing just that on the heels of an economic collapse…and they’re coming up with many creative solutions. What skills or assets would you have in such a situation?

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Are Attack Drones the Next Global Arms Race?

Are attack drones the warfare of the future? Could we expect facial recognition-equipped swarm drones to be used against political opponents? What if you read content that is not politically sanitized? Where does it end?

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

EXTREME VIOLENCE: All Hell Breaks Loose in South Africa

Violent protests have erupted in South Africa at a level not seen since the Apartheid Regime. Fabian shares the story of a friend caught in the middle of this SHTF and points out valuable lessons we can all learn from this type of situation.

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What Would a World Without Personal Property Look Like?

Within the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, the mantra has come out that by the year 2030, “you’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.” Here’s what that world without personal property might look like.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

How People Survive (Or Not) in a Collapsed Economy

What’s life like in a collapsed economy? Here’s a glimpse into the day-to-day matters of surviving when your country undergoes financial disaster.

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Prepping & Survival


It may seem like another mundane, everyday crime occurrence, but there are 9 important survival lessons we can learn from an extensive manhunt.

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Jose from Venezuela

Inspiring Stories of People Who Realized You MUST ADAPT to Survive an Economic Collapse

An economic collapse brings with it great challenges and not everyone will make it through them. Here are some inspiring stories about people who were able to adapt to survive.

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Prepping & Survival

I Took a Hardcore Wilderness Survival Course. Here’s What I Learned About the Personal Aspect of Survival

Fabian recently took part in an advanced wilderness survival course with ex-military members. He learned the personal aspect is as important as the actual skills in many cases.

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WATER EMERGENCY ALERT is Issued as Brazil is Facing Drought

It’s not just the US that is facing drought and famine. Dryer than normal weather and lack of rain has Brazil facing drought. Brazil’s energy matrix, food production and exports could all suffer.

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

The SHTF Ripple Effect: How the Big Picture Affects Your Small Picture

It’s nice to think that collapses happening in other parts of the world – or the country – are confined to their area, but there is a ripple effect that could very well affect YOU.

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

Skills I Never Expected I’d Have to Learn

Preppers know how valuable knowledge is. Learning new skills, even those we never expected to have to learn, adds to our self-reliance.

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EMPLOYMENT: Here’s How the Pandemic Has Changed the Job Market

The pandemic and response to it have made dramatic changes to the job market. Here’s a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of employment in America.

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Prepping & Survival

The 4 Levels of Disasters (And How to Prepare for Each One)

There are four different levels of disasters, from personal emergencies to full-on SHTF end-of-the-world stuff. The good news is you can prep for each one.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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