Search Results for: Selco – Page 18

Prepping & Survival

5 Big Problems With Your Primitive Fishing Game and How to Solve Them

When it comes to fishing for your survival, the stakes are high. Here are 5 mistakes and the solutions to help you improve your primitive fishing game.

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Prepping & Survival

The Rules of Surviving a Black Market Economy

This is a brilliant article by Fabian. Preppers love to talk about trade and barter, but the more likely case, especially in a slow-burning economic disaster like what we’re seeing across America now, a black market economy is far more likely – and is in fact already here.

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How Data Manipulation Is Used to Support the Desired Narratives

Data manipulation has been used for years to support the desired narratives of those who want to control perceptions. Here are the questions we should be asking.

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The Looming Economic Collapse in the US Could Spark Historic SHTF

Crashes in less influential countries than the US have caused major SHTF in the past. Imagine the devastation if the world’s largest economy crashes. Fabian talks about the looming economic collapse and how it could spark the biggest SHTF of our era. 

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Is the US About to Experience a Massive Shortage of Healthcare Workers?

For years there has been a shortage of healthcare workers in the US. With mandates being put in place, are those shortages about to escalate?

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Are We Headed for a Full-On FAMINE? Fires, Drought, and Foreign Entities Buying Farms and Food Processing Plants

Are we headed for a full-on famine? Between fires, droughts, and foreign entities buying American farmland and food processing plants, things are looking worrisome. It’s time to get stocked up and make a plan to ride this out.

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ChildrenPrepping & Survival

The Importance of Teaching Children to Become Resilient

Teaching children to become resilient is a gift that will serve them well during difficulties they face during their lives. Here are some tips to help your kids become mentally stronger.

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Jose from Venezuela

Bartering: Could You Live Without Money?

What would a society without money look like? A lot of folks are experiencing just that on the heels of an economic collapse…and they’re coming up with many creative solutions. What skills or assets would you have in such a situation?

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Prepping & Survival

What Can We Learn From How the Super-Rich Prepare for SHTF?

Did you ever wonder how the super-rich prep for SHTF? The millionaires, billionaires, politicians, and aristocrats? They may be wealthy, but they’re also human and have many of the same fears as the rest of us. Here’s what we can learn from how they prepare.

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CommentaryPrepping & Survival

EXTREME VIOLENCE: All Hell Breaks Loose in South Africa

Violent protests have erupted in South Africa at a level not seen since the Apartheid Regime. Fabian shares the story of a friend caught in the middle of this SHTF and points out valuable lessons we can all learn from this type of situation.

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Is the FBI Trying to Create a New Generation of “Hitler Youth” or What?

A Tweet from the FBI is reminiscent of the days of Hitler Youth and the Third Reich, asking citizens to report any relative, coworker, or friend who might be “engaging in suspicious behavior.”

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Jose from VenezuelaPrepping & Survival

How People Survive (Or Not) in a Collapsed Economy

What’s life like in a collapsed economy? Here’s a glimpse into the day-to-day matters of surviving when your country undergoes financial disaster.

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Prepping & Survival

Real Life Escape and Evasion: Lessons from 20 Days on the Run

If, for some reason, you had to go on the run for nearly three weeks, would you know how to survive and evade capture? Here are some real-life lessons to consider.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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