Search Results for: Selco – Page 17


The Communist Invasion of America Has Been Quietly Going On Since 1933

It may seem like some distant philosophy, but the seeds for a communist invasion have been planted in America for generations: in our education system, in our legal system, and in our political system.

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What Does “Lowering Expectations” Really Mean, and What Does It Have to do with Prepping?

Being able to adjust and even lower expectations to meet the twists and changes that are part of life means being flexible and resilient. If the concept inspires anger, perhaps you’ll find this article food for thought.

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ChildrenPrepping & Survival

What to Put in a Bug-Out Bag for Toddlers

Disasters take a huge toll on everyone. Imagine how kids feel! Having a bug-out bag for toddlers will help give your little ones a sense of security.

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CommentaryJose from Venezuela

Did Venezuela’s State-Owned Bank Collapse?

The Venezuelan banking system has been shut down and they’re blaming it on technical problems. But many people are wondering, did the state-owned bank actually just collapse?

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Prepping & Survival

15 Common Dynamics of SHTF Collapses

When it comes to how we prep for SHTF, thinking in terms of “real” and “probable” can make a big difference. Here are 15 dynamics common to collapses.

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The Advantage of Being Underestimated

Being underestimated can feel incredibly frustrating, but, the secret is, it can also be a tremendous advantage if you’re up against a superior force.

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Health & Mindset

12 First Aid Myths That Could Cause More Harm Than Good (VIDEO)

There is a LOT of terrible medical advice out there on the internet. In this video, two paramedics discuss 12 potentially dangerous – or even deadly – first aid myths.

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Here Are Some Things You CAN Control in an Out-of-Control World

When the world seems so completely out of control, it’s important to get a handle on the things you can. Here are some things within your control right now.

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These Countries Have an INTERNET KILL SWITCH (and They Admit It)

Does the US have an internet kill switch? You bet your sweet buttons we do. What do you think would happen if the President deemed it necessary, for “national security,” to flip that switch?

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Prepping & Survival

Secrets of a Professional Bodyguard: How to Stay Safe in a Crowd

Daisy interviewed a professional bodyguard to discover his secrets for keeping high-profile targets safe in crowds. These tips can help us stay safe in crowded environments during tense times.

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Cash Will Be King When the SHTF (Unless It’s Totally Mad Max)

Cash will be king when the SHTF unless it’s a full-on Mad Max scenario or an extinction-level event. Here’s a cash strategy for preppers.

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2nd Amendment

A Cautionary Tale: How Gun Control Played Out in Nazi Germany

For all of those Americans who are certain that gun control and confiscation could NEVER occur in the USA, here’s a cautionary history lesson from Nazi Germany. Does any of this seem familiar?

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Books & Entertainment


Get $90 worth of PDF books for only $30! They will cost more in the future. This is your last chance to grab 10 titles for only $3 per book!

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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