Some of the Most Outrageous USAID Expenditures So Far

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency), led by Elon Musk, is making waves as it goes through government accounts to cut outrageous spending that has long affected Washington, DC.

Today, we’ll look at just one of the agencies DOGE is auditing: USAID. (United States Agency for International Development)

This agency has had to provide no accountability for decades. Despite the benevolent name, it isn’t just out there helping poor children in third-world countries access clean water.

In fact, this agency has been downright malicious in its efforts to control world media and to spread its agenda globally. It’s absolute madness.

And please remember, this is an agency funded by our tax dollars.

Below, find just a few of the wild expenditures.

Let’s DEI the whole world

Many of the expenditures have gone to make the rest of the world more DEI and LBGTQ-friendly.

  • $1.5 million to “advance diversity equity and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities”
  • $70,000 for production of a “DEI musical” in Ireland
  • $47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia
  • $32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru
  • $2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala
  • $16 million in funding for institutional contractors in gender development offices

Promoting the climate change agenda

  • $4 million of funding for the Center for Climate-Positive Development
  • $2.5 million for electric vehicles for Vietnam

Weird money to send to other countries

  • $6 million to fund tourism in Egypt
  • $12 million in support services to the Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security
  • $6 million in non-emergency funding for redundant administrative supports for the Center of Excellence
  • $3 million in non-emergency funding to provide evaluation services for planning and learning programs
  • A 2006 archived USAID website proudly claims the agency “supported” revolutions in Ukraine, Georgia, Lebanon, and Kyrgyzstan.
  • USAID gave $68,000,000 to the World Economic Forum…

Global health agendas

  • Millions to EcoHealth Alliance — which was involved in research at the Wuhan lab
  • $37 million to the World Health Organization
  • $600,000 to fund technical assistance for family planning in Latin America
  • Funding to print “personalized” contraceptives birth control devices in developing countries

Directly funding terrorist groups that are enemies of the US

  • Hundreds of thousands of dollars for a non-profit linked to designated terrorist organizations — even AFTER an inspector general launched an investigation
  • “Hundreds of thousands of meals that went to al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria”
  • Hundreds of millions of dollars to fund “irrigation canals, farming equipment, and even fertilizer used to support the unprecedented poppy cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan,” benefiting the Taliban
  • $50 million to fund condoms in Gaza

George Soros…yes, that George Soros

  • $270 million to the East-West Management Institute, an organization partnered with George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, in the last 15 years, according to data from
  • Funding programs including judicial reform, legal aid, and rule of law initiatives in countries like Albania, Armenia, Cambodia, and Georgia
  • ​​​​​​​The Anti-Corruption Action Centre, another Soros-backed entity, also lists USAID as its largest donor, providing 20.7% of its funding

Influencing national and worldwide media

Honestly, now it seems like everyone is Pravda.

USAID has been using these funds to provide training and support to “strengthen independent media,” including large media organizations and smaller or individual media sources operating under “repressive conditions.” (Hey, some of us independent media folks here at home are being repressed!)

  • Reporters Without Borders (RSF) revealed that USAID funded 6,200 journalists, 707 non-state media outlets, and 279 media-focused NGOs in more than 30 countries in 2023.
  • $8.2 million to Politico for “pro memberships”
  • BBC
  • The 2025 budget allocated $268.4 million to support “independent media and the free flow of information”
  • The New York Times received tens of millions, primarily awarded via the US Dept of Health and Human Services and the National Science Foundation (Just in case you wondered why they pimped the Covid vax so enthusiastically)
  • AP and Reuters also received millions in funds
  • Multimillion dollar investments in Hungarian news to promote “a free press”

So all that time, folks like us were being accused of peddling conspiracy theories (that were later proven true), being defunded, and being discredited can be traced directly back to our own government. The “fact checks,” the “hit pieces,” and “expert opinions were bought and paid for by the government. And for the record, RFK Jr has been telling us this for several years.

This is state-sponsored propaganda, plain and simple. And you can expect the “mainstream media” to scramble and say that none of this is true or we don’t understand. Everything on the first four pages of Google is articles excusing the expenditures or trying to “debunk” these claims.

We came so close to losing our country forever.

I firmly believe that had our new administration not begun investigating all this, we’d have been lost as a free country with free speech and free media. We came centimeters away from losing it all, forever.

This list is by no means comprehensive and you can expect to see many more shocking revelations of where our tax dollars have been going. If you’re not outraged, you are suffering from such cognitive dissonance that can never be cured.

What do you think about all this? Did you realize how much was being spent on propaganda, DEI, climate change, and influencing other countries?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section.


KUTV news

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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52 Responses

  1. This is absolutely disgraceful. The media has been bought and paid for which is why Trump labels them as enemies of the state. They have lied to us again and again.

  2. I’ve heard of some of these here and there over the years. Lately I’ve heard of many of these you posted… however seeming this list in one place is eye opening! Thanks for sharing~

    1. Yes! The week after Biden was installed, the military reduced training & had to take classes on how to look at their brother/sister in arms as an individual (counterintuitive to what they are taught the second they get off the boot camp bus).

      Enlistment is now at an all time high. Our Airman daughter just told us that the VA is behind 300,000 claims due to Biden’s regime. Absolutely disgusting & laughable.

      1. Yes Jennifo, instead of a rainbow drag queen military armed with nothing more than non-binary gender pronouns and Unicorn Farts.

        We will be going back to the basics. A color blind, merit based military focused on lethality against the enemy instead of being focused on angst about white privilege, CRT and DEI race gender quotas. The Biden puppet’s sole intention was to destroy the USA and make it an easy target for our enemies. Donald Trump is reversing all of this treason against this country.

        1. Yes and lets hope our forces will only be deployed for our protection and welfare and no longer for MIC and banker wars.

  3. Until just recently I had no idea what USAID was funding; it’s appalling. I pray the entire operation is shut down immediately and all staff laid off. I’ve read that most countries receiving this “aid” didn’t want what was being provided in the first place. And re condoms in Gaza, evidently many got used for arson balloons to set fires in Israeli fields and woods. And evidently the IDF has found all sorts of stuff in Lebanon provided by USAID that went to Hezbollah. So yeah, we’re funding terrorists.

  4. You are so absolutely right. We did almost lose our free country. The questions now are: can we eliminate these expenditures and can we keep this from happening again before this administration is done? The extreme left got such a strangle hold on so many things in this country. I know so many people who were “misinformed” and “misled”. Lord, I thank you for opening our eyes and protecting us from ourselves, continue to lead us to keep this country free and established on Your principles.

  5. Now we know who was paying for all the protestors everywhere we turned.

    It has been fun to watch all the tantrums & pretend outrage.

  6. Daisy, you are so right. We almost lost our government. George Washington told us, “The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury.” Sounds like the Biden crime family and the rest of the government. Expose them all, regardless of party affiliation.

  7. And I love it that it’s all coming to light.

    Daily, I watch congresspeople and senators gather in the streets absolutely rabid, screaming and making threats against our existing administration to whatever news media will give them a microphone. The deep state has been found out and the days of lining their pockets with easy money is quickly coming to an end.

    But I want some accountability. Follow that money back and find out just whose pockets it landed in.
    I would love to see some indictments in the not too distant future.

  8. Ho hum. Every day – Another embezzling department outed, another 100 billion grabbed from the circling drain of multilevel money laundering corruption. Another list of commie NGO’s and fake news orgs going out of business.

    Are we tired of winning yet?

    Now if only I can talk my wife and her family off the window ledge… it’s gonna be OK.

    1. When they find out who approved this they should make him pay 90% of his income as reparations until this stolen money is paid back.

  9. These days, the headlines bring one delight after another. But I wont be satisfied until I see a perp walk with the one crook who did NOT get a retroactive pardon from Biden — The Big Guy himself, Chief Crook Joe Biden.

      1. Horse, just because Biden’s crack head son Hunter has been pardoned, it doesn’t mean he can’t be called in to testify against the Big Guy, And if Biden gets charged, arrested and found guilty doesn’t that render all of his pardons null and void. And how the mighty have fallen.

  10. Under bomma I read a while back the USA paid about 4 billion for the *revolution* that
    removed the legit president of ukraine and installed.. a comedian, seriously
    That midget is a bad comedian/singer/actor.
    He grew up not poor but close, now his parents have a small mansion in israel that we likely paid for.

    1. Horse: We did not install the comedian in Ukraine. If anything, the 2014 Maiden Revolution didn’t go the way the CIA/USAID wanted it to go—they wanted a government that would continue to pay off the Biden crime family, instead they got a government that started to clean up the corruption left behind by seven decades of Soviet occupation. The comedian, who was already independently wealthy, was openly elected in 2019 with a promise to continue cleaning up that corruption.

      As for the “legit government”, it too was installed by Russian corruption and election meddling. When the Maiden Revolution happened, they promptly fled back to the home country of Russia. So much for being Ukrainian.

      The Russian (Soviet really, because Putin is a communist apparatchik) invasion started in 2014 hoping that a low-level war would topple the weak Ukrainian government. But it failed, so the Russians tried a blitzkrieg in 2022 that has now gone on for three years. The European NATO members are slowly waking up that the Soviet invasion is ultimately aimed at them, so they are starting to arm up, but is it too little, too late? As a group, the Europeans have supplied more aid to Ukraine than has the U.S.

      USAID is probably behind much of the propaganda supporting the Russian side of the war—whispering in the ears of the right while openly persuading the left their side of the story. Look at who they fund. It isn’t independent sites like this one.

  11. Like you say, all of our “Conspiracy Theories” are coming true. When Orban in Hungary says that it’s the U.S. that is sponsoring the protests, and attempted “colour” revolution in his country – he’s right. When Georgia says that the attempted overthrow of their government is being funded by the U.S. they aren’t kidding. When Russia says that the 2014 coup in Ukraine that has led to our present situation was engineered U.S. sponsored agencies we should probably pay attention.

    Condoms in Garza is a big enough waste of our money, but when you look at the money that has been spent influencing or even overthrowing sovereign, legitimate governments it’s no wonder the world is in the situation that we find ourselves in. I just don’t think that Trump has a big enough broom, or enough time to be able to clean up the mess that the “deep state” has created over the last few decades.

    1. I don’t think he can get it all cleaned up in four years either. Who could? But I have hopes that JD Vance will be up for it in the next four years.

  12. We sent vast sums of taxpayer money to the WEF and George Soros…so they could all get together in swanky meetings and plan our control and demise? Whoever is behind those decisions needs to be exposed and do jail time.

  13. I am Catholic, have NEVER donated to Catholic Charites and stopped donating to an actual Catholic Parish in over a decade, because I had this feeling that they were involved in some shady stuff. Not all of them but most, and have seen up close in person what these “charities” do with the money. I also know there was some program in Houston, where I moved from over 8 years ago, called Acorn, and they were going around giving gift cards at the homeless shelters and bus stops , to sign up people to vote for obummer. This Acorn program was also funded by USAID, if I am not mistaken. I figured that these “programs ” were bilking the American People out of their hard earned money and funding some weirdo stuff. I actually took some economic courses and saw the US Debt Clock and was shocked. They were literally giving money to “Hookers for Jesus” which is sacrilege. Also money for planned parenthood, or should I say Planned killings. I get pissed off every time I think of this waste and our tax money going to these programs. Go Elon and DOGE. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better, but this economy has to get straightened out and I believe we’re going to go through a really rough 6 months to a year. And the globalist elite scum of the earth and their puppets are going to stop at nothing to not be exposed.

  14. Watching the panic of those in the government as DOGE exposes the fraud, waste and abuse has been a delight. This is the kind of action we have been wanting to see for years. Not just talk but real action. I want to see investigations of who knew what, when, why and who signed off on this fraud. And I want to see people held accountable.
    Yes, this was in fact the most important election of our times. And it is proving results for the better for the people.

    1. You won’t see anybody held accountable. It’s just not possible. I mean, what would happen with most of the Democratic Party in jail?

      1. You are wrong The Lone Canadian.
        Hang just a few of the worse offenders and the rest will fall in line.
        I am of course speaking rhetorically about hanging them

    2. 1stMarineJarHead public shaming of the worse offenders should torpedo their careers in politics.
      Putting names on the worse abuses will work that sunlight on cockroaches.
      And definitely some should end up in jail.
      Brandon Johnson, Gavin Newsom, J.B. Pritzker and the rest of the sanctuary state governors should all be in jail. I have my money on Brandon Johnson being the first one to go to jail.

  15. Truly disgraceful and pork barrel special interest at its worse. Especially giving money to George Soros affiliate organizations. Add the money we spend to fund United Nations this money could solve so many problems like homelessness, and care for veterans to name a couple.

  16. And now we see the first articles of impeachment being drawn up for this administration. They are running scared. Impeachment no longer means anything, and they’ll do anything they can to stop Trump’s eye-opening revelation of where our money is truly going.

  17. I think it’s hilarious how the libs and demos are screaming bloody murder.
    I wonder how much they will lose in kickbacks. Of course we can’t leave the RINOs out of this.
    I say good riddance to bad rubbish.

  18. We need to urge our congresscritters to work on codifying 47s executive orders into law,in order to avoid going down these rabbit holes again. A dem prez can easily reverse 47s eos, just like biden did, just like 47 is doing now. Laws must be created/changed in order to have lasting effect.

  19. To all of the democrat party leaders complaining that the water supply to their money tree is being cut off I say

    Cry Me a River Donkeys !!!

    Your money laundering of tax payer dollars and the kickbacks from self serving NGOs that feed your corrupt power will soon be a thing of the past and hopefully so will you.
    Cut off the money supply that feeds this beast and listen to it shriek and holler.
    Their self righteous chest beating, posturing, straw man arguments, gas lighting and of course their never ending supply of outright lies tells me that the Trump train is destroying these enemies of the state and it is music to my ears.

    USAID corruption is being shut down and next is the Department of Education which should really be called the Department of Woke Indoctrination.

    Pam Bondi was made Attorney General a short while ago and I can hardly wait till Kash Patel is made the Director of the FBI and shuts down the FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. and turns it into a museum of the Deep State. The Pentagon is also on their list and they should save us even more billions there.

    Great article Daisy. So USAID gave $68,000,000 to the World Economic Forum and $37 million to the World Health Organization. And how many times have I complained in previous posts about the globalist puppet masters ruining this country. Now we know where they get their money. They get it from you. Part of your Biden 20% inflation is because of money Biden gave to the globalists and Soros.

    $270 million for the George Soros EBT card. Poor guy. Lets not cut his funding. He needs the money to keep funding his pro crime AGs in the USA. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

    And “state-sponsored propaganda”, your right Daisy. Our MSM is just Pravda. Maybe more of the democrat voters will eventually realize that and stop believing everything MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, Google and the rest of the liars incorporated tell them.

    And the list goes on for billions and more than likely trillions of dollars.

    Jesse Watters says USAID spending

    Democrats are getting ‘insurrectiony,’ Watters argues

    Fox News 2-7-2025

  20. Do you really need to read another comment on the insanity of our government? I have read countless articles on just that. I occasionally see some demand for prosecution but never see anyone demanding our money back. Prosecute these reprobates and seize their assets including their entire families assets and hold their families accountable for the next 10 generations. Without consequences human nature is to repeat the actions. We are dealing with pure evil here, treat it as such. Treason is by law punishable by death, or at least it was.
    I am also really tired of people trying to make any distinction between the democrats and the republicans. They are one and the same. All politicians, all evil with the same agenda. Their own. Whatever it takes to line their own pockets.
    You want solutions? Simple accountability. Swing em from the trees.

  21. I won’t believe in any change until I see people go to jail, or complete agencies shut down. Only Congress has the power to get rid of agencies like the CIA, ATF or Dept. of Education, and I don’t believe they have the will to do it. Too many of them have been bought off for that to happen. I’m happy to be proven wrong, but I won’t hold my breath.

    I also don’t think they’ll codify any of Trump’s EOs. Again, they don’t have the will to do so, even with majorities in the House and Senate.

    Barring a major catastrophic event (EMP, dirty bomb, massive cyber attack, a disease with a 40%+ death rate, economic collapse, etc.,) we’ve got slightly less than a four year window to prep hard and stack it deep. A lot of people have relaxed since the new administration came in, and that is a huge mistake. There’s a food crisis coming at us, new viruses are popping up or mutating all the time, and our enemies are just waiting to make a massive strike on our power grid.

    Now is not time to slow down, it’s time to step on the gas and do as much as you possibly can (without accumulating more debt, of course.)

  22. USAID funds were also supposedly used to support the election of da Silva over Bolsanaro in Brazil because the Biden Administration wanted a leftist candidate. And new info shows that USAID was a big funder of the Kaplan Street protests in Israel- the supposedly “home grown” protests against judicial reform which clearly were paid for by. This caused chaos and destabilization of Israeli society paving the way for Hamas to attack on Oct 7.

    I suspect these are but a few examples of the significant harm that has been done to other countries with US tax money and in the name of its government.

  23. Since DOGE started their investigation and following “data republican” on X, I keep going to the GDI and NED websites hoping I’m going to see this text:

    404 page not found

    I’ve not forgotten the financial pain and stress they’ve caused Daisy. I’ve also not forgotten the smug and shitty comments made by the comment sections resident troll. Its absence from this article’s comments is noted. I wonder, this article is a meatball served up over the center of the plate, why is it’s condescending voice silent now?

    1. Thank you, Jim. I keep looking for those myself. I hope at some point there is a class action lawsuit against the previous administration for their vile censorship against so many.

  24. Trillions over years of abuse.
    This is criminal and thank God for Trump and Elon.
    These 19 year old geniuses might go down as the Greatest Generation yet.

    1. Sophie in Texas I think you re right. Amazing as its seems according to a CBS poll President Donald Trump has a 55 % approval rating for those aged 18 to 29.

      if you watched the Superbowl you would have seen Taylor Swift who endorsed Kamala Harris get loud boos when put on the big screen while Donald Trump got loud cheers when put on the big screen. Looks like young people don’t like democrats very much.

      Gen Z Approves Of President Trump

      Ben Shapiro Feb 10, 2025

      1. While I like the thought I doubt the people cheering Trump or booing Taylor Swift were the 18 to 29 group. Most at this age couldn’t afford the ticket.

  25. It’s early hours of Tuesday now and it’s it keeps getting better. Someone sent a FEMA check to NY City for illegals fancy hotel rooms and meals, and 4 people were fire today for that. I hope it keeps on changing.
    The old protestors club was singing and threatening from their senate positions. But Im thinking a lot is empty threats.

  26. DOGE needs to go back to school and learn how decipher government paperwork. They claim this and claim that but when their claims are checked out, they determine that no there aren’t 150 year olds collecting social security, the individual’s birth date wasn’t entered so the computer put in 1875. And the individual while still on the pay sheet wasnt paid. Probably because you don’t get paid after you hit 115 years old. Or the $8 billion claim that was actually for $8 million. So it appears with all the hype, he has found $8.5 billion in things he can cut. Not necessarily waste, just programs he doesn’t like. Only $991.5 billion to go to hit his $1 trillion!

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