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Running a website costs a lot of money. I shared the details of my expenses in this article. This is the reason we have ads throughout our content. Some folks really, truly hate ads and pop-ups, however. And hey, I get it – it can be intrusive. At the same time, I’ve got to keep the lights on and pay writers, you know?
First, please know that this website will never have a paywall. We run ads to keep everything free for you.
But, if you want Ad-Free OP, go here.
This is the number one reason I’ve created a Patreon account.
For only $5 a month, you can get all of our content, ad-free in a format that is far more easily printable. Go here to sign up.
This is also an option for those who have written asking how they can support the website. 🙂 Not only will you get all our great content on Patreon, it’ll come straight to your inbox, too.
All the content on the website will always remain free of charge.
No pressure.
If you don’t want to become a patron, don’t worry. I’m dedicated to providing free information to anyone who wants it. As you know, if you’ve been around for a while, I’ve had some major financial struggles in the past. I understand what it’s like not to have a spare five bucks in the budget.
Because of that, this website will never have a paywall and you can access the thousands of articles here for free, any time.
But…for those who don’t want ads, who want to support our work, and who believe in what we’re doing here, Patreon is your ad-free option.