Operation Moonshot: UK Says Weekly COVID Tests Could Offer “Passport to Freedom”

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Those who have watched the police state grow over decades have known that as the UK goes, so does the rest of the Western world.

Unfortunately, the UK population the testing grounds for intrusive and totalitarian policies that will be implemented in the rest of Western Europe and, after that, the United States.

Many researchers warned about early on (when the COVID hysteria was reaching fever pitch) that the threat of a pandemic would be used to usher in methods of control the world has scarcely seen. Contact tracing, lockdowns, mandatory masks, and now COVID passports..

Everyone who warned us of what was coming was labeled “conspiracy theorists” by media, government “officials,” and hysterical citizens. Now contact tracing is in full effect, lockdowns have been ongoing for months, mandatory masks, and now COVID passports. 

All these things were announced and unveiled by the same media outlets and government officials that denied the very possibility of their existence only a few months ago.

Boris Johnson recently announced the “Moonshot Plan” that includes COVID passports.

COVID Passports would give those who test negative the ability to return to “normalcy”. They would be able to attend sports events, concerts, got to work and school, without wearing masks. The proposed 20-minute tests that would allow this to happen have been suggested by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Many people say these rapid, cheap tests are still in the development process and have not been approved. The likely hood of false positives and negatives would do nothing but create confusion and chaos. The entire process of developing these tests would require testing technology that does not yet exist.

In an article written by Tom Shearsmith for The Industry

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has suggested in today’s live broadcast Coronavirus press conference that the UK may “regain a sense of normality” by possibly introducing 20 minute testing to offer the equivalent of a COVID-19 passport.

During the conference, Johnson confirmed that from Monday a “rule of six” will be introduced in England, meaning people should not meet up in groups of more than six.

He says this measure replaces current guidance – “people only need to remember the rule of six”. He says that two households cannot meet socially if they make a group bigger than six.

Plans to pilot larger audiences in stadiums and to allow conferences to go ahead from October will be put on hold for review.

Regarding a potential COVID-19 passport, Johnson said: “In the near future we want to start using testing to identify people who are negative, who don’t have coronavirus, who are not infectious, so we can allow them to behave in a more normal way in the knowledge they can’t infect anyone else with the virus.”

This could allow office workers who test negative in the morning being able to work how they did before the pandemic, or allow people to attend venues for entertainment, for example.

Ironically, Turkey’s Anadolu Agency has a complete transcript of Johnson’s comments.

Anadolu reports,

“Up to now, we have used testing primarily to identify people who are positive – so we can isolate them from the community and protect high-risk groups. And that will continue to be our priority. We are working hard to increase our testing capacity to 500,000 tests a day by the end of October,” Johnson said.

“But in future, in the near future, we want to start using testing to identify people who are negative – who don’t have coronavirus and who are not infectious – so we can allow them to behave in a more normal way, in the knowledge they cannot infect anyone else with the virus.

“And we think, we hope, we believe that new types of tests which are simple, quick and scalable will become available. They use swabs or saliva and can turn round results in 90 or even 20 minutes. Crucially, it should be possible to deploy these tests on a far bigger scale than any country has yet achieved – literally millions of tests processed every single day,” added Johnson.

Already Big Tech is working with the UK government to create these passports.

Under discussion is the use of facial biometrics in order to prove which workers have had COVID.

One such tech firm is Onfido, a firm that specializes in facial biometrics has already delivered detailed plans to the government about what it is able to help accomplish on a nationwide basis. It claims that its proposals could actually be realized within a couple of months. The proposals state that the firm could use antigen or antibody tests.

It is telling that the World Health Organization is warning against “spreading false hope” with the immunity passport scheme. They argue we simply don’t know enough about how immunity develops after having had COVID. Yet the WHO and most countries are still going ahead with vaccine development.

Do you SEE where this is going?

We are actually witnessing a vaccine passport scheme, not an immunity scheme. “We don’t know enough about immunity” means having had COVID will not be enough to allow someone their “passport to freedom” as The Guardian has described it. However, the holy grail of vaccines will never be in question and we can offer a passport based upon proof of your vaccination. Predictably, this vaccine passport will extend to every other vaccine currently mandated by the governments of the “free world” upon its subjects.

Onfido claims that its new “COVID passport” could be the “linchpin of the new normality.”

The Guardian describes the scheme as follows:

Their solution would embed Onfido technology within another organization’s app to establish someone’s identity. The person would be asked to take a selfie and an image of their government-issued identification, such as a passport or driver’s license. The technology can determine whether the person’s face matches their ID, and also if the ID is genuine. This creates a digital identity.

They are then tested for coronavirus under a system endorsed by the government and the result is stored by another provider – in the UK this would most likely be the NHS.

When the person goes to their workplace, they open the app, take a photo of their face and that unlocks a QR code. That QR code would be scanned by reception using simple camera technology and on their system they would see the test result and a photo of the employee’s face for a short time, allowing them to visually determine the identity of the person in front of them.

The only technology a business would need to make this work would be a camera to take an image of the QR code as they arrive. No information about someone’s name, date of birth, address would be visible to the person on reception, only that they are fit to go into work.

. . . . . .

A government source said a form of certification system is “still on the table and being considered” and that conversations around this concept fall under the government’s “track and trace” plans.

The list of ONFIDO investors includes Microsoft.

Right now, “Digital Identity experts” say they are only in the discovery phase of a plan that would be tailored to the needs of the UK government. Of course, if you believe that, I have some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona. Those plans have been in place for decades. All the UK government needed was the proper excuse to implement it.

Brandon Turbeville, Alan Watt, David Icke, and many others have been warning about this coming plan for years and years. One such article by Turbeville, entitled “Social Media, Universal Basic Income, And Cashless Society: How China’s Social Credit System Is Coming To America,” describes and how it is coming to the West. I highly encourage you to read that article and to access the work of the researchers and journalists I mentioned above.

What are your thoughts?

Do you foresee any kind of “normalcy” being resumed with these measures? What are your thoughts about taking a weekly COVID test to be allowed to go about your business mask-free? Do you think the COVID passports will turn into the documentation of vaccinations? Do you think this will stop at the border of the UK or do you expect to see this rolled out in the US? Share your thoughts in the comments.


Picture of Robert Wheeler

Robert Wheeler

Robert Wheeler has been quietly researching world events for two decades. After witnessing the global network of NGOs and several 'Revolutions' they engineered in a number of different countries, Wheeler began analyzing current events through these lenses.

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26 Responses

      1. Wrong
        Me not agreeing with you doesn’t make me non religious nor mocking God.
        I am of the Christian faith and I’ve been around a while. Long enough to have heard how everything is “The Mark” since the 70s.
        But it didn’t take long now did it?

        1. Not trying to be offensive but You are not a Christian. Saying you are a thing does not make you it. Saying you did not Mock at thing doesn’t necessary make it so…YOU did mock Christians or “the Religious”. People like you create your own “reality” as such are beyond reason. Now go vote for socialism and see how that works for ya!

            1. I am going to assume Bill does not frequent TOP.

              Matt in OK is a lot of things, but a socialist? Nope. He is not one of those.

  1. The idea is good, but it would need to be a daily, not a weekly test. It would mean that you wouldn’t have to take the vaccine, since the important point is whether you’re contagious to others. They would have to determine an accurate number of cultures to be done on the sample if it were like the PCR test: now it’s usually 40, even though if you only test positive at that number, you’re not symptomatic and probably not contagious. 30 would be better, maybe 25.

    But yes, I think it’s fair. Everyone who is not sick and not contagious to others could go back to normal. What other way would there be to protect the well and the vulnerable from getting what is often a fatal or disabling disease?

    Even immunity from natural recovery often doesn’t last long. Maybe it never lasts longer than a year, two years, whatever. We don’t know yet. No one has the right to carelessly cause another’s death. We cannot maintain lockdowns forever, though we could try reopening everything with continued mandates for masks, distancing, hand washing, sanitizing, etc.

    1. Dear Cia,
      I don’t know how many ways to say I hate you and your willingness to give over your life to unelected bureaucrats.

      This statement from your screed, “what is often a fatal or disabling disease” flies in the face of every bit of data we have about this virus! We are a nation of over 350 MILLION people. Do the math!!!

      I am 82 years old. My parents and their generation fought and died that we might live in freedom and it seems to me you are throwing away that right as fast as you can to feel “safe.”

      I don’t worry about my self. I have lived a long and interesting life but I feel sick just thinking about the horrible world you and your type are going to allow because you just can’t think matters through. Do you really want some stupid test determining how you live each day of your life? Can you follow the money to see who and what is behind how you will be brought into compliance?

      My final word to everybody is RESIST.

    2. CIA I’m not speaking for the British I’m speaking for us in America but how about NO.
      1776 ????????
      We don’t want your control.
      I wear a mask. I’m an adult it’s my choice. I’ve got my reasons. I don’t care if you do or not. That’s your choice.
      Neither of those require government oversight.
      I think everyone should wear a gun but I don’t go full Karen and pat search folks at Walmart to shame them for not nor do I want government mandates on it.

    3. This makes my blood run. How are people walking blindly into a world of such central control?
      It’s time for people who disagree with such mechanisms to come together and organise an international opposition movement.

    4. Then you submit, Cia. Hope they don’t get your test wrong, otherwise we may see you post again to this piece advocating for resistance. I don’t even know where to start dismantling your pov, but I’ll begin and end here:

      “But yes, I think it’s fair.”

      For who? You? Do you have any comorbidities which put you at risk, do you work for a government agency, or are you just self-centered with a victim mentality who’s afraid to self advocate, so you’d rather everyone get screwed along with you? And what about the data? Covid-19 is anything BUT the global killer, originally projected. What if you eventually found out that covid was the excuse to keep populations from rioting so governments can buy time to muddle through a depression? What if you found out that covid was the only way for governments to initiate implementation of universal tracking, so individuals such as yourself would buy in with little to no friction? What if you found out that the virus truly is benign and we’ve already seen the worst of it, but governments are still moving full speed ahead to implement testing, vaccinating and tracking…because there’s a huge dollar amount attached to them (think jobs).

      You closed your diatribe with, “No one has the right to carelessly cause another’s death.” You’re right, you don’t have that right! If you’re in a high risk group, do yourself and everyone else a favor and don’t put your self in harms way. You’re probably not even wearing an airtight mask when in public — which for adequate protection, you’d need to — but you want to blame healthy, innocent individuals for having the audacity for possibly passing along a virus they had nothing to do with…and it’s their fault? Bullshit.

      You know the easiest way to tell an individuals political leanings? Whether or not they wear a mask. Educate yourself: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm

  2. This is so absurd. Both antibody and PCR tests CANNOT differentiate between different coronaviruses.

    Meaning they CANNOT tell if you have Covid-19 or any of several other coronaviruses that are always circulating and mutating and responsible for what’s typically called the common cold.

    The entire Covid-19 narrative and all case and death statistics make for a giant tower of lies.

    You’d basically have to be unbelievably ignorant and/or gullible to believe that the governments care about our health or science. All they ever really care about is more money, more power, and less accountability for themselves and their connected friends – which requires maximum theft and oppression of the rest of us.

    Government is a gang of liars, robbers, and murderers. That’s all it’s ever been and all it ever will be. Belief in it constitutes a cult.

  3. With how low the death rate is, why not just go back to normal anyway – and if a person is really worried about the disease, then they can self quarantine? Oh wait – because it’s not about the disease, it’s about control, and that’s really all it’s ever been about. This virus was an excellent excuse for the power hungry to grab more power. This is more a response to the comments to the article, I can’t see how any sane person would want any part of what the article describes.

    1. Just wanted to say that I love the chiles in your gravatar! It’s the state question in NM– red or green? Personally, I like Christmas 🙂

  4. “Those who will give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”

    Benjamin Franklin

  5. This stunning article hit the fan just today:

    How Your Post COVID Life Will Be Controlled By Rockefeller & Clinton Foundation Funded Apps, 9 Oct 2020


    Recall that the Rockefeller family supplied a poorly tested vaccine to US army GIs (who were forbidden to say no) back in 1918. They also supplied that same vaccine to several other countries. More German soldiers died from that disease than from combat. The outcome was that between 50 and 100 million people worldwide died — while the US government flatout lied and called it the “Spanish Flu” of unknown origin — and maintains that lie even today.

    There’s good reason why Dr. Benjamin Rush (who signed the Declaration of Independence, and was responsible for restoring the friendship between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams) said that our Constitution needed a provision to guarantee separation of medicine from government.


  6. Personally I hate the whole idea. I’m not in the UK. But Australia always looks to the UK still being part of the Commonwealth same as to America what happens in both countries affects what happens here. It took three adults to hold down my daughter and another to do the covid19 test. And she still gave them hell. I couldn’t imagine having to do this on a weekly basis. Nor would I subject my children to this on a weekly basis.We don’t have alot of freedoms left here. But I’d prefer to hold onto to what we’ve got left.

  7. Think of it. The country that stood up to Nazi Germany throughout the Blitz–following the same “show your papers” mentality as Nazi Germany. What follows next–yellow stars and cattle trucks for those who don’t comply?

  8. LOL just a SHORT MICRO period of time between this being instituted and a black market for buying and trading negative test results forms.

    It’s just dumb.

    Anyone here agreeing with this has no idea that even the CDC has changed its numbers to reflect that morbidity on Covid is no greater than that for the average flue season. Or they have a fetish for bondage.

    1. CDC report from July ADMITTS THEY HAVE NO “quantified virus isolates”. This is Cooties-19 reality and ANYONE who pays ANY KIND OF LIPSERVICE to the lie that a corona virus is a cause of a sickness DOESN’T KNOW WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. PERIOD.

      CDC document titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It is dated July 13, 2020.

      Page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this admission: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…” The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…” Also note that all “virus” tested for are “characterized stocks”. In other words, reconstructed fragments of RNA that could be from anything. See Kary Mullis’ apple analogy below and watch his talk about all aspects of this type of fraud.

      Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” means: the CDC has no measurable amount of the virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS. THERE IS NO VIRUS.


      If you research what Kary Mullis the inventor of PCR said in this regard you will find that he made it clear that NO ONE IN SCIENCE and NO ONE IN MEDICINE has a casual link between viruses and disease. NO ONE.

      “If you have enough things that kinda look like an apple,” he said, “you might think it was an apple…HIV is like that. Those tests (HIV tests) are all based on things that are invisible and the results are inferred…PCR is different than that. It can’t tell you if your sick and it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you.”
      This should be the baseline of ANY discussion of the plandemic.

      Listen to Mullis and his deconstruction of this type of scientific fraud.


  9. As long as you self characterized “freedom fighters” lead the attack without first attacking the narrative of the fictional virus you will lose. You are either too stupid to understand the truth of it or your articles are a backdoor way to legitimize the existence of the phantom COOTIES-19. Many of you actually begin your articles by saying things like, “Cooties-19 is real but no more deadly than the flu”. Such nonsense from self characterized “analysts”.

    CDC report from July ADMITTS THEY HAVE NO “quantified virus isolates”. This is Cooties-19 reality and ANYONE who pays ANY KIND OF LIPSERVICE to the lie that a corona virus is a cause of a sickness DOESN’T KNOW WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT. PERIOD.

    CDC document titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It is dated July 13, 2020.

    Page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this admission: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…” The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…” Also note that all “virus” tested for are “characterized stocks”. In other words, reconstructed fragments of RNA that could be from anything. See Kary Mullis’ apple analogy below and watch his talk about all aspects of this type of fraud.

    Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” means: the CDC has no measurable amount of the virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS. THERE IS NO VIRUS.


    If you research what Kary Mullis the inventor of PCR said in this regard you will find that he made it clear that NO ONE IN SCIENCE and NO ONE IN MEDICINE has a clear casual link between viruses and disease. NO ONE.

    “If you have enough things that kinda look like an apple,” he said, “you might think it was an apple…HIV is like that. Those tests (HIV tests) are all based on things that are invisible and the results are inferred…PCR is different than that. It can’t tell you if your sick and it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you.”

    This should be the baseline of ANY discussion of the plandemic. If the virus and it’s link to disease is a “sciency” hoax, then all that follows from that falls.

    Listen to Mullis deconstruct this type of scientific fraud.

  10. Hmmm… I think op Moonshot is pretty much dead in the water. See:


    “The ‘Operation Moonshot’, Government’s grand plan to develop a rapid turnaround testing programme, has predictably fizzled out into a damp squib.

    “In response to legal action by Good Law Project, Dale Vince, AI Diagnostics, and EveryDoctor, the Government has quietly agreed that ‘Operation Moonshot’ will be absorbed into the existing Test and Trace programme. They have also abandoned plans to spend £100 billion, a figure first revealed in the Government’s own leaked documents, on the project.”

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