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Author of The Blackout Book and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted
If you are watching 2020 with horror like the rest of us, you may be thinking, “Holy cow, I better do something before things get even worse. This is a veritable festival of feces!”
A lot of people will respond to this and say, “Sorry about your luck, but you should have gotten prepared long before now. It’s too late. You’re out of luck.” Then they’ll huddle together in their experienced-prepper forums and snicker about the newbies and those who are just now arriving at the conclusion that they’d better get prepared.
A lot of people are a**holes.
While there’s absolutely truth to the fact that the sooner you’re ready for bad stuff, the better off you’ll be, nobody is ready for everything. That’s probably true of these folks too. I bet that most of them are not completely, 100% irrevocably prepared for any scenario. Why? Because that’s impossible. Nobody could have predicted half the stuff that happened this year all happening in the same year during an election and oh yeah, a whole bunch of riots, too.
If you are new to this and suddenly realize, “I’d better get with it NOW” I strongly urge you to focus your information-seeking on places that will welcome you, will answer your questions, and will treat you with the human decency that you deserve. Preppers all come to this awareness at different times in our lives with different experiences, different resources, and different responsibilities.
Your reasons for not being better prepared before now don’t matter.
As I mentioned, there are dozens if not hundreds of reasons that you may be just starting out. Spending time trying to explain yourself to those who just want to ridicule you is time that you’re wasting.
It simply doesn’t matter why you didn’t come to the realization sooner.
Now you know. Now you’re trying. Now you’re doing everything you can with the resources you have available.
Worrying about the past opportunities you may have missed, thinking of the previous advice you didn’t heed, and beating yourself up are all exercises in futility. They’re doing nothing more than taking your focus away from the things you can still accomplish. So shake it off, move forward, and ignore the criticism.
Disregard the naysayers.
The internet is loaded with people who will be smug and disapproving of you. It’s so rampant in this niche I wrote an open letter about it a few years back.
They’ll spend time telling you it’s too late, you’re going to die, you live in the wrong place, or you voted for the wrong person. They’ll be certain to remind you how you deserve whatever ill fate might befall you for not reaching their level of peak awareness back when they did. They’ll let you know in a jaded fashion that they “used” to try and help, but now, they’ve given up and there’s no point. (I call BS – baloney sandwiches, of course – on the suggestion they once tried to help. We all know people like this and ‘help” is rarely what they do.)
Folks like this, if they answer questions at all, will overcomplicate the answer. They’ll make it seem unachievable, or like an unreachable goal. They’ll make it seem as though only if you hop on a plane for a New Zealand compound that has already procured 10 years of food and water and runs a flock of sheep within the next 30 minutes, that you’re doomed.
Forget those people. In fact, RUN. Seek your information elsewhere. They only want to make themselves feel better by making others feel badly.
Anyone who is not directly helping you is either hindering you or distracting you. You have time for neither of these. You have things to do, my friend.
Find the people who want to help.
For every naysayer, there’s a yaysayer. (I’m not sure if that’s actually a word, but if not I just made it up.) You’ll find our comments section on The Organic Prepper is full of yaysayers.
There are tons of people out there with loads of preparedness experience who truly want to help, no matter how “late” in the game it is. We’ve got retired and active military members and law enforcement officers, farmers, homesteaders, housewives, moms, teachers, canners, foragers, thrifty folks, and all-around resourceful individuals who are happy to answer the same questions over and over and over again. This isn’t just on my website – you can find many places that welcome newbies.
It’s not all sunshine and lollipops, of course. We’re not going to be unrealistic. But we’re going to give you the best advice we can to try and help you in the circumstances you find yourself. And of course, it’s the internet – there are always jerks on every website. Just let that stuff roll right off you and focus on the people who genuinely want to offer you help and encouragement.
There are tribes out there who are delighted you’re ready to join us. The very best investment you can make in preparedness is your time and effort to get started.
It’s not too late.
Unless a nuclear warhead has hit America, Yellowstone has blown lava and ash into the atmosphere above us, or our system has devolved into a Mad Max scenario of dueling warlords and gangs, there are still things you can do.
Sure, maybe if you’re starting to get prepped right now, you won’t be as prepared as those of us who have been at it for 5, 10, or 20 years but you know what?
You’ll be ahead of the people who are blissfully keeping up with the Kardashians. Cut yourself some slack.
I would rather see you diligently working towards a greater state of preparedness than to witness you and your children starving or freezing after the second day of a power outage. I’d rather see you buy a good primer like The Prepper’s Blueprint and begin at square one, building on your preps diligently as you go through the book.
While it may not be the ideal scenario, there are a LOT of things that you can do, even on a very small budget.
What should you do now?
Start where you are.
That’s different for all of us. You may have been sort-of-prepping for years without even realizing it, just by buying doubles whenever something was on sale at the store. You may be the type of person who buys food for the day that day and be starting at zip, zero, nada.
It doesn’t matter. That’s your starting point. All that matters is where you go from there.
Start where you are now. Then tomorrow you’ll be further ahead. And the day after that, further still. Check in on a daily basis and look for content that you’ll find useful. Sign up here for our daily newsletter – we have current articles, frugality articles, and content from the archives. All of our content may not be for you, but you’ll find plenty to help you on your way. And if the content itself is not something you’re quite ready for, check it out anyway and hone your prepper mindset.
Here are the things you can start doing immediately:
- Organize the supplies you have. If you can’t find what you need, you might as well not even have it.
- Start making a list of what you use in a week. Just start with a week. Don’t overwhelm yourself. One week of supplies puts you one week ahead of where you were before. Don’t just think about food. Think about water, hygiene items, pet supplies, and all the other things you consume.
- Start shopping the sales. Whenever you find items on your list, try to buy enough for an extra week, or even an extra month if possible, grab it and stash it.
- Change how you eat and shift more toward longer-term items than all fresh ingredients. Look for canned and frozen versions, as well as dried goods. These will last for quite some time in your pantry.
- Learn to store food properly. This book may help with both storing food properly and building a practical pantry.
- Preparedness is about more than food. Work on building a financial emergency fund and buying non-food preps as well.
Here are some articles that may help.
- 9 Things to Buy Every Time You Go to the Store
- How to Prepare for What Comes Next
- A Quick-Start Guide for New Preppers Who Want to be Ready RIGHT NOW
- Survival Mindset: Know That YOU Are Worth Defending
- Life After COVID: A Look at the New Economy
- How to Feed a Family for a Month from Your Stockpile
- Here’s How 2020 Compares with the Great Depression (VIDEO)
- SHTF Food Storage Tips for Building a Stockpile
These are just a start.
Don’t worry about what you haven’t accomplished yet. Even the most prepared among us have things we wish we had already acquired or accomplished. Preparedness is a never-ending quest but it will give you a peace of mind like no other interest you’ll ever cultivate.
If you’re just getting started, welcome. You’re not too late. You are right on time for where you are in your own journey. Just start. We’re here to help.
34 Responses
Don’t over complicate it. Start small and go up.
Seek out others who are supportive.
Avoid radicals and extremists.
Enjoy the feeling of accomplishment.
Tailor things to your needs.
Move outside your comfort zone in training.
Smile at the ability to take care of you and yours.
I bought two different sized inverter generators, and have used them for my refer and chest freezers. I have camping propane, liquid fuel, gasoline, and diesel stoves for cooking. Dont ever go out to eat, but almost daily buy a case of anything for storage. I now must work on significant water storage. Live in a smaller city w huge military presence and AFBs, and many religious schools and churches. My family did not join me from Commie California; trouble for me is i did not buy out in country, but also am looking presently for such. Anything you can do is more than not. I am fortifying my home. All we ever have to do is “Just say NO!” ala Nancy Reagan. Blessings to all! Onward Christian Soldiers!
Totally agree. Yes, the best time to start preparing is yesterday. The second best, today. And the third best is still after SHTF.
IMHO the S has already hit the fan, but things take a while to unfold and finally crumble. Most people still believe everything (or for the most part) will be back to some normal. But that’s gone, deep changes are already underway.
This may come a slow slide, a bumpy ride downhill or a sudden crash or two. It may take a decade, last time (2008) they managed to kick the can down the road though I doubt this time it will be as effective because it’s a lot worse for many reasons.
But the grid and the system are still up, there’s still quite a lot that can be done in way of preparations indeed. It is still possible to find and gather resources, start and develop skills and get things ready. Some is better than nothing. There are pointers but we still don’t know for sure what’s coming, on bigger scales I mean (other than a serious economical crash and the ensuing social breakdowns).
Either way, rushing things is hardly ever a good idea. It usually leads to wrong and excessive spending, waste of time and resources. It’s mostly about mentality, method, adaptation and consistency. Many good tips in this article.
I try to be a Yaysayer here when I can.
It is never too late, and even those of us whom live the lifestyle (more out of necessity than prepping per say) there is always something more that can be done.
Would I like to have a solar bank, and a wind turbine? You bet!
But needed a new wood furnace, new water tank, new stove . . . life happens when you are making other plans.
30 days left before the SHTF- better “Git-R-Done”.
We have a neighbor farm owned by a Federal Police Officer ( Can’t say which branch). Yesterday we saw a helicopter landing at his farm piloted by Him. This morning I run into him and ask about it. His answer was, ” It was a practice run, so when the post Election chaos starts I can come and get my Wife and Child safely”. NO SH*T!
Don’t kid yourself we ALL see the writing on the wall and being a fed LEO can put you in a worse position than others if you let it.
I ain’t got enough GSs to have a helicopter but it also kept me from being anywhere that I’d need one.
Solid advice all around. Honestly it often seems like a significant number of “preppers” only do it so they can feel superior to other, less prepared people. We need more people preparing for the SHTF, that is fewer people who will be desperate and dangerous.
Kinda stumbled into this lifestyle more decades ago than I care to admit but just this past week had a “duh!” moment and realized I was no more prepared in that area than a friend from long ago who went to the grocery store daily for her family meal.
Preparedness is more a mindset than a stash. You’re improving your mindset just by coming to this website so everything you do becomes prepping.
Just take what is helpful at the moment. Even baby steps take you away from where you were.
Welcome to your new lifestyle.
One way to get started … think about the last year, did something unexpected happen? Suppose there was a power outage. Think about it, write down what happened. What did you need that you didn’t have? Write it down. Now imagine that it happened at a less-convenient time, what would need that you don’t have? And now imagine that it lasted longer. In each case, think water and food, clothing, medications, money (cash for car fare or bus fare?), light (batteries?), heat or cooling, security, and transportation – walking, bike, car. You will make some assumptions, write them down then decide what you should do if they are wrong. Any rational approach is good, just think about it and then do it. Can’t do a month? Do a week. Can’t do a week? Do two days. Expand your thinking to other events and repeat. If there is an power outage, you thought about it and your are prepared to some extent.
I was thinking about buying some land. When I checked amount in my savings plus plan I was so disappoint by the amount I had saved so far. I live in California. Land price are pretty high and I only found two properties I cou
Ld purchase out right. Each is just under a acres. What should I do. It’s about a hour and 54 minutes from where I live now
Get out of California! I think it’s going to be one of the first states to burn up (literally) in the coming chaos. I’ve long thought that it’s a terrible place to live for many reasons, and recent events have confirmed that this is correct. Get out of there while you still can!
Brita Pruitt You do the best you can.
I’m just not sure how much time we have. 2020 has shaken the tree of stability.
Look at accessibility, water sources, defensibility, how much work to set it up etc.
Kalifornia is one of the worst places IMO but I’m not sure sure what your options are.
If you are considering purchasing in California be extremely careful about water. I lived there for 5 years and it was of constant concern. Every summer is a drought. If there is a well on the land, you need to have the well checked to be sure there’s plenty of water available and you need to read the print on your contracts to make sure you have water rights. California is in the process of doing away with the transfer of water rights so that all water is owned by the state – which I personally find extremely concerning.
If you can at all, you might want to consider a different state. If you can’t, make sure there is water on or near your property.
Excellent advice Daisy. We were all newbies once!
Good Article, and I agree 100%. Hindsight is always 20/20, there’s always something that’s either missed or underestimated, but dwelling on the “should haves” really serves no purpose other than to increase your anxiety and waste valuable time (itself a commodity). Sure, reviewing your should haves can serve as a goad should the opportunity present itself, but the bulk of your time is better spent building from what you have, finding alternatives, and obtaining and sticking up on what you can still find.
A dose of negatives is a good thing. It shows the holes in your plans, but continually looking only at the negatives leads to defeat, sometimes before you even begin.
One thing I realized that we could do, in my house, that wouldn’t cost a dime: cook your frozen goods… especially meat, in our case.
This weekend, I unfroze about half of all the meat we had in the freezer, and right now I am cooking it up into meatballs, meat loaves, crockpot-shredded bbq chicken, etc. I will then portion it out and refreeze. For now, I left the other half of the meat frozen raw, because our area is fine and I can still cook — we prefer fresh-cooked.
I was thinking the cook-and-refreeze has some advantages in uncertain times, though:
1) If power goes out, you can’t eat many raw meats/potatoes, even thawed. You can eat your precooked food thawed, even if you can’t reheat it. Sure, you could grill the raw foods if you have that possibility, but that isn’t an option where I am right now.
2) Worst-case scenario happens and you need to minimize evidence of your presence where you are, in order not to stand out, then precooked food doesn’t have a smell that carries. (Not trying to dehydrated-blueberry-muffin syndrome here, but it’s just something that came to mind.)
thanks for another positive, empowering article. I love your can-do spirit! I’ve been doing little bits here and there for years.
Last year, After many years effort, we finally did One of the biggest, best things ever from a preparedness stand point, imho. We moved across the country much closer to family. Having people I trust near by makes a world of difference for any situation. The down side to that was the huge expense of moving and building up our pantry from scratch again. luckily I had years of pepper experience and I started with our first grocery trips, well before the pandemic, but it’s still not quite where I want it to be.
I’ve been at this prepping thing in one way or another since Y2K and I still learn something new daily. So, start today and you’ll learn something new for a lifetime!
Today, I stumbled upon these beans: http://mexicalirosebeans.com/index.php . You can get them at WalMart or you can order them by the case at this website. We love beans in our family, because they are filling, have a lot of fiber, protein, and iron, and are relatively cheap. We have dried and canned beans, but these are great for camping or a bug out bag because they are light weight and require only hot water to prepare.
Fina what’s the shelf life of those? The website just says long term.
Good question, Matt, and I don’t know. I couldn’t find an expiration date on the bags I bought today. I believe they are freeze dried, so I imagine they would last as long in their foil packet as other freeze dried foods.
Ok good deal, Thanks
One of my team has a freeze dryer coming in a few weeks so this is something I’d like to try as well.
One thing worth mentioning about moves to be closer to family. Over and over I’ve seen the cases where a widowed grandmother goes to terrific expense to sell her property, hire a moving company, and at great expense purchase a replacement house close to her little grandchildren. All is glorious for a year or two … until the parent(s)’ employer either shuts down the type of work that family depends on, or moves it to some distant city. That frequently mandates that the family must pick up and move as well.
The grandmother can’t afford to make another move to follow her grandkids and it breaks her heart.
The first remedy I thought of would have been for that grandmother to have rented for some time to give her the financial flexibility in case of that “unforeseeable” trail of tears. Then I remembered the classical European tradition of three generations all under the same roof — even though that seems to be largely abandoned on our side of the Atlantic.
In no way am I trying to do finger pointing or play busybody to anyone. I just think it’s worthwhile to share some observations from close experience and some possible ways to avoid the awful pain when things go awry.
–Lewis [unrepentent yaysayer advocate]
My only general addition would be on the truly supportive sites, the nay-sayers are weeded out in pretty fast order.
This is why I don’t comment often on sites. I’ve been verbally attacked and belittled. But I’m still here, I’ll continue to the best I can with what I’ve got.
I’ve been a thrifty mum for years and had a little stockpile . But only really started prepping last November when put together our bags etc. I totally agree start where you are and look at what you already have and I made up kits of what was spread through the house.
I’ve learnt life changes fast sometimes and try not to get complasiant about life . The most often comments I hear are, you’ll be first to go and you’ll get your prepps stolen. Not helpful ! I class myself as a newbie prepper with loads to learn . I try make to fun learning new skills with my family. Daisy this site is very important to encourage us newbies !
Years back when I ‘really’ started to seriously prep, I quickly found myself burned out by all those naysayers. Aside from this site, I only follow one other ‘prepper’ site. I found that homstead oriented ‘groups’ were much more welcoming and helpful. Homesteading and prepping are not the same, but have a lot in common. Daisy is spot on. Start where you are. You will be way ahead of a lot of other folks!
Thank you, this is such an encouraging article! I’m completely new and honestly was a bit overwhelmed when I started looking into prepping, especially seeing so many ahead of the game. Part of me just wanted to give up and just deal with whatever happens but I know this is what I want to do and it would give me peace of mind. It’s hard because I’m on my own with it, my fiance and I don’t see eye to eye on this subject but I plan to do little things on my own and do what I can do. I’m excited to order the preppers blueprint book this week!
Good stuff as always, Daisy. There is always time until there isn’t. No one should listen to anyone that says it’s too late to start preparing for survival and independence. This country needs, and is founded by, survivors. Many people are not (especially in certain areas) and they will become increasingly problematic. We as a community need to support anyone willing to become independent.
Buying stuff is critical for sure – air, water, food, shelter, etc. However, mental preparedness is most critical. Anyone persuaded by naysayers needs to work on this foundational survival skill first. Critical thinking, curiosity, and determination are among the most important elements. Understanding what’s going on takes time, effort and patience. And way more information than contained in tweets.
Prepping (and survival) first and foremost requires wisdom. Not money or stuff, just wisdom. For example, Step 1 in prepping is to determine what you are prepping for. Very few have started with that foundation, and consequently have enthusiastically built inventories of supplies & gear (etc) that they’ll never need, not to mention wasted considerable resources. Prepping for a generic SHTF is futile, as it would take north of a $Trillion to get there. LoL, that’s what the Federal Gov is trying to do!
We have very specific weather cycles manifesting now, that are well known if not easily determined. That is the long pole in the tent that is driving EVERYTHING, especially the Government actions. Consequently, when you see all these irrational, absurd, illegal, and obscene Government laws being created and enforced, it readily lends itself to the realization that all they are doing is trying to capitalize on the pending weather events. They want to make sure they ride through the weather cycles with all their power, authority, and wealth intact.
From that perspective, your strategy is to develop a plan that will not only get you through the weather cycles, but keep you out of the crosshairs of the Gov Jackboots that want to take everything you own, and then either kill or incarcerate you. That paradigm is what we are up against, so now you have a very specific dual level scenario to prepare for.
Step 1 is to be fully informed. That means to research for yourself what the manifesting weather cycles are. I can easily find 4-5 that reach peak intensity in the next 10 years. Knowing and being able to characterize the catastrophic weather events, you can then observe and understand in context what the Gov is doing to prepare for as well. Fully informed on both levels: Catastrophic Weather Events, and Gov Jackboot strategies to capitalize on the weather and aggravate human suffering in the process. Fess up: Did you or do you really think the Gov agencies are going to HELP you when the lights go out? LoL!
Step 2 is to align yourself with like minded (fully informed) people. You MUST engage this step as your highest priority! There is no Step 3 if you don’t. The biggest threat to the Gov is people aligning and organizing themselves for protection. As in protection from the Gov Jackboots as well as protecting themselves from the catastrophic weather. That’s the basis for Lockdowns, Shelter in Place, and economic destruction — which has little to nothing to do with health!
This is a very revealing step on multiple levels. For example, the Gov KNOWS (and won’t reveal) the timeline of these weather events, so the way they play their cards is a poker “Tell” that we are very close to extreme weather events manifesting. Likewise, their rigid enforcement of the economic destruction measures even in the face of Court rulings that say they are Un-Constitutional tells you We Are There Now. So align yourself with like minded people. ASAP! Families, neighborhood watch, churches, companies, social media meet-ups, it doesn’t matter. Just get going with a network of people until you have 60-100 in your group.
Note that you haven’t spent a nickle yet on Prepping. More, way more, than 99% of what you need to do is the above two steps. It is pointless to go any further with prepping if you don’t have a “Clan” of like minded people. Preferably within walking distance of each other.
Step 3. Begin preparations as the situation calls for. You know from Step 1 it is weather related, and you know the Gov is going to go into the Full Jackboot Mode for the remainder of the decade. Then your preparations begin with being able to muster your Clan of 60-100 people, and lining up tasks & responsibilities based upon people’s skill sets and desires. Things naturally and easily fall into place from there. For example, how are you going to communicate with each other? Ham Radios?
The above 3 steps are all you need to prepare for everything coming our way. Jackboots at first, and then really nasty weather, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, extreme temperature and winds, and a number of events that results in food shortages, health challenges, and security (etc) from a collapse of most everything we take for granted now.
One short example and then I’ll quit. There are 16 cures or preventative measures from COVID-19 that you can find with about 10 minutes of internet research. All 16 work with 100% effectiveness if you apply them properly or at the right time. Even late in the game (on a Vent) the cures and preventative measures work with about 90% effectiveness. However, the Gov Jackboots have a plan (military strategy) to force everyone to take a COVID-19 vaccine. In other words, it will be Mandatory!
The only way they can justify the Vaccine as being Mandatory is if there are no other cures. Consequently, ALL other cures & measures (and doctors!) are discredited and marginalized. The only legal cure will come from the Gov approved Vaccine.
If you are home alone and the Jackboots show up to administer your Mandatory Vaccine, you will be faced with a difficult situation. In other words, there will be a half dozen heavily armed Jackboots against you and your family. Not good! However, if you can muster your Clan of 60-100 when the Jackboots are in your neighborhood, then it allows you your best chance to politely decline.
(I’m not against vaccines, just Mandatory Vaccines that are not really a vaccine. They are “Experimental Biological Injectables” that will be called a vaccine for legal liability purposes. Which removes the legal liability. See the FDA classifications on Injectables.)
In just about every scenario you come across (weather or gov agencies), your best outcome will be from having a Clan of 60-100 people organized to deal with the problem. This has been the best answer in all of human history. This Weather/Collapse/Gov Jackboot cycle has played out as many as 1400 times before. Lots of history to study and draw wisdom from.
Step 1: Be Fully Informed.
Step 2: Align Yourself with Like Minded and Fully Informed People (60-100)
Step 3: Begin Preparations or Take Action as the Situation Calls For.
It really is that easy.
Daisy I agree 100%. Before the lock downs I told a young acquaintance. go to Walmart and buy 3 mos of varied can goods. Just have that and basic household supplies on hand. I was uneasy about the news on the virus,and how crazy people were acting on social media. He had nothing, but told me yesterday that it was a lifesaver for him and his family during lock downs! It is not too late ! Start now, sell at a garage sale what you don’t need and hightail it with the money to your local discount store and get whatever amount of food and supplies in most basic form you can afford.( years ago I started looking into investing online and started to see prepper sites on line. I had never heard of prepping ,no kidding. I was busy working raising a small child never was online. When I started reading about it knew it was for me.) You are not bad because you did not know, or had not prepared before.I am STILL learning and do not have everything. Get gardening and chickens NOW. To this day I am still adding and learning. Good luck!
Thanks for this article, Daisy. Also, thanks for the term “yaysayer!” It’s a good one. I also think it’s good when anyone takes any steps toward preparedness – whatever they may be. It’s moving in a direction of personal responsibility and making sure there’s one more person who isn’t straining the supply lines quite as much when things go bad. Besides, even if something terrible doesn’t happen, there are always natural disasters, job shortages, money shortages, etc to prepare for. This used to be second nature to more people.
I started by concentrating on buying extra canned fruit, vegetables & meat. It was a good feeling to have that and then add in other supplies. Comfort food is a good thing to have.
Several years ago I added a whole lot of shampoo & bar soap. I have since transitioned to castile soap. Prepping for me has also been a shift to natural. What to do with all that shampoo & bar soap? My husband still uses it and I would too if I had to. It’s good to have options.
Same thing goes for hand sanitizer. I had shifted to a home-made one with essential oils. However, I ordered a 4-pack of alcohol hand sanitizer in January since I was horrified by the news coming out of China. I like options.
I do have a lot of medical supplies squirreled away. Yesterday, I took something that supposedly expired 4 years ago. Yes, I bought more than I could use up. I only paused for a second, thinking about the date. However, my doctor once told me he has taken SOME things that were beyond the date. I’m not a medical professional and, if you aren’t either, you need to ask your doctor.
Give yourself options, try to buy what you will use & trust your instincts.
P.s. Daisy—You are great at inspiring others & lifting them up. Good job.
Don’t overlook skills. Can you start a fire, how about in crappy conditions? Have you been camping? Survival camping is better but being able to set up a basic campsite and cook a meal is important. Do you have proper clothing for your climate? I recommend trying to switch to biweekly grocery shopping. Saves a ton of money and you learn quick what you need and to use what you have. A month would be better but most fresh foods last two weeks reasonably well(not everything but it isn’t to hard).
Excellent article Daisy! Regarding water storage, if you have 2 bath tubs in your home and have limited space to store bottles of water, you may want to consider buying a $35 aquapod kit which is a fancy name for a tub water bladder. It holds 65 gallons of water and you would still have a second tub for your family to use. I bought mine on Amazon but haven’t filled it yet. I have a small home and this will work fine for me. Don’t forget a Berkey water purifier if your water supply should become contaminated. I wish you blessings while you prepare.
If I were to offer advice to a new “prepper” ( a term I never use to describe myself), I would recommend that they buy canned foods that are a complete meal in a can that they can and will eat–like Wolf Chile con Carne, Dinty-Moore beef stew, Chef Boyardee spaghetti and meatballs and/or Ravioli or Campbell’s Chunky Soups. They can–if necessary–be eaten cold, are more like a balanced diet than canned meat and canned veggies alone, and will offer better–if only slightly–nutrition than most other options. Tomato-based soups or foods or sauces can spoil within in the can within a few years. If you try to open the can, and the contents spurt out when the opener punctures the can–discard the entire can immediately–think Botulism. Whenever one can add a handful of pre-cooked rice to any canned meal, one can increase caloric intake (critical in the face of severe cold temps or physical hardships), and extend the meal. Rice–and beans–can be bought right now fairly inexpensively at Walmart, and will store almost forever inside plastic buckets. Walmart also sells food-grade buckets and lids. One can buy as much–or as little– as one can afford every payday, and store it–whatever you have will be more than you had. To shorten the time–and fuel–needed to cook the beans or tough cuts of meat (think pigeons or doves) purchase a stove-top pressure cooker–which can be used over a campfire as needed. I would avoid most “survival” type foods, as they tend to be expensive an don’t often taste all that good, and in the case of MRE’s, cause constipation. If you can store salt, sugar, spices etc in large amounts inside plastic buckets, so much the better. Instant mashed potatoes–Kroger often offers packages at 10 for $10.00–as well as dehydrated milk can be used to thicken soups/gravies, adding to their caloric/nutritional value. If one can acquire a a Volcano stove, so much the better. these can burn wood, charcoal, or if one buys the upgraded version, Propane. Toilet paper from Dollar tree and water from Walmart always a good investment…