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By the author of Be Ready for Anything and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted
You may not have ever heard of Nick Freitas before, but I have a feeling we’ll all be hearing a lot about him soon. At first glance, this may seem very political, very Republican vs. Democrat.
But it’s not. It’s about logic versus emotion.
It’s about an eloquent defense of the Second Amendment and the reason that the gun control debate is stalled. And the response to this speech underlined everything that was said.
It’s about people who got so upset about historic facts that they had to leave the room instead of engaging in a discussion.
Last week, he gave a rousing speech on the floor of the Virginia House of Delegates in defense of the Second Amendment. Some of his key points:
- We need to find out if gun-free zones are effective
- We need to understand the reasons behind the Second Amendment
- We need to make self-defense possible
- We should consider arming teachers
- We need to discuss this issue with mutual respect
- We have to admit that the government failed in the Florida school shooting
One point he brought up that really spoke to me personally was the fact that not all gun-related acts of self-defense involve pulling the trigger and shooting the perpetrator. I know that in my own case during an attempted home invasion, just the presence of my gun and the perception of the would-be criminals that I wouldn’t hesitate to use it, deterred what could have been a heinous crime against me and my daughter.
Freitas said in the speech that we have an inherent right to defend ourselves and that he will not accept a false narrative. He pointed out that he and his fellow Republicans don’t believe Democrats when they say that all they want to do is ban bump stocks.
Freitas is a retired Green Beret who served 2 tours in Iraq. (source) He was elected to the state delegation in 2016 and is a self-described Libertarian-Republican.
Listen to the entire speech in the video below.
The response by lawmakers
Apparently, facts are just mean.
Despite Freitas’s factual and logical arguments, a number of Democrat delegates actually walked out of the room during his recitation of horrific past policies that were instituted by their own party and his plea for mutual respect so that a real conversation could happen.
Delegate Lamont Bagley was really upset, calling the speech “hateful and divisive.”
“We realize that we live in a ugly political moment. So while we were offended, we were not surprised,” Bagby said. “It should embarrass every member of this body that we have allowed such rhetoric to enter these chambers. Bringing up a very painful past to make a political point is disgusting and poisonous.” (source)
Delegate Delores McQuinn, who walked out while Freitas was speaking, told reporters:
“Let us not bring in things that would be hurtful and painful to people who have to live in a skin that some of you will never know and have to endure a reality that being black in America is sometimes difficult.” (source)
Freitas seemed unconcerned at the outrage, responding:
“More and more, offense is used as a weapon with which to turn away debate.And I’m not going to accept that.” (source)
His speech was so popular that he was interviewed by Fox News, who played a clip of a Democrat, Delegate Joseph Lindsay, who said he was “offended as he had never been offended since being a part of this body” by Freitas’s passionate speech. He claimed that his colleagues were “emotionally shaken and bothered.”
Freitas wasn’t having any of it.
There aren’t many politicians that I’d say I would support, but Freitas just might be the exception. He’s currently running for the US Senate against Tim Kaine, who is the former governor of Virginia and was Hillary Clinton’s running mate in her failed bid for the presidency.
In his announcement for the bid, he promised to combat a worldview that “treats free people as if we were subjects instead of citizens.” He also said, “Quite frankly, establishment elements from both sides of the aisle have been responsible in thinking themselves made from finer clay than the rest of humanity.” (source)
Yep, I’m pretty sure we’ll be hearing more about Nick Freitas.
22 Responses
the whole anti gun thing is so wierd it hurts my brain. there are so many things killing people out there yet the public has been inundated with tear jerking stories for so long proposing that if the guns had been unavailable to the murderer, somehow the murder would not have happened(or suicide). (or as stalin said….one death is a tragedy…a thousand deaths is a statistic…)
it is a logical fallacy to propose that gun measures decrease homicide. if it were true, then banning cars would be the answer to drunk driving deaths. (or restricting the size of the vehicle or the kind of tires or sunroof it has).
i live in a world where i don’t agree with democrats or republicans most of the time. they both use the same tool to solve problems in general. and it works like this…..
when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
i propose that legalizing drugs would reduce gun deaths much more than any illogical banning.
That is a tired argument that will not work because if fails to address problems such as even if drugs were legal where to drug addicts get money to buy them? The same place they it now. They steal and use other illegal means to support a drug addiction. Also, I can tell you that as an employer addicts of all types are not reliable people. I have hired and fired many because they let drugs run their life. When a persons life revolves around getting drugs, doing drugs, getting money to buy drugs that is not a person that makes a good employee. . Drugs are the most important thing in their life. The real problem with any addicts is WHY is it that they need to put damaging, substances in their bodies to alter their reality?
i wasn’t speaking of drug addicts causing the problems. it’s the dealers and all in their circles. big money is created by demand for illegal drugs. banning them creates additional demand. look up what happened under “prohibition”. the big money creates a situation where other unlawful activity is drawn to it. hence the horrible killings we saw during the 30’s and today. especially in places like mexico.
if banning drugs worked so well, why are you telling me about addicts you knew? it seems that addicts exist whether the drugs are legal or not. just lilke there are alcoholics now. i would imagine that you would not want to hire them either.
if drugs were legal, there would be a much smaller overdose rate too as legit businesses would be selling heroin unadulterated with fentinyl or other deadly additives. just like alcohol sales now. .
you can put down that hammer now.
“WHY is it that they need to put damaging, substances in their bodies to alter their reality?”
Because tedious people like you want to lecture us endlessly and run our lives. My sympathies, though: I know it must be horrible to see someone else having fun when you’re not.
Since when is taking drugs fun. I have seen more pain and death by drug addicts on innocent people just like drunks. They beat their wives, murder people in car accidents, commit. Crimes to support their habits. Yes taken drugs is so much fun. Alcoholics & Drug addicts are weak because they can’t deal with reality. As far as weapons on the street. Everyone knows that only the law biding people will be denied. The criminals and murderers will continue to get them just like illegal drugs. The violence in America is promoted by the entertainment industry. The violence in video games, movies and tv is disgusting. Even the idea for using passenger plane to attack America came from a movie in the 90s. We need to stop the evil in the entertainment industry.
The whole issue is very easy to understand. Only criminals and enemies who have infiltrated want to ban guns and leave citizens helpless and defenseless. They can call themselves liberals, progressives and a host of other names, but even if they feign ignorance they are still guilty and they are cooperating with the enemies of America.
I was a little surprised to realize the other day that in my current rural residence, with a sheriff department response to a 911 call being 20 minutes away in a best-case scenario, that this neighborhood is a “cop-free zone” in an emergency. But crime here is extremely rare (in fact, none that I know of), because nearly every household is armed and a bad guy would have a very short career before being shot.
Compare that to a previous residence in San Francisco where the streets were crawling with cops all the time, there was a police substation a few blocks away, yet there was constant crime, including two murders within sight of my windows. My UPS driver was stabbed 7 times with a screwdriver in a robbery inside his truck, and another resident from my building was shot in a street robbery a few blocks from home (both recovered). This is the difference between an armed population in the countryside that defends itself, and disarmed city dwellers who count on the police to protect them.
when looking through all sorts of data on gun ownership and gun laws a few years ago, i came to the conclusion that in the past (pre 68 gun act) people banned gun ownership when economies were good and crime was down. naturally people did not want to see everybody walking around with a gun. human nature. then, when economies go bad and crime goes up, the laws were overturned and people started arming themselves again. if you look at graphs you see this pattern, although not so obvious. it’s what people do, or did. since 68 people in the big cities have not been able to respond to crime by arming themselves anymore. so we are living in a time where human nature is not allowed to take place. and virtually all the big cities are crime ridden cesspools.
I live in rural area.
Even though the closest PD is a good 20 minutes away, crime out here is very, very low.
Out here, nearly everyone has a deer rifle, a shotgun, and a .22LR of somekind. Pretty much an assumption everyone out here is armed to some degree.
And, we look out for each other.
Giving respect to anybody, inherently confers a degree of legitimacy to his/her point of view.
Democrats want to set the stage for a physical cleansing (murder) of all who disagree with their ideology. They don’t want to negotiate, they want you gone.
They, through some of their leaders have already advocated such.
Non white democrats are openly advocating genocide of whites. ( think antifa & black lives matter). South African liberals, in control of their government, have stated that they are going to cut the head off of whiteness … whatever that means ( sounds like a declaration of genocide to me).
Somewhere along the way, they have lost sight of the notion that either everybody matters, or nobody matters.
Pay attention to what democrats say. They pose a real threat to any free society, and your personal safety.
We are getting close to the truth, Hillary and uranium one, immigration lies, fast and furious, the welfare state, the black welfare plantations , the real ties to Russia , and the real reason for the push for war. The pedofillia crisis, human trafficking , and all the rest.
We all know who is to blame, but cannot bring ourselves to believe it.
The real problem is the DEM elite . And the Progressive communists within their ranks ,who want what they want, and you are not going to stop them.
They desperately NEED gun controll to finish their plans. The “snowflake troops” they have for the upcoming civil war will be useless against armed patriots.
Do you really think that killing 17 kids to Achieve the communist utopia, will weigh on their consciences ?
We need to do all we can to make him the next senator from Virginia.
As to being offended:
“He who dares not offend cannot be honest.”
Thomas Paine (1737 – 1809)
Democrats do not want you armed. Oh, they know the history of what happens when you disarm a population. The MASS slaughter begins. So do the RAPES.
It is very telling of them when they CRY you are NOT disarmed. Because everyone knows a disarmed population is one easily and FORCIBLY controlled.
The Dementedcrat want NOTHING but a boot on your neck. That is their desire. To treat you like cattle and send you down the wrong chute when you disagree with them.
Never listen or fall for any of their demented crap emotional tricks designed to disarm your logic. Stick to your GUT instincts and logic. Will save you everytime!
I spent the whole week watching the debate in the Florida legislature. It was interesting. It was mostly the repubs trying to have a rational discussion and the dems putting forth ridiculous amendments. I didn’t agree with everything in the bill but that is democracy.
Delegate Nick Freitas is running for US Senate and is an incredible candidate, his election would benefit the entire country.
Please support Nick!
I will agree with everything that he said. The issues have to be addressed and made clearer to the masses as to second amendments meaning and the rights of self defence.
But I will state that being 62 yo, my hind sight is longer than his.
I question anyone joining our military after Viet nams false flag start, illegal gulf wars for oil and arms companies.
So coming from a person who served in a false war without thinking of the difference between defence and offence , his opinion will always carry a black mark.
I would never vote, listen to any fool who served in our corrupt military.
I would also never let children sway opinion on any subject till they were adults. The news has done a great dis service placing kids on national tv trying to sway political or constitutional law.
I wish Nick Freitas was running for US Senator in my state!!!
Why do Democrats get upset with Real History of their party. They were the slave party, KKK were Democrats, they endorsed segregation in schools, they did deny African Americans the right to vote. They have done everything to hide and change History so the look like republicans. The Democrats took over education so they could indoctrinate kids that communism and socialism is good. The entertainment industry also promotes and encourages violence, murder, killing and degrading women. The idea for 9-11 came right from a movie but their are never held accountable. You want to stop killing bring back accountability for our actions and the death penalty.
You murder someone you loose your life.
Danm! (sic) Good Stuff (Maynard!)
A lot of what Nick Freitas referenced can (and should) be sourced as coming from those darlings of the Left who came before them. We’re talking the psychologists and teachers of the ’50’s. The entire “Get God out of Government” movement that ripped the very foundations and concepts of Right and Wrong out of our public discourse, and removed Absolutes and Causation out from under even early childhood education. It’s source goes back to Stalinism, American Leftism, Maoism, the Marxist revolutionaries in Czarist Russia. It descends [in parts] from the so-called “enlightenment” that suffused the French Revolution. And it flows without dilution from that lie spoken so long ago, “You shall be as gods, defining what is Good and what is Evil.” We (humanity) believed a lie, to wit: “There shall be no other gods except you.”
I’m an old guy, more comfortable in the OTHER century’s values. We are not the Center of the Universe, and we are not gods.
So … NOW … how do I get this good stuff on my feed, and respond withOUT using that intrusive and abusive, ultimately destructive, abomination of today’s societal synapses we call “Facebook”? Seriously. “If I Had A Hammer [or rather, a button]” I would happily wipe the smirk off the face of its inventor.