18 Posts New Preppers Need to Read

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As we’ve pointed out before here at The Organic Prepper, there is a huge influx of new preppers within America. The past two years have caused a mass awakening throughout the United States as people have finally come to grips with the fact that they are responsible for their own well-being – themselves and no other.

Even just driving down the road, one needs to be able to take care of themselves, as we’ve seen demonstrated lately. But what if you’re new to the party? You’ve just “discovered” prepping and are both at a loss of where to begin and are simultaneously barraged by an overflow of information.

If this is where you’re at, we’re here to help. To help you on your quest, we’ve assembled a list of the articles here at The Organic Prepper, which will get you up to speed.


What new preppers need to know about water…

You have roughly three days of life without water. It’s absolutely vital you keep enough on hand as well as the means to purify the water you find.

Here are two links that will give you all the information you need to get yourself squared away in this department:

What do you need to know about food?

Barren grocery store shelves, lockdowns, being deemed “unessential” – these are all some of the many reasons to store food. Where does one even begin, though? How do you store food without going bankrupt? What are the best foods to store? How do you store your food?

We cover all of these questions and more in the links below…

Self-defense and its intricacies…

The Summer of Fires (aka 2020) caused many to finally realize the importance of being able to defend themselves. Gun sales reached record highs, and the number of those sales which went to first-time gun owners was astronomical.

For a good primer on keeping yourself and your family safe post-collapse, we highly recommend the following two pieces:

Cache creation for the new prepper…

The old adage of not storing all your eggs in one basket most certainly applies to prepping as well. All it takes is one tornado, gang of looters, or flood to completely wipe your supply line out if all your gear is in one location.

Here are two articles we recommend reading which will teach you how to diversify your locations:

Bugging out. What do you do?

Perhaps no other part of prepping is as misunderstood as the bug-out. For those looking for a primer on this never-ending debate, we have three excellent articles below which will help to give you a foundation to build off of.

Weather survival know-how is a must.

The most common prepping-related problem the average American is going to face throughout the year is beating the weather. Perhaps it’s a power outage that’s left one scratching their head as to how to best stay warm in their snow-trapped home. Maybe it’s just being trapped on the interstate for 16+ hours.

Whatever the cause, everybody should have some basic understanding of how to survive extremes of temperatures. Here are two articles which will help to give you that knowledge:

This will give you a fairly good foundation on prepping. 

Obviously, there is much more information to be learned within the world of prepping than can be covered with 18 posts. However, the above will give you a solid knowledge base to build off of as you continue to learn more and improve your position.

Prepping is both about survival and mitigating your risk of disaster. All of the above will help you to achieve both of these goals with no problem. And don’t forget…to continue to improve your knowledge base on prepping, make sure that you check back here on The Organic Prepper daily.

Our writers are seasoned preppers – many have lived through disasters of their own (such as civil war and economic collapse) – and are prolific writers as well.

What are your thoughts, though? Are there other posts of TOP you think should have made the cut? What information do you think the novice prepper should focus on? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

About Aden

Aden Tate is a regular contributor to TheOrganicPrepper.com and TheFrugalite.com. Aden runs a micro-farm where he raises dairy goats, a pig, honeybees, meat chickens, laying chickens, tomatoes, mushrooms, and greens. Aden has two published books, The Faithful Prepper and Zombie Choices. You can find his podcast The Last American on Preppers’ Broadcasting Network.

Picture of Aden Tate

Aden Tate

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6 Responses

  1. Great information for the beginners, this very website “The Organic Prepper.com ” was where I found our awakening. I hope this inspires more people to get prepared, thank you for all the information that I have acquired through your site. We have fared well. And we try to impress upon others to at least begin their prepping journey.

  2. FANTASTIC article pulling it all together!!! it clearly gives the article(s) to read to catch up on, giving new preppers the exact location where to find. no searching internet all over, trying to read tons of articles and making sense of all the details.


  3. Your article was very well done! I love one stop shopping and you’ve included everything needed. No one will feel like they have missed anything. Many thanks for your efforts.

  4. The one thing I’ve seen overlooked most often in articles such as these is the value of painkillers.

    A pack of generic painkillers like ibuprofen or paracetamol has all the qualities of money in a crisis, and greater utility. As an item for barter, it would perform well. In hard times, they are the difference between exhaustion and a good nights sleep.

    For a few dollars a month, a significant stockpile of basic painkillers could be amassed, but the purchases need to be spread out – just buy a couple of packs every time you find yourself in a store that sells them.

    1. I’ve been thinking about antibiotics, young adults and venereal disease. Right now, Vee Dee is running at an all time high through that population, even while antibiotics are available to bring said diseases under control. After the health care system breaks down, if you can’t find penicillin, doxycycline or azithromycin, your best workers, helpmeets and young mothers will be stricken and useless to you, sterile, slowly dying and in chronic pain. And of course they’ll be going cold turkey on ciggies and drugs and will be even more miserable. Do what you can now to score needed medicines; your kids will thank you.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

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