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By the author of The Ultimate Survival Gear Handbook and Street Survivalism: A Practical Training Guide To Life In The City.
Brazil during the 1980s and ’90s was a period marred by hyperinflation, stupid policies implemented by various governments to contain it, unrelenting economic turmoil, and social unrest. Now it’s time to see how it ended and go over some tips we can use to stay informed and prepared for what’s coming.
We’re living in a similar context today. Some experts defend that the economic setup is similar to the 1940s. Others say it’s more like the 1970s and ’80s. I’m of the opinion that this matters little to common people like you and me.
What I care about ultimately is how bad this can get, how it will affect me and others around me, and what I can do to protect myself and mitigate the suffering these situations inevitably bring.
Whether inflation will rise, reaching hyperinflation levels, or whether we witness deflation (which is equally damaging), the scenario is grim. It’s astonishing, but we’re in this pickle not only by the worsening of various extraneous circumstances but in great part by the design of our own governments: they wanted inflation and worked to get it.
Let’s go back to the story to see what happened to the economy and the population when the plan instituted in 1986 by the government to counter inflation started to sink.
The moment stuff disappears, social unrest starts bursting at the seams.
That’s when life becomes hell. Goods were being withheld. In response, the government started confiscating. At the height of hysteria, the military was deployed to search and seize cattle on the farms.
All sectors got affected. Strikes and riots became frequent, putting the government and the whole production and supply chains under even more heat.
Companies got fined, and commerce and businesses were sued and persecuted by authorities and civil organizations. More protests and riots came. Crime surged as well. Every day was hard.
History teaches us that we don’t learn from history.
The torment dragged on in the following years. With the economy in disarray, the yearly inflation topped at a mind-blowing 1,700 percent in 1989. That’s hyperinflation territory by all measures.
In 1990, the population elected an unknown young politician who based his campaign on promises of slaying inflation (then at monthly 84 percent) and jailing his corrupt peers at once (corruption always goes hand-in-hand with inflation).
Instead, another “freezing” came. Yet this time, it wasn’t prices nor wages that got trapped, but people’s savings. Without warning, over $45 billion of liquid assets got locked overnight.
“Everyone with bank deposits worth more than $1,250 was told that the government had “borrowed” their money and would not give it back for 18 months” [SOURCE]
You might be thinking, “There’s no way such a massive official steal would stick.” But you’d be wrong, because it did. And that’s how these things happen. People still think no one trusts politicians, but the population keeps falling for the same. Never say never.
How inflation was defeated
After a brief dip, inflation bounced back, and the economy entered a recession. The president rapidly lost support from all sectors. The population took to the streets and demanded his resignation. Engulfed in scandals, he was impeached by congress on the grounds of corruption and malfeasance.
Between 1992 and 1994, a group of luminaries assigned by the vice-president devised a more sound plan to promote a structured transition between currencies to stabilize inflation, among other measures. No more sudden surprises and hurried, half-baked magic solutions based on fluff and deceit.
A virtual monetary unit of reference was created to act exclusively as an anchor for the transition. It was called URV and was similar in principle and functionality to a CBDC in many ways. It worked. Inflation was slowly and consistently brought down. In 1994 when the first phase of the plan was successfully concluded, the real became our official currency and has remained so for almost three decades.
It’s worth noting that the real was the 12th Brazilian currency since it became a Republic in 1869. In the span of 122 years, twelve “currency resets” were enacted to try and beat inflation and hyperinflation. That’s what governments and institutions are scheming about when they start talking of new currencies, digital currencies, big resets, “we need better money,” and such.
(If you want to be able to eat during a time of hyperinflation, you need to read our free QUICKSTART Guide to building your 3-layer food storage plan now.)
A series of factors contributed to the success of the stabilization plan that took Brazil out of the pit.
This matters, and I’ll explain why. Initiatives like the Washington Consensus, public austerity and fiscal responsibility, consecutive trading surpluses, and increasing reserves gave support to an otherwise good stabilization plan.
The dawn of globalization, relative geopolitical stability, the rapid advancement of technology in telecommunications and production (internet, smartphones, mechanization, etc.), plus a string of other positive conditions that allowed most of the world to advance and prosper since the 90s, also worked in Brazil’s favor.
This is worth noting because this can help forecast trends and glimpse into the future, and perhaps help us with adjusting sails. Favorable or unfavorable “winds” and “windows” may dictate the nature (how good or bad), severity (how deep or shallow), and the duration (short or long) of a recession or depression – like the one forming right now.
There are always even more powerful natural forces behind the powerful human forces. Things like the climate, demographics, the zeitgeist, and so on. The correct and effective policies make all the difference. But they too are influenced by the alignment (or misalignment) of secondary factors that may help or muddle results. Anyway, this is beyond the present scope, so I’ll leave it at that.
Now let’s move on to some lessons and tips to prepare for the storm ahead.
Hyperinflation tends to boomerang.
Let’s say that things get good again. Everybody cheers up and thinks the worse has passed. Then suddenly, things get bad again. We saw that with the pandemic. It’s the same with the economy – especially during high volatility cycles and periods of instability and change.
In the period narrated here, inflation would dip for a few weeks or months, only to return with a vengeance. No boom or bust happens linearly. Unresolved issues will come back or pop up elsewhere, and the situation can get even worse than it was before.
A lot of people successfully weathered the first storm, only to get wiped out the second or third time around. Expect the best, but plan and prepare for the worst. And keep your guard up. If good times come, take the opportunity to build reserves. Keep saving and investing. History shows this is the right behavior.
Don’t think “Hyperinflation can’t happen here” or “I can’t be affected.”
Volatility is widespread. Globalization is taking a step back now, but the world’s still very interconnected. Nations depend on one another for all kinds of resources and products. This won’t change. The pipings and channels of the international financial system also won’t change overnight. But they can freeze, and even the population of developed countries can get impacted.
Mind the timing.
Governments are highly sensitive to anything that puts votes away, and inflation is one of the biggest because it impacts the everyday of population directly and relentlessly. They will strategically dress and time their policies with the objective to win elections or gain support during specific moments (like the midterms, for instance).
Short-sighted policies are favored because they’re political fast food: easy and quick to produce and pass, cheap, popular, and they satiate the populace for the time necessary for them to achieve their immediate goals. But they’re low in nutrients and full of bad fat that will stick for a long time and be painful to burn away.
Mind the language and the empty promises.
Terms like “temporary,” “freeze,” “control,” “tax increase,” and the like are absolutely red flags for coming hyperinflation. Above all, be wary of the propaganda and official narrative. The government will always try to sell these and other pernicious, devastating measures as “good for the people,” “necessary,” and “important for the cause.” Or some other BS. Ten out of ten times, we’re being taken to the slaughterhouse. I don’t believe in simple solutions to complex issues. Stay grounded and critical.
Populism flourishes in periods of hyperinflation.
Easy-selling solutions and measures like “tax the rich” and the like are also greatly favored by bureaucrats and politicians in these times. The population may not be aware, but the ruling classes are machiavellian and extremely mindful of the power of divisiveness. Expect every trick to be deployed to manipulate opposition and social tension to achieve their goals.
Follow the money.
If you want to stay informed about the situation where you live, look for things like the fiscal status, the public deficit, the debt-to-GDP ratio, trading balances, currency-issuing, bond yield curves, and so on. Follow investors and macro analysts: they are preppers in essence, as they work and save resources during good times to be used during bad ones.
I’ve simplified things for illustrational purposes. It’s not my intention to sound esoteric, but this can be a complex issue, and there are always a lot of orbiting factors influencing and dictating the dynamics of events in the economy and finance of nations.
Other practical suggestions for surviving hyperinflation
This convoluted tribulation was not exclusive to Brazil, of course. I’ve narrated what I saw and lived for half of my life, just that. Many other countries went through something similar, or even worse. Much worse. Research what happened to them and how this affected the lifestyle and everyday routines of common people like you and me. It’s a good way to get useful insights and prepare.
Some will revolt against what on the surface look like sheeple-y acceptance of the nefarious “own nothing and be happy” WEF agenda. But there’s really nothing we can do individually or even collectively to change reality, in the short term at least. But bringing Selco’s thoughts up once again, we can still work to improve our life by focusing on the small circles. Keep at that. Live frugally. Move closer to work. Share. Stockpile the stuff you might need in the future. Not just food, ammo, or medicines, but also (and above all) tools, clothes, electronics, appliances, and other durable extras.
There’s a lot we can do to weather these storms and improve our situation. The Organic Prepper Learning Center is an amazing source of knowledge on that. At the very least, learn and experiment with producing some food, even the basics. If things get to that point in the near future, you’ll be glad for it.
My final thoughts on hyperinflation
I understand that hyperinflation is a rather un-sexy topic for many. I’m sorry. But if you get anything from what I’m saying, make it this: the world is trapped, and there’s no easy or painless solution. We’re being governed by mendacious, incompetent, and sociopathic borderline criminals that have no clue and will make things worse. I see the storm forming, and it will come from what has already been done, not just from what is happening now. Make your own history, and you should be fine.
And keep enjoying life while things are still normal and good. That’s important, too.
What are your thoughts on hyperinflation?
How do you intend to navigate hyperinflation? Do you think we’re going to see it here? Do you have specific points of concern? Share your thoughts in the comments.
About Fabian
Fabian Ommar is a 50-year-old middle-class worker living in São Paulo, Brazil. Far from being the super-tactical or highly trained military survivor type, he is the average joe who since his youth has been involved with self-reliance and outdoor activities and the practical side of balancing life between a big city and rural/wilderness settings. Since the 2008 world economic crisis, he has been training and helping others in his area to become better prepared for the “constant, slow-burning SHTF” of living in a 3rd world country.
Fabian’s ebook, Street Survivalism: A Practical Training Guide To Life In The City , is a practical training method for common city dwellers based on the lifestyle of the homeless (real-life survivors) to be more psychologically, mentally, and physically prepared to deal with the harsh reality of the streets during normal or difficult times. He’s also the author of The Ultimate Survival Gear Handbook.
You can follow Fabian on Instagram @stoicsurvivor
32 Responses
I’m not sure why you used “borderline” in “sociopathic borderline criminals.” They’re absolutely criminals, and the worst on the planet.
He might be referring to borderline personality disorder, which is often comorbid with sociopathy. FWIW I agree: they’re evil, criminal, rotten people with no soul and no conscience. This is what we get for voting for the lesser evil: evil people were put into power and they’ve acted according to their nature. Big surprise.
You´re right, they´re criminals.
IMO it’s already raining. The storm is here. The population here in the US is extremely divided, debt to GDP is 123%, and preppers are being demonized and Othered as hoarders. The NDAA gives legal authority to any government agency that wants to take everything in our cupboards down to the last can of Spam, and government has been slavering over the money in individual investment accounts for years. The storm has begun. My strategies are stay gray, control what I can control, limit my news intake, and leave social media. Work on my barter network locally. And if it’s my dharma to die, die well and with company. YMMV of course.
I agree, the storm is already here.
For those of us who prep, on one hand it is something of “meh, it has started.” On the other, still concerning.
I dunno, watching the government try to take someone’s food, especially in this inflationary environment, would go very badly.
You might be surprised at just how easily the population submits. If the rifle is already up my nose there’s not much I can do to fight, and the rules are what the PTB say the rules are. They’ve already amply shown their opinion of the Constitution. On the up shot: since when hasn’t the world been falling apart? Hallelujah!
1stMarine, I believe this is a prelude, and it will get much worse. And this leads to your comment about the govt. confiscating food: they won´t confiscate from the population, but from the producers, distributors, stores, etc.
This will be equally bad, as it was here. It won´t cause a revolution, but in the mid term it will bring unintended consequences.
That´s the whole point: once the crap is hitting the fan, most desperate attempts from the top to attenuate or control the shitstorm tend to make things worse.
And as I said, the foundations were much more solid in the 1970´s and 1980´s (economy, finance, supply chain, etc.).
1stMarineJarhead first look at history. If the population is armed (like ours) get them disarmed or afraid to use those weapons (pretty much were we are right now. I could list several instances if you want). Divide the population so the Prepped are Othered and troublemakers or worse thieves of MY FOOD.
Politicians are MASTERS at deflecting the Blame for THEIR Errors.
Then like the branch Davidians the backlash to using armored vehicles and helicopters isn’t so impossible.
Let alone snipers to take out folks. They don’t have to go door to door risking police SWAT teams.
Other options is “Voluntary turn in of excess foods”. As more than a few of your neighbors are well aware of your preps. Lets be realistic most of us are NOT Grey Men. If that fails then given rats turning you in they simply shut off your electricity and banking until you turn over your weapons and excess foods (subject to inspection, of course).
Best to be the really grey man and have sacrificial supplies to lose as we wail and tear our hair, while having a secondary stash to lose if they search hard (given OPSEC issues and neighbors that think we are FOOD Thieves).
I’d be overjoyed to be wrong and a Righteous Strong Man rides to our rescue, but history says differently.
Trusted friends, shared caches, tools, seeds and closed mouths will get us past the chaos.
It doesn’t take any encouragement from anyone for hungry people to try to steal the food from those that have it. I wouldn’t worry so much about what the government may do, when any neighbor might do it anyway. I used to hang around a forum where one of the members had the signature: “It doesn’t matter how much food I grow in my garden if my neighbors don’t have any.” I think about that one all the time. My plan, if things get to the point when neighbors are going hungry, is to go to a place where I reckon it’s very unlikely that people are going to go hungry. And I already know what that place is, and a friend of mine lives there already.
I try and pull all my cash out of the bank except for the automatic payments and if i need to buy something online. Otherwise I pay cash for everything I do. The government gave itself permission to steal our food, but nowhere in the state constitution does it allow it. The federal government does not have jurisdiction in the boundary of the state except where the state ceded jurisdiction. So, how do they get the authority to come into my home and steal my food? Remember we do not have a national government, but federal. Federal means by contract/by agreement. That agreement is the united states Constitution. Art. 1, Sec. 8, Clause 17 defines where the feds have jurisdiction within the boundary of the states. If you don’t know your rights, then you have none. I am not a united states citizen. I am a Texan. I know the difference. The united states code says you can be one of four things. One is a state citizen or else a united states citizen, or you can be both or else neither. I choose to only be a state citizen, because of the numerous court rulings that basically makes a united states citizen property of the federal government. Silence is agreement. You only keep the rights you fight for. I will not allow anyone to come into my home and steal my food.
I am curious, Mette, have you expatriated to the state of your father’s birth using the method described in Chapter CCXLIX of The Statutes at Large?
Mette: I agree with your comments, but as has been pointed out to me by my wife: laws, the constitution, the bill of rights mean very little at this point in history. Am “emergency” declaration very often lets the powers that be suspend parts or all of the constitution/bill of rights. All of those things only matter and exist if the people in charge are lawful in intent. Otherwise they are just pretty words on paper to placate the masses. Unfortunately we seem to be entering a time in history where “might makes right” and we have allowed, through our own greed and apathy, the Federal government to become very mighty.
I also agree with you on the keeping cash as much as possible, but it does have it’s downside as well. In a financial crisis like Brazil went through, they will eventually resort to issuing “new” money. Whether they call them dollars, or new dollars, or Blue-Backs like in “Escape from L.A.” they will simply make it a felony to use or possess the “old” money. Much like the government did with private ownership of gold during the 1930’s. It’s not unheard of and the precedent has been set.
There are many ways to combat inflation and hyper inflation. Various factions are pushing it as a gigantic problem. It does not have to be such a problem.
For many years off and on, we have had high inflation rates, most often associated with Democratic administrations. However most Republican administration have not gone far enough to combat that rate either. Leaving it high and saying that not much can be done about it.
Trump made a major dent in the inflation rate in less than 4 years. So it it quite possible to stop hyperinflation in its tracks. If the politicians are willing to do so. The problem is that they are not usually willing to deal with it.
We just have to insure there are legal elections, of those who will actually do what is needed to be done.
Although we must learn from history, it is also replete with lies, half truths and other fabrications that are used to cover up the realities of it’s truth.
So beware what you use to make the basis for your understanding of History and other evens. The Truth is not always what you have been told. Most of the time, it was propaganda and lies.
Ah, no cannibalism. Thanks for that.
Yep! There are many ways to fight inflation/hyperinflation. I totally agree! BUT that will means hardship and sacrifice, and at present we do not have a population willing to do this. Any politician that tries to institute these policies will never be elected long enough to bring bout lasting change – Mr. Trump is a good example.
The other side of this is that any proven methods of fighting inflation have the potential to collapse the economy. Raise interest rates to 10% of even 15% and you will see inflation drop. But, that would also mean that literally millions of people would not be able to afford their mortgages, and the housing market would collapse, along with the banks.
There are no easy solutions to this without the resulting consequences. We have been fighting inflation for the last 20 or 30 years through artificially stimulating the economy, keeping interest rates artificially low, etc. and it’s brought us to this point in time. There is no more road to “kick the can down”. As my grandpa used to say, “The chickens have come home to roost”, and it’s gong to get downright dirty before it gets better.
Very well said. Thank you.
I’m currently buying Real. When the general population finally figures out the collapse has happened, it’ll be too late to exchange dollars for a stable currency, silver, gold or a gallon of milk for that matter.
With Brazil having strong ties through the BRICS (soon to be BRICS-V) economic alliance, and currently I can still buy Real, it looks like a solid hedge for me. Buying now gets me more cheaper for the future to exchange back to hyperinflated dollars today my taxes locally.
..to pay..
Not today
Jim you touched on an important topic. The USD being the world´s currency reserve means the population from other countries can take financial shelter in the US dollar when their currencies collapse. Like in Lebanon and Argentina now or even Brazil throughout the 70´s/80´s/90/s.
But how to defend when your bills are denominated in the world reserve currency (i.e. the USD)? Maybe American residents can tap into that strategy by buying some Swiss francs, or UK pounds do diversify.
I keep some USD in reserve just in case because if USD collapses, maybe the BRL will crash even worse, like most other currencies, and that will give me some respite.
Right now the BLR has valued 16% over the USD since december, both from the USD losing a bit of value and the BLR gaining some. But I know that can change quickly.
Been reading a number of articles that the move by Russia to tie their Ruble to gold may have changed the USD as the reserve currency. More than a few of our so called allies would be okay with that.
Will have to see how it plays out.
Side note: Have also seen more than a few suggest the WEF Great Rest just may have been trumped by the Russian Reset.
Yep. when Reuter’s reported in 2020 that she was exporting “illegal” gold, I considered the source and ignored it. Figured it was more cia fed misinformation. Figured Brazil’s production was making someone nervous.
Brazil is an amazing country. Wonderful people and resources out the wazoo. Amazing beef and lamb production. Average two full harvests of corn annually.
I hope we can repair our fences with her after this shit-show we all have to play our part in is over. I’m ready. I’ll continue to get more ready right up until I can do no more.
Read a similar article this morning also re. WEF vs. Russia reset. I remain dubious. But, well all find out soon!????
One can hope the “You’ll own NOTHING and Be Happy” WEF Crowd is troubled but given a huge amount of the world’s calories, fertilizer, potash, oil and natural gas (used for fertilizer also) is tied up in this Proxy War between USA and Russia in Ukraine. There’s a Whole Lot OF Hunger-Starvation-Suffering going to happen this year AND next (as this fall’s planted wheat needs fertilizer).
Losing world reserve currency status when the British lost the Pound Sterling before Bretton Woods dropped the British standard of living as everything they imported doubled in cost.
Their once powerful navy is now a Carrier (The QE) with an American Marine Airwing stationed on it and 3 frigate sized ships available for deployment (as I keep seeing those 3 names in British deployments).
AND the Brits had the USA as their Trusted Ally to support and help them. Who’s going to be OUR Protector once we suffer loss of the Petrodollar?
Got food, lots of food? Hunger is coming to America.
As with any best laid plans, are only as good as first contact.
As much as some like to think the WEF is all knowing, all in power, they are not. They put their pants on just like the rest of us. Their alleged power is an illusion. It is easier and cheaper to create an illusion then actually enact on it. Just recently Hillary Clinton commented on how she did not understand how the American people did not believe or support the supposed success of the Democratic party since Biden was sworn in. Fact is, most American people see past the illusion/gaslighting narrative the DNC and their complaisant MSM push.
Even Democrats like Bill Maher are calling them out.
The hockey stick inflation, food inflation, supply chain shortages of various kinds, it is that much easier to make a blanket, drive by statement that some how, in all that chaos, the WEF or aka TPTB are somehow in control and it is all according to their plan.
If you have ever been in a firefight, you know that chaos rules, and the rest are reactionary.
I agree with your statement; Hunger is coming to America.
Not just hunger, Brother. We’ll also get all the chaos that hunger brings. Probably worse than many parts of the world because of the “entitlement” of our society. Losing heat, running water, cheap groceries, and the internet don’t mean much to a person living in a mud hut in Africa, but here they could bring about a wave of chaos and violence that we have never seen before.
There is also speculation that Saudi Arabia is talking about selling oil to China for either gold of Yuan. If true, this could truly signal the end of the USD as the worlds reserve currency.
One of the first things you think of is gold or silver. There is a catch with those: most people have not a clue about either of these (and much less about exotics like platinum or palladium). Mark Dice made a video about 2 buildings down from a coin shop, easily visible from the sidewalk where he was. He offered a one-ounce gold coin worth $1800 that day to passersby in exchange for whatever cheap junk he saw them with–ice cream, a T-shirt, a necklace. They refused because “its really good ice cream” and “that’s foreign money,” and other idiot reasons.
People will be unable to switch to gold or silver right away. I know I won’t be able to survive by myself, so I have decided to use small amounts of junk silver with locals, paying mostly with normal cash. One real money dime or quarter will introduce them to a whole new world that just might save their life–and yours.
I am one that would be slow to switch because my thinking is that a hunk of metal is impractical in a real breakdown situation. It doesn’t matter if it is real and valuable in our current economy. Unless it has value to me and everyone I would be trading with in the new situation, it is just pretty metal. It feels like we have been conditioned that gold and silver are supposed to mean something financially. Yet that doesn’t mean they will hold any value as a financial tool in a true societal breakdown situation.
Now in a bad economic crash where the semblance of “normal economics” still seems to exist, gold and silver will still be perceived as having value and worth trading for.
I do the same thing with Constitutional silver. I’ll often offer my server at a restaurant a choice between a $5 tip or a 50 cent tip with 2 silver quarters. It always opens up a conversation, and people are starting to get it. (HINT: The 2 silver quarters are worth over $10)
One of the few known successful outcomes of when people get disgusted and solved the problem was the story of the Ceaucescus of Romania. Brutal tyrannical leaders but aren’t they all?
I don’t think those people still have recovered. One thing of note, the Queen of England gave them an award of some kind. That’s hardly talked about anymore because it’s so embarrassing and tells you a lot how your leaders are far removed from you and you from them.
A fantastic book to read to fully understand how hyperinflation works is “When Money Dies” by Adam Fergusson. It covers the Weimar Germany Hyperinflation that ended in 1923. It is virtually a day by day account including diary entries from ordinary people and what they went through. Not everyone loses in an event like this, there can be winners as well. I strongly recommend this as a must read.
Okay Fabian, you had to know that I’d be along to comment. I’m very glad to see that you included the following in your article:
“The dawn of globalization, relative geopolitical stability, the rapid advancement of technology in telecommunications and production (internet, smartphones, mechanization, etc.), plus a string of other positive conditions that allowed most of the world to advance and prosper since the 90s, also worked in Brazil’s favor.”
You make many great points in your article, and there are many good take-aways from it for the “preppers” out there. I just continue to come back to the fact that we have never been here before. Up until this point in our society (Especially this new technologically dependent society) we have seen only regional/national economic failures. As you pointed out the rest of the world was advancing and prospering. Going all the way back to WW II, we see the same thing. There have always been areas of the world that were untouched by the war/drought/famine/depression/whatever, (usually north America) and continued to produce the necessities in quantities enough to help support the rest of the world. In this coming crisis, I see a world-wide phenomenon. With many of the governments world-wide on the verge of financial collapse, along with the myriad other issues that we presently face from supply chain issues to lack of raw material production, to a food shortage, I just don’t see anyone that will be untouched by this. There will be no country that will “advance and prosper” and I don’t think that without that happening that governments will be able to reverse the trend like they did in Brazil.
P.S. If people think that the government can’t/won’t seize bank accounts, all they have to do is look at Canada. Our illustrious want-to-be dictator enacted the Emergencies Act (War Measures Act) and froze the bank accounts of peaceful protesters that he didn’t agree with. And that’s in Canada! A supposedly free country!
Fabian, I read all of your articles with interest. You are very through and I like that. Are gold and silver coins available in coin dealer shops in Brazil now and have they been available in the past? Have gold or silver coins, or sterling silver flatware (forks, spoons, etc) or hollowware (bowls, trays, etc) been used as payment or barter during any of Brazil’s inflationary periods? Do you think gold, silver or sterling silver items would be acceptable as payment or barter by some sellers during the next inflationary period? What about other countries gold or silver coins? Looking in the Standard Catalog of World Coins it looks like it’s been 90 or 100 years since Brazil has minted any gold or silver coins in any quantity.