National Preparedness Month Daily Challenge: Day 21

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Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

If you missed the previous challenges, you can catch up here:

Today’s Challenge

A saying in the prepper world is “knowledge weighs nothing.”  We all know that our skills are the one thing we can’t lose. Many of us live pretty pampered lives compared to those who raise their own food or build structures or spend their time in the wilderness.

Since it’s a weekend, we have a bit more time. So, today, practice a skill like marksmanship, archery, or self-defense. If you aren’t into these kinds of things, choose a different skill like food preservation. Better yet, if there are any around, teach a young person to learn this skill and pass it on to the next generation. Make it something you don’t do every day and polish your skill.

What skill did you practice?

Share what skill you practiced in the comments below. I bet we’ll have a very wide range of skills!

If you’re participating to win prizes, be sure to post on the forum, too.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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5 Responses

  1. 5 for 5-dime challenge (for .22).
    Shoot 5, 5rnd groups that a dime can cover your groups.

    If using a .30cal or larger, make it a quarter.

  2. I think I should be mourning the death of a close friend and staying off the social ‘net entirely.

    However, aggressively promoting two of my core sources, and seems necessary, this weekend of the U.N. Climate Summit farce. Enjoy the efforts of Russ George and Debbie MacKenzie while they last; two lonely activists can’t be expected to last forever. There’s too much elite and partisan populist skin at stake in pushing the global warming farce agenda for real solutions.

    The fix for global warming/climate change is iron dust fertilization of the deep ocean phytoplankton pastures, and restoring to full living glory the living marine carbon sink. Its like how farming isn’t the plants, but farming the soil ecosystem that supports the crops. This was envisioned by oceanographer John Martin thirty years ago, before his untimely death to prostate cancer.

    Survival skills don’t matter if there’s nothing to survive of off or grow.

    The powers that presume to be, effed up the ecosystem trying to thaw the poles and end the ice ages with CO2 poisoning of the planet. Even as the planet’s life support system goes extinct, they and their popular supporters make plans or war and robber barony in the ultimate disaster capitalism play.

    Compressing thousands of years of climate change into centuries and decades, is such a bad idea and a ridiculously open secret. Yet millions march calling for government action – more authoritarianism – instead of iron dust fertilization of the oceans far off the continental shelves, the ocean phytoplankton pastures of the planet.

    The Sun, Earth orbit, magnetic poles, cosmic radiation, form the amplifier of global temperature; the living carbon cycle is the dial people have most control over, and its been turned to the max.

    The decision to thaw the poles and end the ice ages is one of the biggest, yet non-public, decision for our species ever made. Bring it up, and many will tacitly agree this is a good thing if they take this seriously at all.

    However, the mass extinction of so many living components of the carbon dial breaks the dial. The Earth has had large amounts of CO2 in the past, but this developed over thousands of years; life had a chance to adapt. Not this time around.

    Maybe the elites to have stashed little arks of plants and seeds and believe gene editing tools like CRISPR will save them after the rest of us have died off. Odds are they screwed that up too.

    Faith is best placed in prevention of End Times and defense of Creation than those trying to foster and game an Armageddon in their favour.

      1. I’ve been working ongoing on trying to remember a few basic knots for the past few months. A couple of good hitches, lark’s head, sheet bend.

        Knots just don’t seem to stick without regular practice. As in, gone the next day. Forcing practice as part of a daily routine is having mixed results.

        This is the sort of basic boring stuff only intellectually understood as needed, not emotionally understood as potentially critical to survival someday. Worse than exercising in ease of neglect.

  3. Enjoyed this one. As a teenager I had a wall full of archery trophies. Then my bows were stolen. I recently bought 2, 30 lb bows. Not heavy enough for a big animal but would do smaller game or predators after my chickens, ducks, or rabbits.
    I enjoyed an hour hitting the target. Finally hitting bullseye. But hard with this award hand.

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