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Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course
Today’s challenge is about using the gear that is very possibly sitting in your bag or on a shelf still in its packaging. Don’t feel bad – we all do it.
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Today’s Challenge
It’s time to break in your water filter!
Today I want you to drink from a puddle or a creek after running the water through your Sawyer Mini or Lifestraw.
It’s important to trust your equipment and most folks have these filters but have never used them. What if you get right down to it and you don’t actually know how your filter works? Admittedly, they’re simple to use, but if you’ve never used them and you’re in a scary situation, even things that should be easy become more difficult.
Drinking puddle water from my Sawyer Mini was one of the things I did when I took Selco’s course. It didn’t exactly taste like it came from a clear mountain spring but it also quenched my thirst without making me sick.
How did it go?
From what source did you filter water? Was your filter easy to use? Have you used your filter previously? How did you feel after drinking the water?
PS: Be sure and rinse your filter out with tap water and let it dry completely after using it. You probably won’t be drinking from a puddle on a daily basis, so it’s best to clean it.
PPS: Remember, if you want to win prizes, post over in the forum.
14 Responses
I don’t want to use our Lifestraws until we need them as I am not sure once they are damp if they would mildew if they laid around and were not used again for awhile. However, I did use my Saychele Extreme Filter water bottle when I was in the Amazon last year and it worked great!
The official story is they can be dried and used again, but caution is certainly understandable.
I’m with you, I don’t really want to use our Lifestraws and compromise their usefulness.
If any water filter user is going to do a test on their new filter, if they live in and area that could freeze or ever contemplate traveling to where that filter could freeze (with even tiny bits of water still inside the microscopic-sized capillary tubes), there is the risk after such freezing that the newly created ice will crack those tubes. That could allow some contaminated water to pass through and make the user very sick.
The safe way to do such a test is by using a water filter ONLY for that test and to let the user become familiar with whatever connecting tubes, water bag accessories, etc s/he may or may not have (that might even need to be ordered, eg).
Then for any time that filter might need to be used for real, take along a second filter that has never been used — which doesn’t not have the possibility that it might have suffered freezing damage after being used even a little bit.
This older discussion thread from 2012 about that issue makes the point:
In the case of Sawyer filters, ask the company if it’s even possible to get every tiny bit of water out after being used just once.
Since I have both the Sawyer Mini and their Squeeze models in pristine never-used condition, I was motivated to see what Sawyer says about freezing.
Excerpts from the Sawyer FAQs:
Can I freeze the filter?
While we have no proof that freezing will harm the filter, we do not have enough proof to say it will not harm the filter, therefore we must say that if you suspect the filter has been frozen, to replace it — this is especially true with a hard freeze.
How do I care for my filter during freezing weather?
Before initial wetting:
Filter is safe from freezing temperatures if it has never been wetted.
After initial wetting:
While there is no definitive way to tell if a filter has been damaged due to freezing, Sawyer recommends replacing your filter if you suspect that it has been frozen.
During trips:
If you are in freezing temperatures, we recommend that you store your filter in your pocket or close to your person so that your body heat can prevent freezing. THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR A FROZEN FILTER.
Thank you for doing that research, Lewis!
Took water from my pond using a lifestraw steel personal and a katadyn personal filter. I usually take one or the other with me when I travel overseas, usually the katadyn. I also have a katadyn expedition, a MSR guardian, a big berkey and a steripen that I didn’t use for this exercise. I use my big berkey daily to filter my drinking water. Water is great but it keeps to filter cartridges working.
Trump has been a fantastic preside t, He goes right to the problem and tries to fix it with no help from the democrats what so ever
What does your political statement have to do with the preparedness challenge?
His “filter” clearly isn’t working!
Brilliant come back!
Tasted fine, have used the straw many times before.
I’ve used one of my lifestraws on several different occasions. Never an issue. Water tasted fine and I never got any illness from the water.
Urgh, have not tested this yet as was unsure how long it would dry after use. Quite expensive here so didn’t want to mess it up.