The MSM Lied About Trump So Much, People Genuinely Fear for Their Lives (Graphic Content)

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Author of How to Prep When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

Just when you thought you couldn’t be any more disgusted by the mainstream media (or American Pravda, as I like to call it), the aftermath of the resoundingly strong statement election has proven us wrong. Because of exaggerations, misquotes, and outright lies about President Trump, the people who were adamantly supportive of Kamala Harris are in genuine fear for their lives.

It doesn’t help that Reddit has turned itself into an echo chamber, permanently banning anyone who tries to speak logically or mentions that they supported Trump in the election. Social proof of the hysteria fills mediums like TikTok, X, and Instagram, where people are filming their meltdowns over the election results.

But the real issue here isn’t the reactions. It’s what caused the reactions, and it wasn’t Trump.

The lies have caused immense harm.

Between the outright lies of the Harris campaign and the way the media picked them up and magnified them, people are convinced of outrageous things. I’m trying to look at this compassionately because many of us have had our own worries about four years under Harris or President Biden and eight years with President Obama.

The difference is not that our fears are rooted in reality and therefore more reasonable – not at all. The difference is that our fears were not magnified by every social media outlet but X and amplified by the mainstream media every single day of the entire election. Many of these people are truly convinced that their lives are at risk in a Trump presidency. The news has told them so, and it is reinforced every day, creating a terrifying echo chamber. Because they are so convinced, it’s very difficult to get through to them that things are not as they believe.

The outrageous propaganda has accelerated to the point that it’s about to lead to suicides, civil unrest, and perhaps even civil war.

And most of it is based on lies and misdirections.

I started out being amused by the meltdowns – some of them genuinely are outrageous. But I quickly realized that while for some, it was showmanship, for many others, it was mortal fear – a fear that was manufactured but is nonetheless real. And, this may be an unpopular opinion, but I can’t look at it that way and feel good about it.

The monster doesn’t really have to be in the closet for a child to be terrified of what’s in the closet. If they’re convinced the monster is there, then they feel authentic fear.

The media will have blood on its hands.

The media has the blood on its hands of anyone who commits suicide over this manufactured fear. They bear the responsibility for anyone harmed in civil unrest that arises from this. They’ve lied nonstop and without public rebuttals about things like Project 2025, abortion bans, gay marriage being dissolved, and interracial marriages being dissolved. They’ve been told that even legal immigrants to the country will be rounded up into camps and deported. They’re convinced that there are internment camps there for them. They believe that women will be forced to have babies and that the government will track their menstrual period apps for irregularities.

If you think about it, with the camps and such, some of their conspiracy theories have been some of our conspiracy theories. It’s just that the villain is different. And we didn’t spin out of control because we also had the world telling us we were crazy, whereas their world is reaffirming their fears around the clock.

Look at some of the following with the awareness that these poor people have been brainwashed to truly believe that what they fear is real.

(Warning: Mentions of abortion, profanity, and suicide.)

These screenshots were collected by the X user, Reddit Lies.


It’s easy to look at this stuff and laugh it off.

It’s far more difficult for us to understand their fears and show compassion, particularly after we ourselves have been demonized for years.

The people who need to be held accountable are the talking heads who reinforced these laws and triggered this fear. Honestly, I see these people as victims of the media and the shady campaign run by the Democrats. I have more to say on this topic, but that is content for a different article.

While I’m sick to death of being called a Nazi, a fascist, garbage, an inbred hillbilly, uneducated, and worse, lashing out in anger will do nothing to resolve this. Our anger should be directed where it is deserved: the people creating dark fairy tales and boogeymen and convincing these folks it was real.

All we can do individually right now is show people who we really are. Remember that if someone truly believes that a danger exists, it doesn’t matter if it is real or not. It’s real to them. If you can’t bring yourself to feel compassion or kindness, at least don’t make their fears worse than they already are.

I believe we can do better than what has been done to us over the past decades.

This is our part of making America great again.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand You can find her on FacebookPinterestGabMeWeParlerInstagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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60 Responses

  1. I just posted on my FB today about this exact issue upon seeing multiple followers talking about how their lives are in danger now, how terrified they are, how their jobs and lives are going to be eliminated, and similar discussions – it’s SO SAD how brainwashed these people have become from all the fear-mongering!

  2. I know it isn’t kind to say so, but the first woman is getting exactly what we went thru for 4 years. She is now a prepper!

  3. My concern is what information sources are these folks getting their information wrong, because every single bit of it is easily and demonstrably FALSE. Many are clearly mentally ill, and that is nothing to joke about – but the best thing anyone can do is shut off your social media and get outside. Life outside the bubble is much better than anyone can imagine.

  4. Oh my goodness. I had no idea that people really believe this way. First it makes me very angry at the fear mongers and liars. But my heart absolutely breaks for these people who have been lied to that actually believe these lies. All I know to do is pray for them that they will see the truth. That they may come to know Jesus and know that He is the only truth.

    1. I was absolutely in shock when my neighbor literally said the insane things she thinks Trump is going to do to people. I gently reminded her about the dems putting us in fema death camps and she thought it was ridiculous and then had that aha moment. I point blank told her that she need not worry about Trump, and start worrying about Agenda 2030 n nwo and we need to pull together

    2. exactly believe in Jesus. America wanted a king just like Israel and now they’ve gotten one. Just like Saul. May the Lord have mercy on the USA.

  5. Thank you so much for making us aware of this .. so very sad … it is a spiritual battle… love them ..have empathy..pray against the evil… and pray they are set free and see truth

  6. The problem here is context.
    In this case, these people ALL have mental problems!!!
    Just like you can’t fix stupid, you can’t fix mental cases. They, themselves, have to choose to become different, to think differently.
    People gravitate to the media that says what they want to hear or that they are inclined to believe. This is the main Problem.

    Human nature drives some of this, Minorities in any country will always feel marginalized, mistreated, ostracized, etc., just because they are in fact, the minority.
    It does not matter what the minority is based upon; sex, politics, skin color, nationality, tribal identity, religion or something else or any combination of the above.
    This is proven again and again all over the world.
    Bad actors, will always draw on these people’s feelings and seek to use them for their own personal gain or to spread chaos and revolution.

    The second point of context is the once you realize it is a “minority” mindset thing, is to realize that it is also world wide thing. Thinking this is only about Trump or conservatives, is another problem. The same problem is the basis for White people are bad, Straight people are bad, All men (patriarchy) are bad, etc.

    Over the last 4 years, conservatives felt like they were the minority and reacted the same way these people have. How many conservatives bought into the narrative that the Obama or even the Biden administration was going to target them, Maybe even round them up and put them in camps.
    Not everyone bought into that narrative, but it was out there and promoted a lot at the time.
    We got over it and they should also, just give them some time. But don’t baby them or make excuses for them. Don’t feed their delusions.
    They need to grow up, put on some “big boy” pants, dresses, or whatever and learn to get a life and to get along with the rest on the world.

    1. “Put ‘em in the camps…” sounds weird and outrageous today but the Australian gov’t did just that during the Covid crisis. The Anglophile gov’ts have all been riding the tyranny train for years, and the USA was going to be the cherry on top, the biggest prize for the Euro elites, if they could accomplish it before time ran out & popular outcry overwhelmed them (they missed it by THAT much).

      If the likes of Trump, Vance, Ramaswamy, Musk, Kennedy, Gabbard and so many others had not stepped up this year, we’d be in a pickle.

  7. Wow! I truly feel a deep sorrow for people like this. They are sick mentally and spiritually. They need Jesus. I can totally see how big the divide is here and the potential for some really bad things to happen in the future. Their thinking is so wrong whatever the reason are. May God help them and this country. This world.
    Play PREP and be Peaceful. Head on a swivel. Prayers for everyone.

  8. I’d agree that we need to hold MSM, the freak influencers peddling this fear porn online and the schools responsible for starters. Some people are obviously mentally unstable and this has just put them over the edge . For sure people are profiting from peddling this fear.

    As an aside I just want to say that while I was watching the first video with that woman obviously convinced we were coming for her and her uterus, my area in Northern Israel experienced our second serious rocket attack of the day, courtesy of Hezbollah. There was a direct hit near me- if you’ve never experienced what a direct hit by a rocket sounds like, let me tell you it’s loud! So I’m still shaking and the entire community is dealing with this. We have real problems and monsters who want us all dead. I don’t have time for manufactured boogeyman under the bed. The snowflakes of the US need to get a grip.

    1. Ani, so sorry you and everyone are in this. You are absolutely right about REAL problems. It is sobering. God bless you. This destruction is not His plan.

  9. It is sad to see this. This is exactly what happened yesterday with my liberal neighbor. She was truly terrified. My youngest son last night said that I’m wrong because of my Christian stance and that there are more than 2 genders. I have no words. Like none. I take responsibility for my son and my neighbor by NOT preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ more to them. For allowing my son and daughter to go live with their grandparents after their father was murdered, because they were indoctrinated. I told my son that im not going to allow politics to destroy our family. These people truly think we are of the devil because we voted for Trump. The media has blood on their hands.

    1. Every generation thinks they’ve got it suss’ed out, that the thousand generations before them were idiots.

  10. Very Sad…unfortunately these folks have gone off the deep end…shame on the folks in the media who have brainwashed these poor people.

  11. Thank you Daisy for this good reminder to show love and compassion to our neighbors. It is the lying legacy media that bears most of the guilt, and there but by the grace of God I would be brainwashed too. God bless you!

  12. 1.We have to attack the main slime media during the next few months over their lying and its consequences. A couple editors recently helped by publishing their reasons for refusing to endorse Kamala. That was not wanting to keep publishing the fact of their bias.

    2.The worst thing was not their outright lies, but the fact that they spike all the important stories. Liberals cannot name a single good thing about Trump, nor why anybody would doubt climate alarmism, and many still don’t know anything bad about the COVID shots.

    3.Most Patriots know the MSM uses scary music and other nonverbal cues to amplify fear. Pointing that out to shrieking liberals might be something that would help, because it doesn’t make them wrong.

    4. Patriots have been pointing out that the “deep state”/cabal/Satanists/THEM have very good reason to fear Patriots victory, because they have committed Treason, the penalty for which is death. Others have jail to fear, and that was reason enough for their panic. The rank and file democrats were never the target. WE know that, but the Dems were taught to fear, hate and shun us, and karma is a bitch.

    5. Absolutely, we must be very gentle with them. WWG1WGA

  13. I don’t think actual mental illness should be overlooked as a main driver for the depression and paranoia these people are experiencing.

    Lots of these folks are on medications and have unhealthy diets and habits and some of them are using illicit drugs as well, which certainly can play a part in their delusions.

    I also think we should be aware of the narcissism of many of these folks, which impells them to use their suffering, whether real or imagined, to manipulate and control others.

    Yep, undoubtedly the media and the Democrat party have a role in these folks’ suffering, but we need to be aware of the other factors, too.

    It is difficult to deceive healthy, well balanced people who are rooted in reality, which is likely the reason why the government and its media and Big corporation allies are pushing poor diets, poor habits, “medicine” which causes more problems than it helps, a hedonistic lifestyle and reality-defying delusions of transgenderism to corrupt the health of the minds, bodies and spirits of Americans and other people in the world.

    It is much easier to control a paranoid and fear obsessed populace than people who are healthy and rooted in reality.

  14. The Pravda quislings already have the blood of countless millions on their hands. Clotted blood.
    They have already done horrible things to all of us with their nonstop lies. (Democrat voters as well as Republican.) They have torn families apart and turned neighbor against neighbor. May the Lord God hold them accountable for the evil which they have done.

  15. You can see the mental breakdown following the absolute election of Trump. There are those who legitimately need to see a therapist. I wish I could remember who said that if Trump wins there will be a huge mental breakdown in this country like you have never seen. Well, you can see it clearly now.

  16. My friend and her whole family (all sibblings) are now seriously planning to move to a far away island because they can’t deal with 4 more years of red politics. Just another example of how the media influenced them so severely. We just co-bought a home in FL this year yet she still wants to flee with them. I’m incredulous (and red)

    1. This comment is exactly how deluded they are. They do not realize that you just cannot move to another country. They don’t allow it. Not like here for now.

  17. Thanks for sharing Daisy.
    It is concerning that folks have swallowed so many lies they live in fear as well as it fuels a lot of hatred toward most anyone perceived as on the side of Trump or truth.
    It also fuels those mentally unstable it seems to go find someone to shoot or harm.
    I agree with kindness and compassion. It goes a long way if one is willing to hear what we have to say.
    I pray in time their eyes will be unveiled and they will see so much that are just lies and be freed from the bondage of fear and instability.
    It would be wonderful if in time the media and those feeding the lies would admit their error but not holding my breath.
    I sadly see so many of those fed lies are now the ones spewing out the lies on social media and other places. They’ve been fed well the lies.
    Staying situationally aware, discerning and being watchful.

  18. Had all of the people cited in the article had their asses properly blistered by firm and loving parents when they threw tantrums as children for not getting their way, this article would never have been written.

    1. Yes. These are temper tantrums and I feel no sorrier for them than for the 2 year old lying on the floor kicking and screaming. Actually, less.

  19. Sounds exactly like the Canadian satanic MSM. MSM has blood soaked hands and I dream of the day it disappears on the gallows of history. MSM journalists are complicit in crimes against humanity and I pray they will receive their just rewards in this world and the next.

  20. Yes, it would be comical if it were not so serious. Some of these people have some serious mental issues without a doubt. They need serious professional help. A good dose of common sense and perhaps getting grounded in reality might help.
    When Obama, or Biden was elected it never crossed my mind about any kind of camps. Sure there were some yahoos calling for re-education camps during COVID but never happened. Thankfully they were the very fringe minority. After the election, I think that sent a strong message to the fringe, we dont want want you are trying to sell us.
    Watching MSM currently running around, blaming everyone but themselves is somewhat amusing. Despite their hysteria, their lies, more than half of America said, Ah, no.

    1. She has rather the opposite take from me but if there’s anything to learn from all this, it’s that we should be exposed to all sorts of viewpoints so we don’t become brainwashed, too.

    2. Penelope, I’m subscribed to PN as well. She looks and acts so much like my wife we jokingly call her the doppelgänger. She’s a little NAR-ly for my taste, especially the other day, but in this video she did she was spot on the money. I’m tired of reaching out only to be told I didn’t reach soon enough. I’m tired of being told my beliefs are antiquated and unwanted. I’m tired of being told being compassionate requires suspending my faith and morals for complete strangers comfort. But mostly I’m tired of women and children being abused mentally and physically lately and the unborn with no voice to defend themselves murdered in the womb and being told it’s a reproductive right and not a life. I’m finished compromising. Fini. Complevet, Befejezett

      Compromising kills morals.

      1. You nailed it. Light has no part with darkness, and it’s very, very dark to kill babies, sterilize children, subject children to perversion, etc.

        No more compromise. That’s how we got to this bad place in America.

  21. There is a mental health problem in this country, but the left certainly has far more mental health issues than the right. The MSM has encouraged this with their lies and gaslighting. The problem if you are right leaning, you have to be around these people, could be family, coworkers etc. How do you take them seriously?

  22. Re-reading the screen captures, I think the one, “trumps gonna put us all into a camp or something,” points out a few things.
    1st, why? They really think Trump hates them? Who told them that? Oh! That is right! MSM did. Various celebs did. And they kept repeating it.
    2nd, “or something.” Like what? How about the same thing he did in his first admin: Nothing. Just like the rest of us, we wish you well, but we also dont care how you live your life.
    3rd, yes, live your life. If you choose to live your life miserable with no real reason behind it other than fear you have created in your own mind or based off what some knucklehead on TV says, that is all on you.

    1. The screen shot about the guy who got banned from Reddit for violating the “community guidelines” caught my attention. I believe this type of “moderation” is actually a form of mind control that was developed, tested, perfected in the leftist blog-o-sphere. I think it is intentional work of what I call the Star Chamber, or what most call the Deep State. Look back to around the campaign of 0bama and the site daily kos dot com. It was touted as a “crashing down the gates” site for democrats and featured, “community moderation”. What this entailed was other users giving you demerits for speaking outside of the hive group think. So called, trusted users, those who spewed enough right think to get reward points were given the permission to issue demerits against those who don’t. They even had a form of secret police, i.e. users who would follow you and target you for the slightest infraction. The banning of users was a common occurrence and often a cerebrated event.

      In essence, it creates a very powerful echo chamber where right think is rewarded and wrong think is punished. This was then coupled with a bunch of the garbage these folks are afraid of. It was done by design, and it’s evil.

  23. The fact that Trump was elected is proof that the legacy media is losing control. I have no sympathy for any of those that propagated lies intentionally. By way of the internet and the numerous blogs and websites that actually deal in reality, it is clear that the tide is turning, people thirsty for the truth will always seek it. The real criminals in the media, politics, government, education, health care, judiciary and elsewhere must be made to feel real pain and anguish. No forgive and forget, no reconciliation, they require punishment. Had the tables turned, anyone with a conservative thought or a red hat would be imprisoned or forced into a re-education camp next year if not sooner. They want(ed) to kill Trump and they want to kill us. It is payback time. Yes there are those who are brainwashed, or just plain stupid, I have compassion to some extent, but these same people would have none for us. For those that do not live in reality, the only cure is reality, not fantasy land. There are always consequences for bad behavior, it is the same everywhere. Their kind must never rise again.

  24. Serious mental issues is the least of it. What I see in these posts is a lot of projection – a typical liberal activity. They talk about putting people in camps, not because Trump has threatened this, but because this is what they would like to do to anyone that doesn’t agree with them. They expect to be hunted down and killed – because that’s what they believe should happen to anyone that opposes them. The MSM AND the Democrats have spent the last 4 years demonizing and dehumanizing anybody that questioned them, or opposed them. One of the rules of propaganda and war is to dehumanize your opponents so that you will not feel compassion for the enemy – and you will destroy them. Equate Trump with the mustache man and convince people that he will destroy our country and it not only becomes your right, but your duty to stop such a great evil from coming to power. That’s how assassinations happen.

    They worry about the Trump government coming for them, while the present administration (that they worship) has in fact sent government agencies out against people they deemed “dangerous” with their thoughts or their speech. They cry about censorship from Trump, while they have indeed censored millions on social media. They worry that Trump will destroy the Constitution, while they proclaim that it’s protections should not apply to us. During Covid they arrested people for gathering outside and socially distancing at church services – yet encouraged “mostly peaceful” riots…Oops! I mean demonstrations. They live in fear, not because of what we will do to them, but because of what they would do to us, given the chance. Projection…plain and simple.

    Propaganda on this level has not been seen since the 30’s when a small political party came to power in Germany. As for these people on social media, making these posts – there’s no hope for them, and never has been. They are the winers, the losers, the emotionally bankrupt that every socialist regime gathers to them like lice on a dog. You can pray for them all you want, but they will only despise you for it. You can forgive them all you want, but you will not save them. There is a HUGE difference between being blind, and willfully choosing not to see.

    I am generally a pretty decent guy, that believes in the golden rule. I try to be a good friend and neighbor. But in this case I have to say that I wouldn’t piss on these people if their hair was on fire.

  25. I would like to say to these people that they have nothing to fear because Americans will never let harm come to them. We may not always agree, but we would never stand by as the government drags you off to locked you in a camp. They have the same rights and protection as every other citizen, granted by the constitution. The lies that have people so full of fear are being put out by the main stream media. As someone that is a big believer in the free press, I draw the line at outright lies and propaganda. This needs to stop and they need to be held accountable for this outright fabrication of the truth. It’s time to change the laws so that they can’t print known lies. We demand the truth in our news, not lies or their opinions. We are being played by people with big money that want to push there agenda for their own reasons. This has to stop, because the harm they are causing is immeasurable. Whats really sad is that the media is taking advantage of people that are already mentally unstable. Instead of bringing a positive message, they bring worry and anger. What they are doing is criminal and they hide behind the second amendment for protection, that they don’t deserve. I believe this is a major problem that needs to be addressed soon, before it causes more serious harm.

  26. What the people saying these things are doing is assuming that our plans for them now that we’ve won are very similar to what they planned to do to us if they’d won. As classical a case of what modern psychology calls “projection” as this may be, this way of viewing one’s opponents in any kind of conflict is not completely delusional; after all, how else do political opponents in campaigns such as these 2024 elections try to anticipate each other’s actions than by considering what they would do if they were in their opponent’s situation? Where such projection gets problematic is when, as in this case, our opponents prove to have had some very evil plans for us indeed.

    Of course, the best way to deal with such projectionist fears is to convince those who have them to examine their dreaded opponent’s historical record to see whether he really is the kind who’d do the same kinds of things to them that they were planning to do to him. In Trump’s case, they’ve got a full four years of his first Presidency on record: in that time, did he attempt to trample everyone’s Constitutional liberties, imprison and/or execute any and all who dared oppose him, and transform our nation into some kind of totalitarian theocratic oligarchy straight out of The Handmaid’s Tale? If not, why not, and why should anyone suppose he’s going to be committing all these atrocities this time around?

    Then too, while I wouldn’t advise anyone to rub these projectionists’ hypocrisy in their faces, it’s worth making the same examinations of our opponents’ records and publishing our analysis. Biden and Harris have decades of political activity in various positions on record, although for the sake of comparison, the last four years of their records should suffice: in that time, did they attempt to trample everyone’s Constitutional liberties, imprison and/or execute any and all who dared oppose them, and transform our nation into some kind of dictatorial Orwellian oligarchy straight out of 1984? While I would never say the Deep State’s far-left regime for which these two dimbulbs were pretty obviously little more than mere figureheads ever got so far with its atrocities as the worse-than-both-Commies-and-Nazis regime in Orwell’s famous dystopian novel did, I think we can all point to numerous ways this regime has indeed attempted all of these atrocities against us, and would surely have gone on doing so for another four years (possibly with some success) had it been able to steal this election for Harris as it did for Biden.

    Bottom line: I’m not saying every doomsayer’s predictions of what would happen if we lost this election were true; in fact, I dare say doomsayers on sites like this one have predicted something like twenty out of the last two great disasters we’ve experienced in the past two decades. What I am saying is that how these doomsayers on the other side who did lose the election are reacting now tells us a lot about what they intended to do to us—and might still try to do in this regime’s final “lame duck” months. Keep your wits about you, and tread lightly while celebrating our latest victory; we’ve won this battle, but the war is far from over.

  27. I’m still waiting for all of the “elites” who swore they would leave the USA if trump own.
    I say don’t let the door hit you…
    Sometimes it’s hard to believe anyone still pays any attention to the MSM. (Or LSM – Lamestream media)

  28. FANTASTIC article and well said. It does bring a new perspective when you realize that they have been fed this propaganda for years from every source that they deem “credible”. When Obama effectively repealed (“modernized”) the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act which prohibited the government and media from propagandizing to the U.S. citizens, this became inevitable. We do need to at least try to exercise some compassion, but that does not mean that we should tolerate violence.

  29. Zero sympathy. Bees don’t waste their time trying to convince flies that flowers taste better than sh%t. They voluntarily guzzled the liberal kool-aid so why waste time on them now.

  30. So, we’ve placed feeeeeeelings on an unassailable alter (or at least some thought!), reenforcing them through constant sucking at the tit of TikTok and other social media outlets, behaving, then, as if Reality itself is fluid and malleable in whatever contortion we choose. But, as the late writer, Phillip K. Dick said:

    “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”

    And it doesn’t give a rip what you think or feel about it either!

    Mercy and compassion? It depends on the situation, of course – I’m going to be far more forgiving of children here than adults! But tolerance? Absolutely NONE! That would only wind up enabling such delusional thinking further, and we simply canNOT afford that any longer!

    We all must take responsibility for our choices and actions, and deal with the consequences that follow. As a Christian, I realize there’s absolutely zero room for self-righteousness in any of this: I may be better OFF than these deluded ones, but I am in no way better THAN! So while there is nothing that they have believed or done that is unforgivable, there is also nothing here that is excusable!

    To the extent that the election results make a return to some semblance of reality, then let’s make the most of it . . . while we can! If they won’t come along, then, I’m sorry, too bad, so sad!

  31. Sadly this is of their own doings. They had “legal” abortion in all states, they wanted FREE…… they pushed and pushed. Then they wanted late term abortion, and pushed and pushed, then when CA said post birth abortion, that was the final straw and federal powers that be said NOPE, and dropped it back down to STATE level, which in my opinion, the government at any level has no business in our medical procedures. The fearing for their lives happened during Trumps last presidency, OMG they are all still here and griping, give me a break…….the mental illness on that side is rampant, and I do feel sorry for them, but enough is enough.

  32. Can’t wait to physically gag my wife when we go out, she yaks too much… oh wait, like last time? I’m still nursing my bruises.

  33. The Sheeple Lefties are losing their minds. They never do any research, they just accept what lies they are spoon-fed from the corrupt American Constitution hating Main Stream Media Cult. No worry woke sheep, you will still get your participation trophy.
    Its called a “I Voted Sticker.” Congrats, Thanks for playing.

  34. I am just wondering if all these posts come from real people – or are they from trolls /bot-fabrics – to “support” a narrative?

  35. Daisy, Should we reflect on the controlling equity ownership of each MSM is held by BlackRock while Vanguard has major bond holding on the same firms ?? Should we consider the Federal Reserve system is alleged to have received $35 trillion in U.S. Deficit Spending Treasury securities over the past 100 years. These securities have been broken into components and added to T securities being auctioned to redeem maturing securities. The TreasuryDirect Institutional website [TD] tabulations have identified the redeeming values and also the component values as “new cash. TD bledeclines to identify where the “new cash” component is shown on any government budget sheet as income. If such value went to the government, it would negate any increase in the National Debt and also eliminate any increase in the value in the market [inflation]. The value must go to a private entity. All profit of the Fed legally belongs to the government. All auction funds are dispersed exclusively by the FRBNY and have never been audited. Ref. 31 CFR #375.3.

    Is it possible the purloined funds are laundered by BlackRock and Vanguard ?

    Should we consider MSM screens new announcers to assure an acceptable political narrative ?

  36. Sadly, my mother has swallowed all the social media and MSM Kool-aid and is terrified for the future of this country. She and I don’t agree politically and for that reason I have told her I don’t want to discuss politics. When I did this in the past, she’d rapidly devolve to the most emotional statements filled with logical fallacies. So I tried to put an end to it.

    This worked fine as a strategy, we could still discuss gardening, art, organic food, that kind of thing. However she just couldn’t help herself after the election. When I politely, respectfully tried to remind her of the fact that I’d rather focus on our bonds rather than our differences, she basically blew up and has essentially said she doesn’t know me as a person and “wishes me well but we are on different paths.” In HerSpeak, that is a passive aggressive slap and a manipulation meant to get me crawling back begging for her favor.

    My Dad isn’t much better, he’s a bit more rational but he also believes all the lies. He also misremembers the content of certain speeches and thinks he’s being very fair, when he’s actually extremely biased and unaware of the fact that he’s being lied to. It’s a very sad situation. All over the art sites I frequent, I see people despairing about the future. I wish I could tell them it’s not as bad as they think but I’ve seen what happens when I try.

    So, it could be said that the MSM has broken my family. I’m not happy about that.

  37. So somebody goes on social media to find things that confirm their own biases? lol. Are you kidding me? If I believe in flying hippos (or the world is flat) I could find numerous idiots espousing those exact things. It doesn’t make them true or right. My god, use your critical thinking skills.

  38. I’m so sick and tired of the outrageous lies that it isn’t funny. And I not only believe the lies are indeed lies, I believe the deluded souls are there mostly there by choice. In the adds you often hear what a candidate actually says followed by the lie about what they said. To believe the lie at that point is pure stupidity or a really dumb choice. They have chosen to stop all critical thinking. And they call us “uneducated”, H.C.s “deplorables”, or Bidens “Garbage”. Yes they believe the fearmongering, but they believe inspite of the truth being there in front of them. They don’t stop to think. They have been programed to swallow the filth without questioning it. So they don’t question it any more. Sometimes I wonder if the media isn’t laughing all the way to the bank.
    Trump, and other Republican candidates have stated clearly what they wanted in antiabortion legislation. Trump wanted to return the question to the states where citizens could vote on it for their states. Our local candidate never worked for a total bad on Abortions but she did say, “I wish all abortions didn’t happen”. Play that, then state “she and will be working for a national abortion ban”. “She wants to put anyone, a Doctor, a nurse, or a woman who has an abortion or a miscarriage in prison”. She would put me in jail for helping someone having a miscarriage” (Spoken by a woman wearing scrubs with a stethoscope hung around her neck.)
    She, other Republican candidates, and Trump, have never called for a national abortion ban.
    Is the regular public really that dumb? Blind faith in all media including adds? What?
    I’d gladly wear the tee shirt with a list of the outrageous monikers tacked on us. We must be doing something right for them to be so fearful or so hateful. It becomes downright laughable it is so far fetched.

  39. Thank goodness I’m not on social media to see this stuff but my sister sends me screen shots of extreme posts from our cousins whom are all anti-Trump. Lots of degrading and hateful comments and name calling. Coincidentally (or not) my sister and I have distanced ourselves from that family due to their negativity. Stopped going to holidays with them years ago. Just because they’re family doesn’t mean we have to tolerate their behaviors. With that being said, it seems like these types of people already have so much anger in them they’re easily influenced by this propaganda. I also want to mention one of these cousins is gay and his own family disowned him. I am one of very few people in our huge family who has a relationship with him. But according to his opinion, Trump supporters are “retards” (I hate using that term but those are his words). So I wonder what he’d think about me being a Trump supporter. Would he be willing to throw away one of the few family relationships he has or would it change his opinion?

  40. With the exception of the r/unalive-myself people most of the things they are advocating the prepper community has been doing for years!
    Get books to educate your children ✔️
    Protect your personal data ✔️
    Make a plan ✔️
    Save money ✔️
    Really we could just think of it as a new group of “prepers”

  41. I disagree. Americans still have access to news from both sides, whether by iphone, computer, TV, or newspaper. If they want to learn about noth sides, it is easier here and now than at any previous time in history. Everyone voting now remembers Trump’s first presidency: stable, prosperous, and safe.

    Those going off the deep end see themselves as morally superior: they feel at home in the Democratic Party because that is how it sees itself. They are not toddlers afraid of the dark, not adults isolated in the jungle at Jonestown, not Germans under Nazi control, torture, and news blackouts They have agency and are obligated to show responsibility. They like scaring each other with tales of concentration camps and lurid Handmaiden fantasies, because then they can paint themselves as the innocent victims.

    They acquiesced in believing the lies the MSM told them because they were exciting, sensational, and flattered them. They didn’t choose to hear the other side because of all the suffering, even death, that they would have had to come to terms with, starting with the stolen election which has destroyed millions of lives. I feel no sympathy for them.

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