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Monsanto made a weak strike back in the mainstream media against the burgeoning grass roots movement that is trying to bring the leviathan company down.
Monsanto is attempting to marginalize opponents while polishing their own dingy reputation. “There is this strange kind of reverse elitism: If I’m going to do this, then everything else shouldn’t exist,” said Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant. “There is space in the supermarket shelf for all of us.”
The power of social media has never been more evident, as it has brought to light the unsavory science behind Monsanto, as well as their incestuous ties with the FDA, the Supreme Court, and the US government. There is a new public awareness about genetically modified organisms that the company would prefer to have silenced. No one with a Facebook account can escape the facts that are being shared, exponentially, across the globe.
Grant said in a rather condescending interview:
Some people lose sight of the bigger global picture, the CEO said.
“This place is getting busier and more crowded,” Grant said. “As long as you’ve got money in your back pocket and you drive your station wagon to the supermarket on weekends, then it’s out of sight out of mind, so far.”
Opponents on social media are capitalizing on an increased public interest in how their food is produced, Grant said.
“And the sad piece of this is, it ends up either or,” Grant said. “So you get conventional agriculture or broad scale or however you define it, and organic. I think we’re going to look back on this period and say, ‘How on earth did that ever become the fight that it became.’”
“In the U.S., we have a system that works,” Grant said. (Bloomberg)
And why, exactly does that system work?
Perhaps it is the “elitism” displayed by Monsanto as it pads the pockets of US Congressmen and other elected officials. Perhaps it is the “elitism” of being beyond the law and actually writing the text of their own protection acts. Perhaps it is even the simple “elitism” of the employees of Monsanto, who are served organic food in the company cafeterias.
If Monsanto is so proud of their genetically modified produce, then why do they fight so hard against attempts to label it as such?
This is a blatant attempt to disparage a movement that has taken on a life of its own. On May 25, across the globe, people who believe that we should have the right to healthy, non-toxic food, or at the very least, LABELS, will unite to March Against Monsanto. Hundreds of thousands of people are fans of Facebook pages that are organizing the protests. Citizens intend to deploy all over the world to protest Monsanto and everything it stands for. People from many diverse political backgrounds, different religions, and varying belief systems will all be unifying for one cause – to save humanity from this company that personifies evil while trying to display a halo of benevolence.
As for Monsanto’s claims that we, who stand against them, are elitist because we can “afford organics” – we can’t. Many of us have to do without other things in order to pay for the few items on the market that are still safe to eat. We are willing to do that because we understand that not only are the food products unsafe, but the farming methods are detrimental to the environment. We know that these short-term “solutions” are causing long-term problems. If the billions of dollars that Monsanto spends on researching ways to make Frankenfood and buying off politicians were instead invested in education, sustainable farming methods, and access to water, the world would be a lot better fed.
In a world run by money, social media may be the free weapon that turns the tide on this war against humanity. Clearly the Monsanto Company can see that, and they are on the attack.
Find the March nearest you via Facebook. Come on out – millions of us will be there!
25 Responses
I don’t want to tell anyone what or how to eat. Mr. Grant is right, there is room on the shelves for everyone. But Mr. Grant, please label your CRAP so the average consumer can avoid it if they choose to do so.
Bill, I can’t agree with that Mr. Grant is right. There really isn’t room on the shelves for everyone. Don’t be a fool. In this age of information, ignorance is a choice. Mr. Grant is doing nothing but spewing some more Monsanto bullshit to cover their evil designs – don’t buy into it. GMOs have no place in the food chain whatsoever. There is enough proof out there they cause various ailments, including tumors, they contain pesticide residue within and/or without (toxins), they have been shown to have a lower yield over time, and Monsanto is creating a food monopoly for themselves, where eventually the incredible varieties of fruits and vegetables from the original natural library blueprint will be a thing of the past. In an informed society, Monsanto would have been out of business after their Agent Orange fiasco, and Mr. Grant would, at best, be behind bars.
I agree with you bill, the problem is that up to 80% of the food in the supermarkets have one or more GMO products. These companies don’t want an equal distribution of organics and GMOs on the shelves, they want to dominate the market and leave the consumer with no other choice but to buy their food.
If people still want to buy GMO foods that’s their choice, but they should be aware of what they’re consuming.
We will not stand for cronyism. We will not stand for poison. That’s why we March Against Monsanto.
Our system absolutely DOES NOT WORK
It is corrupt, caters to special interest and is an eliteist fascist government that has no interest in doing what is good for the people.
Buy local
Buy organic when you can
Grow your own if able
And disconnect from the monster machine every chance and in any way possible!!
You may want to have another look at the people we have elected to govern us TomR. In Washington D.C., for instance, we have “liberal,” Marxist president with clear designs on becoming the elitist Communist dictator of the USA. He is backed up by a VP who is enthusiastically behind the president’s elitist radical leftist agenda. The US Senate is controlled by the liberal radicals on the fringes of the far left, very well personified in Democrat Majority l leader Harry Reed (sp?). Harry gains continuing affirmation from the sniveling Repulicrat, Mitch McConnell. On to the House, technically in the hands of the Republians, but cleverly brought to a bit left of center in the gutless self-serving manipulations of RINO Speaker Boener. The Supreme Court is stacked with leftist idiologs who are little more than presidential lapdogs.
So, back to GMOs in our food supply. We currently have this poison in our food because of an elitist Maxist government (extreme left of center). Both sides of the political system in this nation have had, and currently do have many members who have learned how to create means by which to wholeheartedly accept bribes in ways that have no legal repercussions. Until we American decide to unite behind more responsible non-negotiables than the current pandering to shrill whiny “rights” groups is the focus of the moment, corporations such as Monanto will continue mock our health concerns while furthe solidifying their very immoral yet legal monopolies.
You may want to have another look at the people we have elected to govern us TomR. In Washington D.C., for instance, we have “liberal,” Marxist president with clear designs on becoming the elitist Communist dictator of the USA. He is backed up by a VP who is enthusiastically behind the president’s elitist radical leftist agenda. The US Senate is controlled by the liberal radicals on the fringes of the far left, very well personified in Democrat Majority l leader Harry Reed (sp?). Harry gains continuing affirmation from the sniveling Repulicrat, Mitch McConnell. On to the House, technically in the hands of the Republians, but cleverly brought to a bit left of center in the gutless self-serving manipulations of RINO Speaker Boener. The Supreme Court is stacked with leftist idiologs who are little more than presidential lapdogs.
So, back to GMOs in our food supply. We currently have this poison in our food because of an elitist Maxist government (extreme left of center). Both sides of the political system in this nation have had, and currently do have many members who have learned how to create means by which to wholeheartedly accept bribes in ways that have no legal repercussions. Until we American decide to unite behind more responsible non-negotiables than the current pandering to shrill whiny “rights” groups is the focus of the moment, corporations such as Monanto will continue mock our health concerns while furthe solidifying their very immoral yet legal monopolies.
…“There is space in the supermarket shelf for all of us…,”…. as long as the product comes from Monsanto engineered seed. Meanwhile, they sue the hell out of traditional farmers and feed the US government’s revolving door to ensure their ludicrous patent applications sail through and that regulators (D) or (R) line up on their side.
I beg to differ from Mr. Grant’s statement. There should be no room on supermarket shelves for poison masquerading as food.
Does the phrase “running scared” mean anything to you folks? Yeah, me too. Good. They’re claiming to solve a problem that does not exist by poisoning us for money. There’s plenty of food and this so-called “food crisis” is all horse puckey. The problem is getting it past these horrid governments who starve their people, but the “food crisis” itself is nonsense. The shame!
That is so easy to see when you look up the financial data on the cost of food products such as soybeans and corn and can correlate the rise in the cost of production, passed on to consumer, since the inception of the Monsanto Miracle products that are supposedly supposed to save us from hunger and make food more affordable for the masses. Soybeans have risen 327% since the roundup soybean seeds came out. That doesn’t even include the cost to US agriculture by Monsanto perpetrating egregious acts against farmers in the goal of monopolizing the world’s food supply and all agricultural products.
GMOs should be taken out all together! There is not room on the shelves for foods that KILL US and ruin our Earth…leaving no hope for future generations! Get a grip people!
If there were ONLY healthy sustainable foods available….guess what…. It would be cheaper!
You don’t have the right to choose things that hurt everyone else!
I found out that Rand Paul was on the committee for S.809, and seeing how he has stood up for the rights and freedoms of Americans I thought I would write him a sincere email telling him of my struggle with one GMO product, High Fructose Corn Syrup, figuring as he and his father are both doctors he would be more likely to side with us against Monsanto.
HFCS caused me to eat without stopping, caused severe depression and severe vitamin deficiency. In a nation that has more food available than just about any other, I was shocked to realize this about myself. According to American standards, I ate a healthy diet. And yet, I was obese according to what was normal for me, I had severe acidosis and it ate away my cartilage in my knees. At 45 yrs. of age I had to use a cane. And the chronic exhaustion drove me to tears.
After a lot of prayer, God started showing me the HFCS connection. It took me a while to realize that this was the main GMO product out there.
Got off of the HFCS, took supplements, started eating whole grains and low and behold… The depression went away, I lost 50 lbs in just a couple of months and my knees don’t crunch anymore. The cartilage grew back. And this nagging need to eat disappeared. I still struggle with exhaustion and I haven’t been able to completely rid my diet of GMO’s. I’m low income but things are definitely a lot better.
When I wrote Sen. Rand Paul and told him all of this and told him that the American people had the same diseases from eating GMO’s that feedlot cattle did and that we deserved better than to be treated like feedlot cattle (prepared for slaughter), his response shocked me.
He answered in Monsanto spiel verbatim.
I wrote back and told him that as a “christian man” he must not be listening to the Holy Spirit because God would not purposely allow His people to be poisoned. God didn’t create that junk, man did, and that Rand might not ever have to answer to the American people but he’d eventually have to answer to God.
In the meantime, I’m praying that GMO crops fail. Hey, I’ve even prayed that fire from heaven would come down and strike Monsanto. I’ll keep praying. I’ve seen God answer other prayers, let’s see what He does with this one.
As Christians some of us are taught to bind and rebuke evil and if Monsanto isn’t evil I don’t know what is, but you have to get specific with that kind of thing.
Just my two cents.
Can you paste the response of that email from Rand Paul?
@stephen, it’s a very incredible and revealing testimony! I’m so very happy to hear this. But,does people like Rand Paul feed on GMO foods? They should have been struck by one form of severe sickness or another. Or are feeding on something else?
@STEPHANIE………..You are sweet, in the sweetest way, much love!
C Gonzo’s comment above hit the nail square on about where Monsanto would be for the Agent Orange débâcle had we lived in fair and informed world.
Monsanto’s website states: “There is no need for, or value in testing the safety of GM foods in humans.” If they believe that, why don’t they serve GM food in their company cafeterias? Evidently it’s all right to see the world population as lab rats, but heaven forbid their peons should fall ill and can’t slave away to make them even richer.
For decades Monsanto has been working quietly and unobtrusively to eradicate all natural food crops from the world and take control of the world’s food supply with their GM alternative crap they call “food”. Thanks to the help of crooked governments and legal systems they have come a LONG way in their goals.
It’s evident from the bills we have seen being signed lately in the US, that those who hold powerful public office continue to be nothing less than irresponsible at best, and colluding evilly with Monsanto at worst, in allowing this shamelessly criminal organisation to continue destroying nature and replacing it with their GM poison.
Monsanto has hit back weakly against march organisers by playing their most favourite card of all about how much they care about starvation in the third world, and since GMO food is the only way to feed the poor, we anti-GMO’ers are the evil and uncaring ones. I almost fell off my chair laughing.
I’m sure it was no surprise to anyone to hear of the dirty e-tricks Monsanto is getting up to trying to disrupt the march, including apparently placing notices in city event pages saying the march has been cancelled. Evidently they are worried to see the world is finally waking up!
This concerted worldwide march is long overdue. I haven’t stopped grinning since hearing about it. We MUST hope this march is the beginning of the end for Monsanto. They have had their own way for so long, they believe they are invincible. It’s time to show them they’re not. It’s time to stop them before there’s nothing left of nature.
Get a grip people. Apparently you would prefer the third world starve rather than eat GMO’s.
There would be no papaya in Hawaii if not for genetic engineering; the blight killed all the “natural” ones.
The reach of Monsanto’s genetic engineering goes far beyond normal genetic engineering. Each cell in Monsanto Round Up crops contains pesticide in it and you eat it. So this is the reason why some people want to have the choice of whether to consume it or not. It is not about denying people in third world countries food, it is about whether a consumer has the right to know what they are consuming or whether they must purchase unknowingly because of an agricultural dicktatorship. As to whether these other countries will adopt GMOs that is a question of how they choose to interpret the science data, politics, and economics. Some countries may see the rising cost of GMO crops and monopolization as a higher cost than improving their natural agriculture systems. Most third world countries suffer from dictators that keep oppress the agriculture. Surely a monopoly like Monsanto will criminally organize with repressive regimes simply because of corporate interests. The same interests that have hired assassination mercenaries to attack any opposition to the ramming of their products down our throats. Its GMO or Waterboarding! So are you advocating that citizens shouldn’t have any choices in consumerism? Or even access to important data on the effects, costs, and performance of GMO products? Are you advocating that they can eliminate all other natural species of agriculture? Or are you also advocating that the organic farmer who isn’t experiencing any blight or virus and has had their crop infected by GMO seeds that were ineffectively not contained by their user and found their way into his crop by the wind or birds is at fault and should be sued and put out of business as a result of these nefarious legal actions that Monsanto pursues against any farmer who doesn’t buy thier products? Are you advocating that the governments shouldn’t protect the citizens against the formation of a monopoly on all agriculture? So where really do you stand? It is good that the technology saved the hawaiian papaya from eradication and it may have great potential in a controlled environment. Do you advocate for choice and protection against corporate monopolies or do you advocate that Monsanto should criminally eliminate all their adversaries via Blackwater assassinations and infiltration? Do you advocate for unchecked power to control the entire world food supply? Wonder what the price for Blackwater is, maybe it is time consumers chip in and buy themselves some protection. Its obvious our taxpayer dollars have become a giant wasteland of ineffectiveness. Geesh.
Hi Debbie,
I’m astonished at the time you took to write such an intelligent and cogent reply to someone who wrote at a level of ‘Get a grip’ and ‘Geesh’, claiming that Hawaii would have no papayas if not for genetic engineering … as if somehow the existence of GM papayas makes GMOs all right.
Monsanto has done such a great job brainwashing people into believing this world would have no food if for not it saving crops from blight, I continue to be astonished at the absence of any measure of critical thinking in so many. This planet has survived all sorts of blights on its crops for thousands of years, yet Monsanto has managed to come along and convince some that Hawaii would have no papaya if not for GM engineering.
Many people have a huge misconception about how the term ‘danger’ is applied when it comes to GM food. I’ve seen remarks posted online, such as: ‘If GM food is so dangerous, why aren’t people falling down and dying everywhere?’ Apparently, if you eat GM food and don’t keel over and die the next day, it can’t be a health risk.
Science has amply demonstrated that GM food is a subtle and slow killer and agent of disease. It tears down and destroys the body over time. The world is seeing unprecedented rates of stomach and organ cancers of all kinds, as well as outlandish organ failure rates, and it seems to me few of us are connecting it to what we eat.
As for GM crops feeding the poor of the world, I’m still trying to find out which poor of the world exactly has been saved from starvation because GM crops exist. Regrettably, it’s human nature to want to believe words like ‘our crops is the only way to keep the third world from starving…’ and Monsanto has used this and many such phrases shamelessly to garner public support. Few supporters of GM foods bother to check the scientific facts other that the ‘facts’ that Monsanto puts out there. If they did, they would know the evidence is damning that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of what Monsanto claims is actually true, and the only thing GM crops do is reduce the efficiency, quality and sustainability of crop yields … and worst of all Monsanto KNOWS this, which is why when Monsanto sells its GM seeds, it “requires contracts to be signed stipulating that the seeds must not be used for testing.”
The wilful evil of Monsanto exists by the planeloads for those who care to read unpolluted sources … and that’s aside from the assassinations, infiltrations, intimations that you and others have mentioned.
The gullibility of people never ceases to amaze me. Far too many of us have little interest in scientific fact. We prefer the warm and fuzzy words Monsanto loves to use in relation to itself like INTEGRITY, HONESTY, TRUTH, CARING. Few of us care that the evidence shows the very opposite. Monsanto must laugh themselves sick every minute of day that they have become the world’s most powerful company by trading on human susceptibility.
‘Geesh’ to you too. 🙂
Im convinced Debbie…..ur bout right
And “I marched” is telling truth too.
that was selective breeding.not genetics, a fungus..
Thats why we have you Daisy, to tell the truth. Thank you