What Kind of Monkey Business is the CDC Up to in Pennsylvania?

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In what is likely one of the strangest news stories of 2022, allegedly in the early morning of Friday, January 21, a shipment of roughly 100 crab-eating macaque monkeys arrived in New York’s Kennedy Airport from the African island of Mauritius.

(It’s been surprisingly difficult to figure out which flight number this was. Should any of our readers be better-versed in researching flight histories, please inform us what the flight number was in the comments below.)

This type of monkey is widely used in medical research, and there’s actually a shortage of any type of monkey for research purposes within the United States at the moment. In 2019, approximately 68,000+ monkeys were used in the States alone for medical research. The monkey shortage began during 2020 as they were used for the study of infectious disease.

(Don’t prep for a monkey shortage! Prep for a food shortage! Check out our free QUICKSTART Guide on food storage which will help you do just that.)

A crash of monkeys

After being packed into a semi truck’s trailer, hours later these monkeys were involved in an afternoon crash right outside of Danville, Pennsylvania along Route 54 when the semi was hit by a dump truck. The crates the monkeys were in were strewn about the road, and those who witnessed the crash flocked to the scene to help.

One witness said, “I walk up back on the hill and this guy tells me, ‘Oh, he’s hauling cats. I said, ‘oh.’ So I go over to look in the create and there’s this green cloth over it. So I peel it back, I stick my finger in there and go ‘kitty, kitty.’ It pops its head up and it’s a monkey.”

As this witness peered into the cage, the monkey hissed at her.

Should the truck have been marked?

Allegedly, there were no biohazard markings anywhere on the truck which would have notified the lady as to there being dangerous contents within the truck. Whether these markings are necessary for monkey shipments is up for debate. It’s also important to point out that the NFPA Hazard Diamond is not something a lay person can easily translate, should it have been present and warned about the contents.

Pennsylvania state police and the local game commission soon showed up to the scene as they began to clear the area for the Centers for Disease Control. Initially, it was stated that four monkeys had escaped from the truck. Not long afterwards, the official statement was updated to say that three monkeys, in fact, had escaped. Local residents were informed Friday evening to stay clear of any loose monkeys that they may come across when outside.

According to Trooper Lauren Lesher, this warning was “due to it not being a domesticated animal and them being in an unknown territory. It is hard to say how they would react to a human approaching them.”

Perhaps this is a strange response though, given that the CDC needed the area locked down and is monitoring residents for cold-like symptoms.

Where were the monkeys headed?

The end destination for the monkeys is not clear. Some sources claim that the monkeys were headed for an unidentified CDC laboratory in the Midwest. This would make sense, as Oklahoma in particular is well-noted as having a history of bioterrorism research. (See HERE, HERE, and HERE for proof.)

Other sources, however, claim that the monkeys were headed for Florida.

(Can any of our New York readers attest to PA’s Route 54 being a common road towards Florida? It seems to be a 2.75 hour drive directly west of New York City, and a rather roundabout way to get to Florida. This seems to lend credence to the idea of the semi originally heading towards the Midwest instead.)

The witness gets sick.

The witness who stuck her finger in the monkey cage was later contacted by the CDC and told to monitor herself for any cold-like symptoms. She was also directed to contact her doctor, and was told that the Pennsylvania Department of Health would contact her. By Saturday night, the witness conjunctivitis and a cough. By Sunday, she had reported to the Geisinger Medical Center ER. She was given a rabies shot and Valacyclovir, an anti-viral drug commonly used to fight herpes and chickenpox.

“I was close to the monkeys, I touched the crates, I walked through their feces so I was very close,” the witness would later say.

All three monkeys have been accounted for.

It was later reported that the three missing monkeys had all been “euthanized.” Upon hearing this, animal rights activists at PETA claimed they were going to make a complaint.

Despite the CDC warning our one sick witness to contact her PCP immediately, police at the scene didn’t seem to be overly concerned about any form of personal protective equipment. Images have floated around the internet of officers handling the monkey crates without any safety gear on – perhaps aside from gloves – on whatsoever.

Should there be any new developments with the story, we’ll keep you updated.

What do you think about this?

What are your thoughts about scientists transporting potentially diseased monkeys across Pennsylvania (or anywhere for that matter)? Do you think anything will come of this? What about the person who already has some symptoms? What do you think the monkeys had? Share your thoughts in the comments.

About Aden

Aden Tate is a regular contributor to TheOrganicPrepper.com and TheFrugalite.com. Aden runs a micro-farm where he raises dairy goats, a pig, honeybees, meat chickens, laying chickens, tomatoes, mushrooms, and greens. Aden has two published books, The Faithful Prepper and Zombie Choices. You can find his podcast The Last American on Preppers’ Broadcasting Network.

Picture of Aden Tate

Aden Tate

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32 Responses

  1. Think it was back in the mid-1970s that there was an outbreak of Marburg virus (aka “Green monkey fever” – same virus family as Ebola) in Reston, Virginia at a lab facility which had imported some Green monkeys from Marburg, Germany. Not sure if the lab was CDC related. Believe up to five people (techs, workers at the lab) were infected and several died.

    1. They were crab eating macaques (same type of monkey here) infected with what became known as Reston Virus, which is a filovirus in the ebola virus genus. Marburg is also a filovirus but is in the marburg virus genus. Several lab workers tested for exposure, were asymptomatic and no one died from exposure.

  2. another secretive thing going on! and why does research use so many monkeys? feel so sorry for any animal used for research of any kind! cruel and inhumane!!!! SHOULD BE LAWS AGAINST IT. they are living creatures and they feel pain, abuse, same as we do. As for the whole situation, why were they trucked anyway? they are usually flown to get there sooner. something’s up…..

  3. My spidy senses tell me that this “accident” is related to the Merck’s smallpox research and that the monkeys were en route to or from Merck’s CDC-affiliated research lab in WestPoint, PA: https://patch.com/pennsylvania/norristown/s/hxqka/purported-smallpox-vials-found-outside-philadelphia-reports
    US 54 serves as a military highway connecting Fort Bliss in El Paso to Holloman Air Force Base in Alamogordo, New Mexico (via U.S. Route 70). Merck is headquartered in Kenilworth, New Jersey. Its research lab was involved in a dubious “discovery” in tandem with Bill Gates’ synchronous declaration of a smallpox biohazard airport threat. The WestPoint lab is situated somewhere along the northern stream of the Susquehanna River (as is Danville) when commences in New York.

  4. Some oddities about the story.

    1. the truck/ trailer was unmarked. illegal?
    2. The cages were not strapped down. illegal?
    3. The monkeys were from the island of Mauritius. Why not fly them to the destination?
    4. What company was doing the transport? Gov’t.? or private contactor?

  5. Aden, calm down. If you are so excited that you can’t tell east from west, you might lead a reader to assume some of your other info might be 180 out, as well. And consider the temperatures. Granted, I am a couple hundred miles north, but that weekend was COLD! Cold, as in overnight temps were double digits below zero F. Airliner cargo holds are not heated. Why were those monkeys still alive and not frozen? Due diligence, my friend.

  6. If they were destined for Florida they would have flown into Atlanta or Miami. If their flight somehow got diverted to New York the semi would have been going south on I-95 for legal amd economic reasons

  7. It seems strange to me that if the monkeys “were in cages” as the witness attested–how did they get loose?? This “wreck” has “staged” written all over it to me. The timing couldn’t be better to instill more fear of a Smallpox/Hemorrhagic/
    Marburg/Ebola release! If one takes “the lockdowns in China,” the “freezer incident,” and now “monkey business,” it is the perfect setup to prepare us to mentally accept an outbreak and to explain “a new released virus” without being able to pinpoint the actual origin (which I do not believe would be an “accidental release.”)

  8. The same exact thing happened recently in Puerto Rico. About a 100 of these monkeys, crash, the 3 OR 4 missing, the same warnings etc. They always test things over there first. The only thing that is different is that there was no lady that stopped to help, but one of the monkeys climbed a tree and had quite a fan crowd that would visit the area to go see the monkey. In the end he was never caught.

  9. Gotta add my 2 cents. One article said heading to FL …flew into Kennedy…ok you take I95 or scenic route1 ….its clear over to Danville west end of PA…werent there smpox vials outed in Philly lab…hhhhmmmm
    Do you stick your hand to pet a kitty in a covered crate? The monkey hissed and you have a cut on your hand and call a helpline? She saw there were 3 monkeys per crate but 4 are missing…do the math…if a crate is busted…thats 3 escaped from alcatraz or 2 crates= 6….here kitty kitty….so one or two of the monkeys said, hey Im good…gonna chill out here, y’all go on ahead…have fun!!! ????
    There are sooo many holes in this story….would even make swiss cheese proud. Patient zero or candidate for nobel prize?

  10. Routine shipment of lab animals in wreck. Of course some are sick, they were probably caught in the wild last week. Lame, trying to fill that new 2 stories a day rule.

    1. …I bet you still try to convince people that 19 Arabs in a cave in Afghanistan defeated the most advanced air defense system in the world and managed to implode 3 steel frame skyscrapers…. for the first time in history using 2 planes and some office fires.

  11. I remember another occupent of the white house who tried to introduce Ebola into the US.
    Do they think we’er all idiots? That we can’t see what is right in front of our noises?
    As Sherlock Holms might say, ‘The games afoot’. and I smell a very ugly rat, or in this case monkey.

  12. Relax everyone. Those monkeys were en route to my exotic animal restaurant in Harrisburg, PA.

    Other than having to remove monkey tacos from our menu, we anticipate no lasting damage from this most tragic crash.

    1. Ahh..! I love monkey tacos. I can smell the browned flesh from the express vendie cart downtown now. (For the uninitiated monkey tacos in H-burg is that towns philly cheese)

      I like mine with chili lime slaw and sirracca on soft shells. The monkey bicep burritos are good too, but the beans and rice give me gas.

  13. well , herr fauci figured out that spreading covid wasn’t bat business, it was monkey business

    allahu fubar

  14. This reminds me of the old Dean Koontz novels. He was really into this stuff before average folk got wind of it.

  15. Information I received today, stated the monkeys are infected with Simian Herpevirus, also Macacine Herpevirus. It’s a Herpes Simplex Type B Virus endemic to Macauques. It is Zoonotic, capable of transference to humans, and it can be quite deadly. Though it gives a “Cold Sore” to the Macauques, in humans it can lead to a Viral Encephalitis that left untreated has a Mortality rate of 80%.

    So, why weren’t they transported with greater security and contained so they posed no threaty? Has the CDC added lack of Safety and Incompetence to their CV? I’d say yes.

  16. Its probably HSV or monkey pox. Highly contagious. Flu like symptoms. 10 % potential fatality in humans exposed to it.

  17. More info: San Antonio has a new “primate research lab”.
    ->San Antonio Report:
    The Texas Biomedical Research Institute, in partnership with the Southwest National Primate Research Center, broke ground on a new animal care complex Wednesday that will help address the nation’s primate shortage and accelerate the institute’s infectious disease research.
    The complex will consist of four new buildings constructed on Texas Biomed’s 200-acre campus, providing indoor and outdoor housing for up to 800 primates. It will include a veterinary clinic, pathology labs and a central meeting space for animal care staff. Construction is expected to wrap up by 2023.
    The new animal care complex will become 18,000-square feet of housing, clinical care and pathology labs that allows Texas Biomed to continue being a leader in infectious disease research in this country and also beyond.

    I am really done with biomedical research. These bastards invent, weaponize, and spread untold horrors into animals, then come up with the “cure” for diseases that they invented. All blessed with our unending tax dollars! It is a ponzi money scheme where certain groups get rich, the tax payers get continually poorer, and millions of animals die in agony. Remember the beagles that Fauci tortured with sand fleas? It has nothing to do with curing any disease. This is all a Mafia Money Operation.

  18. Ever heard of a book called “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” by Edward T. Haslan (foreword by Jim Marrs)?
    I would highly recommend it, it seems to be back in print now.
    A certain Dr. Alton Ochsner might be mentioned here or there. And the Tulane Medical School, in New Orleans.
    And monkeys, yes, there are monkeys, too.
    And many other amazing things…
    Boggles ones mind, really.
    Y’all stay safe now, hear?

  19. It would not surprise me that the CDC was further engaged in some kind of illicit and/or illegal monkey business(no pun intended). I do feel sorry for these poor animals. But isn’t that exactly how the CDC sees us humans? “I don’t get no respect”!????????

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