Now Michigan’s Governor Wants to Shut Down ANOTHER Fuel Pipeline

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As the entirety of the southeast United States hunts for gas and wonders if they are going to be able to make their way to their jobs the next day as a result of an alleged cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline, Michigan’s Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, is now attempting to shut down another pipeline running through her state.

As a result, the state of Michigan has told Enbridge, a Canadian energy company, that it has to shut down an oil and gas pipeline by May 11. What’s even more strange than closing down a pipeline at a time when the entire Southeast of the country faces a gas shortage is that Whitmer’s claims are not completely invalid as most hers tend to be. Whitmer and the state of Michigan are arguing that the pipeline represents a potentially massive environmental disaster if the pipelines burst, leak, or are damaged.

But this new attempt on Whitmer’s part is putting strains on the relationship between the United States and Canada.

Enbridge of Canada has refused to comply

Enbridge has, for its part, refused to comply with Whitmer’s order and has done so with support from top Canadian officials. The company has, for sixty-seven years, moved oil and gas from Western Canada through Michigan and the Great Lakes to refineries in the province of Ontario but Michigan is arguing Line 5 is too risky to continue to operate. In November, Whitmer announced her plan to revoke the easement granted to Enbridge which allows the pipeline Line 5 to cross under the Straits of Mackinac. Whitmer set May 12 as the deadline for Enbridge to shut the pipeline down.

“These oil pipelines in the Straits of Mackinac are a ticking time bomb, and their continued presence violates the public trust and poses a grave threat to Michigan’s environment and economy,” Whitmer’s office said in a statement.

Enbridge argues that it has never experienced a leak in the underwater section of Line 5 and that it is currently working to tunnel beneath the lake bed to improve the safety of the pipeline. In the last two years, however, the pipeline has been struck by boat anchors and cables. In 2010, an incident with an Enbridge pipeline spilled 3.2m liters of oil into the Kalamazoo River.

Whitmer is backed by Democratic Attorneys General and environmental campaigners as well as Indigenous communities on both sides of the border.

“Should anything that’s being transported in these 67-year-old pipelines get into the Great Lakes, it would have devastating effects and irreparable consequences,” said Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Glen Hare, who represents 39 First Nations across Ontario.

This is becoming a federal case.

In February, a US federal court ordered Enbridge and Michigan to enter mediation though Whitmer is arguing that the case by heard by a state court. This, of course, would give her a more favorable ruling.

But Lawrence Herman, an international trade lawyer says the United States federal government, not Michigan, is bound to keep the pipeline running because of the 1977 Transit Pipelines Treaty between the US and Canada, ratified by the Congress.

“Regardless of what the state of Michigan may or may want to do, the treaty is binding on the United States as a whole,”said Herman. “It’s a matter between the two governments: Canada and the United States.”

“My point is, a deal is a deal,” he said.

Herman points out that the treaty requires either side to give ten years notice if it intends to withdraw.

This could cause fuel shortages in Ontario and Quebec, and propane shortages in Michigan.

Enbridge’s President Al Monaco warned that a shutdown would have disastrous consequences for the country’s two most populous provinces, saying it was a “Very bad outcome.”

Line 5 delivers almost half the oil that Ontario and Quebec need as well as propane for Michigan.

Earlier in May, Canada’s natural resources minister stated that the continuation of the pipeline’s operations is “non-negotiable” and warned that a shutdown would cause thousands of job losses, require 800 tanker rail cars and 2,000 trucks each day to move the oil.

Canada’s Trudeau has broached the subject with President Biden but there has yet to be any information in regards to a decision or agreement between the two.

Regardless of the decision to end or continue to the pipeline, it can easily be agreed that now is not the time to shut down Line 5 while such a large portion of the country is already facing a fuel shortage. Although Line 5 would only effect propane in Michigan from a basic standpoint, the US cannot afford to get into a war of resources with Canada.

After all, if the US shuts down Canada’s oil and gas pipeline, it may need to be more forward-thinking. Canada holds much more fresh water and the US is in dire need of it as we head into a megadrought.

Oftentimes, the shortsighted well-meaning overshoots the long-term good. This may be one example of such a situation.

What do you think of this decision?

Do you think the timing of this pipeline shutdown is bad with the other gasoline issues we’re having in the United States? Do you feel we should shut down Canada’s pipeline? Is this really the week for it? Should we try to have better resource relations with Canada? Share your thoughts in the comments.

About Robert

Robert Wheeler has been quietly researching world events for two decades. After witnessing the global network of NGOs and several ‘Revolutions’ they engineered in a number of different countries, Wheeler began analyzing current events through these lenses.

Picture of Robert Wheeler

Robert Wheeler

Robert Wheeler has been quietly researching world events for two decades. After witnessing the global network of NGOs and several 'Revolutions' they engineered in a number of different countries, Wheeler began analyzing current events through these lenses.

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39 Responses

  1. amerika best get ready for a cold and gas free summer then winter……..the demos are totally insane and we must pray against it!

  2. I think Whitmer needs to remember she has no authorization to demand anything at the national level. She is WAY outside her authority, but given what she has done to Michigan, its no surprise. Shes a tin pot tyrant.

    1. “She is WAY outside her authority”

      she probably just wants to be on the record if anything happens. and besides, at least she waited until summer.

      1. “she probably just wants to be on the record if anything happens.”

        Do you suppose she knows something is going to happen ? Or can cause something to happen ?

        1. being as she is on soros’ payroll, she knows something! and I think that there will be more “happenings” going on like this….small happening here, a bit larger there, another over there….and so on…..its like a wall of stones, crumbling in different places to reach the overall desire….COLLAPSE OF AMERICA AND THE WORLD!

        2. “Do you suppose she knows something is going to happen ? Or can cause something to happen ?”

          possibly – the present leadership is not working for us. but the problem as described sounds legitimate – the pipe is old, it’s not maintained, problems are typical, a leak would be a major issue, etc. be better to just get past any political grandstanding and address the actual issue.

      2. Wow, aren’t you generous. She can’t demand anything from a foreign government. She’s the epitome of the helicopter Karen. “Let me protect you from something that won’t happen, but see how much I care?” Hell with that. “On the record” about her shit leadership, messed up police state, and hypocrisy? Looking to relocate ant7?

        1. Protect, as in the way she protected all the people in old folks homes by sending recovering COVID patients their way?

  3. I agree, this is a problem on both sides of the border. I was aware of the 3.2 million litre (845350 US gallon) spill in 2010. The pipeline is old. How close it is to failing, we don’t know. Enbridge should have acted then and done something. Now they are caught between a rock and a hard place, with this ultimatum from Witmer.
    I am pro freedom, but corporations are often using loop holes to operate in an irresponsible way, putting their hand out for government help, when money needs to be spent on their equipment.
    They are supposed to be given, a ten year notice, so they can remedy the situation. Witmer is out of line, but if there is a spill on her watch, she would take some heat.
    I expect this will push the prices up here in Ontario. With East coast pipeline problems, it is fast becoming a very serious situation. Hopefully Line 5 stays operable.

    1. “… but corporations are often using loop holes to operate in an irresponsible way, putting their hand out for government help, when money needs to be spent on their equipment.”

      Please post your sources for this accusation. Links, cites, corporate policy papere. Anything ?

  4. lots of people will store fuel at home now. probably hear about entire neighborhoods being burned down ….

      1. OMG! Someone is desperate to win a Darwin Award. Shortages and panic certainly bring out the worst in people.

  5. News report from

    Quebec doesn’t want another pipeline,
    Legault tells Kenney
    (Kenny is premier of Alberta who has plenty of oil. -.Logault is Quebec’s minister ???

    Legaul stated his government’s opposition to a cross-Canada pipeline that would have to be built through Quebec in order to carry Alberta oil to ports in eastern Canada. 

    Lets see ,,, Existing Canadian pipeline from Alberta to eastern Canada runs thru Michigan.
    Michigan’s Governor doesn’t like that and threatens to shut it down.

    Canada refuses to build pipeline entirely thru Canadian provinces.

    Legaul not too smart.

    1. Look I have very good knowledge on this. The USA army Corp of Engineers took 6 years to approve of Enbridge to replace the section under the lake. The oil spill in Marshall Michigan was 6b not line 5 they do not want to close 6b because this line brings crude to Detroit and Toledo for the us market but heck with Canada shut down line 5 which has never had an issue. This is environmental bs to the max by shutting down line 5 would also close line 9 to the east coast and line 78. E

  6. The rest of America will sit back in amazement as the weak willed and downtrodden in Michigan will just let their tyrannical, dictatorial governor do this to them and the surrounding states and Canada. This is a classic example of how Marxism destroys a people and state when there isn’t any real push back.

    1. There is actually quite a bit of pushback here in the Northern half of MI. Unfortunately Detroit and the other cities are supporting this. It is very frustrating.

      1. Well, she is still governor and free to destroy your state. Whatever happened to that great recall petition? Even the uber libs in California were able to recall their governor and they had more than one very large democrat city. Looks like it is going to be a long summer and an extra cold winter for you.

      2. I live 40 miles north of Detroit! Trust me! We’ve been pushing back really hard! However, due to censorship & more than likely, paid off media, the great people of this State are invisible and refused to be heard. Our votes were stolen, as well as, the numerous petitions I volunteered to get signatures for! How, & when, did a governor (hired help) get so much power? Taxpayers make her wages, salaries, & benefits. She’s our employee! We should have the right to fire her just like any employer would do if they caught you stealing from their company!

  7. I would like to see good relations with Canada. I would also like to see safe delivery of products. Hopefully the pipeline is in good enough condition and if not it is upgraded. I definitely would like good relations with Canada as well as other countries.



  9. I think she knows she is in trouble, because she is not well liked even by many democrat’s due to he lockdown stuff.
    So she is trying to re position herself as an Environmentalist to try to regain support of some democrats. Part of a ploy to justify the lockdown and show how “concerned” she is for protecting her State and it’s people, in all things.
    This way she can try to spin her actions, as being out of concern for the greater good.
    Just more political posturing.

  10. What the heck is it with all these Democrat governors suddenly thinking they have the right to become dictators? Issuing executive orders, overruling laws, closing businesses, and now countermanding national treaties?? I’m tired of the excuses, the “it’s for your own good”, and “Just for a short while” which never ends.

    Enough. These folks need to be publicly chastised and de-throned. Vote them OUT!

  11. Of course it’s a bad decision. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. They are doing anything and everything to destroy our country as fast as they can. And that’s the truth. And no, things are just going to get worse. So for any of you that are waiting for things to go back to normal….you will be waiting until Jesus returns to stop all of this insanity. Read the Bible we are in for terrible times much worse than they are now.

  12. ***…violates the public trust and poses a grave threat to Michigan’s environment and economy,”***
    Like her actions, (lockdowns, don’t pose a grave threat to Michigan’s economy?

  13. “continued presence violates the public trust and poses a grave threat to Michigan’s environment and economy,” Whitmer’s office said in a statement.”
    Is Whitmer talking about herself?
    she’s a vile b*tch from Hell that one! in fact Im pretty sure she’s not even human.
    When she gets home at night Im pretty sure she unzips that human out fit she wares at the back and a demon steps out of it and she hangs it up will morning.
    Either that or she’s actually Caitlyn Jenner…????

    1. She has proven to be the worst kind of narcissist, hypocrite, and liar! She doesn’t care about the environment! If so, why hasn’t she taken action on the Flint water crisis? Because she only cares about herself! I’m so glad the marina put her in her place!

  14. Found 5/14/2021 7:40ish AM
    What’s even more strange than closing down a pipeline at a time when the entire Southeast of the country faces a gas shortage is that Whitmer’s claims are not completely invalid as most hers tend to be.

    (these kinds of errors are the most agrevating of all. A simple thought would be the most expressive and correct. Can I trust a line when English is of no concern?
    Does the writer have no education in the language he is born to speak? But, I digress. At that point, can I trust or believe a commentator to actually have a grip on what is real, and report all of the facts as they are?)

    H. Cordell Crowell EET

    The phrase should have “of” her’s and I think it should have an apostrophe to show ownership…more English deficit…

  15. Michigan see here. The state of Michigan has been after the English company for years to update/replace this pipeline. If this had been done, this would be a non issue. Think of the huge environmental disaster if the pipeline would leak. The great lakes are the largest freshwater source on the continent.

  16. We are either a nation of laws or we are not. Whitmer would do well to receive / offer alternatives to the existing pipeline.
    #1. Wait for the tunneled line. Timeline?
    #2. Replace the pipe. Share expenses.
    #3. Place shielding on, around or over the pipe to extend its life.
    #4. Evaluate condition of pipe. Fresh water not as bad as salt water.
    #5. Charge Whitmer for the rail cars and trucks and have her assume liability for transport.
    #6. Make anchoring over the pipeline a restricted area.
    #7. Honor your neighbor as yourself.

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