Next on the List of American Catastrophes? A Western Megadrought

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

I’ve written many articles for The Organic Prepper about the coming food shortages. Not just in the United States but all across the world. Food isn’t the only thing that is soon going to be in short supply.

Fresh, clean water appears to be one of the prime shortages facing humanity today. And this problem is only going to get worse in the future. The American West is facing a water crisis not seen since the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl days. Ironic, since we’re also seeing a lot of similarities to the Great Depression, too.

This past year saw drought in the American West deepen

According to research published in the Journal Science, portions of the United States entered the beginning stages of megadrought. From the Columbia University site:

All told, the researchers say that rising temperatures are responsible for about half the pace and severity of the current drought. If this overall warming were subtracted from the equation, the current drought would rank as the 11th worst detected — bad, but nowhere near what it has developed into.

“It doesn’t matter if this is exactly the worst drought ever,” said coauthor Benjamin Cook, who is affiliated with Lamont and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies. “What matters is that it has been made much worse than it would have been because of climate change.” Since temperatures are projected to keep rising, it is likely the drought will continue for the foreseeable future; or fade briefly only to return, say the researchers.

“Because the background is getting warmer, the dice are increasingly loaded toward longer and more severe droughts,” said Williams. “We may get lucky, and natural variability will bring more precipitation for a while. But going forward, we’ll need more and more good luck to break out of drought, and less and less bad luck to go back into drought.” Williams said it is conceivable the region could stay arid for centuries. “That’s not my prediction right now, but it’s possible,” he said.

If not climate change, what caused the drought in the American West?

MSM, anti-human and anti-progress left are howling that climate change caused the drought. Then again, when are they ever howling any other culprit besides climate change, racism, or COVID? 

There are numerous causes for the drought in the American West, some human-made and some natural. Drought may be due solely to, or found in combination with, weather conditions; economic or political actions; or population and farming.

The fact is it is happening. Drought is here. Those of us in the know need to be prepared to deal with it.

The Colorado River is experiencing drought like never before

The Colorado River itself is experiencing a drought that will affect several states and Mexico. It will also affect the food supply, economic production, and land topography throughout the American West.

The biggest reservoir on the river, Lake Mead, has dramatically declined over the past twenty years. It is now standing at only 40% of its full capacity. This summer, Lake Mead is projected to fall to the lowest levels since filled in the 1930s, after the construction of Hoover Dam.

The reservoir near Las Vegas is fast approaching a point that will result in the first-ever shortage declaration by the federal government. That declaration will lead to dramatic cuts in water deliveries to Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico.

Arizona is in line for the most significant reductions under a 2019 agreement aimed at preventing Lake Mead from falling to critical lows.

Colorado River streams are shrinking due to the drought

Streams that feed the river in its headwaters in the Rocky Mountains have shrunk considerably in the past year. The arid soil in its watershed is soaking up the melting snow. The amount of water projected to fall into Lake Powell at the Arizona-Utah state line over the next four months is among the lowest totals in years. (About 45% of the long term average.)

This drought has dramatically worsened in the last year, not only for the Colorado River but across the West. One year ago, about 4% of the West was in severe drought. Now, that number is about 58%. That’s 58% that is in severe, extreme, or exceptional drought.

Wildfires, dying crops, shrinking water supply all potential results of drought

This means that grazing lands are parched, leading some ranchers to sell off cattle and reduce their herds. Some indigenous farmers who rely on rains have seen their crops wither.

In Arizona, officials are warning for the potential for especially severe wildfires as a result. In the Salt and Verde rivers, which supply Phoenix with water, the snowpack was far below average, reducing runoff and shrinking the amount of water flowing into the reservoirs.

Some say there is nothing we can do about the drought

But the Malthusians are hard at work, suggesting Climate Change is killing us all and there is nothing to be done but to live with less.

Tom Buschatzke, director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources, stated:

We might have to learn to live permanently with less than 2.8 million acre-feet of Colorado River water. “the challenge is going to be to find a path forward in which we continue to protect Lake Mead, continue to look at doing what we can do to make the Colorado River more sustainable for lots of different purposes, and to find a plan that is as simple as possible.

“It’s important for people to understand that we’re dealing with not only a limited system but a shrinking system and that that has real implications for water use throughout the Colorado River Basin,” said Anne Castle, Senior Fellow at the University of Colorado Law Schools’ Getches-Wilkinson Center For Natural Resources.

A couple of years back, California restricted water usage intensely. Although Politifact and Snopes tried to label Daisy’s article about this as fiction, it turned out that her article was indeed true. This came to the attention of a reader from South Africa who shared the restrictions of water usage for average citizens there which made California’s restrictions look downright generous.

Drought and other factors likely to lead to citizens begging for water

Whatever the cause or the proposed solution, the fact is the United States will soon be facing a water crisis. The crop shortages and migrations that will come from this shortage are likely to eclipse anything seen in American history.

Additionally, privatizing water resources and the fight over control of water independence could have Americans find themselves as actual peasants. Will we be begging for access to clean, drinkable water from private companies and the government?

In 2021, water is just one more casualty of the Great Reset.

Are you ready for a drought-induced water crisis?

Did you know, you can survive up to three weeks without food, but only three days without water? Check out The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide for lifesaving information on how to harvest, treat and store your most vital resource: Water!

What are your thoughts on the drought and the “climate change” being blamed for it? Have you prepared yourself for the possibility of water shortages? How do you think the West will survive this? How do you think this drought will affect those of us who do NOT live in the West? Let’s discuss it in the comments.

About Robert

Robert Wheeler has been quietly researching world events for two decades. After witnessing the global network of NGOs and several ‘Revolutions’ they engineered in a number of different countries, Wheeler began analyzing current events through these lenses.

Picture of Robert Wheeler

Robert Wheeler

Robert Wheeler has been quietly researching world events for two decades. After witnessing the global network of NGOs and several 'Revolutions' they engineered in a number of different countries, Wheeler began analyzing current events through these lenses.

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67 Responses

  1. I heard a interview with a JPL scientist a few years ago on this very topic.
    He said historically speaking, the West has been a arid region. The 19th Century was a unusually wet period for the region. Based off their data, the region is reverting back to its arid climate.
    Pre-19th Century population would not be a problem. Supporting the population we have now?

    It is a sellers market, get out while the getting is good.

      1. Do you actually think before you post/speak?

        I cannot imagine how insufferable you must be in person.

        I also now understand why some animals eat their young.

          1. Well since they are talking about a drought in the western part of the country I would suggest somewhere east and north. Even if government does take control of water it would still be better in an area that has a higher rain total.

            There did that help?

        1. I love your response Marine! It was well deserved for Ant7. How arrogant some people can be when someone else is only trying to help.

    1. Correct. When Lewis and Clark crossed the country, they called the Mid-West the “Great American Desert”.

      1. And then there was that time in history called “The Dust Bowl”. Looks like a cycle of change to most intelligent, nongullible people.

  2. South Africa reduced their water problems by cutting down pine trees along the streams and rivers. This improved water flow and created jobs.

    1. Cutting down trees along riverbanks…leads to more erosion, less filtering, and when there is rain, more chance of flash flooding because the water holding capacity of the soil has been degraded. Unshaded rivers and streams heat up faster, affecting aquatic life. Byebye trout and other cold water species, for example.

      I don’t mean to say that trout are more important than people; just that you need to examine ideas thoroughly. The Law of Unintended Consequences is a harsh one, and not all consequences are reversible when you say “Oops!”

  3. We irrigate pasture grass for livestock. This year the local authority delayed delivery of irrigation water by one month, has required an acre to be watered within an hour, and will likely shut down irrigation 3 months early. We had intended to reseed this year, but given the forecast, it would have been a waste of money. The same water source augments the nearby city’s drinking water. This drought will have severe consequences on food production and livelihood.

  4. This was discussed on the forum. I’ve studied up on it some since then.
    It was a gamble man thought he had all figured out. Even if they did at the time it’s far outgrown that idea. It’s been a wet period and now it might go dry again. The scales will balance one way or the other. Next move make sure you’ve got tangible natural stuff resources and aren’t reliant on others.

  5. The government will take over the distribution of all water sources,and make it exponentially worse. Politics and cronyism will inevitably take place.

  6. Colorado snow pack is back up to 93%, while still in drought condition, it is not as bad a portrayed.
    The real worry is not global warming, it is global cooling. The solar cycle we are entering will be the main driver of Earth’s weather. They will end up having enough rain and snow but temperatures will be dropping steadily for the next 5 to 10 years. This will be the real problem they face in the longer term.

    1. Excellent point. I also consider the shifting of the poles (which is REAL and is happening). While the pole shifting is a slow process, eventually warmer zones will become cooler. Consider that the snow pack and glaciers are not melting as fast as we are used to, therefore not feeding the rivers. Would that cause the rivers to have less water?
      But yet…government and MSM would have us believe that WE are the problem. Governments take control and ownership of water…humanity will begin to die off.

  7. “Will we be begging for access to clean, drinkable water from private companies and the government?”

    to control an entire population remotely, that’s how I’d do it.

  8. I’m in Colorado and this subject is already cause for concern. I’ve been told that farmers here have had their water allocations reduced this year. There will be far less fields planted. Our snowpack is better, but not enough to pull us out of drought.

  9. The current water situation should be taken extremely serious by city’s and citizens. When developers and the area getting developed are already stretched for water, they approach the CRIT (Colorado River Indian Tribes) to sell them more Colorado River water.
    Two developments, one 5,500 single family & another one of 2000 plus s/f homes planned for Phoenix area, not to mention the parks that will require water.
    There are days the Colorado is almost low enough to walk across from AZ to CA. Only going to get worse.

  10. Geez people choose to live in a desert and then complain about water. Gotta have grass and golf courses (and pools) then whine about wildfires and water shortages.

  11. Daisy,i believe the U.S. government and governments around the world knew about the up and coming mega drought.Mega droughts can last for 1000 years.This is why they came up with this COVID plandemic,implemented it at the end of 2019 and created these mRNA injections,that they are calling vaccines,so the makers cannot be sued when the vast majority of human life,7 billion people are gradually exterminated.They need to kill off the vast majority of human life so the rest,500,000,000 can survive.I believe this IS the ‘Great Reset’ we have been hearing about.

    1. Very bright thinking. Very smart. Looks like to me you’ve been paying attention and doing your homework or internet research. Remember the GEORGIA GUIDESTONE, they tell all about the depopulation of the earth and how we need to reduce it from around that 7 billion mark down to around 500,000,000 (million) . Yes gradual extermination from drought (they will say) b/c of a lack of water, when it was really the vaccines that people rushed out to take not knowing the repercussions of them. There have yet to be any long term studies of these vaccines for permanent side effects or death . I got polio from the polio vaccine back then before the 1st grade.
      …Many have already died from taking these current vaccines. Many more will die in the next year or two and someone or something will have to be the cause or the blame. But of course they will conveniently make sure that it was NOT these vaccines that killed them all…Depopulation is REAL, sure it is. AND you are SPOT ON saying that you believe the “GREAT RESET” has already begun…YEP, target hit, mission accomplished…

    2. It’s a little more nefarious than “knew it was coming.” They engineered it with weather warfare, climate contol, aka geoengineering. Put your phone down and look up. Those white streaks you see behind the planes often crisscrossing are not passenger jets. LBJ bragged about controlling the weather in 1962 at a college commencement address. He said that whoever controls the weather controls the world. All of these weather manipulations are patented by the ussa gubmint. The sudden Texas freeze was most likely their patented chemical ice nucleation. Texas had been talking secession. The gubmint doesn’t like that word. With people’s pipes bursting, talk of secession was replaced with talk of survival. Then the gubmint came in with federal disaster relief. Now their right back under the gubmint’s control. See why now the amount of guns and gunowners doesn’t matter?

  12. Don’t blame this on the “Climate Change” canard too quickly. Here are some stats on why there is a ‘drought.’ Las Vegas, Nevada population 1950 – 35,000 2021 – 2.7 million. Phoenix, Arizona – 1950 – 221,000 2021 – 4.5 million. Denver 1950 – 505,000 2021 – 2.8 million. Montana snow pack is normal this season, above normal last season. Montana is the source of the Missouri River. The Ogallala Aquifer from South Dakota to Texas has steadily being depleted (more being pumped out than replenished) for many decades. Ground water is being polluted by poor farming/ranching practices. The average golf course uses about 3 acre feet of water per year (some as little as 1, others as much as 6). 3 acre feet equals nearly 1 million gallons of water. 15, 500 golf courses in the US. 15.5 billion gallons of water per year. Turf lawns are another watering problem altogether. We need to get smarter about the way we live. Quality of life does not have to suffer, just be smarter.

        1. Regenerative, yes! It is being done, and is proven. Learn about cover crops and how soil, which is a living thing actually works. Learn why the biggest “mistake” made with farming is tilling the soil. Regenerative is a product of observing nature, simple! Healthy soil, which we would have with a change in the farm process, would hold billions of gallons of water across the country, with much less run off.
          Proven thousands of times, water infiltration in dead soil (that would be corn – soybean rotation dirt) has a water infiltration rate of about 0.5″ an hour or less. Farmers who have learnt to regenerate and increase their top soil 30″ inches an hour. Now go figure!
          Got YouTube?
          Then start with these searches: Joel Salatine, Gab Brown, Ray Archuleta

        1. “drought resistant foliage or not trolling from your work computer”

          doesn’t seem like that would conserve any significant amount of water.

    1. Maybe if lefties stopped moving to areas not meant to support large populations? Just tossing that one out there…

  13. This western drought has been in the offing for years. No surprise. If you average depth to drill a well for water on your property is 700-800 feet then you know your water source and aquifers have issues. I live in the SE WI area and my retreat is in Northern WI. I have 2 of the largest Great Lakes (Michigan and Superior ) by me and I only have to go down 25 ft to get drinking water ( well depth at my retreat ). In my house in suburban Milwaukee area I have a basement, largely unknown to southerners and westerners, that has a thing called a sump in the basement floor. It constantly fills to a given level with fresh water and then is pumped out by a pump. That is my emergency SHTF water supply. It NEVER goes dry, even when there is no rain for a month ( rarely happens ). So I have no issues with clean drinkable water in the short or long term. We also have no hurricanes, no real flooding, no earthquakes and only occasional threat from tornadoes. We do however have one big issue if power goes out: winter. And not a wimpy southern or SW area winter. Real cold that goes down to -0 for sometimes A week or more. This can last from mid November to late March. This is hard to deal with. Better have lots of cut wood and the ability to heat your house or whatever of you will assuredly freeze to death.

  14. Service is flickering today. I’ve written 2 replies to post and lost them.
    Drought is a reality here. I’m growing more food crops that require less water to bring in some harvest. I’m also planting more wild edibles and medicinals to hopefully naturalize. I’m adding blackberries, a new strawberry bed, raspberries, garden huckleberries, service berry bushes(seed), 1 manchurian apricot, 2 more apples, 1 Quince tree, several dwarf mulberries, 3 hazelnuts, and 3 large elderberry plants. Fruit is not readily available nor are any sort of nuts. Pinion pines produce the only native nut and many of them are dead or dying from Beatle damage because the trees are weakened from drought.
    I have one apple I planted here close to 40 yearsago and an ancient apricot from the early Spanish wild apricot seeds brought here over 500 yearsago. It only bears fruit about once in seven years. My tree by ring count sprouted about 1700. So 220+ years old. It is slowly dying. I’m hoping to airlayer some roots to start a new tree. A friend took seeds to try starting new trees last year. I also have one hugh grape I started from a cutting about 40 yearsago. I have more grapes to plant also.
    It will be a busy Spring with so much to be planted and still more seedlings to start. We are nearing the average last frost date. Altitude 6280 ft. Lettuce and peas could be planted this week if I get the new garden area finished. I have lettuce, radishes, chives, green onions, carrots ect from old seeds just thrown in a 2×3 container just 7 inches deep. It sits on my table on the front porch. I think they are all coming up. They had gotten wet and were stuck in the bottom of old used seed packets. I doubted any would live. We’ll enjoy the salads growing just outside the kitchen door.
    I’m trying smaller bush cantaloupes and desert watermelons. All the regulars too so the garden is being enlarged to accommodate more varities this year. A friend send Jerusalem artichokes. I used to grow them but a stepson worked hard to kill them off while I was a away working for 12 years. I loved the sunflowers then the edible roots. I have five kinds of corn to plant. 2 are Native dent corn, blue and white. 2 are different dwarf sweetcorn and my childhood favorite, strawberry popcorn. I’m trying short season sweet corns. I have greens for spring and for fall planting. Several are supposed to improve after being in snow but must be well established before frost. They come from the Ukrane and Russia. Also some native to Napal. My new tomatoes this year are Oregon Spring and Sub Artic. Both short season fast making varieties. I’m hoping to have enough for canning. Tomatoes don’t often do real well here. Even Summer nights drop 40 to 50 degrees. Long season vegetables are a gamble. I’m growing a 60 day cabbage to see how it will do. Watermellons and winter squash are up and growing in 1/2 gallon pots. Brussels sprouts are 2 inches tall in seed trays. Zuchinni, 3 kinds this year, yellow crookneck, and more are up and doing well in flats in the livingroom.
    Its a challenge growing a garden but I love gardening so I share my home with an abundance of seedlings till planting time then I nearly always bring in some greens and cherry tomates for the winter. I may plant a strawberry pot full of herbs and the other with strawberries. I usually have herbs filling the breakfast bar above the kitchen sink.
    Learning to live more carefully of the resources we have and sustaining ourselves for food and power is the aim. We have ducks, chickens, and rabbits for food as well as the garden. I’m putting in all new solar panels and controls. I have most of the batteries I need. I’ve been buying up new items one thing at a time since our old array was ruined. My home could operate on the batteries I have. We are living fine without ceiling lights, fans and so on but they would all be nice to have. Working in that direction.
    To simply tell us to sell and move isn’t so simple for everyone. We don’t have the resources to buy another place. The sale wouldn’t allow us to buy again, make a long move, and start over. We can’t afford to rent. Family are burried here in a family plot. I won’t sell that. We will continue to make the best life possible here. It’s a continual learning curve and a matter of preserving family heirloom varities and trying new things.

  15. Living in Colorado, droughts have been cyclical for as long as I can remember. We’ve a large reservoir near us. I can remember what the climate was like before the reservoir was completed. After it was done, the area weather changed. We began to see less rain and snowfall patterns immediately. That means that reservoirs aren’t necessarily a “good” thing.
    We can talk Climate Change till we’re blue in the face, but the fact remains, that the earth’s climate always changes, and it will always change whether we’re here or not. It’s not and never has been a static environment.

    Of more concern to me than the noticable effect of decreased or absent precipitation, is the unseen effect of aquifer depletion. Aquifers, the underground water storage nature provided, are depressing, more and more each year, and science can only theorize what the levels are. As the aquifer retreats/depresses, wells run dry, and that’s a huge problem for ranches/farms that rely on well water. It can take years for aquifers to recharge, even when surface precipitation is up, the effect on the aquifer isn’t immediate.
    In Colorado, droughts been declared several times in the last 40 years. When a wet and heavy winter happens, we hear officials say that the snowpack means the drought has ended. Only to see drought declared later that summer once again. It would be comical, if it wasn’t such a serious issue, watching the “experts” flip and flop on the subject over and over. Personally, I began xeriscaping our yard 25 years ago, and I’ll keep doing so, until no artificial watering of plants and grasses is necessary. Slowly returning our lot to the front range ecosystem it once was.

    We can and have talked ad nauseum, about reducing this or that, but in truth, there’s little data that supports the adoption of extremes that may have no effect upon the changes we’re seeing. Proponents are shouting for more wind and solar production, while ignoring the effects of what this technology does to the environment, and it’s pretty grisly what some of this stuff does. Lithium mining, a component necessary for wind and solar energy, makes Coal mining look clean in comparison. Coal mines can be reclaimed within a generation. Lithium mines are a toxic hazardous waste site, that no one knows how long the area has to sit before reclamation.

    In Europe, where wind is being touted, at least on specie of bird has been driven nearly extinct by the the wind generators. Others in the area are drifting in to endangered status. Sorry, but to me that’s not eco friendly.
    In the US, over 3,000 wind turbines sit, broken, unrepairable, and many leaking hydraulic oils into the ground, as well as other chemicals. They sit abandoned, too costly to repair, and even more costly to dismantle. The scrap metal and other materials worthless as scrap. Neither manufacturer or purchaser willing to claim responsibility for the worthless hulk. Yet some people want to rely on more of this?

    It’s the Heigth of Hubris, to believe we have that level of control over the climate. It’s easy to look at patterns and make pronouncements, but far too often, those that do such, fail to look beyond their narrow view at the overall picture. They see what they want to see, and only that which reinforces their preconceived views and beliefs.
    Water is as vital to life as the air we breathe. You can live 3 minutes without air, and 3 days without water. Actually, the physiological effects of dehydration start showing up about 12 hours after the last intake of H20, but at 3 days, we’re in danger of death, as various bodily systems break down completely. At a certain point, the damage is irreversible.
    Drought may well be with us for a long time to come. Best make your preps now, whilst we still can.

    1. “They see what they want to see, and only that which reinforces their preconceived views and beliefs”

      should some kind of governing agency be set up to tell people where and how to live? and if not, should people be allowed to blunder ahead on their short term interest until it all collapses in the next generation and the next generation pays for it?

  16. I have an idea. Stop moving to places like this that were never meant to support large populations.

    What’s the population of greater Las Vegas? 2.8 million. In the middle of a desert. Average annual rainfall is under five inches.

    Ditto with places like Los Angeles and even San Diego. Nice clear sunny days, but little rainfall (less than 15 inches per year in L.A., and 10 inches in San Diego.

    Truth be told, without massive amounts of technology these areas are unsustainable (to use the left’s language against them).

    One reason for a lot of west coast drought is moving water to slake the thirst of 35 million people between L.A. and San Diego.

    1. “without massive amounts of technology these areas are unsustainable (to use the left’s language against them)”

      well for the left “unsustainable” means “you’re using resources that are meant for US”.

      “Stop moving to places like this that were never meant to support large populations”

      why would any individual not move there if it’s advantageous for them individually to do so?

  17. I’m in the Phoenix area and the Salt River System is at 80% capacity. “They” forecast a wetter monsoon for us here this summer. That would be a blessing for sure. But I think that we need to be wise about screaming severe drought. Reading that Colorado snowpack is/was good etc. And seeing the water capacity right now in my area makes me think that there is alot of scare and hype tactics going on. I was born and raised here some 60 years ago. We will survive- if the damn government will back off.

  18. I grew up in Calgary Alberta, a major city in the rain shadow of the Canadian Rockies. We have two major rivers that run through the city but when the first explorers came to the area in the early 1800s they were battling roving sand dunes. This area is only green due to irrigation. There are city ordinances in place that prevent you from xeriscaping your front lawns. You have to get special permission from your community to do this. If we want to get serious about being water smart in our communities then we need to change legislation in communities that historically need irrigation to stay green. It should be mandatory to have xeriscape lawns and if you want turf then you pay for that privilege. All new buildings should have low-flow showers and toilets and high-value incentives to do retro-fits on older homes. Here we are metered for our water intake, for areas facing severe shortages they may also need to go with a metered approach.
    There is talk about letting aquifers recharge – it’s not that easy. An aquifer can suffer from saltwater intrusion, intrusion from liquified pollution, or worse complete collapse after it has been drained. Many locations on the East coast of the United States started to see ground subsidence, this is when the structure of the aquifer actually collapses and the aquifer can never be recharged again. On the surface, we see that the ground shifts down anywhere from three to nine feet depending on how badly drained the aquifer is and how long it has been drained out.
    Other changes that could be made are to have our grey water (showers, sinks, washing machines, bath tubs) drain to a tank that can then be used for garden watering – the tank would allow for soap to be skimmed off but its not necessary many insects don’t like soap.
    There’s my two cents and remember if you don’t like the system step up and change it from with in.

    1. all the suggestions so far (gray water usage, no golf courses, no trolling from work computers) are very minor in relation to total water usage. the biggest users are agriculture and industry – until those users are addressed then practices like using drought resistant foliage are insignificant.

      1. Aunt7, what would you propose be done to address the biggest users of water? Specifically agriculture and industry. I am also curious if you have some insights on where all of this water is going, or is it being completely consumed by farming and industry? Also, what types of drought resistant foliage would be most suitable for some different situations we that we may need to plan and plant for?

        1. “what would you propose be done to address the biggest users of water?”

          one “solution” is socialist – determine where the resources are available, and forcibly move people to best accommodate the situation. most commenters here, priding themselves on being “individualists” and “freedom-lovers”, will fleer and scorn – but observe how their replies revert to socialist language such as “we need to whatever”, meaning “we need to force others to whatever” – what they mean is to apply force to others but not accept it being applied to themselves. another is the libertarian approach – simply let people barrel forward with whatever benefits themselves personally right now, until they kill themselves and others, and let the survivors learn their lesson. neither side will accept a federal solution – personal freedom balanced against national/state/local regulations expressed in voter-approved state and federal laws. so near as I can figure there is no solution until attitudes change.

          (actually, for semi-sociopath individualist “freedom loving” loners, there is a simple solution – eliminate all those Other People cluttering up the landscape. bingo, problem solved. and that is what some of them plan – to eliminate The Evil and restore freedom for themselves.)

          “where all of this water is going, or is it being completely consumed by farming and industry”

          most of it evaporates or is otherwise discharged into the environment as being too expensive to treat. recycling agricultural water is impossible, while recycling residential or industrial water can be almost impossible – the range of likely contaminants that MUST be addressed is extensive and almost impossible to deal with. some can be recycled sure, but not enough to address a serious shortage.

          “Also, what types of drought resistant foliage would be most suitable for some different situations we that we may need to plan and plant for?”

          preppers/survivalists typically are interested in foliage for screening – concealing gardens and providing impediments to entry. oleander is great for low-water environments (that’s why you see them planted in the center median of highways to screen oncoming headlight glare), and cactus and brambles are good for blocking access to housing windows. other than that I’m not sure low-water-maintenance foliage is of any concern to preppers/survivalists.

      2. Since when is it all or nothing?? I think the previous suggestions would make a sizable difference if enough people started using them. One step at a time.

  19. I wonder how much of this drought is being caused by geoengineering.
    Remember back in the 60’s LBJ was saying that those who control the weather control the world.

  20. ““What matters is that it has been made much worse than it would have been because of climate change.” Climate change, really? Why does everyone ignore the elephant in the sky–geoengineering aka weather warfare? www geoengineeringwatch dot org

    1. Thank you EJ. Out of all the comments here, yours is right over the bullzeye. Their created crisis ‘drought’ just like the Wuhan Virus comes straight out of the globalists playbook. We can never have real conversations about climate until their massive Geoengineering projects come to light in the public domain. AKA Bill Gates, NASA, DARPA, CIA, etc.

      Search for geoengineering patents and see their covert operations right in plain sight.

    2. Love your comment, and you are so right. Who can imagine living in Texas and having more cloudy days than sunny days? But you should see our skies, and it’s almost daily.

  21. So what is the solution? I remember a man during the war crash his plane in the desert. He live for over a year before being found. He gathered the dew off the planes wings each morning. In some desert communities they built air wells for water. Plus there is rain water storage tanks for the rare time it rain plus the morning dew. Any more ideal?

  22. Americans can go to the unpopulated tropical lands of Central America. All their people are here. Why not a swap?

  23. Where I grew up there was a river in my town and as far as I can remember it was always way high and get very high when it rained a lot.

    I don’t ever recall it being way low when I was growing up.

    Well, now that I’m all grown up I was surprised to see undulate between low and high quite frequently and just getting low to low medium nowadays and in some cases getting near bone dry with the roots of trees showing, even.

    Something I never saw when growing up.

    Well, it rained wheely heavy the last few weeks and the river went way high like I use to remember it and guess what? It got wheely low again wheely fast.

    I see this a lot lately making me think someone is draining or using that water somewhere.

  24. I’ve read that there has been a weather “ridge” off the west coast for well over a decade. This causes weather systems to move either north or south of this ridge, taking their water with them. This is not a natural weather system. It couldn’t last for more than a few weeks if it was natural. It seems more like weather warfare to me. What if China decided to destroy the southwest and then when everyone finally got to the point they were willing to sell for almost nothing, China comes in and buys the whole (or most of) the Southwest? They could walk into our country and do whatever they wanted. Here’s another, unfortunately non-weather, question concerning China. Who owns the companies willing to give old folks money for their homes they don’t have to pay back until they move out? Is China getting their hands on these folks homes by giving them money when they need it without having to pay it back until they die or move the a senior home? Anyway, I have a feeling we’re slowing giving our nation to China without even knowing it. Getting back to weather (SORRY), the only reason the eastern part of the U.S. isn’t a desert is because of tropical weather systems coming off of Africa. We need the water they bring, just not with intense wind, etc. I’ve noticed we haven’t had the number of large weather systems from Africa hitting the U.S. so much the last couple of years.

  25. This is all weather mods, I wrote my first article in 1974 for Whole Earth Review, and only crickets
    Weather Control
    A Research Paper Presented To Air Force 2025

    Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025
    by Col. Tamzy J. HouseLt. Col. James B. Near, Jr.LTC. William B. Shields (USA)
    Maj Ronald J. CelentanoMaj David M. HusbandMaj Ann E. Mercer
    Maj James E. Pugh
    Source: Air Force 2025
    August 1996

  26. Location location location
    I refused to do a well and put in rainwater harvesting with 6000 gallons…it’s full after 1 month. Wished I did 4 x tanks now. Also dug a pretty good sized pond and it is now full too. We have had a bit of rainfall ready. I do feel for those who are at the mercy of Uncle Sugar for your water. I’d consider relocation if that is an option. TX encourages rainwater harvesting and solar. Good tax breaks for solar. No sales tax of the rainwater collection equipment. Including the filtering…I s a lot of work and I hope it pays off.

    1. Guys and Gals….at a min work out your strategy for water. It is the hardest, but there is a lot of options. Go get your undergraduate degree at YouTube University. Start with filling up jugs, start getting bottled water a couple cases at a time. Move to 55 gallon blue barrels. Next is the big stuff…larger scale rainwater harvesting or dig a pond. Berkey filter or equivalent, Vortex distiller, large bank of filters. Battery and AC power transfer pumps and lastly mechanical pump. Throw small scale solar to power the pump.

  27. Just saying….All the conspiracy stuff…true or not true…isn’t going to help you store water. Change or fix what you can…ignore all the “noise.” Climate change…Grand Solar min, magnetic poles shifting you also can’t change. Prepare or not prepare…that is the choice you make. Fail to plan…plan to fail.

  28. In the American Southwest, the Cliff Dwellers depended on summer crops that needed summer rains. Those rains were plentiful during the Medieval Warm Period that expanded the tropical rains during the summers. In other words, the summer rains come from the south, from the tropics.

    Then along came the Little Ice Age, and the tropical rain belt shrank. The summer rains no longer came. The cliff dwellings were abandoned. In the winter, there were still rains connected with cold fronts, but the summer crops that the Indians depended on couldn’t take the cold.

    It appears that the warmest period in the last couple of centuries were the 1930s. The warm period of the first decades after 2000 appears not to have been as warm, and the present trend is cooling. There are year to year fluctuations, for example the Southwest had an unusually warm winter this year so that the winter cold fronts bringing rain didn’t come. This was after a summer when the tropics failed come north. But this past week a winter cold front finally came through with welcome rain. Not enough, but welcome nonetheless.

    The Dust Bowl of the 1930s was centered to the north and east of the present drought. A lot of those areas are best suited for grazing cattle (bison), not farming.

  29. So much ridiculous talk of climate change and rainfall.
    All the opinions out there and yet do any of these folks look up and see the carnage of what is happening to our skies?

    How can anyone have an intelligent conversation about these issues without discussing SRM, geo engineering, harrp, where is it?

    Dane Wigington leads the filed with a most excellent website that has scientific evidence to prove we are being sprayed with an assortment of metals and who knows what else. These are crimes against humanity and no one speaks up.

    1. Because…what anyone else does you have zero control over…

      In today’s political climate statements like you are making puts you on the “radar”. Opposite of “gray.”

      Data mining attached to your “Social Media?” Identifying you as a “wacko?” Includes blog posts, emails, browsing history, cell tower pings, ESN tracking (and the list goes on).

      Sound familiar; “No Fly List,” “Red Flag,” and the list goes on and on. That knock on the door is a “well being check” based on everything you have ever done courtesy of a “concerned” person.

      Does not matter if you are wrong or right…they control the narrative…Only need to study the last few years to see that.

  30. I read this, looked out the window and it looks like rain soon. Every city in the US has spent millions building drainage systems to get rid of rain water. Let me know when they change that. If you can’t take care of your own needs a drought won’t matter. Something will get you.

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