Maybe You Aren’t Actually Gluten Intolerant. Maybe You’re Just Poison Intolerant.

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

By Daisy Luther

Over the past couple of years, I had the unpleasant experience of having bloodwork done to confirm that I am gluten intolerant, only to have it come back and say, “Nope, you’re just crazy.”

The same thing happened to my good friend Melissa Melton, who was terribly ill before she cut wheat out of her life.

It’s happened to scores of other people, who pass the test for the anti-gliadin antibodies but still know that their health issues directly correlate with what they eat.

Now we may know why.

The tests were right. I’m not gluten intolerant.  I’m poison intolerant.

I read a mind-blowing article last night that put it all together for me. (Please go read the entire piece by Sarah, the Healthy Home Economist.)

Standard wheat harvest protocol in the United States is to drench the wheat fields with Roundup several days before the combine harvesters work through the fields as withered, dead wheat plants are less taxing on the farm equipment and allows for an earlier, easier and bigger harvest

Pre-harvest application of the herbicide Roundup and other herbicides containing the deadly active ingredient glyphosate to wheat and barley as a desiccant was suggested as early as 1980.  It has since become routine over the past 15 years and is used as a drying agent 7-10 days before harvest within the conventional farming community.

According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT who has studied the issue in depth and who I recently saw present on the subject at a nutritional Conference in Indianapolis, desiccating non-organic wheat crops with glyphosate just before harvest came into vogue late in the 1990′s with the result that most of the non-organic wheat in the United States is now contaminated with it.  Seneff explains that when you expose wheat to a toxic chemical like glyphosate, it actually releases more seeds resulting in a slightly greater yield:   “It ‘goes to seed’ as it dies. At its last gasp, it releases the seed.”

According to the US Department of Agriculture, as of 2012, 99% of durum wheat, 97% of spring wheat, and 61% of winter wheat has been doused with Roundup as part of the harvesting process. This is an increase from 88% for durum wheat, 91% for spring wheat and 47% for winter wheat since 1998. (source)

How horrifying is it that they douse this stuff for human consumption with the most toxic, prevalent herbicide around, an herbicide which has been linked to all sorts of problems, just days before the harvest? That stuff doesn’t get removed – it gets milled in with the wheat and lurks in your bags of flour, your loaves of bread, and your desserts.

This could also explain why some people who have terrible gluten symptoms are able to eat products made from organic Einkorn wheat.  It may not be that it’s heirloom Einkorn – it could just be that it hasn’t been doused in glyphosate.

Modern farming practices are killing us. Here’s a little rundown on glyphosate:

The first study found that glyphosate increases the breast cancer cell proliferation in the parts-per-trillion range.

An alarming new study, accepted for publication in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology last month, indicates that glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide due to its widespread use in genetically engineered agriculture, is capable of driving estrogen receptor mediated breast cancer cell proliferation within the infinitesimal parts per trillion concentration range.

The study, titled, “Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors,” compared the effect of glyphosate on hormone-dependent and hormone-independent breast cancer cell lines, finding that glyphosate stimulates hormone-dependent cancer cell lines in what the study authors describe as “low and environmentally relevant concentrations.”

Another study found that consumption of glyphosate causes intestinal and gut damage, which opens the door to numerous human diseases, such as diabetes, gastrointestinal disorders, heart disease, obesity, autism, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

However, another classification of allergy-type food is emerging and getting recognized for adverse effects on the human intestinal tract and gut. Those foods are genetically modified organisms known as GMOs or GEs. There is scientific research indicating intestinal damage from GMO food and the article “Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Disease” discusses how the inordinate amount of pesticides sprayed on GMOs leaves residues in GMO crops that, in turn, are being traced to modern diseases.  (source)

The Organic Consumers Association says:

Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the world.  According to the EPA, at least 208 million tons of Roundup were sprayed on GE crops, lawns and roadsides in the years 2006 and 2007. In 2007, as much as 185 million pounds of glyphosate was used by U.S. farmers, double the amount used just six years ago.

A 2009 study found that Americans use about 100 million pounds of glyphosate annually on their lawns and gardens. It’s safe to assume all these number are much higher now. Why? Because GE crops are now being invaded by new strains of herbicide-resistant “superweeds” requiring higher and higher doses of poison.

Beyond Pesticides has assembled extensive documentation of past research linking glyphosate to increased cancer risk, neurotoxicity and birth defects, as well as eye, skin, respiratory irritation, lung congestion, increased breathing rate, damage to the pancreas, kidney and testes.

Glyphosate also endangers the environment, destroys soil and plants, and is linked to a host of health hazards. The EPA’s decision to increase the allowed residue limits of glyphosate is out of date, dangerous to the health of people and the environment and scientifically unsupportable. (source)

Nearly all of the symptoms we chalk up to gluten intolerance can also be related to glyphosate exposure.  This horrific little farming shortcut may have created an epidemic across the country.

Just last week I picked up a loaf of organic sourdough bread to serve with some beef stew.  I was hesitant but astonished when I didn’t suffer abdominal pain, bloating, and digestive upset.  I thought, “Yay!  I ate bread and didn’t die!”

Sarah’s article blew my mind, because when I read it, all of the inconsistencies with my own gluten issues began to make sense. It explains why I can eat the fancy Italian pasta that a friend sent as a gift. It explains why the odd baked good from the organic bakery doesn’t make me sick. It explains the blood test that says I don’t have a problem with gluten, even though my gut says that I do have a problem.

It’s time to say no to Big Food. Vote with your wallet and forgo eating anything containing poisoned wheat. Either skip the wheat products entirely or choose organic wheat products.

Perhaps our family diet can get a little bit broader now. It would be far less expensive to buy a bag of organic flour than the gluten free flour that we use for baking, pancakes and thickening stuff.

Maybe the bloodwork was right. Maybe we aren’t actually gluten intolerant at all.

Maybe we are just poison intolerant.


MUST READ!!!!!  The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it’s not the gluten)

The Gluten Connection: How Gluten Sensitivity May Be Sabotaging Your Health – And What You Can Do to Take Control Now

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health

Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers

Gluten Intolerance Isn’t Just a Fad: It Can Wreck Your Whole Life

Gluten Intolerance: Is It Just a Fad or Is Today’s Wheat Really Toxic?

How to Go Gluten-Free Without Contributing to the Billion Dollar Big Food Rip-Off

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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45 Responses

  1. Good thinnin. When I first became aware, a few years back, and I found that pesticides were grown into food, {ab crops} It came naturally, that I was eating poison. At first, as I trusted, I thought “they know what they are doing” As I leaned, more and more, I came to the realization it i one hell of a way, to kill off an entire people. Later, I thought, “yeah, they know what they are doing} You see, I remember very clearly, the physical prowess of our human bodies 50 year sago, men were harder bodied, women were healthier. Our veins bulged out of our skin, we were very dam healthy. And strong. I look now, at the youth, and I see cattle. I see bloated humans. Not like we were. Its the FOOD people. yesterday, I was privy, to an all gluten meal, with kale, and venison. And, ill tell ya, it gives one strength.
    Conspiracy? very possibly, money?? ooo yeah

    1. I’ve been noticing how people in “crowd scenes” in old movies look. Everyone in old movies from the thirties or forties is slim and healthy-looking. Even the people in the “fat” people in these movies are relatively thin by today’s standards. I’ve read that autopsies on children routinely show fatty deposits in their arteries, now.

  2. Thanks for the great info. I have been having severe issues with gluten over the past several years and have had to cut it out of my diet. I noticed that did not resolve all of my issues, as I had issues with other types of flours as well. So maybe I’ll play with organic grains again and see if I can consume them. To be honest, I would love to be able to eat the occasional piece of sour dough bread again.

  3. Great article, and I’m happy for you that you’ve found a possible solution in organic grains. Especially important, I think: “Either skip the wheat products entirely or choose organic wheat products.” Too many people are simply swapping out one poison for another in selecting junky GF alternatives.

    About eighteen months ago I cut out gluten and began clean eating and the improvement has been tremendous (I have Fibromyalgia and was unwilling to go on meds for it; luckily, I’ve been able to control symptoms with proper diet and physical care). I might be just a tad more sensitive than you, Daisy, in that I can still react to organic grains and even GF oats, but I have had some luck with organic sprouted grains (and since we know sprouting enhances vitamin and protein contents, I consider that a win-win).

  4. This article is amazing Daisy! My mother often wondered, in the last years of her life, why she had so many digestive issues. The doctors laid blame on “old age” but I think it was being slowly poisoned by so many -ahem- foods! I am not buying anything to bake with that is not organic! Thank you for this info.

  5. I have been gluten-free almost two years. I have reversed my type II diabetics, got off all medications, lost 28 lbs and have never felt better.

    But I never knew Roundup was used in the wheat harvest. I am very careful to avoid pesticides in my diet as well so I guess my wheat free diet has an added bonus.

  6. I have had to reduce gluten. When I “cheat” and have piece of bread, I regret it.
    My elimination list grows longer and longer.

    It is a food obstacle course.

    It is really sick that big corporate has so much control over our world, that they can commit crimes against humanity without impunity. God will not be mocked.

  7. Like Mike I’ve eschewed wheat for the past 2 years. I’ve dropped 50 lbs and reversed my type 2 diabetes. In September 2012 I needed to inject 26 units a day of insulin. I disagree with Dr Davis of Wheat Belly fame and regularly eat rice, 100% sourdough rye bread. I do not eat sugar or drink soda. I’m a believer in healthy gut bacteria keeps you healthy. No wheat no glysophate residue for me.

  8. Don’t believe everything you read. Do your own research. Grew up in wheat country and never seen wheat sprayed 7/10 days before harvest with round up.I would be way more concerned with all the plastic that food is wrapped in!

    1. From this article it is true that 43% of the wheat grown is Not sprayed down with Roundup as a part of harvesting. That’s a Huge amount of acreage. It’s quite possible you grew up in an area where they didn’t practice this. That still leaves 57% of the rest of the wheat crop you weren’t around to know what was done to it.

      Do you suppose that at the huge grain mills and such that a large portion of the 43% that was not sprayed down was mixed with the 57% that was? …You would not have seen any of that by looking at fields.

      Don’t rely on just what you can see. There is also the unseen.

  9. I mentioned your blog entry here,

    theodorewesson responded with two interesting links:

    “I emailed one of the co-authors of the study, Stephanie Seneff (MIT), and she replied. Her comments are more than interesting:”…

    “What would a president and his administration do to make sure the truth is overrun and squashed?

    In addition to silencing the media, they would appoint a host of GMO insiders to key government posts, and they would bring to market as many new GMO crops as possible, to construct a fait accompli.

    So let’s go to the scorecard and review the actions of Obama in his first term.

    The new president filled key posts with Monsanto people, in federal agencies that wield tremendous force in food issues, the USDA and the FDA:

    At the USDA, as the director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Roger Beachy, former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center.

    As deputy commissioner of the FDA, the new food-safety-issues czar, the infamous Michael Taylor, former vice-president for public policy for Monsanto. Taylor had been instrumental in getting approval for Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone.

    As commissioner of the USDA, Iowa governor, Tom Vilsack. Vilsack had set up a national group, the Governors’ Biotechnology Partnership, and had been given a Governor of the Year Award by the Biotechnology Industry Organization, whose members include Monsanto.

    As the new Agriculture Trade Representative, who would push GMOs for export, Islam Siddiqui, a former Monsanto lobbyist.

    As the new counsel for the USDA, Ramona Romero, who had been corporate counsel for another biotech giant, DuPont.

    As the new head of the USAID, Rajiv Shah, who had preciously worked in key positions for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a major funder of GMO agriculture research.

    We should also remember that Obama’s secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, once worked for the Rose law firm. That firm was counsel to Monsanto.

    Obama nominated Elena Kagan to the US Supreme Court. Kagan, as federal solicitor general, had previously argued for Monsanto in the Monsanto v. Geertson seed case before the Supreme Court.” …

    1. How many know the details about how Roundup was marketed for many, many, years as something that broke down and went away and was not dangerous after just a year or two? This was out there as reality for a full 2 decades before studies showed that glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup) was persistent for years longer. The first entity to challenge this quick breakdown was good old “Organic Gardening” magazine. Way back when, they wrote about studies that showed glyphosate was still active 10 years after use. Even now, a long time later, there is not, unfortunately, agreement that roundup persists.

  10. I lived overseas for a number of years, but when I moved back to the U.S., I began to have numerous health issues including digestive issues. I wondered if I was gluten intolerant, but I had no problem eating wheat overseas. With this new information, I will definitely be switching to more organic wheat to see if that helps.

  11. Work on farms and been involved with that industry most of my life. Never, ever seen anyone use roundup on wheat. No need to kill weeds right before harvest, plus, there are no gmo wheat grown in the US on any large scale. Spraying at that time is a huge waste of money given the cost of roundup anyway, not even close to yield boosting enough to break even.

    Having said that, I think that round up is over used in a general sense. But, with so few people feeding so many, what would you have us do? Organic is an overused marketing term as well, and many farmers I know would prefer not to use all the chemicals either, but the margins are so small, and the regulations so daunting, to not run constant deficits in organic farms.

    1. As I am also into the industry complex of farming, I can promise that these studies hit the mark. So, I must call BS on the remark I ac commenting on. YES BS, I said BS!

  12. What I want someone to explain to me is how the link is made now to poison, when there were correlations to disease thousands of years ago??? The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center discusses some of the history of the disease and cites an article that has accounts of Greek physicians discussing this disease. Of course, these accounts were created long before the company Monsanto was created, let alone Roundup. I am not doubting the causation of poison creating gastrointestinal issues, but would like a second opinion on the significance of the two.


    1. Derek – it’s important to note that this does not apply to every person who has issues with wheat. There are many people who have Celiac Disease or are legitimately gluten intolerant. However, some people who have definite negative reactions to wheat products may not be gluten intolerant – they may be reacting to this dousing of herbicide. Of course, either way, the fix is the same – don’t eat wheat products. Some may find, though, that their diet opens up a bit if they are able to eat organic wheat products.


        1. No. Celiac disease is real and provable by laboratory tests. What I’m saying is that some incidences of gluten intolerance may not actually be related to gluten, but to the pesticides. Gluten intolerance and Celiac disease are not the same thing.

  13. Daisy: did gluten free wheat give you bad reactions? Cause wheat would likely have glyphosate on it whether it’s gluten free or regular

    1. I never tried a gluten free wheat – actually didn’t know it existed. I did buy some rice flour and a gluten-free mix of flours, but it contained no wheat product.

  14. If the bread you ate was true sourdough, made with a sourdough starter, and it didn’t make you sick, then you could be allergic to the fructan, not the gluten, in the wheat. I can eat sourdough bread with no ill effects to my tummy. The long rising and the effects of the sourdough starter kill the fructan in the wheat.

  15. All I know is that following a grain free diet has improved my health immensely. Also purchasing organic as much as possible has improved almost every chronic health complaint I ever had including my thyroid function. I am looking forward to even better health as I continue on this path.
    Great article…thanks!

  16. I’m tired of all the haters going on and on and on about people who quit eating wheat. No one NEEDS wheat in their diet. We’ve only had it as a regular staple for about 10,000 years and only in some populations up until the last few hundred years or so. And frankly, if you look at the evidence in human remains from all down that time period, you can tell the difference between farmers and foragers (hunter-gatherers) just by looking at the skeletons. Farmers were poorly nourished (so much for agriculture “curing starvation”), shorter on average, had smaller brain pans on average, lost a hell of a lot more teeth and had far more lesions in their bones indicating that they suffered from infectious diseases in life. Yeah, some of the latter was overcrowding, but some of it was the body simply being less well prepared for fighting off infectious agents. The poorer your nutrition is, the more often you get sick.

    So even before you bring “poisons” into it we have this. Organic ag was the *norm* for most of our agricultural history. People still got sick and died early. Like, shorter life expectancies than foragers–and people today love to diss the Paleo diet by saying hunter-gatherers had short lifespans, when in some farming communities the life expectancy was *younger than 20*. Chew on that a while.

    Also, a lot of people who have reactions to wheat and other gluten grains (rye for example–yes, it contains a type of gluten) find that they can eat corn or rice. These are also grown with toxins (brown rice has arsenic in it, for pete’s sake) and corn is often GMO on top of that.

    And gluten isn’t the only wheat protein that people react to. There are other proteins in wheat, like wheat germ agglutinin, which also upsets people’s bodies. AND, GI complaints are not the only way to react to gluten even when that’s the problem–I get neurological symptoms if I eat wheat. Like migraines, and possibly hypomanic or manic phases, and other fun stuff, on top of the lower GI problems. It’s NOT in my head. I’m NOT following a fad. God, no one jumps all over kosher eaters like this, and that IS a choice.

  17. Ive been experiencing TERRIBLE muscle and joint pain for a few years now and I just chalked it up to getting older. About a week ago I was in class (Getting Firefighter Cert) and someone told me I might be intolerant to gluten, I’m getting blood work in May so wish me luck. Thanks for the article

  18. I hold a bachelors in biochemistry with a minor in biology, and I’ve worked in biochemistry research for 3 years:
    If any of you even TOUCH soft drinks even once in a while, you’re fools for being worried about roundup. Roundup is metabolized naturally by bacteria in the soil (and in our digestive tracts) into glycine (an amino acid that our bodies either have to synthesize naturally, or intake as part of the diet) and AMPA which is in turn metabolized to Phosphoric acid which is naturally present as phosphate ion within our bodies. It is used to synthesize the DNA backbone, and replenish the energy molecules (ATP) of cells, and thousands of other uses! Our bodies are constantly using phosphate! Phosphoric acid is used COPIOUSLY in soft drinks for acidification! If you are even an occasional drinker of soft drinks, the trace amounts of this substance that you MAY get in wheat products (since it is not cost efficient for farmers to use roundup before harvest -when the plant is ALREADY DEAD) is quantifiably NOTHING compared to that occasional soda pop. Dr. Senneff knows NOTHING about farming processes, wheat, and is poorly informed about glyphosate biochemistry

  19. I grew up on a stock and grain farm and this story about drenching wheat fields with Roundup sounds bogus.

    For one thing, at harvest time, the wheat stalk is already dead, it’s nothing more than a piece of vertical straw holding the grain head.
    For another, to drive a piece of equipment thru the field to spray would knock down an enormous number of wheat stalks, thereby losing the grain.
    And thirdly, spraying Roundup is costly, making the operation to spray a herbicide on dead wheat unneeded.

  20. What blood test did you have done? I recently had an IgG Food Allergy Panel done and it showed a sensitivity to wheat. However, I always wonder about what type of wheat they are testing…because I do have noticeable issues from conventional wheat, yet can eat organic without any cramping or bloating. For now, I’m avoiding it, but would love to know if there’s a different blood test I can have done to kind of narrow it down to whether it’s an actual gluten issue or a poison intolerance issue, lol. 🙂

  21. You people are so stupid and you probably don’t know the first thing about farm your probably having these health issues from other thing and if you drive past most organic farms in my area they are complete shit hole and you probably don’t realize that for an organic farmer has to go over the ground 5 or 6 times to kill all the weeds so they are burning more diesel fuel. and the soil is lose so when it rains all the top soil gets washed into the streams and rivers and because most organic farmers put manure on there land all that animal shit is in your drinking water maybe that’s why your all sick. so next time you have some thing good to say about organic food GO FUCK YOUrSELF!!

  22. Great article! I just returned from a trip to France where I was able to indulge in glutenous foods daily without any of the symptoms I usually get (severe eczema, hives, depression, fatigue and bloating). In fact, the rashes that I had on my chest (for the past 3 years) at the start of the trip were healed by the end of it, which shocked me. Normally if I eat a bit of gluten within 30 mins my skin is red and itchy in certain areas. I’ve been eating gluten-free for 7 years, but sometimes I eat glutenous foods at restaurants. I’m going to experiment, here in Canada, with baking my own breads and pastries using organic wheat flour and completely staying away from regular wheat/gluten-grains.

    1. GC – try Einkorn wheat. It is genetically similar to the wheat our ancestors had. Some people who can’t eat other types of wheat have better luck with Einkorn. 🙂

    1. I disregard everything Snopes says. They are voracious Clinton supporters and biased toward corporations. They have zero credibility. It’s basically like quoting WikiHow or Wikipedia. Anyone can supply the answers on those sites.

  23. Good article,after seeing a regular doctor I was told I was gluten intolerant and had irritable bowl syndrome. I went off to see a nutritionist to help with my diet. On my second visit to the nutritionist I told her how much better I felt and the headaches were gone as well. I was told that headaches were not a symptom of either of my diagnosed complaints and headaches were more likely to be chemical poisoning. I now eat unprocessed anything and everything, have no symptoms and feel great.

  24. Good for you, Conrad! It’s nice to read about those like you who have successfully escaped from what passes for ‘science’ these days. Many doctors and people the likes of Jeff (above) – who holds a bachelors in biochemistry with a minor in biology, And worked in biochemistry research for 3 years – probably find it impossible to escape what they’ve been conditioned to believe is the truth as taught to them by textbooks. I’m mean, textbooks and official science publications never lie, right?

    “Clinical trials are conducted. Reports of those trials are written. The reports, the studies, are published in peer-reviewed medical journals. The studies ARE the science.

    If a million people per decade are being killed by the drugs, then a huge number of published studies proclaiming the drugs are safe are sheer fraud. There is no other way to put it.

    This statement from Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, echoes the fact:

    “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”

    (Marcia Angell, MD, The New York Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption”)

    The medical cartel rests on cataclysmic fraud, scientific fraud.” …

    “Maybe, although we don’t know it, “the science is settled.” Roundup is actually good for you. It raises IQ, extends physical endurance, elevates mood, assures safe pregnancies, promotes freedom, ensures equality and justice for all, secretly puts money in your bank account while you’re sleeping, and makes everybody love one another right now.

    Operators are standing by. Call 800-THE FIX IS IN and support Monsanto for the Nobel Peace Prize.”

    It’s difficult to determine which study or scientific fact is a lie, a good starting point (other than trial and error of what works for you) may be: who do the people work for – and what’s at stake – when those studies and facts are presented.

    The thing many people such as Jeff (above) – who holds a bachelors in biochemistry with a minor in biology, And worked in biochemistry research for 3 years – seemingly fails to consider when they present simplistic explanations for the way some things work is that things consumed by people are not interacting alone and independent as if they were in a sterile lab setting:

    “Caruso reports on the findings of an “exhaustive four-year effort…organized by the United States National Human Genome Research Institute and carried out by 35 groups from 80 organizations around the world.”

    “…genes appear to operate in a complex network, and interact and overlap with one another and with other components [!!!] in ways not yet fully understood.” …

    The farming ‘experts’ such as Sgt. Schulz and Catman (above) might be interested to read this take on things, or not?:

    molecule says:
    March 3, 2014 at 11:16 pm

    “It’s called “forcing” — that is, when you stress a plant by killing it before it has fully matured, it forces the plant to put all remaining life energy into flowering, so that it can go to seed before it dies.

    The usual rotation is, in any order, GMO+BT corn, GMO-soy, wheat, (repeat). In either case, a wheat crop will be followed by a crop of GMO corn or GMO soy.

    Say a farmer applies glyphosate to non-GMO wheat 6 weeks before a normal harvest. The wheat plant has already built its stalk and has sent up its ovum but it still wants to mature before putting out the seeds. If the wheat plant can be stressed (yes, plants have consciousness about life) then the wheat plant will stop all normal development, and “push” its seed production ahead of schedule. It’s called “forcing” the plant to go to seed. All plants will do it. People who sell orchids do it to orchids. Tomatoes will do it … everything.

    This results in a faster turnover for the wheat field, and in higher wheat production, measured by bulk weight. The wheat germ gathers in the glyphosate from a few weeks before, and the glyphosate ends up in our breads. Glyphosate is more that a herbicide. According to Don Huber, it’s one of the most powerful antibiotics known. Eventually it kills everything.

    By forcing the wheat plants the farmer gets (a) a heavier yield (based on gross weight, and not on nutritional density); (b) he gets a faster turnaround on the acreage of that field (yield per unit of time), (c) he gets an early start on the next crop, also increasing its yield, and (d) he gets a jump on clearing out weeds under the wheat before planting the following crop, be it GMO corn or GMO soy.

    The farmer also knows that the glyphosate is being uptaken by the wheat plant, and that he is therefore poisoning his consumers for profit.”

    – ZomBlobZilla?

  25. My elbows and face broke out in a nasty rash that was getting worse daily! I finally found an article with pictures that looked just like the rash I had. I stopped consuming anything with wheat and the rash went away. The practice of spraying a deadly chemical on wheat right at harvest time is killing people. This should be outlawed or at least the farmers should have enough of a conscious to stop!

  26. Dear Organic Prepper
    As a “conventional wheat farmer” I am extremely disappointed about the misinformation in this article. The ridiculous practices that you suggest farmers use is absolute slander. The use of glyphosate as a pre harvest desiccant is not a common practice, the sources you sight, are forming data and opinions outside their fields of expertise. I challenge you to visit a “conventional” wheat farm or just talk with a “conventional” wheat farmer. I use glyphosate on my farm but in an extremely environmentally responsible way and never for the desiccation of any wheat. It’s unfortunate that you can’t look past your agenda and realize that you are affecting the livelihood of the American Farmer. All I ask is that before you continue to spread fear through lies, you talk to a farmer. I am fifth generation to farm our homestead and with a little luck I will leave a better soil for the sixth.

  27. Interesting article and something I’ve been thinking about for some time. Last year I was lucky to make a trip to Ireland. While there, I was cautious when it came to eating anything with gluten. At some point we were served brownies and they had a different consistency than ours here. Yummy looking and I thought I’d try. NO problems at all with digestive issues. they use healthier products and probably no pesticides. Thanks for validation.

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