Here’s Where You Can Still Find Masks and PPE That Are NOT Sold Out

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Author of The Blackout Book and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted

(Feb. 3, 2020) At the time of publication, the masks and Personal Protection Equipment I’m recommending are not sold out and should arrive in about a week.

However, I expect these too will be sold out soon as the coronavirus spreads across the globe. So if you’re going to buy, do it now.

(Here’s an article about Personal Protection Equipment for more information. Here’s a book that goes into depth on preparing specifically for the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan China.)

Online purchases

If you’re looking for masks, etc. online, you’ve probably found that nearly everything is sold out. I’m listing here multiple options, everything from full-on gas masks and Hazmat suits down to surgical masks.

But please note that your best options are disposable N95 and N100 masks.

While a gas mask and Hazmat suit may seem like it’s offering more protection, you have to take it off and put in on correctly, decontaminate it, and store it outside your home. This is all about options. If you are unable to locate the preferred option, you may be forced to move on to a different option.

One reader suggested the FarmTex website for masks.

Local Finds

I went to a nearby city to see what supplies I could find. It seems that coronavirus isn’t yet on everyone’s radar.

In southern Virginia, I discovered that surgical masks were readily available at pharmacies. (In fact, at Walgreens, they were “buy one, get one for half price.”) Nitrile gloves were available at all the pharmacies I visited.

At both Lowe’s and Home Depot, N-95 masks were available in the paint department.

If you have a TSC or other farm supply store, you may also be able to find masks there.

So while you may still want to order some supplies, check your local pharmacies and home improvement stores, too.

Readers have also reported finding masks at Ace Hardware, Harbor Freight, auto parts stores, and lumberyards.

Any suggestions?

If you have found these supplies, please let us know where so I can add the sources to this list. If you find that any of the above links are sold out, let us know so we can remove them.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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28 Responses

  1. In the “places you might not think of” category…I was able to find 10pks of surgical/procedure masks and gloves at my local Dollar General (look near the wound care stuff in the medicine section). They also sell packages of gloves at the Dollar Tree-medical gloves in the medicine section and plastic disposable cleaning gloves (those were 100pk) by the cleaning supplies. The latter are very thin and loose but are better than nothing and good for short tasks where you don’t want to waste the medical gloves

    1. Procedure masks will not do much good unless they are moistened with colloidal silver and allowed to dry.

      You need N 95 masks.

      1. Understood-however if folks can’t get n95, they are better than nothing and at the very least wearing one is likely to help folks remember not to touch their nose, mouth or eyes while out.

  2. Also check your local auto parts stores. They often have both the nitrile and masks. Their paint sections even carry those masks that do not allow vapors and have replaceable filters.

  3. I had a package of the N95 Cool Flow masks in my cart and they were out of stock before I could complete the purchase!

    Out of stocks from your list: htt

    Purchased 3 of these for family and price isn’t bad considering. This is in stock as of now and not on your list:

    I went to Ace Hardware last week and they had plenty of masks! The salesman looked at me like I was nuts for buying so many. Also found one N95 mask at my local Kroger in the hardware aisle. Worth looking there. The drugstores are long out of stock in my area, but I did manage to find some “extended cuff” gloves at a Rite Aid. Didn’t even know that was a thing, so of course I bought two!

  4. Look at Farm Tek(online) for N95 masks at regular prices.
    I was able to get a large package of nitrile gloves at a local Walmart.

  5. Gemplers agriculture and farm supplies has plenty. Their S&H is high. Maybe pool an order with other preppers to dilute the cost.

    1. Gemplers is backordered. Most websites selling N 95 masks are backordered.

      Masks are made in China, and the Chinese in the US are buying them up to ship back home to family and friends.

      Do not count on any backorders being filled.

    1. I had gone to Lowe’s to get the P95s. I forgot about Harbor Freight being a source. Your right they still had some. I don’t need anymore but that’s a good source

  6. EBAY……… get them while supplies last, and the price is not yet through the roof.

    I bought 90 N95 masks last week.

  7. Safety Goggles:
    LJDJ Motorcycle Goggles – Glasses Set of 2 – Dirt Bike ATV Motocross Anti-UV Adjustable Riding Offroad Protective Combat Tactical Military Goggles for Men Women Kids Youth Adult

    Plastic Sheeting:
    TRM Manufacturing 61025C Weatherall Visqueen Plastic Sheeting, Drop Cloth 10′ Wide x 25′ Length x 6.0 mil Thickness, Opaque/Translucent

  8. We are doing voluntary isolation. So for us that’s nothing that’s not mandatory like school or work. I live in the southeast of US. Not confirmed cases near me, but I just don’t trust it. At this point most of the Amazon N95 & N100 masks are overpriced. I tried searching N99 instead. Hardly nobody talks about these. I just checked it before posting & they are still for sale. Try this link:
    Moldex 2310 N99 Premium Particulate Respirator with Valve and Handy Straps, Box of 10

  9. Just an FYI, gloves are not covered if you have an FSA or HSA. Masks may be, if you doc provides a letter of medical neccessity (LMN). We are short on cash this month, but I have an FSA, so I thought I would try that route. Our Dollar Tree is out of surgical masks but still has gloves for the time being.
    I ordered this kit from Doom and Bloom, IDK if it will go thru with my FSA or not, we’ll see…but they are saying limited quantities, as their suppliers are out of a lot of the items, but it may be worth taking a look at

  10. Soldiers in wars have actual gas masks and NBC suits that can be hosed down. Industrial and emergency workers have full face respirators. People in Japan wear mask because of pollen allergies – not pandemics.

    Sigh. Those who use n-95s at home for more practical reasons than flu panics will probably have to make their own to conserve supplies in case of a real emergency. Note that the elastic strings on older masks break easier over time and weren’t designed to last for years in storage.

    Fortunately, there are resources on the internet on how to make your own mask and other work arounds I’d rather not compromise to disaster capitalism and scalping opportunists.

    For those who are curious, real surgical masks are 3-ply; the inner white side is moisture-absorbent while the blue outer side is moisture resistant, and only the middle layer does the filtration. They are generally regarded as non-inferior to n-95s; that is, just as good for the price, and specifically designed to limit transmission of pathogens from the wearer as well as to the wearer.

    While DIYs are not as good as actual n-95s (depending on materials used) , real n-95s aren’t magical either.

    Places like California, Australia, and the Philippines where there are significan health-threatening particles in the air from fires and volcanic ash, and smog alerts of any large city, justify wearing n-95s during those periods.

    However, efficacy is 95% (hence the name, n-95) – far better than zero, not real pandemic protection. n-CoV is not even in wide circulation outside China, and, has 80% similarity to SARS, which is down but not out and no-one is screening for it.

    Various sources indicate there are between 100,000 to 10, 000, 000 microbes per cubic meter (roughly 3 feet) of air. Do the math; how many thousands of microbes can potentially get through, and how many are being concentrated into that mask and taken with the wearer throughout the day.

    The R-zero (rate of reproduction) of measles on the Wiki, as some have flogged R0 as significant, indicates measles is tops at 12-18. Yet whenever there’s a measles outbreak, no-one demands whole cities be quarantined even though its also deadly, at 500 fatalities a year. This is when its certainly useful to have an n-95, when you are uninfected, or infected but wanting to limit the problem, during a confirmed outbreak.

    On the bright side, DIY masks can be tailored to fit and fashion, and depending on the material used, machine-washable.

    For those who pound the table over the 0.3 micron filtration on manufactured masks, remember, the seal around the face for the majority of mask users is the weak point. Most will end up with gaps there far larger than the holes in the mask. Especially if one has a full beard or prone to heavy stubble.

    Wearing n-95s by their very nature impairs oxygen intake and will affect thinking skills with prolonged use.

    For those who feel better with a treated mask, do not use thieves oil mixed with a citrus oil or colloidal silver. The outer curve of the mask that does not touch the skin, would be safe to apply, but then why bother since the rest of the mask is untreated.

    Many modern thieves oil mixes include lemon oil, and all citrus oils weaken the skin against UV radiation. I’ve read that vinegars also may also pose a similar UV risk problem to the skin. Traditional thieves operate at night, so this is obviously not a problem for them.

    Any of the other four essential oils – clove, cinnamon bark, rosemary, and eucalyptus seem to be safe and I’ve read of no UV warnings. However, some may have an allergy to one or more essential oil in a blend. Dilute properly and dab on a small point if the inside skin of the arm just to check if there’s a bad reaction within at least half an hour.

    These non-citrus oils could also work individually; blending them seems unnecessary as all have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties.

    Colloidal silver, apart from being expensive, also carries significant potential risk for those with allergy to the metal as well as argyria when used long-term.

    Honestly, spend your money on the 401K or whatever pension plan you have going. Spend money on decent food and drink, and maybe a good book or two.

    The threat level and threat protection being hyped by n-95 fanatics is unethical.

    1. Brookland:

      In my 30 years in the medical trenches as a Licensed Doctor of Oriental Medicine, I have unfortunately come across many people like you.

      Posers and wannabe health care professionals, constantly spewing medical advice, but lacking the desire to actually get off their ass and go to school and get a license to practice.

      You, and the others like you, constantly give bad advice sprinkled with a pinch of truth to deceive the uninformed.

      You are dangerous and you are going to get people infected and killed.

      Is that your goal or is this just a case of self-righteous arrogant stupidity?

      N-95 masks, hand washing, avoidance of crowds, avoidance of those coughing, and use of colloidal silver is the best defense.

      Colloidal silver is expensive if store bought. I have 2 generators and they make the product for pennies.

      It will NOT turn people blue.

      Essential oils will not prevent nor treat viral and bacterial infections. I have seen people end up in the hospital from this approach.

      Now, I advise you to shut up, or go get an education and a license to practice.

  11. FWIW, the pandemic set I ordered from Doom and Bloom DID go thru on my FSA. So for those short on funds but have an FSA or HSA, it it worth looking into. No idea how many kits they have left, and no, I am not affiliated with them. I was short on funds, but had this FSA and tried a ‘Hail Mary’. I honestly didn’t think it would go thru, FSA’s can be tricky. Somehow, it worked.Just wanted to share with the community.

  12. Your recommendations about the disposable masks show that you misunderstand or under estimate the nature of the bio-hazard that may/may not be there. The eyes have a tube that runs to the throat. You have to cover the eyes and do it in the same way that you cover the nose and mouth: totally filtered. You obviously think that a simple particulate mask will work. It does NOT under any circumstance even for nuclear (particulate) or chemical (vapor/gaseous). You are dealing with an unknown bio agent (supposedly) and most of these agents will find an opening in the skin, somewhere. Best solution is a full bio-hazmat suit. You will need help getting into, decon, and getting out of it.

    As far as the military goes, Wilford Hall Hospital at Lackland AFB, San Antonio is said to have approx 263 patients that are said to be positive for the “virus”. San Antonio is the 7th largest City in the US. Think about that.

  13. I am an importer and exporter in China. I am willing to help those in need to purchase masks and protective clothing under such epidemic situation. Thank you

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