Masked Man Hands out Free Toilet Paper and Hand Sanitizer (and, yes, Cannabis)

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By Cassius K

In July 2019, a couple of people in Manchester, UK set up shop in a public space and started handing out cannabis, which was illegal in the country. The masked men engaged in a protest against United Kingdom cannabis laws by handing out an approximate £800 of it in Piccadilly Gardens, amid news that cannabis might be legal by 2025 in the UK.

image credit: Vice

One of them was Outlaw, and one of them was arrested. Outlaw is an anonymous activist, known for handing out cannabis, giving money to the homeless, and now providing essentials to people amid the COVID-19 crisis, from toilet paper to herbal medicine.

Speaking under the wise condition of anonymity, back in July 2019 Outlaw said: “There’s no harm or loss to anyone because a few guys are handing out weed. We question UK laws and legislation and like to test the authority. Until somebody can convince us that there’s a legitimate reason for cannabis to be illegal, we’ll keep doing what we’re doing and keep pushing the barrier, regardless of the law.”

Outlaw is currently free, despite the illegality of cannabis in the UK and harassment from the police, including being detained for helping the homeless in December 2019.

Now he’s helping others during the COVID-19 crisis.

He’s actively engaged in helping the community during a time of crisis, providing help in the form of toilet paper, essentials, and cannabis.

Image credit: Instagram

In a recent interview with Vice, he explained that his initial plan for the year was to give out free cannabis during a “4/20 Smoke Tour” to promote legalization, but since the virus came about, his focus shifted to helping the homeless and people in need.

“I’m quite passionate about it – I don’t like seeing people in need when realistically there’s plenty of everything to go around,” Outlaw explained.

Not only that, but Outlaw had to go to great lengths to get the toilet paper.

He located a warehouse in Ireland that was able to supply it, due to the fact that empty supermarket shelves and extorted prices on the black market for toilet paper were the only other options.

When asked how people typically respond to his illegal acts of charity, he said “We’ve been to about 100 locations, but everyone we go to, because we’ve got the music and that, loads of people stand at their doors, laughing out of their window. We try to cheer them up.”

Outlaw has been handing out items such as hand sanitizer and bottled water in addition to toilet paper and cannabis.

Some of Outlaw’s other acts of independence.

Outlaw makes a habit of giving to help others. In December, he handed out Christmas cards full of cash to the homeless.

Image credit: UK Metro

He noted that the police engaged in a constant “cat and mouse” game with him, but he’s not even remotely harming anybody, so they don’t try to catch him with as much persistence as they hypothetically could.

When Outlaw was handing out cannabis last summer, UK officials went on some bizarre “fact-finding mission” to Canada where cannabis is now legal, to possibly have it legal within 5 years.

The ridiculousness of that statement should not go unnoticed. Think about this.

UK officials think people are so dumb, they will believe it requires a “fact-finding mission” for the UK to understand what cannabis is, just to possibly, maybe legalize it within 5 years.

Cannabis laws in the US

In Texas, where people used to go to jail just for having a glass cannabis pipe, now all around you can find “CBD stores” which feature strains of cannabis that are completely THC free. They don’t get you high at all, but the medicinal benefit of CBD is there, and it looks and smells just like natural, good cannabis. It is natural cannabis, grown to lack THC. (For our favorite source of CBD visit Organica Naturals. You can use the code HEALTHASSIST44 to get 40% off.)

All over Texas, in the past year alone these CBD stores popped up. They resemble dispensaries in fully legal states, and surely their presence will soon transform Texas into a state where cannabis is fully legal for recreational use.

In California, the location of the world’s first significant step toward cannabis legalization, what made the scales tip in favor of legalization in the first place?

It was the persistent, constant disobedience of the California population, against cannabis laws. That disobedience eventually led to the restoration of people’s rights to use cannabis.

Civil disobedience is the new revolution.

Cultures across the world are healed, nourished and replenished by the persona of the revolutionary, people who carry out acts of disobedience such as the UK’s Outlaw.

People across the world can take an example from Outlaw. Not only does he take extraordinary steps to help his fellow countrymen but he performs peaceful acts of civil disobedience to bring attention to a cause he finds worthy.

Hopefully, the UK will legalize cannabis and the people of the country will resist whatever draconian or tyrannical measures that the government attempts, in the wake of 2020’s unprecedented events.


About Cassius

Cassius K is a writer from Highland Hills, California.

Picture of Cassius K

Cassius K

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4 Responses

  1. Right. Nothing says “revolutionary outlaw” like legal CBD in texas when cannabis everything went legal in blue states almost a decade ago.

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