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Author of How to Prep When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course
Have you known anyone who had Covid (or a mandated “preventative”) and was never the same? Maybe they’re constantly exhausted. Perhaps they’ve lost a great deal of their capacity for short-term memory. It could be that they constantly have to search for words in the back of their mind when they’re speaking. Maybe that person is you. There’s a name for this. It’s Long Covid.
And finally, these long-term effects are starting to be recognized.
What is Long Covid?
Dr. Peter McCullough has been sharing uncomfortable truths about Covid 19, its treatment, and the alleged prevention of it ever since the crisis became publicly known in 2020.
One of those truths is around “post-COVID syndrome,” or “Long-COVID,” where people report symptoms of the virus weeks, months, or even years after infection. Take note: while severe cases make the headlines, it is suspected that many more people have small lingering symptoms that can be traced back to an initial infection. Indeed, Dr. McCullough reports:
Approximately half of patients hospitalized mainly in 2020 and 2021 with acute COVID-19 had post-COVID symptoms for weeks afterward… It is reassuring to patients suffering with post-COVID or “long-COVID” that it is not all in their heads, the pathophysiology is pointing to persistence of Spike protein in the blood which is pathogenic and likely driving tissue/organ injury with associated symptoms.
Because COVID-19 mRNA vaccines further load the body with genetic code and more Spike protein, it is likely that vaccination worsens post-COVID syndromes despite raising antibodies against the Spike protein. I have not found claims that vaccination reduces long-COVID syndromes valid in bias papers that are pushing vaccines.”
Even worse, Dr. McCullough reports that the persistent presence of spike protein in vitro can be transmitted or “shed” onto others. This could prompt new symptoms or aggravate existing ones:
“In the most comprehensive paper on shedding thus far, former Inserm researcher Dr. Helene Banoun has published the basis for which there is great likelihood that mRNA either on lipid nanoparticles or within exosomes is circulatory in blood and is secreted in every body secretion that would naturally expect to contain particles of this size.”
Spike proteins can remain in your body after illness as well as after the mRNA vaccines. Not everyone is affected in the same way by these spike proteins. For some people it causes no issues. For others, the effects can be devastating.
What are some of the symptoms of Long Covid?
Even the CDC acknowledges the effects of Long Covid, though they don’t mention any issues related to the aftermath of the vaccine. In fact, they still suggest that people receive it. But we can find a list of symptoms there:
General symptoms (Not a Comprehensive List)
- Tiredness or fatigue that interferes with daily life
- Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental effort (also known as “post-exertional malaise”)
- Fever
Respiratory and heart symptoms
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Cough
- Chest pain
- Fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations)
Neurological symptoms
- Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes referred to as “brain fog”)
- Headache
- Sleep problems
- Dizziness when you stand up (lightheadedness)
- Pins-and-needles feelings
- Change in smell or taste
- Depression or anxiety
Digestive symptoms
- Diarrhea
- Stomach pain
Other symptoms
- Joint or muscle pain
- Rash
- Changes in menstrual cycles
If you have any unexplained symptoms like this months or years after a bout of Covid, you could be dealing with the effects of these spike proteins remaining in your system.
Unfortunately, there aren’t any tests you can take (at this time) to get a clear answer. There aren’t any medications designed specifically to handle this issue. Going to your doctor may or may not be productive, depending on how willing they are to accept that spike proteins cause longterm problems.
What can you do about this spike protein?
The spike protein that is causing these problems doesn’t just go away, according to some research. It has to be detoxed from your body.
Fortunately, solutions are arriving. According to McCullough, the best-known defense against spike protein is a daily dose of over-the-counter nattokinase, an enzyme that has been shown to dissolve spike protein in the bloodstream in early studies.
“Nattokinase is an enzyme is produced by fermenting soybeans with bacteria Bacillus subtilis var. natto and has been available as an oral supplement. It degrades fibrinogen, factor VII, cytokines, and factor VIII and has been studied for its cardiovascular benefits. Out of all the available therapies I have used in my practice and among all the proposed detoxification agents, I believe nattokinase and related peptides hold the greatest promise for patients at this time.”
A supplement was designed by Dr. Peter McCullough and his team. In The Wellness Company’s Spike Support Formula, you will find:
- Nattokinase (enzyme shown to dissolve spike protein)
- Dandelion root (may prevent spike protein from binding to cells)
- Selenium (aids in helping the body repair itself and recover)
- Black sativa extract (may facilitate cellular repair)
- Green tea extract (provides added defenses at the cellular level through scavenging for free radicals)
- Irish sea moss (could help rebuild damaged tissue and muscle)
Here is Dr. McCullough discussing how nattokinase works in attacking the spike protein that’s causing so many problems:
A protocol to detox was also published in US medical literature.
According to the Wellness Company, purchasing all the components of the Spike Support Formula would be over $100 – you can save 36% with the unique formulation designed by Dr. McCullogh and his team.
Another thing you can do is talk to a doctor at The Wellness Company and get proper medical care for your Long Covid symptoms or other related spike protein issues. These are doctors who believe that the problem exists – they won’t shake their heads and condescendingly tell you to stay off the internet.
I myself am seeing a Wellness Company doctor for lingering issues that have remained ever since I was extremely ill with Covid when I lived in Mexico. Members (just $10 a month) get a reduced rate for telehealth visits and supplements. They have real protocols and real treatments. Some require pharmaceutical intervention while others can make dietary changes and add supplements.
Getting professional help is a game changer. These kinds of symptoms can wreck your whole life, particularly those related to cognition and fatigue.
Have you experienced Long Covid?
Have you experienced any long-term issues after having Covid or getting the vaccine? Have any of your loved ones had problems? Can you tell us about it? And have you found any kind of relief or treatment?
Let’s talk about it in the comments section.
About Daisy
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites. 1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2) The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.
Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.
63 Responses
Another starting point to consider: ‘A Farewell to Virology, Part 2 of 3 Part Video Series. A Must Watch.’
Perhaps, there’s other reasons, many & sundry, for what’s going on?
Yes yes yes! Also look into Tom Cowan on Bitchute! They are in sync. Viruses do not exist, have never been isolated. What we’re suffering from is poisoning on every level. The food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe is being systematically poisoned by the powers that shouldn’t be and then they call it a ‘virus’ and mandate even more poison to ‘protect’ against it. It’s beyond evil.
Viruses DO exist. They HAVE been isolated.
Here are dozens of them under microscopes. https://www.rki.de/EN/Content/infections/Diagnostics/NatRefCentresConsultantLab/CONSULAB/EM-Tab_en.html
I agree. Some who are Waldorf practitioners deny that viruses exist or sicken people, which would mean that no one catches or speads any viral disease. Even though it looks as though that is the case, with each viral disease causing distinctive symptoms and affecting distinct populations of both humans and every species of animals. The belief has spread beyond Waldorf circles now, but deserves no credence.
With respect, Daisy, virologists have no way to determine whether the particles they’re seeing are viruses or just normal break-down products of dead and dying tissues. No virus has ever been isolated. What they HAVE done is taken material (snot or whatever) from a sick person, chopped it up, mixed it with other things in a monkey cell culture, poisoned it, starved it, then looked at it under an electron microscope. This is a good article to explain it better than I do.
I hope that you At Least checked out the links. Steve Falconer and Dr.’s Mark and Sam Bailey provide some hard hitting, factual, real science based information. …It’s up to you if you want to know.
Terrain Theory vs Germ Theory
A.k.a. the Beginners Study Guide:
I can’t seem to open this link
Perhaps, you need a PDF reader to open it? It’s easy (and, free) to download a reader and install on a computer, I have no idea about phones though.
I thought there was an HTML version of that PDF but I couldn’t easily find one. Here’s an easy to understand video about the topic which I hope many people find interesting:
“Dr. Sam summarises the differences between Germ Theory and Terrain Theory”
Yes indeed I have. Since I’ve had to do deep digs into healing, I have watched extensive docuseries on this subject. Jonathan Otto does a fantastic job investigating important topics regarding detoxing this bioweapon. Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Healy & Dr. Ed Group are all reputable & who doesn’t love Dr. Mc Cullough?! He was right on from the beginning.
I’ve read that the spike proteins (which are snake venoms by the way as found in autopsies from patients) find their way to a part of the body that may have been damaged before & that’s where these proteins attack & lodge into the body’s cells thus reproducing at exponential rates until detoxed.
There are a number of detoxing protocols you can do (just too lengthy for me to get into) & supplements help dramatically. Eating clean & eliminating sugar is a must since this weapon is attaching to the cells of our parasites & bacteria already present in our bodies (which reproduce at a rate that is astronomical).
Dr. Bryan Ardis has done phenomenal break through research finding that 7 mg nicotine patches (not gum) crosses the blood brain barrier immediately to pull out the bioweapon from near/in the brain which is why this thing was created to immediately attack the brain causing strokes/hemorrhages, etc. Apparently smokers weren’t as affected by convid? He states that the patches for 5 days can eliminate symptoms such as tinnitus & long convid.
Ever since I had this thing 3x, my left lung does get some pressure where it feels like a hard pinching. It’s worse when I come in contact with a smell or fragrance that is fake. I did have damage to that area of my body as a teen so maybe that’s why I get this pinching. I’ve done extensive detoxes but still have it which is frustrating.
Jennifo, I’m so glad that you put the information about Drs Otto, and Ardis on here. Those venom peptides are truly what they’ve been calling “spike protiens”. They are really Krate venom and the Bungarotoxin from Cobra venom. Here’s the link to hear the truth about the Long Haul Covid: https://healinggenesisseries.com/?oid=16&affid=120&__s=kdjsq3a3s0qljfapblo0&utm_source=drip&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Dr.%20Bryan%20Ardis%3A%20Spike%20proteins%20travel%20through%20air%2C%20water%2C%20and%20food%21 .
I’ve used the patches you mentioned, and now have my senses of smell and taste back.
Please, Daisy, check this out. It could truly change your health for the better, and help you to get over all those Long Haul effects.
Blessings to you, Jennifo!
Allen, the Old Duffer
Excellent, I am so glad. These Drs. (the TRUE drs ;)) really have done their extensive research on what they’ve been seeing in their patients. Multiple specialists can confirm the same findings. Sign up for these docuseries because they keep them on repeat (you can never catch all you need the first time-my notes are extensive).
I believe it is for 6 days for the nicotine patches, according to Dr. Ardis’ presentation “Healing for the Ages.”
I am corrected thank you.
Ich bin über 70 und nicht geimpft. Und ich wusste warum ich mich nicht impfen lasse, ohne wissenschaftliche Kenntnisse. Es sind die wissenschaftlichen Expertisen zu diesem Thema und sie haben mich auch nicht überrascht. Es sind die Aussagen der elitären Milliardäre und ihr Geschäft auch mit der Politik, die mir schon früh sagten…. Da ist was faul! Wenn
Ich bin über 70 und habe mich nie gegen Covid19 etc. impfen lassen. Ich brauchte für diese Entscheidung keine wissenschaftliche Expertise. Für mich waren allein die Aussagen der führenden elitären Vertreter aus Wirtschaft und Politik bedeutsam. Ein Mann wie Bill Gates der Hand in Hand mit WHO und WEF arbeitet, und seine Ziele zur “reduzierenden Regulierung der Menschheit” benennt, die nichts anderes als Euthanasie ist und diese von der transatlantisch abendländischen Kultur widerspruchslos übernommen wird, dann erübrigen sich für mich alle Forderungen nach impfen gegen Covid19, dann weiß ich das es eine Strategie ist die das System erhalten und Profite schaffen soll, hinter dem diese Leute ihre Aussagen verbergen wollen. Die Aufrüstung der Welt (biochemische Labore, Cyber und andere Vernichtungswaffen), die Kriege die vor allem von den USA und der EU ausgehen, die Zerstörung der nationalen Landwirtschaften gehören zusammen und zu Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab und deren Institutionen und ihren Verflechtungen mit den Profiteuren wie Black Rock und Co. Die Neuaufteilung der Welt war und ist schon immer radikal, wie die Politik, die sie für gutes Geld von diesen Einrichtungen politisch und rechtlich durchsetzen soll. In Deutschland kann man das sehr gut an der verlogenen Geschichte der SPD nach voll ziehen. Wollen die Völker etwas wirklich sinnvolles tun müssen die Eliten entmachtet und die Politik den Interessen der Völker und nicht der Eliten angepasst werden.
I am over 70 and not vaccinated. And I knew why I wouldn’t get vaccinated without any scientific knowledge. It’s the scientific expertise on this topic and it didn’t surprise me. It’s the statements of the elite billionaires and their dealings with politics that told me early on… There’s something fishy there! If
I am over 70 and have never been vaccinated against Covid19 etc. I didn’t need any scientific expertise to make this decision. For me, only the statements of the leading elite representatives from business and politics were significant. A man like Bill Gates, who works hand in hand with WHO and WEF, and sets his goals for the “reducing regulation of humanity”, which is nothing other than euthanasia and which is adopted without objection by the transatlantic Western culture, then all of them are unnecessary for me Demands for vaccinations against Covid19, then I know that it is a strategy intended to preserve the system and create profits behind which these people want to hide their statements. The armament of the world (biochemical laboratories, cyber and other weapons of destruction), the wars that come primarily from the USA and the EU, the destruction of national agriculture belong together and belong to Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and their institutions and their connections with the profiteers like Black Rock and Co. The redivision of the world has always been and is radical, like the policies that these institutions are supposed to implement politically and legally for good money. In Germany you can see this very clearly in the lying history of the SPD. If the people want to do something really meaningful, the elites must be disempowered and politics must be adapted to the interests of the people and not the elites.
100% sir!
Agreed. Well said.
I had Covid earlier this year. I am un vaxxed. The Covid was severe, but I was not Hospitalized, only rehydration treatment by IV at the emergency room after several weeks of Covid symptoms appearing. Loss of taste and smell caused my appetite to decrease quite a bit, I lost about 10 lbs. After about 4 weeks of Covid I began to recover very slowly, weakness and tiredness, trying to grab that word from my memory is frustrating. Several months later and we just accommodate the memory loss and tiredness and go on with our lives. We moved from Florida to NC, which was no easy feat, at our age. But here we are. And I noticed a big change in my taste of favorite foods after Covid, don’t know what that is all about, but never recovered some of those tastes. Strange world we live in for sure.
My wife and I have had many of those symptoms since getting Covid in May of 2023 so I’m getting some nattinokase.
I had long Covid for three and a half years, it was completely disabling and I could hardly leave the house even to buy groceries. I already had MS, with overlapping symptoms. I took my daughter to Mexico six months after she graduated from high school, waiting until November to avoid the heat on the Mayan Riviera which I cannot tolerate at all. We had a wonderful time, Mayan ruins, Crococun zoo, Ixcaret Ecopark and swimming with stingrays, swimming with dolphins and manatees, beaches and cenotes, archeological ruins, delightful taxi drivers I chatted nonstop with. We came back December 6, 2019, a long day, four airports, Cancun, Mexico City, Dallas, St. Louis. Got home at one a.m. after hours in an unheated shuttle. In mid-afternoon on December 8, I started coughing and couldn’t sing carols when lighting the Advent wreath. I was very sick for ten days, much longer than the flu. I was too sick to even read, often almost unconscious, with an extremely severe cough. Then I got well, was well by Christmas. But one morning the first week of February, when I got out of bed in the morning, I was extremely out of breath just taking two steps toward the door. The beginning of the post-viral long Covid. The breathlessness was permanent. Doctors would not test for adult-onset asthma, saying my lungs sounded fine. I was extremely fatigued all the time, was unable to go for walks. I was often dizzy and in June started to sweat copiously when standing at the sink washing dishes. Those were also permanent. I couldn’t breathe in enough air. I developed attacks of being unable to breathe when in the yard with our dog in pollen and mold seasons, also when I breathed in the smell of cat urine, bleach, ate Doritos or movie popcorn. When my daughter made BBQ pork loin, the smell of the spices caused me to be unable to breathe. I closed my bedroom door, opened the windows despite the cold, put a cloth over my nose to breathe through, but still could not get air. I think it was mast cell activation, but the doctor did not agree and did nothing. I got three doses of the Covid vaccine. Pfizer on May 1 and 22, Moderna Nov 22. The first dose of Pfizer caused vertigo and severe vomiting. A week after the booster I had tachycardia severe enough that a cardiologist ordered a 48 hour Holter monitor, blood tests, an EKG, a heart scan, and a stress test, all normal. I got an Apple watch which reported sudden great increases in heart rate, and sudden frequent plunges in blood oxygen saturation, so that I often came close to fainting when getting groceries. The heart symptoms stopped in the summer of 2022, but the others continued.
I took many supplements, but nothing worked. I tried McCullough’s protocol three times starting in May 2023: nattokinase, curcumin, and bromelain. The nattokinase made me sleep without taking anything else, a relief since the MS causes severe insomnia, but then it caused sudden daytime attacks when I nearly lost consciousness. I tried it twice in May, the same thing happened, then in July, same result, so I stopped.
I consulted a homeopath in England, Andrew Berwitz. He agreed that my constitutional remedy was natrum muriaticum, and recommended that I take three different potencies, 30C, 200C, and 1M twelve hours apart. I had started taking Cocculus Combo when I felt dizzy, and after two doses felt normal every time. The constitutional remedy at first didn’t do anything. I also tried Thuja and then Silicea at the same three potencies and protocol on my own, for vaccinosis. Within a couple of weeks, I took my daughter to Disney World, and had prescription Ambien to make me sleep, plus about twelve kinds of capsules and tinctures. And I felt well, taking cocculus a few times when I felt dizzy. I am still feeling substantially recovered from the long Covid and hope that it will last. I need to get back to translating at home and hope I am able to do so.
Resia Pretorius in South Africa has done work showing that long Covid is caused by microclots in the blood which prevent sufficient oxygen from reaching cells. She developed a test for it and a treatment protocol of three drugs which are anticoagulants. I went to the doctor in March wanting to get the test and the treatment, but they are not available in the US or in most countries. The doctor suggested baby aspirin, but I was already taking that.
I had a severe cough and extreme exhaustion beginning the later half of Nov. 2019, also.
I later read that the World Military Games were held in China in the fall of 2019, attracting military members worldwide.
I live in an area with a high concentration of military families and we have an international airport nearby.
Incidentally, it is my understanding that these games were held in Wuhan, China.
Yes, Covid was already prevalent in many countries in fall 2019.
Many people have treated their long Covid with homeopathic potentized snake venom: crotalus, naja, and several more. I bought them but have not tried them.
I should have stated clearly that I took the homeopathic triple dose remedies separated by a week in late October, and we left for Orlando on November 5. I think it took that long for the remedy to clearly take effect. I had much more energy, less dizziness, much less breathlessness, and no abnormal sweating. This has continued to be the case since we got home. I’ll take the three doses again if I get worse again. It’s still hard for me to believe.
What a journey! I hope your words help lots of people find their way through their own trials with this nasty stuff.
Homeopathy is awesome-I have used it for years now and seen some really neat things happen. I read about the snake venom theory and it seems your success with the remedies proves that to be true.
Thank you for sharing. Your perseverance is encouraging.
Thank you! I have had no choice but to persevere. It’s already four years stolen from my life. It was also POTS, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, which I’ve read that all long Covid sufferers have. Also autoimmune. There is a lot of good info online aboutvthat, but the only thing that helped me was rehydration drinks like Propel.
I also have seen homeopathy perform miracles. Our parakeet Sprite was close to death from heart failure when I found Homeo Animal online. I bought their Heart remedy, put some in his water and sprayed a solution with it in his eye and within two days he was flying and chirping again, and lived three more years, never had heart symptoms again. The hard thing is that it’s hard to choose the correct remedy, and REALLY hard to find a skillful, concerned practitioner who will really research your case. I think you have to do most of the work and research yourself.
That has been my conclusion as well. You do have to persist with your own research. Finding the correct one is really difficult but once you do, wow! Just like your parakeet-miracles! So awesome to witness. Joette Calabreese is a great resource on-line. Can’t even afford to retain her services but she shares a ton of info. The awesome thing about the remedies is that they are the same for you and your pets. It’s just a little difficult to get my cats to tell me what’s wrong!
I really appreciate herbal remedies too. Whole nother subject though.
Dr. Mercola has a good website that often discusses Covid, long Covid and treatments for them.
Natto is a common food in Japan. I wonder if Covid and long Covid are as prevalent there as in non-natto consuming cultures.
It would be interesting to see comparative studies.
A researcher could even compare natto consuming groups and non-natto consuming groups within the US.
I cannot abide the thought of eating natto – it just looks too nasty!
That said, it is available in capsule form. The budget-minded can check out the available options on iHerb. (Not shilling for iHerb, they just usually have lower prices, many options, and they’re not a big online company…)
In late 2022 my husband took the third Covid vaccine and a pneumonia vaccine against my wishes. To my knowledge, neither of us have had Covid. My husband is 75 years old, very physically fit, eats a very good diet and has no diseases like diabetes, etc. I could tell by early 2023 that his health had changed. My husband was sick multiple times in early 2023 with something that produced cough, congestion and fatigue. He was once diagnosed with bronchitis during that time. In July 2023 he began to complain of upset stomach, fatigue and shortness of breath. November 5 I took him to the ER for an increase in shortness of breath. They did a chest x-ray, urinalysis and blood work. All came back clear. He was on room air and showing 98-100 percent breathing. The doctor came back with the diagnosis of Covid. When I questioned why he has been experiencing symptoms for months we were given no response. After two weeks of fighting with PCP I finally was able to get him in to a good Cardiologist. They did an EKG and an ECHO and he was diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy caused by a virus. The stress test showed reduced heart strength but was 90% sure there is no blockage. The doctor feels he has to be careful when prescribing things because my husband does have a low heart rate because of being so fit. He is now on Entresto, Jardiance and a baby aspirin and has to wear a Life Vest. After almost 3 weeks on these medications he is starting to feel a bit better. Less SOB and less fatigue. He has a repeat ECHO in February to see if the ejection fraction has improved. In reading your article you mentioned memory loss and confusion. That is another symptom that we have both noticed in the last few months. Thank you for posting this. I will be sure and look into some of the detox information. I work at the hospital with a group of doctors and NP’s. Out of our group of 18 people, 3 have had very bad, long term conditions from the vaccine. This is just pure evil at work here.
Our daughter took the clot shot and was sick for months with every cold and flu that came along. She’d get better and then a week later was sick. She got the clot shot because she is young and believed our satanic government that life would go back to normal which it did not and has not. There is no excuse, no justification, no forgiveness for what satanists have done, may they burn in eternal, raping hell. I’d cut off my arm before I’ll EVER stick a needle in it. Virtually our whole medical system is designed to harm not heal. It is a hard fact to accept that our government has tried to murder my daughter and that the medical system is full of serial killers. Where’s Jesus?
Where is Jesus? First read Deuteronomy 27-28. Our world has been judged by God and found very, very wanting. It was all predicted. Get on our knees and repent, everyone…. you’ll find Jesus. Finally, read Psalm 91. 🙂
I think C Wells meant ‘C’mon Jesus’! 😉
The memory loss is most likely due to the inundation of heavy metals in the shot(s) that cross the blood brain barrier immediately upon taking these particular shots. I’m sure age has a factor but the shots have sped that up because of its ingredients.
My Dad has developed early onset dementia at 82 (I can hope to get to that age!) but he also has spent 30 years post retired in his mini at home office surrounded by multiple computers for his day trading hobby. And he got the shots. So I believe it is all related personally.
My husband still hasn’t fully regained his sense of smell from severe covid in 2020. He lost taste as well but that came back with no problem. We have a functional D.O. who has treated him with various things. He even met via zoom with a renowned Dr in CA who prescribed all kinds of peptides. Got a bit better but not 100%. It seems he can’t smell some things at all and then some things he can smell makes him sick. I get smell induced (osmophobia) migraines so I can relate to that. Someone mentioned nicotine patches before and yes he’s tried that as well. We will be trying Dr. McCulloughs stuff with high hopes but I wonder if it’s been so long the damage is permanent. Also want to mention my husband is extremely fit and healthy so when he got covid pneumonia with a high fever for 10 days, it was a huge shock to everyone.
My wife had a fairly mild case of covid 3 years ago, but her sense of taste has been effected ever since. I had a pretty severe case, spent 2 weeks in the hospital. 8 of those days were spent on a ventilator. The only long term issues I have had is weakness in my legs. Ispend all day on my feet and by day’s end, usually a 10 hr. work day, I am exhausted.
i came down with covid in feb. of 2010, it was like the flue, came down with it again in 2021, it was like a head cold that time. neither was that bad for me and i’m 63 now. i never got the shot, the doc’s tried, but NOOOO.
the only long term effect for me was a loss of taste and smell for about a year. and that has come back with a vengeance. i can smell everything and food tases so good now.
i believe that being exposed to things in my youth,( you name it, and we drank out of it) has been important to my immune system being ready for all comers. thats how kids build up an immunity, being exposed to it in their youth. that will last them their whole life. make them go outside to play without a phone and lock the damn door behind them, they’ll be ok if they stay out of the streets, and they will learn that.
that’s why kids get so sick now at 6-12, they have never been outside to play.
hell, me and all of my friends survived it with the help of a lot of iodine, peroxide, mercurochrome and band-aids. also, an occasional butt whooping never hurt us. it taught us right from wrong. the butt whoopin’s weren’t so bad- it was the threat of one that kept us straight. : )
Oh the memories! My Mom & I used to put mercurochrome in our baby oil & lay out at the beach!! Gee, I wonder why I’ve had to do multiple heavy metal detoxes later in life.
Something you might look into, after you check out what Jennifo had to say, is this book, by Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, JD, “Curing the Incurable”. Dr. Levy had a great, booming, Cardiology Practice, and he met another Doctor that changed him into a researcher of everything that the Medical Journals have said about intraveinous Vitamin C (IVC), curing the incurable. This book reminded me of a man that I met in 1957, who had returned home from the Korean War in 1950-51, and contracted Polio. A war veteran, who ended up on crutches for the rest of his life, from a terrible disease from which he could have been cured just by super/mega doses of Vitamin C, intraveinously. A cheap, effective medical procedure that had been proven to cure polio. Plus many other diseases that the present day medical establishment has said are incurable.
Check out that book. It could astound you. And it could save your life, someday.
Bless y’all,
Old Duffer
Thank you for telling us about this book. I will be sure to pick it up.
The people I know with long Covid have not received any vaccines. And have Covid more than once. The vaccine making long Covid worse smacks of a money making opportunity for the person(s) pimping the conspiracy.
What conspiracy are you talking about?
I was wondering that, too. The clot shot has been proven to make every underlying condition worse. And the shedding puts covid into everyone’s path. I take micro-particle colloidal silver every day, take 4000mg Liquid Vitamin C every day, use Thieve’s Oil on my beard, and wear 7mg nicotine patches, and I haven’t had any symptoms of anything pertaining to covid since I got over Covid in Jan/Feb 2021. And I don’t care who I hug on a daily basis. 🙂
Old Duffer
I said since Jan/Feb 21, but I should have said since I got over the loss of my senses of smell and taste, in Nov ’22.
So Old Duffer question for you. Does the patch rev you up like nicotine in cigarettes does? I am sensitive to caffeine & can’t fall asleep if I have too much. Nicotine did the same when I smoked 25 years ago.
My understanding isn’t that the vaccine makes Long Covid worse. It’s that the vaccine can cause similar spike protein issues that result in the same long-term effects whether the person has had Covid or not.
Yeah, she said it better .
I think it has a huge part to do with our own terrain (gut/bodies). Some just have not been exposed to nearly the amount of other garbage some of us have been so our bodies may be able to fend off some/most attacks while others can’t/couldn’t.
This bioweapon was a hard one to figure out with who got & who didn’t & to what severity. The shedding is very real & that is also what has made the un-shotted (I refuse to call it a vax) sick.
I think it’s more genetic factors. The mRNA vaccines had an extremely low level of excipients, but had a novel way of irritating the immune system with instructions for making antibodies. Many people for genetic reasons are very sensitive to this irritation of the immune system and react to it dramatically with a range of acute or chronic symptoms.
Possibly. But most likely it’s more nutritional and environmental. It has everything to do with our gut bacteria being able to fend off any invaders. Much like cancers, it’s been lies about not being able to do much about genetic disposition if diagnosed with a ‘disease’.
Remember, they always want you helpless and uneducated so you listen to them and take massive doses of conflicting drugs that continue to cause side effects that put you back into their care. It’s all so criminal.
Of course, this is not a blanket statement, only a general one.
I have long Covid. I had it from Feb 2020 on, a years before the vaccines. The booster dose of the Covid vaccine made it worse, causing serious cardiac symptoms in addition to the oxygenation problems the original long Covid had caused.
I got COVID the delta variant in October 2021. Shortly after recovering I started having heart palpitations almost 24/7. They lasted over a year. They mysteriously disappeared after I started on a vitamin regimen from my Naturopath and a 48 hour fast. I wonder if my fast is what cleaned my system up?
I got serious heart symptoms from the Moderna booster two years ago. They lasted from the first week of December 2021 to mid-July 2022, when they disappeared. I was taking supplements, which may have done it, but I don’t think so. Myocarditis is said to be usually self-resolving after a period of time. Some deny that it resolves, saying that it usually recurs, even that it usually causes death within five years. I hope that that will not be the case. I think they don’t know. In my case, I think the cardiac issues self-resolved after seven months.
Check out FLCCC.net –
Dr. Pierre Kory. There are many Covid protocols out there, and much other information.
My room mate got the Moderna vaccine. I got the Pfizer vaccine. She tested + for COVID one month ago. I’ve been totally fine.
Food for thought
Can you tell us more about the Wellness Company membership? I’m looking for a doctor I can turn to in the event I get COVID again. I’ve narrowed it down to the Wellness Company or Dr. Simone Gold’s GoldCare membership (which is very expensive – $100/month). Do the doctors through the Wellness Company prescribe medications such as ivermectin and do they have pharmacies that will actually fill those prescriptions and mail them to you? And do the doctors at the Wellness Company provide more than just COVID help? Do they help with other health issues as well?
Dear Travis:
The Wellness Company doctors manage all sorts of care and have many different programs. For example, one is called “Freedom from Pharma” in which a doctor monitors your help to help you get off of Big Pharma meds or at least reduce your reliance on them. They also do any kind of care that doesn’t require an in-person visit. They are only online/telehealth but can write orders for labs and bloodwork that you take care of at your local lab. They do write prescriptions and are aligned with two pharmacies that will fill your prescriptions and mail them to you immediately.
If you check out this link you’ll see there is a “Covid Kit” that people can get to keep at their home that includes Ivermectin, HCQ, a ZPak, a nebulizer, and a medication to put in the nebulizer for breathing treatments.
As well, they are connected with Dr. Peter McCullough who was a voice of reason during the pandemic. They use his protocols and because they don’t do business with insurance companies, they follow what they believe to be the best treatment options, not the ones that will get them a kickback or that the CDC says to use (even when it’s been proven it doesn’t work.)
I’ve seen a couple of doctors and been extremely pleased. They really listen, the medications are shipped out fast, and I feel like I’m getting excellent care. I hope this helps!
I just got the wellness membership for a year. I am going to try this because I am at my wits end. I meant to get a membership a few months ago when you mentioned them. I am also ordering the spike protein supplement. My friend got a membership and all the emergency kits they offered and he says he’s feeling much better. He got the clot shot back in 2020 when they first came out (J&J) . I never got the jab, but had covid back in May 2023, Also pretty sure we had it back in Dec 2019 before it was publicized and the plandemic came out. Anyways, now that I am at work in the outside world in an actual office with people, I’ve been sick for like 3 weeks, my hubby sick (he’s not jabbed). I do not trust my General Practitioner any more. His clinic accepted Federal Covid blood money just recently and he kept blowing me off when I asked questions about my health and if he thought this was long covid I had. Thanks again Daisy.
I so hope this helps! Please keep us posted!
Excellent. Thanks for the additional information. I think I’ll give their membership a try!
UPDATE on my Wellness Company Membership and virtual DR visit and labs.
So I have been trying to get my labs done for almost 2 1/2 months. Dr Hamed is great, and did not charge me for initial visit back in January as he wanted to get my lab results back. I paid over $400 for labs that a kit was sent to me and I went to the phlebotomist closest to me per instructions in kit which cost another $50. This was back in January. The Genova test kit with my urine sample, cheek swabs, and blood work was overnighted via FedEX to Rupa labs in South Carolina and then they messed up one of the vials of my blood and instead of just sending me the 1 vial to get another blood sample, they sent the entire kit back out to me 3 weeks ago.
i am a hard stick due to my past life of abusing my veins soooo, the phlebotomist was unable to get that 2nd stick and refunded me my $50 that i paid out again. Also Rupa labs refunded me a portion of the $400+ I paid out ($50) due to messing up my initial labs. Dr Hamed is ticked off, says he needed that 1 vial to test for some genetic stuff, has called the lab to complain, and says that he’ll go ahead and work with the results he has for now.
The kicker is, it is EXTREMELY hard to get an appointment with him, and I have to constantly stalk the Wellness Website daily in order for appointment to open up.
So the cons to this membership if you are going to use to see a non covidian dr are: Hard to get appointments, blood work and testing has to be paid out of pocket as they don’t take insurance (which I don’t have insurance any ways) and their communication systems are via the CHaRm (yep that’s how it’s spelled) secure portal and so it takes days for Dr Hamed to message me back.
The PRO’s about this membership are that I can see a non covidian dr for only $59 a visit, Dr Hamed is personable and explains stuff like I am in kindergarten, and he suggested a few supplements for me and told me to lay off a couple until he got test results back. I feel secure in this dr’s capabilities (after running thorough check on him) . i will keep you all posted as to what’s wrong with me. I also got into a car accident back in January and the pain management dr is trying to give me these cortisone steriod shots in my back and neck. Anyone ever had them? And if so do they work? I am in massive pain and narcotic pain pills are not even helping me. Thanks in advance.
I’ve had these shots in my ankle and the pain relief is IMMENSE. But with anything, there are pros and cons. You can’t get them too often because they can weaken your tendons/ligaments. When you get them you have to really take it easy and not go overboard for a few weeks due to this risk. You have to rest during the aftermath or risk more damage and that’s hard because you suddenly feel so much better.
As long as you are able to take it easy and not overstrain your body, you’ll find this provides relief. It can also help with the healing because of how it relaxes the formerly extremely painful area. If they want to give these to you regularly, I would be very cautious. But as a one or two times a year thing, if you can rest, it is a welcome relief.