Liking President Trump Is Actually in Style Now

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Since 2016, when Donald Trump first came down that escalator and announced his candidacy, liking him was the kiss of death for your career, your friendships, your business, and sometimes even your own family. There was a lot of talk during this campaign about the “secret” Trump voter, and apparently, the quiet ones came through because many people are now looking forward to seeing President Trump in the White House again.

Yesterday, we talked about the surge of violent threats toward Trump supporters, and even against Trump himself.

Today, let’s take a look at the other side of that coin.

Is it a cult of personality?

A lot of folks blame Trump supporters for everything wrong in America. They talk about MAGA being a cult and supporters being brainwashed. Honestly – it’s a lot like we’ve talked about the extreme left.

But I don’t see it as a cult, nor do I see this as some kind of weird mass brainwashing.

I see it as a return to open patriotism.

When you live in a country where many people loudly complain when someone flies an American flag – our own flag – patriotism is an act of rebellion. A lot of folks just finally said, “Go for it,” to the people who threaten to cancel them, and the result is that the United States of America is now being celebrated again. Liking President Trump is in style again.

People are ready to have fun again.

Much to the chagrin of people who are melting down over President Trump’s victory over Vice President Harris, folks are really starting to enjoy patriotism again. Check out this viral video from X, which certainly put a smile on my face.

I don’t see any joy being stolen. In fact, I see it being expressed despite disapproval and threats.

More than half of American voters voraciously selected Donald Trump, and we’re tired of being silenced.

Even the media is coming around.

Even some members of the media are beginning to come around, though perhaps this is more about survival than anything else.  Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, the hosts of MSNBC’s insufferable “Morning Joe” flew down to Florida and visited President Trump at his home there.  Much to the outrage of coworkers and other fervent Trump-haters, they said that they wanted to “reopen the lines of communication.”

Quite a few major newspaper outlets refused to endorse anyone this time around, and it’s because they saw the writing on the wall. Vice President Harris couldn’t win, and they were going to lose readership by suggesting otherwise.

Will this trend continue?

President Trump is coming out of the gate strong. He’s appointed cabinet members, many of whom are way outside the norm for Washington, DC, who are intended to shake things up.

I’ve seen more red MAGA hats around my part of North Carolina than I have ever seen before. (I’m in a city where things tend to go blue at voting time.) People are sick to death of being silenced. We’re tired of being made to feel uncomfortable or afraid because we voted for a candidate that Democrats don’t like.

Maybe, just maybe, we’re taking our country back from the noisy, woke, left-wing extremists.

One Trump dance at a time.

What about you?

Have you seen more open support for President Trump this time around? If so, why do you think that is? Do you think that we’re on our way to patriotism being back in style?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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10 Responses

  1. With More Patriotism you need to add MORE HOPE !!
    Hope is the life blood of all enduring by the human race.
    From Canada with Hope 🙂

  2. Morning Joe has done nothing but a I hate Trump show for the last 8 years. Their ratings are probably saying we need to change that narrative. I’ve heard a few die hard Democrats say they had to vote for Trump because he is a business man not a politician and they are sick and tired of the dead beat politicians ruining this country. The fact that he had all of the votes that he did tells me people want change and not the twisted, demonic change the democrats wanted. If we make a few snowflakes uncomfortable because we wear a MAGA hat, so be it.

  3. We are not buying it any more. To be a Trump supporter, or wearing a MAGA anything is not to be racist, sexist or whatever -ist they claim. We do not buy their lies they spread in MSM.
    The “America First” idea is not new. I would say it goes back to the Revolution. Been there since. Trump just made it into a campaign slogan that really hit home for most Americans. We are tired of the “America is racist!” Or that “America is evil!” Do we have some dark parts of our past? Of course. Name me a country that doesn’t. But for all the bad parts, we have a lot of good parts too that not only benefited the country but the world as well. The light bulb. Penicillin.
    I dont think the “America First” or MAGA will go away when Trump does. I think it has legs. It resonates with people on a personal level. It is an idea that we need to foster. To promote. To ingrain in our children and grandchildren. It is part of the America spirit. One of strength. Independence. Self-reliance. But one of also community.

  4. One thing of note, the other losers of the election, MSM. They piled on to the Harris/Walz campaign, gave them coverage, gaslighted the American public. More than a few are calling the new era the post journalism age. At least as traditional journalism as we once knew it. How will MSM survive in this new era with declining trust, viewership? Dont know. But we need to see a few of them go under if we want to see any meaningful change. In the meantime, independent media continues to grow.

  5. The technoRATS all could see the sinking Blue ship and jumped over to the Red ship. They all (WEF, DAVOS,Bilderbergs) talked about gaining the peoples trust again because they know what you are thinking with the social media and tech surveillance tools. Then the media magic trick is reformulated and the trick seems to work every time for the majority of people. Make no mistake their agenda is on track.

  6. Judging by the votes for President Trump, it’s probably better than we think.
    I remember President Reagan’s 1984 49 state blowout.
    If we take the massive cheating out of this year’s election, this year was probably a close second.

  7. America First. Always has been. Always will be that way with me.
    I can honestly say, that I HATE our present Federal Government. I never did before Obama, but I do now. It’s going to take clear blue skies, disappearing contrails, and a whole lot more than just those two things occurring before I return to loving our Government. It’s going to take seeing the traitors actually get their butts locked up – or buried – before I change my attitude.
    But even hating the Federal Government, I still believe that the Republic of the United States of America is STILL the greatest country in the world.
    If you don’t love it, then go somewhere else. Our nation doesn’t need you.

  8. Texans have never been afraid to show their Patriotism.
    I pray Americans love of God & Country will be the eternal flame for Trump’s new Golden Age.

  9. Have you seen more open support for President Trump

    A big yes… More people flying their Prez. Trump flags outside after the election. harris flags and signs disappeared. I’m in E. Central WI. and we are simply sick of the “same old, same old”. The B.S. stops now, Prez Trump is already changing the world.

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