It’s Shocking How Fast Life Changes in an Economic Collapse

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Just as I was beginning to feel comfortable and optimistic here at home, the Big Bad Wolf (aka the virus) kicked down my parents’ home door and attacked my mother and possibly my father. 

Like many others, I have experienced job loss, a romantic relationship in as good of shape as the Titanic, and the loss of my beloved pets. I bugged out to another country, and then the pandemic swept across the globe. There I was, a foreigner in one of the most populated cities in the world, surrounded by people with different customs. Making psychological adjustments and learning new things to combat anxiety (meditation, gardening, natural remedies) has been crucial. 

However, having the virus directly affect my family made me realize I need to consider just how quickly life can change. During times like these, there isn’t much time for making adjustments, only decisions. 

We aren’t sure how Mom got sick

We don’t know how this happened—although being secluded for a year, with minimal exercise and no greenies, weakened Mom’s immune system. She never took vitamins. Mom is retired, and she watches T.V. and surfs the web quite a bit. Watering her plants and some house chores was the extent of Mom’s exercise.  

We think maybe she got briefly exposed to the virus once or twice. One of her ATM cards was blocked, and she asked me to go with her to the bank. It is no longer possible to get assistance over the phone. At best, you will get put on hold and never hear from them again. (Seized banks, you know.) It’s my feeling she caught the bug there. Or, maybe in the brief meeting she attended to solve a community issue.

Good health starts in the kitchen

A healthy diet is crucial, as many of you know. As mentioned before, Mom’s diet lacked in greenies. My brother is the official cook, and he rarely prepares vegetables. However, his Caesar Salad is superb. Still, I knew some changes in their diet were needed.

I understand the importance of absorbing nutrients from all possible sources. While I love a good steak, I learned to prepare several vegetables that were pleasant to eat while in Lima. There I found organic greenies, like spinach and sprouts, and cooked them with herbs. Even kiddo found that spinach, with a few lime juice drops and salt, can be a great addition to a crispy chicken sandwich. 

Here at my birth home, the diet consists of lots of red meat because it’s affordable, white cheese, and carbs—sometimes chicken. Also, tropical fruits, rice, and beans, for sure, but only a few times a week. As I’ve mentioned before, fish is expensive because we’re pretty far away from the sea. The mismanagement of fertilizers and pesticides, added to intensive deforestation, devastated the forest ahead of the river. Therefore, river fish is not an option. 

You never know when you may need that old car

As I am writing this, I listen to my brother trying to start the car I gave to my dad in good shape. That car even had air conditioning so he could go to work, get groceries, and take my mom to the doctor in comfort. Now? It is a piece of junk rendered useless after years of neglect. I don’t like to acknowledge this, but it was a real mistake. I should have kept that car. 

When Mom got sick she could not walk even a couple of blocks and the clinic is six blocks away, uphill. We had to borrow a car from a friend to get her to the clinic.

A collapse negatively affects income, which means it’s vital that you establish a solid budget and include in that budget vehicle maintenance. A vehicle is a valuable possession that could even save your life in times of crisis. 

The importance of community

Mom and Dad needed medication, and my brother had to look for the meds over a vast network of acquaintances, friends, former girlfriends, school buddies, party-amigos, and of course, black market merchants. Without outside support, the ending of this story would have been quite different. By outside support, I mean an account in the pharmacy (which led to a massive debt). 

Initially, we thought my father had vesicle issues. However, his doctor told us he might also have Covid. If we were in a larger city, it would not have been possible to have an account with the pharmacy. Everybody knows us here as it’s a pretty small town. With all of its advantages and disadvantages, community is vitally important.

My mother received Remdesivir. According to the very experienced pneumonologist in town (and the only one), Remdesivir is the best possible treatment. I asked the doctor about Chlorine Dioxide, and he said that if I were the patient, he would treat me with a horse-sized dose. But my mom is an elder, and that stuff is way too toxic, and he didn’t dare prescribe it.

Sometimes you just have to accept change and adjust accordingly

Before Mom and Dad getting sick, life was beginning to feel normal. Mom and I spoke of the need to procure some greenies, spices, and things like cherry tomatoes. Mom mentioned “washing” the white rice before cooking it with a strainer, collecting that water in a bowl, and adding it to the plants. It was a trick that she learned years ago, and it has some logic behind it.

Some planning was taking place, like traveling to the city I used to work where my house is and grabbing some of the gear I need the most. If it is still there: it seems the “friend” we left to take care of things was illegally selling my items online. That planning and other projects are now on hold. 

So far, we’ve been able to put food on our table. But, my next move is to put together a system to bring in income and staples as independently as possible. Given the current state of the economy, it is going to be hard but not impossible. I descent from one of the most laborious and resilient people on Earth: the Dutchmen.  

Life: beautifully challenging

It’s incredible to see how my life changed with such a dramatic twist. Six years ago, I was an average middle-class guy with tons of responsibilities and the means to accomplish them. And now I’m filling up planters made from soda bottles with compost, pebbles, and seeding greenies to feed my kiddo a healthy meal.

Don’t get me wrong, please. It’s not a rant. It’s just an illustration of how life can rapidly change.

It’s an absolute miracle my mom and dad have both survived practically unharmed, being over 75 years old each. My mom is doing better, with only oral medication and oxygen (at home!), and my dad never needed medication. 

About Jose

Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. After trying to set up a new life in another country didn’t go well, Jose and his son are back home, in Venezuela, surrounded by family and friends. 

 Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on PatreonDonations: or the BTC address 3QQcFfK9GvZNEmALuVV8D6AUttChTdtReE

Picture of J.G. Martinez D

J.G. Martinez D

About Jose Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations:

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31 Responses

      1. Hello Jayne,
        Rumble itself, is nothing but a platform that censors with extreme caution, not like the mainstream social platforms that censor anyone who goes against their biases. Basically, none of them directly post information that is, as you say about Rumble, questionable and failing in their statement of facts.

    1. The PCR test was not developed for the covid. The man who developed the PCR test even stated, though news media ignored him, that it was not designed for covid. As you know by now that the PCR test will be discontinued here shortly because the elites finally admitted that you can not tell the difference between covid and the common flu with the PCR test.

      The court case you reference I have read. I have read multiple articles that no live virus has EVER been isolated in our history. In Germany a few years back a man won a court case proving that the was no measles virus. The measles vaccine was a fraud. I know you did not hear about that case. The one so-called virus called covid 19 that everyone is talking about was based on a computer model. Again not a live virus.

      I am glad your parents are better. Jose, what local medicines/cures, are in your area? We have creosote out here that we can make into a salve, but also (horrible tasting) make into a tea for medicinal. I know your climate is different than mine. Each area has its own medicinal plants.

      My concern is the availability of medicines in our remote location. Even natural cures. It is like the story about the pioneer who died of scurvy. They buried him under a pine tree. The reason this was sad was because Pine Needles have a higher amount of vitamin C than oranges. Had he drank the tea he would have lived. Right now we are taking one spoonful of pine needle syrup because we are around people that are vaccinated when we go shopping, but we also brought some pine needles for tea. I don’t have pine trees out here and won’t be able to buy any when the supply chain breaks, but I have morman tea out here. Also a good drink for health. Neither is one you drink daily, but only as needed. Prickly pears can be juiced to help regulate blood sugars. We have cactus pads that has a jell inside that can be put on wounds and even spider bites to draw out poisons and help facilitate healing. Our nearest clinic is 25 miles away and closed on weekends. The nearest hospital is 82 miles away. My goal is more self care.

  1. Holy smokes! First of all, I’m glad to hear that your parents are OK. You’ve lost so much already. Secondly, I agree it’s important to understand how quickly life can change and be prepared to adapt. Sitting in a pool of anxiety and depression helps nothing. I too have learned techniques to help deal with these things in a healthy way. And now, just when things seemed to be getting better, we have the delta and lambda variants. Sigh. Another day in Paradise, right?

    1. Dear Jayne,
      My old man is a wise guy. He has learned enough in his life to be happy with as little as he can have. I´m still learning from him, and kiddo is learning from him a lot as well. That´s one of the reasons for coming back.
      I´m not scared of the variants, though. Our immune system being here should be reinforced enough just by having lots of sun, eating much better, less stress(well, we have a debt that I´m not sure how we are going to pay, indeed, but…we´re much better than other people) and much less exposure. This is a really small town and not a city with over 10 million people!.

      1. I’m not afraid of the variants either. I did choose to receive the shot, which has held up pretty well. I’m more worried about the use the powers that be will put the variants to than I am about the variants. Face diaper mandates are already in place in many locations and vaccines are being mandated by many employers. They’re trying to reassure us that they won’t order another lock down but I have my doubts.

        All we can do is remember our circles of control and stick to those. And adapt to the new situation as best as we can.

        1. This is not about containing a disease that could be POTENTIALLY lethal anymore. It´s about breaking down the capability of the average citizen to pieces, and becoming slaves.

  2. Glory to God for your parents returning to decent health (considering their age; I am 83 and know what they are going through); sounds like you had a great (and informed) doctor and getting the whole family on a decent diet (as best you can) certainly helps. Many of the plants that we consider to be weeds have nutritive value; I have started taking a real look at the various plants that I used to chop down. For instance, I used to have a large stand of Malva on my property, but cut it all down; now I am trying to get it to grow back; same with the wild amaranth, purslane, miner’s lettuce, nettle, dandelions, etc, which is real difficult under drought conditions and 100+ temperatures for weeks on end.

    Personally, I take a teaspoon of Moringa powder in my coffee every day (I also grow the Moringa tree for the leaves; I also put in dandelion root powder (Dandy Blend) in my coffee in the same amount which makes my coffee real healthy. Also, I add a tablespoon of colloidal silver water into my quart jar of water that I drink during the day. BTW, most of us can grow the Moringa tree (the Tree of Life) almost any place; it needs to be protected from frost as a perennial or re-seeded every year as an annual; I purchase a bag of 1000 seeds on the web every year, grow seedlings and give them away to all of my acquaintances.

    As an aside, a couple of days ago, I reached into the fridge for my coconut milk to cream my coffee and poured in some vegetable broth (oops); that, along with the other ingredients gave something like veggie/coffee-flavored soup, but I downed it (nothing edible goes to waste) and it wasn’t too bad. My wife just shook her head at me; as someone once told her, “dearie, old age ain’t for sissies.”

    1. thanks be to God that your parents are ok, Jose. Prayers for them and you and your kiddo, as well as all of us here on this site. Thanks for this info Jacksson. I appreciate that. I have started Moringa Trees as well in my yard, lost 2 of them this year due to blizzard here in Texas but considering how quickly they grow I have 7 that I started around April this year and they are all about a foot high. I also bought some Moringa Powder just recently and have to get some dandelion root. Thanks for reminding me. Where do you buy your moringa seeds if you don’t mind me asking, Jacksson? I bought bags of 25 from, along with Mrs. Cukierski’s cold and flu oil, she makes this stuff herself, and it works. I haven’t had any vax’s ( or non vax posing as vax LOL ) in over 11 years. If I could give up the cigarettes I am pretty sure I would be a lot healthier, so ya’ll please pray for me.

  3. The lessons I take away from this:
    1. Good diet and boosting your immune system are only going to take you so far, especially the older you are. Get real, the older you are, the more likely you are to get sick. And even young people in great health can get sick. In short, a prepper should have a plan in case they or members of their family get sick, that goes beyond doing all you realistically can to stay healthy.
    2. Always be in good terms with your local pharmacist. They may literally be in the position to save your life one day.
    3. Always make sure you have access to a car. I don’t have a car, but I try to make sure at all times that I have an agreement with someone who owns a car in case I need it.

    1. Dear Doly,
      indeed. But in our case, too little was possible, except stocking up our cabin and live peacefully up there. There´s no cable TV, much less Internet; without this, it was impossible to keep my mother there. Or for me to work. And yes, a car or some sort of vehicle suited for your mobility, able to carry an ill passenger comfortably and safely.

  4. José, despite having been censored out of media and social-control networks, the two best early treatments for Covid19 still seem to be hydroxychloroquine sulfate, and ivermectine (one or the other, not simultaneously). I know that there is nothing imported anymore in Venezuela, but since it is a cattle country you may still be able to find Ivermectine. Now there are (in some countries) tablets for human use, otherwise go to a veterinarian, who has it in pills or in injectable form for cattle, as anti-parasitary. A crazy neighbour of mine drinks every week, preventively, a cubic centimeter of what we inject to the sheep every third month. More seriously, the Covid oral treatment is 0,6 milligrams (or 600 micrograms) of Ivermectine per kilo of weight, once a day for five days since the appearance of the symptoms. I understand that your parents are now out of trouble, but keep this prescription at hand in case of further necessity.

    1. As far as hydroxychloroquine, which you may find if your country has endemic malaria (hence the resistence of Africa to Covid) or sends people to countries that have, the treatment is between 400 milligrams per day (2 pills of 200 mg) for five days (Dr Vladimir Zelenko) to 600 milligrams (3 pills of 200 mg) for ten days (Dr Didier Raoult), accompanied in both cases with 500 milligrams (1 pill) of azithromycine during five days. Careful, pharmacists in countries that don’t have malaria may confuse hydroxychloroquine (hidroxicloroquina) with chloroquine (cloroquina), also in sulfate form but much less efficient for anything than hydroxychloroquine.

    2. As far as hydroxychloroquine, which you may find if your country has endemic malaria (hence the resistence of Africa to Covid) or sends people to countries that have, the treatment is between 400 milligrams per day (2 pills of 200 mg) for five days (Dr Vladimir Zelenko) to 600 milligrams (3 pills of 200 mg) for ten days (Dr Didier Raoult), accompanied in both cases with 500 milligrams (1 pill) of azithromycine during five days. Careful, pharmacists in countries that don’t have malaria may confuse hydroxychloroquine (hidroxicloroquina) with chloroquine (cloroquina), also in sulfate form but much less efficient for anything than hydroxychloroquine.

      1. By the way, even the World Health Organisation, in november last year, recognised that Remdesivir is totally inefficient against Covid19, and withdrew the temporary recommendation that it (the WHO) had issued when waiting for the results of the “Solidarity” study.

        1. It seems those news never arrived to this town. We have a debt over 1000$ thanks to Remdesivir prescriptions.

          1. Of course the managers of the internet, as well as dominant press agencies, censored all information regarded treatments in order to help impose the general mithridatisation. And regarding thinks like Remdesivir, the least we can say is that the news was not widely spread, in the whole world not only in your town.

    3. Dear Stratediplo,
      Fortunately scarcity has receded to a point. We were able to find every medication that was prescribed to my mom. I asked her doctor to try the Hydroxichloroquine and he said she was not in an age range she could resist it. We did have to take ivermectin as a prevention measure, and we all gave negative in the later tests! and yes, the last year the second time I felt the symptoms that was exactly the dose I had, and felt great the next day.

      1. In the article you mentionned asking for chlorine dioxine (dióxido de cloro), a simple disinfectant but really toxic, which should absolutely not be confused with hydroxychloroquine or its sulfate. Hydroxychloroquine can be taken (at a lighter dose) daily for months even by weak persons, for example European temporary expatriates to Africa take it as a prophylactic against malaria. Africans don’t take it daily their whole life but they take the strong dose when sick, and did the same in front of Covid which explains the defeat of the disease except in the only country that prohibited it.

  5. Well, if there is only an earthly portion to look forward to and it’s becoming more iffy by the day then it makes sense to secure a heavenly portion that is spiritual bounty forever starting now. I would not say so without the perspective of being a cancer-patient in need of comforting resources. But I don’t think you need to have death look you in the eye or be taken by a sickness hiding in the darkness or watch a plague unfold right before your eyes. Our lives are constantly threatened by a great many things and our lack appears to be more dire. We are looking at an astronomical uptick is disasters.

    Having experienced the miracle of still being alive to enjoy my sweetheart. the kids and the grands, my concerns for their future drives me on to find the best security. To be at peace come what may. If you look for it earnestly you will find it. So glad I looked up and set my sights on something that overcomes this world!

    Shocking how fast life can go all wrong. Spiritual contentment is the ultimate prep.

    1. Dear Debbers,
      Wise words, indeed. I’ve been teaching kiddo to enjoy his only elders family while they’re around. One of the reasons to have coming back was for him to learn whatever lessons they could, so he can be a decent man.
      It’s all I can do for the time being, and give him a proper education.

  6. Glad your folks came through it. Kudos to you and your brothers persistence in finding meds. Bummer about the car.

    1. Dear Selena,
      Much appreciated! 🙂

      And for the record, there is a bunch whole of people in the same situation. Good thing is, my dad is receiving some assistance with the junker, and it’s a small town. We can go most of the places we need by foot. Bad thing is, we’re far away the mountain house where we should already be preparing the land…but that will be a medium term goal. Tons of stuff to do meanwhile to secure a decent income to afford the daily expenses of transport, before moving out there.

    1. Dear Mark,
      You´re right.
      I had it, (twice) and never had any problems. Other than getting a negative COVID test.

  7. From Hal Turner:

    Fool Me Once – Shame on You
    Fool me Twice – Shame on Me

    Absolutely NONE of what you are about to read, worked the last time. So now, they want us to do it all over again! No.

    It’s Just …

    “It’s just a mask.” “It’s just six feet.” “It’s just two weeks.” “It’s just non essential businesses.” “It’s just non essential workers.” “It’s just a bar.” “It’s just a restaurant.” “It’s just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals.” “It’s just to make the cases go down.” “It’s just to flatten the curve.” “It’s just a few inmates.” “It’s just to keep others from getting scared.” “It’s just for a few more weeks.” “It’s just church, you could still pray.” “It’s just a bracelet.” “It’s just an app.” “It’s just for tracing.” “It’s just to let others know you’re safe to be around.” “It’s just to let others know who you’ve been in contact with.” “It’s just a few more months.” “It’s just a large gathering but for protests.” “It’s just a few violent protests.” “It’s just a vaccine.” “It’s just a little microchip.” “It’s just a blood test.” “It’s just a scan.” “It’s just for medical information.” “It’s just a vaccination certificate.” “It’s just like a credit card.” “It’s just a few places that don’t take cash.” “It’s just so you can travel.” “It’s just so you can get your driver’s license.” “It’s just so you can vote.” “It’s just a few more years.”

    It’s just the NEW WORLD ORDER.


    I’m not doing any of it again.

  8. Can you stop referring to kids as kiddos? It’s 1 thing for women, but it makes me cringe when I hear grown men referring to “the kiddos”. Feels pedo-esque.

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