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By Daisy Luther
If you ever wondered what life was really like in a post-collapse society, look no further than Venezuela. Today, I’d like to share a first-hand report of everyday life there.
The country has been on the way down since a socialist government destroyed the economy. Here’s a quick timeline:
- Private ownership of guns was banned in 2012. Then things began to go downhill in a hurry.
- In 2013, preppers were relabeled “hoarders” and the act of stocking up became illegal.
- In 2014, the government instituted a fingerprint registry for those who wished to buy food to ensure they didn’t take more than their “share.”
- In 2015, things began to devolve more quickly as electricity began to be rationed and farmers were forced to turn over their harvests to the government.
- 2016 brought the announcement that folks were on their own – there was simply not enough food. As well, despite the rationing, an electricity shortage was announced.
- 2016 also brought the news that the country was out of everything: food, medicine, and nearly all basic necessities. People were dying of starvation and malnourishment made other illnesses even worse. Hyperinflation brought exorbitant prices, like $150 for a dozen eggs.
- Now, civil war is near (if not already happening.) They’re calling it “protests” but violence between the people and the government is ongoing. This rage is stoked by wealthy Venezuelans who enjoy luxurious meals, fabulous parties, and lush accommodations while the rest of the country struggles to find a bag of rice they can afford. Let them eat cake?
It appears there is no end in sight to the tribulations of the Venezuelans.
So, what is day-to-day life like for the average Venezuelan?
A reader from Venezuela took the time to comment and tell us what life is really like there. You can find her story below. (I’ve edited for spacing to make them easier to read, but please keep in mind that English is a second language.)
Daisy Thank you so much for this content.
I’m a venezuelan mom of a 1 year old baby. And we are living a war here ????.
You can’t go outside to buy food or supplies or medication because each activity is a high risk and more with a baby. So I stay home as much as I can. There are a lot people outside trying to live normaly, trying to go to work and buy foods and continue there lives. But when you are working or whatever thing your doing you dont know is you will be able to come back home safe… people continues to work to get whatever miserable pay to buy some food. Everything is so expensive. Perhaps the beans and rice are affordable but still not cheap and is so hard to find food. options are limited because of the price… you can only buy one item or two of pasta,
Everything is so expensive. Perhaps the beans and rice are affordable but still not cheap and is so hard to find food. options are limited because of the price… you can only buy one item or two of pasta, rice, like I say the less expensive food , and you have to wait in long long lines at your own risk because there are a lot of fights in this store. imagine tones of people wanting to buy the same product. this have being worst since perhaps about 5 years now… because of scarcity. Malls and big stores are
Malls and big stores are basicly alone because there are places where “colectivos” use to attack, with bombs and there is a group of about 40 men in motorcicles that have been creating chaos in the whole city, every day the take the city they have plenty of arms and the just go through the city shooting building houses, stealing stores, people on the streets, batteries of cars, everything the want… this situation is far worst that we ever imagine. they kill people every day and they are pay mercenaries from the goverment because no one does nothing. the
the goverment people is also killing inocents. kids… teenagers, the youth. we are panicking. We bough a land 3 years ago. I got pregnant and we decided to wait. the land is a safe zone but is 5 hours from here. is a very small town 11. 000 people. I live ib a city with about 3 million people. at least for now the town are peaceful but there isnt electricity and the isnt an asfalt road so this doesnt sound lovely for thief that are now looking for biggest fish to cash. according to our neighbours the town is in calm nothing has happen. We need to go as soon as possible. I am scared because what you say is also true. But in the city there are no options at least not now. . what do you thnk we should do? I realize appreciate what you recommend.
I’m sorry for my bad english I’m trying to write this while playing with my baby.
Venezuelan houses are already bunkers. This has being like this ever since I can remember. Perhaps 20 years… Every regular house is made like bunkers. Pure concrete from the botton to the walls to everything. Every house has also 2 to 3 security doors really big and heavy ones and on top of that we have fences and electric fences on top Of BIG GATES.
And trust me is not enough to be safe.
The army has damaged gates and has entry to different houses looking for students, or rebelds… and also innocents people has died because they were sadly in the middle of this events. I don’t doubt that country land might have problems too. But so far cities are pure anarky and maddness.
There are several groups creating chaos… the army, the mercenaries, the thiefs, and the rebels that want to kill chavismo and politics and whatever on their way. A few days they put a bomb into a propane gas distribution cargo and it blew away and this have being affecting every single thing, they steal cargo transporting food or gas and even fuel… so there is no much to do now.
Communities in the city are not organize since they really need to find food and basic resources so each indivual is waiting in long lines to buy a bread or a medicine or whatever they need… and people doesnt want to organize they dont see this could go like this for years… I assume that we got used to live in some sort of chaos and violence.
But the true is most people is praying and just wishing this will pass soon. that this will pass as the moment a new presindent arrive.
And what if it doesnt? Let’s be clear that we have so many resources, and Canadá and USA are pulling all of the gold and all minerals now so no country really matters what we are suffering as long as they can get they way.
We really feel hopeless.
Dear Ale,
Thank you for sharing your story. Here’s my advice:
If you can safely get out of the city, the time to do it is now. When I said I was moving from the country into town, the move was not to a major city with millions of people, but a much smaller one. I went from living a mile from my neighbors to a suburban neighborhood where we chat over the fence and share fresh vegetables and barbecues.
In a small town like you describe, you will have neighbors, hopefully some unity, and be able to be more self-reliant without as much risk as the place where you live now. Being on your own with a small child in a situation like this is hard and dangerous. Try to make friends so that you have some support. If you have extended family, consider that relocating to them might be another option.
The journey will be difficult, but I sincerely hope that you will be able to get there with your baby and find some peace and safety. Please know that you and your child will be in many hearts and prayers after this.
Keep us posted if you can.
19 Responses
Thank you for sharing this. I pray that you and your child make it safely out of the city to a safer location soon.
Take care! Be safe!
Great story… thanks Daisy.
I posted your story over on “Gab” with a via @daisyluther tag.
Take care.
Thank you, Dave. I keep meaning to get over there but I haven’t spent much time on social media recently with the move and everything. 🙂
I can’t be the only one who thinks that for the elites, Venezuela is nothing but a gigantic petri dish. They’re watching the foot shortages + the gun restrictions to see what people will do, how they will react–just like they’re laboratory rats. After all, wasn’t “Venezuela” one of the topics at a Bilderberg meeting a year or two ago? (Although maybe I’m getting it mixed up with another “club” in the globalist cabal, it’s hard to keep track…)
Anyway, when the foot shortages hit the rest of the world, know that it will be even WORSE than in Venezuela–because right now They are taking note of any loopholes that the Venezuelan people can manage to exploit, and They’ll be sure to plug them when they foist this scenario on the rest of us.
Scary, but probably true!
It doesn’t sound like socialism to me. It sounds like an Oligarchy! (I am not a socialist or defending socialism. I’m just saying it sounds like something different.)
I would not be at all surprised if the world’s elites were playing with the rest of our lives. Things may be more or less OK right now in the US, but I know that our time is coming.
A very sad situation.
Because the USA is unfriendly toward Venezuela there is not much hope of getting food aid from the UN.
I’m afraid things will continue to degrade in Venezuela until a coup is staged and could become even more unpredictable after that.
My thoughts and prayers are with the author of the letter and the people on Venezuela.
Did I miss something in the article? Does she have a husband? The child is one year old. The collapse of Venezuela didn’t just start a few months ago. Why the hell would anyone bring a child into the world, especially a single mom, under such horrible circumstances and guaranteed to only get worse? Some type of contraceptive please, please next time!
Hondo – I would imagine contraceptives are very hard to come by if you can’t even find food or basic medication. As a single mom myself, I wouldn’t ever judge someone else for their decisions and circumstances.
There is one contraceptive that is extremely easy to use. it is called closing your legs. there is NO excuse for bringing a child into such a situation unless she was raped and had no choice .
I think it’s ridiculous to judge her for having a child. It sounded like she had a partner because she said that “we” bought land. She said she spends the whole day at home and never goes out, so obviously someone is taking care of her.
Hondo, when all medicine, food and basic hygiene items are not available -much less contraception, the only thing left is human companionship for a feeling of “normalcy”. We are thinking of our own circumstances – and hers are so basic and beyond our imagination. Yes the idea of a baby in this type of life for us would be unthinkable but babies are conceived when they are, not when things are perfect for the parent-even is stable countries. I pray this young mom and her baby make it safely out of this hell- My heart aches for these people. I feel helpless to help them. Realize that this could easily be us…and maybe someday will be.
I really hope that President Trump helps these poor people. Now, there is a REAL reason to intercede. It’s absolutely shameful. I am praying for the Venezuelans. God please have mercy on them.
Many countries, the US included, have offered aid but President Maduro refuses to accept it. Of course, he isn’t the one starving to death. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/28/world/americas/venezuela-refuses-us-aid.html
I just read a description of most of the United States. The only difference is that the U.S. petrodollar debt note is the world reserve currency.
Who would ever think that a country like Venezuela, that has had a well educated and industrious people, could be brought to Civil War? So sad-it shows that marxism/socialism/progressive utopias do not exist. I hope that this lady gets her child, family, and pets out to where their small town property is. It will take a lot of good planning to do safely, but she simply cannot take the chance of staying any longer. Just think of what a year old baby NEEDS: diapers, milk, fresh fruit, oatmeal or rice cereal, and meats & vegetables to chop into food. That is an almost impossible list in a war zone, and it doesn’t include niceties like toys, chew crackers, multisize clothing, and safe place to sleep! I hope that she keeps you updated Daisy. I will be praying for her.
Daisy, high-five for this report, and thanks to the correspondent who kindly informs us.
Re Venezuela in collapse, hunger can lead to food riots; it can also focus priorities. Grassroots organizers are implementing the Cuba model of urban Ag. Instructive on local sustainable steps. http://www.resilience.org/stories/2016-07-06/in-venezuela-s-difficult-times-the-grassroots-are-stronger/
See “7 Fat & 7 Lean Years” at link below for a discussion of US lack of preparedness vs. Cuba suddenly losing subsidy in the economic collapse of the former Soviet Union.
Could it be that Bernie Sanders’ praise of Venezuela’s socialism was wrrrrrrong?
Missing link mentioned above re Cuba’s shift to small-scale urban Ag, and the prepare-now-imperative in Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s Dream:
Thank you so much for sharing this information from this brave young woman. I will pray for her and her baby. This sort of situation is horrifying and my hope for her and others like her is that she can safely travel to a place that offers her more support, a place to safely grow food, organize with a group of like minded people for the communal survival of everyone. I will pray for the government to improve. This story seems like a prophecy for our country. I pray for the kindness of people who judge those whose choices and situations are different from their own.
This could be us and may very well be sooner than we expect.