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Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course
Yesterday, the first Presidential Alert was sent to phones all across the country. Theories and screenshots took over the internet shortly thereafter.
But one of these theories, in particular, comes from a source that is especially credible with regard to cybersecurity: John McAfee.
Let’s take a quick look at what other folks were saying before we get into McAfee’s assertion.
First, political foes were “triggered.”
Before the alert ever came through, three people in New York were suing to stop it.
The activists filed the suit last week in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, arguing that the system violates their free speech rights and constitutes an unconstitutional seizure of their electronic devices…
…Wireless phone users have the ability to opt out of most alerts sent under the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System, run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. While some users can choose not to receive regional messages and so-called Amber Alerts regarding missing or endangered children, under federal rules, receipt of the top-level “presidential alerts“ is mandatory.
In the new lawsuit, J.B. Nicholas, Kristine Rakowsky and Liane Nikitovich contend that the system will effectively turn them into “government loudspeakers” that would allow Trump or others to disseminate propaganda. (source)
Since the alert went out, it appears that their request for a preliminary injunction was not approved.
The motive behind their suit was political, as opposed to constitutional.
Nicholas, Rakowsky and Nikitovich accuse Trump of disseminating “weaponized disinformation” on Twitter and say they “don’t wish to receive text messages, or messages of any kind, on any topic or subject, from Defendant Trump.” (source)
And they weren’t the only ones who were “triggered” by the alert. All across social media, people bemoaned the fact that the wording was “Presidential Alert.”
Don’t you ever contact my phone again for any reason whatsoever, @realDonaldTrump. I don’t give a fuck if it’s an earthquake, tsunami, or tornado. Don’t you ever contact my phone again. #PRESIDENTALALERT deez nutz.
— Rusty Redenbacher (@rustymk2) October 3, 2018
Some people believe it was a coded message.
On the opposite side of the political spectrum, members of the group QAnon predicted this would be an announcement that Trump had defeated the “Deep State.”
They seem to be cheering for a martial-law-like purge of those who dissent against President Trump.
Some speculated that Trump would use the vehicle to announce the imminent confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, or the firing of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, or even the broadcasting of arrests of high-ranking Democrats. (source)
When none of these things was forthcoming, QAnon believers consoled themselves with the belief that the whole thing was a coded message just for them.
Believers in QAnon—a conspiracy theory based on a series of internet clues posted by an anonymous character named “Q” that posits a world in which Trump and the military are engaged in ceaseless, secret war with globalist Democratic pedophiles—think the text could mark the start of “The Storm,” a fantastical MAGA dream in which Trump’s political enemies will be arrested and tried at military tribunals.
“That is how we will receive orders if all else fails,” wrote one QAnon believer on the 8Chan internet forum. “We are the next generation Minutemen! Standing by Sir!”
“SO HAPPY!” wrote another. “THANK YOU 45!”
…QAnon diehards cheered it as the perfect way for Trump to test how to deliver earth-shattering news to the entire country. On the internet forum 8Chan, QAnon fans also noted that the test message was 17 words long—a significant number for believers in the conspiracy theory, because “Q” is the 17th letter of the alphabet.
…Others focused on the portion of the message that said “no action is needed,” which they saw as an echo of their motto: “Trust the plan.” That section of the test message, they believed, was a sign that Trump and the military are in control of the government and would soon settle all the country’s problems. (source)
Then there’s John McAfee’s theory about the Presidential Alert Test.
John McAfee had a different opinion about the Presidential Alert and it’s positively dystopian.
The "Presidential alerts": they are capable of accessing the E911 chip in your phones – giving them full access to your location, microphone, camera and every function of your phone. This not a rant, this is from me, still one of the leading cybersecurity experts. Wake up people!
— John McAfee (@officialmcafee) October 3, 2018
Well, that’s not good.
And this theory has a lot more credibility because McAfee is, in fact, the big Kahuna of cybersecurity. McAfee is a British-American who is a computer programmer and entrepreneur. He created McAfee Antivirus back in the 80s, and though he sold his interest in the company, still keeps his finger on the pulse of cybersecurity and politics. He’s already announced that he’s taking a serious run at the 2020 presidential nomination on the Libertarian ticket.
In fact, McAfee is known as one of the top cyber security experts in the world. And he’s known for bluntly telling unpleasant truths that nobody wants to believe.
In 2016, he wrote:
Few people are aware of the cybersecurity risks that surround them full time.
If you own a new Samsung TV, it’s likely constantly recording every word that is spoken in its vicinity, and these recordings are being sent to unnamed third parties.
If you own a car newer than two years old, chances are that hackers have already figured out how to take full control of it while you are driving down the highway. Last year, a brand new Jeep was hacked into by hackers hundreds of miles away and the Jeep was forced off the road by the hackers.
If you fly on an airplane that provides Internet access, hackers anywhere in the world can take control of the plane and alter its course and speed, and perhaps even bring it down.
Medical devices such as pacemakers, medical monitors, and other care-critical devices can be hacked into and patients placed into life-threatening situations.
Our mobile devices are ubiquitously used as spy devices by everyone from our NSA to bored hackers in Uzbekistan. (source)
And now he’s telling us that the Presidential Alert just unlocked access to all our phones.
Given his track record, I tend to believe him.
What do you think?
Do you think there’s something dark going on with the whole Presidential alert thing? Are you concerned about the security on your phone now? Did you have any issues after the alert?
57 Responses
I think that what John is saying is that the government has access to all cellphones, not that the alert enabled it. There is nothing new in that statement since that claim has been around for a long time. Is it believable? Yes, because 911 can access your location and because well, because it is government.
On the alert itself, all the noise is just another show of political divisiveness. If it was sent by Obama the liberal would have been claimed that it was a show of caring from a wonderful soul and the conservative would have said that it was an intrusion in their life. So, nothing new to see here.
I agree. No device has ever been free from government spying. No one is “invisible” if they have an electronic device that connects to the cellular network or the internet.
I agree completely on this. Much ado about nothing that hasn’t already happened.
Obama created this presidential Alert system, ( well thought of it and had it created) but didn’t use it before leaving office. it is not Trump’s innovation, idea or creation, but gets the blame for using it. It is an unnecessary app intrusion into everyone’s life; then again Al Gore (you know, the inventor of the internet) wanted to force updates on the climate, climate change and road traffic (yes road traffic!) upon us daily a while back.
I did not receive the alert and I know of several other people who did not receive it either. Both Android and iPhone users. I personally have an iPhone with the alerts turned off as well as the tracker. Can anyone explain this to me?
Just to clarify my above statement (really need an edit option), I was glad I somehow escaped the notice this time. I prefer my quiet, under the radar existence!
I’m afraid that if you have any type of interactive device connected in any way to the internet, you may think you have a so called under the radar existence. However, these devices can all be hacked and remotely controlled y anyone with the appropriate skills. Yes, that includes our government! If you plan on a very private conversation, then it is imperative to turn off and unplug any interactive device from its electrical source and it’s connectivity sources. Laptops and cell phones should be placed in another room in a area that is not within listening distance of your conversations. I’m a retired systems analyst. Sounds extreme doesn’t it? It’s just that serious!
I realize and understand everything you stated. (the second post was rather tongue in cheek!) Wasn’t the point of my question.
Just wondered why some folks did not get that alert since it was my understanding that pretty much all cell phones would receive it!
In a way, I can see why, and then not. I heard comments like “I didn’t get the alert.” When asked what company they were using. What I read and heard was that they were using pay as you go phones, or some of the very small communications companies. I’m sure that the government will remedy that!
Myself and those that I know did not get the alert all use Verizon!
My husband and I were together when the alert came in. He has an iphone. I have the old “beam me up, Scotty” flip phone. He got the message, I didn’t. Both of our phones are on the same bill from A T & T.
Truthfully, I was a little disappointed I didn’t get the alert.
About two weeks ago, we were warned of an impending flash flood. His phone sounded, mine did not, but when the river did indeed “come down” we both rec’d robo calls from our county, which we had signed up for.
I didn’t get an alert either and I have Verizon. Weird.
What’s new in his warning? All those phone functions he mentions were known to be hackable/controllable several years ago, just as similar functions in our computers have been under surveillance for a long time. I’ve taped paper over the camera window of my computer for at least 8 years.
Get rid of your phone,move of grid, and never leave.lol people want gov. Help and assistance but then bitch cause gov.knows every move you make. People make me laugh
Thanks for the help!
As Dark Future stated McAfee merely pointed out that the Gov is capable of tracking etc. However, there is nothing stopping them using the “Presidential” over-ride on alerts to insinuate virus or other code via the ‘Message”.
NSA is quite capable of putting “kill switches” or other code (including illegal content) into cell phones and computers.
So if a law enforcement asks ‘What do you have on your Phone’ (or PC) then the only rational answer “How the hell would I know”.
Good point! I wonder if a good lawyer could formulate a defense on that?
All of this computerized access to our lives is just a scary thing anyway.
of course we have to take into account that Obama mandated all cars to have cameras installed in them for ‘safety.’ Take that with the ability of a hacker to control a car, add to it the ability to turn on the camera of your laptop without you knowing it and – voila’ you have a network of millions of cameras for the surveillance of the public without them knowing it.
And if you didn’t receive the text on your cell? I heard a bevy of whistles, dings and alarms as the majority of co-workers cell phones went off at 2:18 pm 10/3/2018. Mine? Dead silent…. How many others out there like me, and why?
My daughter didn’t get it either, and our phones are on the same plan with AT&T. I have no idea why she never received it.
I think people are making too much of this presidential alert. I read something about it yesterday and it seems it has been in existence for several years. I do remember hearing about it some time ago and that you could not “opt out” of it.
Yesterday was only a test.
I think it could prove to be useful in the case of civil unrest etc. which we may see sooner rather than later.
And – as many here have lamented, I also believe the ability to “hack” many of our devices has existed for years. I mean – a refrigerator connected to the web? Really?
I don’t have many things connected to the web. Only my computer and a Kindle.
Guess what? Not ALL phones got the message. DH’s “smart” phone got it but mine did not.
Not all phones are on the networks that distributed the message.
Well – Obama during his 8 years I received his alerts along with Amber alerts. I did not hear any opposition then, but I did not like it either. Since President Trump has been President, why are they now coming out to oppose it? Hello!! Were were they duing the Obama Administration?
I received alerts when Obama was in office too
Oh Dear kate114,see the statement above, you never received a presidential alert from Obama, you received amber alerts. This was the FIRST test done NATIONWIDE by FEMA but Obama did sign the go ahead in 2016 to have a nationwide disaster alert created. No president can use it for anything else-it’s clearly stated.Obama signed a law stating that the system “shall not be used to transmit a message that does not relate to a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster or threat to public safety.” That is, of course, unless the system needs to be tested. It’s just like the amber alerts but on a larger scale. It’s there to help.
Donna, or whoever you are. Hello!!! You never received a presidential alert from Obama or his administration in those 8 years, stop lying and spreading it around. Look all that up before you respond. Yes, you had amber alerts but nothing that ever stated presidential alert that went country wide.. This was the FIRST test done NATIONWIDE by FEMA but Obama did sign the go ahead in 2016 to have a nationwide disaster alert created. No president can use it for anything else-it’s clearly stated.Obama signed a law stating that the system “shall not be used to transmit a message that does not relate to a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster or threat to public safety.” That is, of course, unless the system needs to be tested. It’s just like the amber alerts but on a larger scale. It’s there to help.
The first act of any government is complete control of ALL information . . .
The U.S. Mail traces its roots to 1775 during the Second Continental Congress, when Benjamin Franklin was appointed the first postmaster general. The Post Office Department was created in 1792 from Franklin’s operation, elevated to a cabinet-level department in 1872. It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution.
In 1792, President George Washington signs legislation creating the U.S. Postal Service.
Access to all information is obviously one of the first functions controlled by governments.
John McAfee to invent Digital ‘sealing wax?’
So in case of revolution all communication devices can be remotely controlled? Turned off? Interesting?
They don’t need to turn off your device. All cellphone tower are to switch to government only traffic in case of… well, any reason they see fit. But be sure: it will be so they are able to communicate safely and help you.
Obama made sure everyone was on the radar. I’ m more interested in Pres. Trump’s uncle John and the N. Tesla connection. I’m reading through some stuff, where PDTrump has had access to N. Tesla’s secret files and his uncle’s work. Love your work !
To begin with Tramp did not send the alert, some lackey in his office did, no doth from NSA. I agree with this man. This is a way to find out if the can control the phones, control the phones these days and the American people are TOTALLY FRELLED.
Think I’ll keep my flip phone
I’m smart enough not to have a cell phone or a TV, so I missed the whole thing. So sad!
Could care less, it’s either off or in airplane mode at night, some days I leave it at home.
I am not addicted to it like most out there that can’t breath without it.
I do have an older model in my car 24/7 with no active service for playing audiobooks while I drive.
Very worried!
Not getting much publicity is the hacking of hotel rooms in EU that use the electronic swipe cards and chips instead of old fashioned metal keys.
Most ominously? Hackers recently used this tech to get into swipe-card entry apartment buildings to break into apts for theft. I have never seen a news article disappear so fast off the net. Cant find it now anywhere. I think the apt complex broken into was in Denmark or Holland. THAT is total, intimate vulnerability on a frightening scale.
I do not think a hacker can take over your car or an airplane unless there are servos to control steering or engine on/off. It may be hard to inspect engine on/off as it would only require 2 additional wires to the starter switch. Steering would require a servo that would be easy to see on the steering rods. do you agree mr mcaffe?
Actually, don’t some newer vehicles actually have electrically powered power steering? Instead of the old hydraulic ones. These vehicles could easily be taken over remotely. I have looked everywhere for the power steering pump in my 2006 Malibu and that ain’t one. But yet it has power steering. It is either powered from teh transmission pump or is electric.
I didn’t receive the alert; probably because my phone was off and in a faraday cage. I rarely use it. I do check it ~once per week to check for messages.
When I travel, I carry it (in the little faraday cage) in case of emergency.
See? It isn’t hard to get along without all of this junk.
If the government is so bloody bored that they have to spy on me, then more power to them. They are in for a rude awakening. I live a very boring retirement.
I remember a presidential alert with the same message being sent during the Obama administration.
You never received a presidential alert from Obama or his administration in those 8 years, but really who cares. Look all that up before you respond. I just hate seeing people lie. Yes, you had amber alerts but this was the FIRST test done NATIONWIDE by FEMA but Obama did sign the go ahead in 2016 to have a nationwide disaster alert created. No president can use it for anything else-it’s clearly stated.Obama signed a law stating that the system “shall not be used to transmit a message that does not relate to a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster or threat to public safety.” That is, of course, unless the system needs to be tested. It’s just like the amber alerts but on a larger scale. It’s there to help.
Overall, it seems like a good thing if there was a NATIONAL emergency. As it would get out info to as many as possible in a timely manner. However, it does have the possibility of misuse. The government does not need to send a text to determine your location or hack into your phone if that was their purpose. I just don’t want them to start sending recipe of the week messages and other garbage.
I think the Presidential Alert would be used for National Security since Iran is seriously threatening to build/use their nuclear weapons on us and Israel. Parts of the country could “go dark” from an EMP or cities would be targeted with nuclear bombs. I would want to know as soon as possible of any attacks that will take place.
Thanks for another great article. Lots of good info here, as usual.
Obama created this presidential Alert system, ( well thought of it and had it created) but didn’t use it before leaving office. it is not Trump’s innovation, idea or creation, but gets the blame for using it. It is an unnecessary app intrusion into everyone’s life; then again Al Gore (you know, the inventor of the internet) wanted to force updates on the climate, climate change and road traffic (yes road traffic!) upon us daily a while back.
And? If they really want you, the gov can access your phone at any time, so again, and? Government abuses technology and that is a known issue.
WWG1WGA. Enjoy the show, normies.
The government already has access to your phones- so THAT was not the purpose of the presidential alert; nor would they make it so conspicuous if it were.
Everyone is missing the REAL point:
For the first time in the history of the world, they now have a means of instantly disseminating propaganda INSTANTLY in real time to 75% of the population [i.e. all people who have cell phones and have them turned on]!
Just think of the implications! They can issue an instant message to 225 million people, which will be perceived by most as urgent and truthful, which can whip the entire country into immediate action, without thought or critical assessment or verification!
THINK of the Orwellian implications!
The fact that the simple, obvious truth is so easily overlooked, is just further evidence of how effective this new weapon will be in controlling mass actions…..
All cellphones have always been nothing more than terminals on a specific purpose computer network.
They have always been under the complete control of the cellular network. When McAfee starts saying that anything has changed, we should be asking if his doctor has changed his drugs.
Mcafee was born in the UK to a British (non American) mother
disqualifying him from president.
I think Mcafee is a soon to be dickless/ballless wonder, either because he is forced to eat it on television or because he is forced to slink away like a little coward.
You’ve got to be kidding me! The FBI and NSA have every word recorded or spoken way before this “breech” of our privacy by Presidential alert! Apple and all other celllular phone companies have admitted their “backdoors”- of course they have all of our information! Grow up and leave your cellphone in the car and go into the woods if you have something important to say to someone. Even then, they can probably hear you.
I pay as much attention to alerts on my phone as I pay to the message boards set up along the freeways asking me to be on the lookout for a missing male license number ABC123 or whatever.
How much attention? None.
I received 4 alerts, my fiancé didn’t get any. I have sprint and he has at&t. Anybody else get more than a few?