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Author of How to Prep When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course
If you haven’t seen losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s attempt to pimp her fourth freakin’ memoir with fellow propagandist Rachel Maddow, let me spare you the excruciating 9 minutes and drill it down to this.
Hillary Clinton calls for criminal charges and civil penalties against Americans “engaged” in spreading “propaganda.”
To make her argument against free speechj, she invokes the Russiagate scam that itself was the product of her campaign’s own propaganda. Speaking of which, the… pic.twitter.com/oRpwvwN4Ni
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) September 17, 2024
She also wants to drill down on the evils of Trump and to heck with bias. In her rather muddled opinion, it’s biased to be unbiased. Here she is calling President Trump a “threat to democracy” just a day after another attempt was made on his life, and in the same interview in which she called for free speech that she doesn’t like to be punished with a potential prison sentence.
Just barely 24 hours after Trump was almost kiIIed in an ass*ss*nation attempt, Hillary Clinton is on MSNBC calling Trump a danger to the world.
Is this what toning down the rhetoric looks like? pic.twitter.com/ayacAmQRFm
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) September 17, 2024
It’s a good thing that Hillary Clinton abjectly failed in her efforts to become the president of the United States back in 2016, but it’s obvious that’s a wound that never healed because she just keeps picking at that darn scab and making it bleed. It’s also good that she isn’t running again this time because nobody picked her to do so.
Of course, nobody picked Kamala Harris either, but that’s beside today’s point.
The reason I bring this up…
We’re in for some real problems if we go the way of China…and Russia….and the UK…and Germany. They’re putting people in jail or work camps longer for voicing unapproved opinions than they are for molesting children and whacking citizens with a machete.
For years, I have been accused of sharing misinformation and propaganda. My site has been defunded and downgraded by the same types of people who support the ideas expressed by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. (It never gets old to type “failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton,” and I’ll do some version of that when I mention her name until the day I retire my laptop.)
Our own government has been involved with the silencing of anybody right of that US Representative from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar.
Ironically, many of the things that we were condemned for saying did, in fact, turn out to be true. Many of the things they swore were the real truth were actually false.
Hunter Biden’s laptop was real.
The “rules” for protecting folks from Covid were totally made up.
The mRNA shots were not actually neither harmless nor effective.
Our justice system has been weaponized against those with unpopular opinions.
VP wannabe Tim Walz lied about his military service and a whole bunch of other stuff.
Facebook really DID silence conservatives and libertarians at the behest of the Biden administration.
But we’re the ones who should go to jail?
Imagine if the jails were filled with the people who actually spread the lies… people like Clinton, Fauci, our politicians, and our so-called journalists would be the wokest prison gang ever.
Never forget that these people want us to shut up and go away.
Never forget that what Hillary Clinton, who lost the 2016 election to Trump, said in this interview above is what they want for us. And we’re only a few steps away from her dystopian image of a perfect America.
What are your thoughts?
About Daisy
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites. 1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2) The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.
Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.
71 Responses
Well Daisy, I agree that lots of lies are being told and that our courts and government have been weaponized against traditional values. But what is not being discussed is why and how it happened. America tolerated feminism for many decades and it silenced men who were being hurt by it while allowing women to take over all public communications and narrative about that and everything else imaginable. For many years, men just stayed quiet about it trying not to offend women so they wouldn’t lose a chance at having a relationship with a woman in the future. But that is all changing now. Today’s men have never known what it is to have a worthwhile female that is loving, submissive and obedient. So they just don’t care anymore. And all the leftist issues that women allowed to take over our country while they were controlling everything are now coming back with a vengeance.
I dunno.
We had the Spanish American war, WW I, the Federal Reserve act and the Federal Income tax act, all while men were in charge and women did not have the vote.
Seems to me both sexes have a tendency to make foolish choices.
Seems to be a human fault.
And no, I am not a feminist.
I just think it is better to get to the root of the problem, human sinfulness, rather than point fingers.
No doubt, men make bad choices too. Adam chose to listen to Eve when she offered him the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But at least families stayed together back before the feminist movement hit.
“The woman whom You gave me.” Entirely the woman’s fault–and God’s fault for making her and giving her to Adam. According to Adam. God was unimpressed with Adam’s attempt to pass the buck.
Feminists rail against the “patriarchy” or all men. Their male counterparts rail against feminism or all “modern” women. Members of both blame all the evils in this world on the other half of humanity. Both sides reject personal accountability.
At the end of the day, Christ will judge us all–male or female–individually for the deeds done in the flesh.
This is not blaming God for anything. The Bible tells us that is was Gods plan for all to be included under sin and that no flesh may glory in Gods presence. It was Gods plan from before creation to show man that he doesn’t meet Gods standards and that man is subordinate to God for that and other reasons besides. Just part of Gods plan. And very often these days, God rubs it in mans face from top and bottom by turning women into loud, arrogant, unlovable, rebellious feminists that make life miserable for men. If women think that being a feminist is cool, rest assured, the seeds have been sewn for a very unrighteous reward.
Dear Jay:
Did it ever occur to you that if ALL the women you meet are “loud, arrogant, unlovable, and rebellious,” it might be you who is the problem?
Truly strong men don’t need women to “obey” them or “be submissive.” It’s weak men searching for victims who like that.
Oops – I guess voicing my silly little opinions takes me out of the running to be Mrs. Jay.
Real men have no problem with strong women and some of us even seek them out as they are our equals.
Be more inclined for a strong “warrior” woman then some meek girl who cannot make a decision for themselves.
Yes, Recessive men do in fact like being doormats and having dominant women ruling their lives. But that’s not the kind of man you want leading a platoon of fighting Marines. Those are the guys that like wear red high heels and dress up as the fairer sex to show their feminine side.
Actually in my experience, they are incels who think women owe them something.
I KNEW I liked you.
As an opinionated strong woman myself, I would agree feminism hurt the family dynamic as much as it might’ve helped women find their voices.
I definitely would’ve rebelled the stay at home in heels serving a newspaper while I tend to everything else role that seemed to be the norm of the 50s & 60s. I want my 2 daughters to be able to take care of themselves IF God did not send a good guy their way (which so far is 2 for 2!)
I went to a church that expected this 50s type of role (yes, it can be interpreted this way Scripturally) but I was miserable & felt like an imposter. I needed to work part time out of the home to feel like I was valued (whole other story).
My adult sons have said it’s been somewhat challenging to navigate through this recent garbage of arrogant, obnoxious ‘jerk, don’t hold the door for me’ females these days.
Only one problem with that Agnes. It’s not true and the Bible commands wives to obey their husband.
When quoting the Bible, it is a wise person who will not take it out of context to try and prove a point. Let us look at the whole of what is said shall we…Ephesians 5:
22Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 24Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.
25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26that He might [g]sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 28So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. 29For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church. 30For we are members of His body, [h]of His flesh and of His bones. 31“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
If men did as God commands, no woman would think twice about “obeying” as you put it Jay. Think about what also started the feminist movement…abuse and violence of men. Women were treated like dogs. We are all sinful humans, men and women alike. Families are torn apart because we forgot to put God and our families first in all things. Immorality is the reason we are in this state. I am no feminist, however, men are not moral like they used to be and no woman should obey an immoral man.
Three cheers!!!
Wow, I never thought of that. Could it really be that I’m the whole problem here? An 80% divorce rate, most of which are initiated by women and yet I’m the problem and I have never even been married. It simply boggles the mind how one man could have that much influence.
I was going to post something. Then it occurred to me. WhereTF is that lazy b***h wife of mine and why in the hell are the clothes piled next to the washer rather than inside it being cleaned?
Then I remembered; after she helped me process a half a beef with me from 4:30am to 10:15am, she started processing salting and crocking 10 head of cabbage for fermenting.
Guess I’ll put the clothes in the washer…
For a woman to submit to her husband, she first has to submit to the Lord (If you are referring to Colossians 3:18 that women are to be submissive to their husbands) her first allegiance (Christ) trumps her second (her husband). My wife used to be a feminist. Then she married me. After we married she knew what loyalty, tenderness, sacrifice, and strength was. She no longer had to feel like the fight of life was hers go alone.
We are equally yoked. Any other man would never be right for her. She is ferocious. And a kitten to me.
Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
Pushing the feminist and homosexual agenda in the Name of The Lord is blasphemy. Glad I don’t have to face your punishment before Almighty God.
Hope you’re feeling better today Jay. Yesterday’s harvest moon was pretty tough on many folks. Have a cup of chamomile on me buddy.
You are a lucky man ~jim.
well said.
my dear wife and I have been married for 39 yrs now. we are a team, a true team, its us against the world now.
they just don’t make country girls like they use to.
don’t ever think that she won’t ball her fists up and knock your damn brains out if someone bothers me, our old people or our dogs. other than that she is a real true sweetheart, a true country girl.
she takes care of, and see’s about of all of our old people in our small community, and me.
Very fortunated, indeed!
I found a wonderful woman 66 years ago… kept her, too… and she kept me… We still have each other!
Blessings, to you Jim,
I literally laughed out loud.
You might want to download a book called the Controversy of Zion. You will find out that this whole thing started in about 458 BC. It explains a LOT.
I am on older woman and women deserve what is happening to them. I met a group of them a few months ago and they were bemoaning the lack of good men. The nuclear family is God’s idea, not man’s. My personal belief and this is my personal belief, it is better to do things God’s way because it always winds up a mess.
For years women bought into the idea they didn’t need a man. Really? Um, how’s that working out for ya?? Fatherless homes are broken homes. God created male and femal for two different roles that compliment one another.
Very sad where we are at today and truly, the only thing that shocks me is that it is happening while I am yet alive. I thought this would take place after I departed….
As a single mother who raised two amazing daughters, I’ll say this as gently as I can. I find it very sad that women look at the world today and find fault with other women without even knowing their story. This kind of generalization causes a lack of empathy that only makes things in our society worse.
Raising your kids alone is really hard, but not as hard as raising them with the wrong person and teaching them by example that the wrong things are acceptable. Sometimes it’s the most loving thing you can do as a mother if you want your children to build healthy relationships in the future.
If you see a mom out there without a partner, perhaps think about how you can help instead of casting stones.
Daisy, I don’t know Ms. T (or Jay), so I don’t know if they really meant what they said to be as harsh as it sounded. Most people don’t condemn women/mothers for getting out of bad relationships or tell them it’s their fault, regardless of the circumstances. Yes, there are some, and maybe they comment on here.
It was really hard for us raising our two sons, and I doubt I had enough strength to have done it alone.
I see their main point being that feminism has sold women a bill of goods with a false narrative; not that they can do it alone, but that they should do so. I’m not a feminist but neither am I a doormat. We lived with the result of what a vicious feminist could do to a marriage. We see it all around us. Not the single mothers who married a man that was unstable, but the ones who don’t appreciate a good man and actually believe that they should be catered to and get away with acting any way they want just because they’re women. I doubt that anyone on here thinks that describes you.
I’ve known tragedies where an unfaithful husband badly denigrated his lovely wife, treated her like dirt and left her for his girlfriend. But I know of more instances in which spoiled, narcissistic young women leave their faithful, loving husbands because some other man looked twice at them, or that they just believed that they could live only for themselves and abandoned their children to be raised by grandparents.
Being a strong woman is the opposite of being a feminist, in my opinion.
My thoughts are that these nwo elitist scum will stop at nothing to not only kill President Trump but to silence us all that dare to question the narrative. Im so tired of all this propaganda being shoved down our throats BUT more than that, I’m sick of how it’s destroying people’s minds to think critically and question the narratives. And they call us crazy conspiracy theorists? Their whole plan is to cull the planet for non conformers. I hope the useful idiots that vote for this evil realize one day what they’ve been accomplices in.
Every time there is an attempt on Trump, he just gains more support and popularity. But these attempts don’t look real and the circumstances don’t add up. And people are gullible. What if we are all being played for fools and Trump is actually arranging these failed attempts in order to gain power, much like a child would act injured in order to get sympathy? But are we really that gullible? If the FBI and or CIA are behind it, are we to believe that their shooting skills are really that poor? If it is leftist liberals, radicalized by Rachel Madcow over at MSNBC, are we really to assume that our secret service and Presidential security is so inept that they can’t keep the leftist loonies out of Presidential speaking events and golf games? And then we watch Trump walk out of courtroom after courtroom as if nothing happened at all and get on his personal 757 to go to yet another rally, as if he controlled what the judges could do. This is the kind of power that is wielded by forces far beyond what America has previously been exposed to. We only know of one man who will have this kind of power besides Jesus Christ Himself, and that other man will be known as the Antichrist or the beast of Revelation. Who else can issue a decree and declare a pandemic that locks down every church, every athletic facility, every airplane, every public building and every restaurant worldwide? And then offer an MRNA shot with an identifying (mark) in it? No other President has ever had those kinds of capabilities. What other U.S. President has ever been so popular with the Jewish people that they actually put his picture on the Hebrew Shekel? And what other President have we ever had that is advocating a Central Bank Digital Currency for the whole world when he is not even in office? No, I don’t support Biden or Harris and I voted for Trump twice because I didn’t want Hillary, but the Bible tells us that when the Antichrist comes on the scene, he will deceive the whole world. From the looks of things, that doesn’t appear to be a difficult thing to do. Jesus said, “I came in My Fathers name and you rejected Me, but if another come in his own name, him you will receive.” John 5:43.
I’m not saying that Trump is definitely the Antichrist spoken of in the book of Revelation, but I am saying that the indicators are there and it is very possible. He has already recovered from one deadly head wound in public for all the world to see. But I am saying that we who claim to be Christians should be more discerning about what bandwagon we jump on and throw our support to.
Great thoughts and questions! Am entertaining these myself and it tends to be a lonely place. A person has to question all things in this day and age. Seems to be a whole bunch of wolves in sheep’s clothing waiting to devour all those who don’t.
Your thoughts are spot on! Do your own research. Read your own Bible or find a great bible teacher, there are many on youtube. I look for ones with low viewership, they tend to be more accurate. Hence the low viewership. Ppl dont want truth any longer.
Yes, it is a lonely place indeed when you begin to think critically, instead of just thinking with the group, the politicians and the media. Keep up the good work.
So Trump is faking being shot and the Biden admin and Marxist secret service are playing along with it? Lol. You should read way less state sponsored propaganda.
Also, the antichrist is AI.
Sorry, Natasha. Not Artificial Intelligence. The antichrist is of Assyrian descent. The Bible says so. Read it in context. Micah 5:5.
Jay your comment is so ridiculous it made me laugh.
You say
“What if …Trump is actually arranging these failed attempts in order to gain power”
Tell me, how much do you think he paid the two people who died in the first assassination attempt? Does Trump tell the fake assassin, here is a thousand dollars. Just tell me what time you will pull the trigger and at that exact moment I will move my head so the bullet only hits my ear. And then they will kill you. Does that make sense?
Do you even know how fast a bullet from an AR-15 rifle travels which was the kind of rifle used in the first assassination attempt? The bullet will be traveling over 3000 feet per second. Can you see a bullet moving at over 3000 feet per second? No you cannot. Do you know what the speed of sound is? The speed of sound is approximately 1,086.9 feet per second. So not only would it be impossible to see the bullet it would be impossible to hear the bullet fired before it reached Trump. So how exactly is it possible for Trump to see the bullet and then move his head at the exact time just enough so that the bullet only hits his ear and not his head.
Donald Trump is the most surveilled person on the planet. Cameras, reporters. government agents follow and scrutinize his every move. You can be sure that every penny he spends and gets is watched and recorded by the feds hoping to file some criminal charge. Any phone calls or texts he makes are more than likely recorded and scrutinized for some wrong doing. How exactly do you think he arranges these fake assassination attempts. Does he sneak out of his house get in a car and go down to some sketchy part of town and yells out of his car anyone want to make some quick cash get in my car?
You say
“are we really to assume that our secret service and Presidential security is so inept that they can’t keep the leftist loonies out of Presidential speaking events and golf games? ”
Assigning as weak a security team as possible with weak incompetent female DEI agents led by an incompetent DEI woman in charge of the secret service team present at the rally where the first assassination attempt was made is actually a standard protocol to establish plausible deniability on the part of the government. And who was the secret service director that arranged for this to happen, Kimberley Cheatle. A hand picked democrat party operative whose reward for this act of treason was the fat increases in pay she got from Biden and a nice fat government pension for her short time on the job.
You don’t believe me. Watch The Hitman’s Bodyguard and you will see the exact same method arranged by the high level traitor in Interpol to take out a star witness who was suppose to be protected by Interpol. It’s life imitates art when it comes to the assassination of Donald Trump.
They were suppose to have increased his security at the rally because they had received a credible threat on Trump’s life by Iran. Looks like they did the opposite.
Even after the first assassination attempt they did not increase his security to the level of a sitting president. Why not? Because they want him dead. Jay it is not ineptitude by the secret service, it is treason at the highest level. Treason by those in charge not the secret service members actually trying to do their job.
Biden, Harris, Hillary are all going out of their way to encourage the crazies to kill Donald Trump to save democracy.
You say
Trump “walks out of courtroom after courtroom as if nothing happened at all ” He is now a convicted felon and has spent millions of dollars on legal fees and his businesses have lost millions. His children are also subjected to fake criminal charges and numerous subpoenas. Trump has wasted day after day in court being subjected to fake criminal charges. He is facing years in jail for these fake crimes. “as if nothing happened at all” really?
You say:
“This is the kind of power that is wielded by forces far beyond what America has previously been exposed” and “We only know of one man who will have this kind of power besides Jesus Christ Himself ” If that was then true then Trump should be able to walk in to the whitehouse right now and declare himself president for life.
Who gave Trump all of this supposed power you talk about? I think you have been watching too many Hollywood super hero movies.
BTW Trump is against, not for Central Bank Digital Currency.
Jay you need to get your facts straight and “think critically” before commenting.
Lastly I will say Donald Trump is risking his life everyday for his country and I hope he does get elected president. If he gets murdered you can be sure civil unrest will follow. They will then declare an emergency and the globalist puppet president will get emergency powers. Mass censorship will follow and Hillary will get her wish.
Trump Calls Central Bank Digital Currency ‘Very Dangerous’—After Vowing To Prohibit Fed’s ‘Digital Dollar’
Sara Dorn Forbes Staff Sara Dorn is a Forbes news reporter who covers politics. Feb 2, 2024,01:25pm EST
Mr. Adams, While disagree with many of your conclusions, and while I think there are many other options that you have not considered, I do want to thank you for your thoughtful response.
Ya know, I’ve often thought the same! I tell my mom that all the time. Except, the antichrist literally dies, is entombed (?) & is brought back to life. Trump hasn’t does this.
My thought? Resettle the people who believe in this somewhere that already DOES it, where they won’t bother the rest of us.
Daisy, you asked for comments… well, here’s mine. The Satanists will always act as their father, the “accuser”… Truth will always be spoken of as Lies… Good will always be spoken of as Bad… Democracy will always be spoken of as being jeopardized when a Good person speaks the Truth. The new normal is to redefine words to mean something totally opposite than their traditional “Dictionary” meaning. This happened in George Orwell’s 1984 novel.
We have to know that the Democrats have redefined the word “Democracy” (which, btw, we don’t live in… we live in a Representative Republic). Democracy to them means you have the “freedom” to believe, think and act as they do… otherwise you don’t support their version of “Democracy” and are to be treated as an enemy.
Conservative Patriots have had a hard time wrapping their heads around the redefinition of words, but that’s exactly what’s happening. It’s a form of “new think” which is nothing more than old fashioned brainwashing designed to inflict chaos in a society. We no longer think alike, talk alike or have anything in the area of common values with these blinded people. We exist in two different worlds with each world having different thoughts, speech and values.
Bottom line is the age old battle between “good” and “evil” which is happening in the Spirit realm is being manifested in the physical realm. Just know The God of Heaven will come out on top… make sure you’re on the winning side today before it’s too late… time is short. BTW, I don’t care if others agree with me or not… I speak the REAL truth… not the fake variety.
I have read the end of the Book and God wins!
I think right now we are seeing a Great Winnowing, where Good and Evil are clearly shown and each of us will be required to make a choice between the two.
I know which side I choose, and I urge everyone to pick up a Bible and check it out.
Start with the New Testament, the Gospel of John.
Pray about it, even if you don’t believe.
Ask God to show Himself to you.
He will.
You’re correct Val… there’s an important choice to be made… being presented in an “in your face… can’t be ignored” format. A very important decision to side with evil or good. A decision that will last for eternity, so everyone… get it right the first time… regardless of what some false teachers/prophets say, there IS NO second chances once you die or after He comes back if we’re still alive. Sorry, no reincarnation and no get out of hell free cards.
Amen truth
Couldn’t agree with you more!
Yes RAFO 1984 is where we are now.
Democracy means we are their slaves.
“criminal charges and civil penalties against Americans “engaged” in spreading “propaganda?”
Wouldn’t that be Ms. Clinton herself for the make believe Russian dossier, that her campaign paid for and promoted as “propaganda?”
Didn’t Ms. Maddow spread that same “propaganda,” for some nearly four years?
Of course the real question is who determines what is “propaganda?” We have seen several attempts to for some department against the spread of misinformation, disinformation or malinformation aka The Ministry of Truth.
This is a frighting place to be, and we got more than a few who would be happy with some kind of government agency jailing anyone for voicing a viewpoint the agency has declared as “propaganda.”
1stMarineJarHead everything they accuse us of they are guilty of. Just more projection.
Then wouldn’t the government have to put itself in jail?
Churches too?
How about election commercials ? In Arizona, commercials claim Kari Lake [ R ] will make abortions illegal. She is running for a federal office. States are responsible for abortion laws.
Well Daisy, my “thoughts” have been in my music at:
I have been shadow banned and blocked, etc. for the past few years, unable to comment at any Disqus run site. I can only comment freely at James Corbett’s site where even there much resistance is felt.
It seems people are in fear of being cancelled or such for showing any support for not-celeb activists. Keep up the good work, you have an excellent mind.
Same story with me, but the only place that whitelisted me was Breitbart. And I’m a freaking former Moderator/Contributor at Redstate! (Admittedly, RS has sold out and gone full Fakecon Grifter Mode after being hijacked by a coven of Karens…)
“What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” Patrick Henry March 23rd 1775. and the contest between Alice in Wonderland’s “Queen of Hearts” proclaiming “Off with their head” is gaining more and more attention as every president from G. Bush to Donald Trump has signed and re-affirmed “The Noahide Laws” into U.S.Law making it what the synagogue of Satan considers “Idolatry” if you worship and serve Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God the Father. The FEMA camps are already in place along with the guillotines that has become common knowledge and yet men still refuse the free gift of salvation for their own narcissistic interest. It’s not a question of “if” anymore, it’s only a question of “when”?
We know they have no issues with killing bodies en masse or individually, but when Jesus taught in Mathew 19, “Thou shalt not murder”, I believe that statement in a series of statements were his final view and on what God has commanded. If we individually want to “save our lives” we must surrender to his will for our lives, but if we choose to ignore his doctrine, it is to our own peril. He is the resurrection, and we all shall stand before him, even those who glory in war and the destruction of the earth.
Amen. This is EXACTLY what my poor cancelled priest told us on Sunday. He said us Christians must choose to lose our lives (surrender to Christ) in order to have fullness of life.
Daisy the Hitlary cucaracha never stops yapping. I think I may have a big enough shoe in my closet to…oh never mind
Nobody can disagree with anything she says and if they do they should be criminally charged.
The globalist puppet Kamala Harris agrees as you can see below here in 2019 where Kamala says almost the same thing as Hillary.
And since Hillary has agreed to support Kamala I am sure Kamala agreed to Hillary’s request to criminally charge anyone who contradicts the Ministry of Truth. Just declare all of the MAGA people enemies of the state and put them in jail. The fascist democrat party is the real threat to democracy.
Charlie Spiering
Elon Musk, RFK Jr., and Tulsi Gabbard are raising concerns of free speech under Kamala Harris.
In 2019, Harris vowed to use the DOJ and law enforcement to ‘hold social media platforms responsible’ for ‘misinformation’ as part of the ‘fight against this threat to our Democracy’
You know I never had much of a problem sharing my opinions and since I spotted social at the very beginning for the control scheme it was built to be … I can mouth shut and work locally to support what matters to me.
But once they start using censorship to oppress there will be a million grey men like me that will make their life exceedingly difficult if not directly fatal.
*****America Should Jail People for “Misinformation” and “Propaganda”*****
If so, we should start with *most* members of our government, including congress, and virtually all of “mainstream” media.
This kind of thinking does not make sense at all because the FIRST people to put in jail would be the those advocating this.
Come and get me. But. If you do, you’d better be adept at ducking. 🙂
For what it’s worth… this is still America the Beautiful, the one and only Constitutional Republic in the world, and we still have the right to pursue happiness. We also still have the right to free speech. Failed presidential candidate Hillary R. Clinton should know that. (grin)… ((it is fun, isn’t it.)) :o)
Blessings, and keep that head turning forth and back….
LMFAO – your orange gorilla and his in-no-way-shape-or-form-hillbilly running mate would be in the slammer for years. I always do better when a dem is in the white house. At this juncture of my life – house paid off, kids raised, pay as they went college costs, cash for cars – I’ll be just fine even if the orange gorilla and gimp (google Pulp Fiction) somehow end up in the white house. But do continue the the chicken little posts re: Harris-Walz. I’m sure Idaho has space for y’all.
Why are you so hateful? What happened in your life?
It sounds like you made great choices for you & your kids, that’s respectable. That’s all the rest of us want too no matter what our party affiliate. I’m pretty sure the ‘hillbilly’ you call Vance might’ve succeeded with similar strength such as yours.
Remember, Bill Clinton was called Hillbilly Bill. Just sayin.
FBI has found evidence Iran hacked into the Trump campaign and gave the information to then Biden/Harris campaign.
Let us ask ourselves, why would the Iranians do that?
The Biden/Harris administration have proven themselves to be weak and incompetent. Their weakness and incompetence has emboldened our enemies. That is why they wanted another Biden/Harris admin, now they want Harris/Waltz to win. Putin even said so.
While you may be doing well, many Americans are suffering under Bidenomics. Do to Biden’s disastrous economic policies, it now costs the average American an additional $12k a year for the same lifestyle. And while you may refuse to acknowledge it, you too are paying the price of Biden’s failed economic policies. You are paying more at the pump and more at the grocery check out line. You are paying more under Biden than you did under Trump.
And before you bring up tariffs, why did Biden keep nearly all of the Trump admin’s tariffs and just last week, add more?
Then there is the subject of Daisy’s article: Hillary Clinton calling for American’s to be jailed or fined for misinformation or lies? Do you not recall the 25 lies Harris told during the debate with Trump? Should she not be jailed? What about all the lies Biden has told? Will you address or even acknowledge that?
It seems you are perfectly okay with Clinton’s suggestion as long as it applies to everyone but you and Democrats. You would endorse some kind of Ministry of Truth, run by one party to prosecute the other? Not only does that sound very Orwellian but a lot like 1930’s Germany. And you are okay with that?
Yes. She is.
Like I’ve always said if you have kids, the kids know which parent is the lenient one & with whom they can get away with anything.
Same goes for our enemies with regards to who is in the White House.
Perfect analogy!
And BTW of Putin’s endorsement of Harris, Sergei Lavrov mentioned yesterday that the “endorsement” was intended as a joke.
Old Hillary has no room to talk…she is a horrible excuse of a person!
The Clintons have done many things against America and are part of some very sketchy things and programs! She is a horrible old hack that should just go away. Will be glad when I hear any of them are ‘gone’…either in prison or have passed away to hell where they are headed.
Old Hillary has no reason to speak about anyone else. All she has to do is look in the mirror and recall all the horrible things she has done…but oh those people think they are above everyone else and can do as they wish and to hell with anyone that is opposite to them and do NOT believe in the evil they do…..none of them should be anywhere near our government!
Misinformation can be good or bad depending on how it is used. Yes we get caught up in 1st Amendment rights, but misinformation can also be harmful. For instance, J. D. Vance floated some misinformation that Haitians in Springfield, OH were eating cats and geese.
Of course the person who started this “rumor” got the information 2nd or 3rd hand. The individual who actually was accusing Haitians of the deed ended up finding her cat in her basement. But by then it was too late. J. D. passed it on to President Trump and he announced it to the entire world as a fact when in fact it was misinformation.
Haitians weren’t eating pets or geese. Now the Haitians had been invited to go to Springfield due to a labor shortage. They were welcomed with open arms, because their arrival meant that business was about to be booming because they could work the factories.
But now Springfield and their Haitian population is under siege because J. D. didn’t research if the rumor was true. And President Trump walked right in to the trap and is being ridiculed for passing on this baseless rumor. Did J. D. have the right to pass this along? Of course, freedom of speech. But sometimes just because you have the freedom to say anything, doesn’t mean you have to share it. J. D. now comes across as a liar and President Trump comes along as senile.
Ah! There he is!
James, you’d better watch Jesse Waters in the next few days because they are interviewing the people of Springfield, OH.
Actually that is misinformation you are spreading, re: Haitians invited and welcomed with open arms.
Former Wall Street Journal reporter Asra Nomani went to Springfield to cover the pet eating story but found something much more sinister.
“The story in this town is not about cats or dogs. It’s about mules. It’s a twin tragedy of migrant workers from Haiti exploited and locals from Springfield marginalized.”
“What began as my efforts to track down a rumor about animal cruelty has turned into an investigation that reveals a malignant system of labor exploitation involving a local businessman, George Ten, whom Haitians and local residents call “King George,” the chief executive at First Diversity Staffing Group Inc., a Springfield company that has been the tip of the spear in the alleged trafficking operation of Haitians to the town.”
This cheap and exploited labor benefits mega corporations but crushes native blue-collar workers.
The FBI anti-trafficking agents and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost are now investigating allegations of human trafficking in Springfield.
You can read her full report here: https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/opinion/375011/feds-and-state-ag-investigate-an-alleged-human-trafficking-empire-run-in-springfield-ohio/
Additionally, Springfield police reports show increases in crime, traffic accidents leading to higher car insurance for locals, housing shortages and rent increases. Native born, Springfield residents are not benefiting but hurting from Biden/Harris Haitian immigrant policies.
That is not all. The same thing is happening in Charleroi, Pennsylvania.
911 call of man describing intersection where four Haitians were stealing geese. Several reports have been made this year, of Haitians decapitating city geese on pond and on another occasion stuffing them into trash bags to steal.
Chris Rufo put up a video of two cats on a blue grill near Springfield last year. Good to look it up and decide what you think it means.
Add on Soros’ purchase of 400 radio stations. That’s bound to move our Overton window…
I discern the smell of burning tires. Or is that brimstone? Lots of rending of garments and gnashing of teeth are in the works.