These 2 Issues Will Decide the Next Elections

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

By the author of Be Ready for Anything and the online course Build a Better Pantry on a Budget

While this sounds like a political post from the title, it isn’t, really. It’s about our quality of life here in America.

It used to be that certain things were like dog whistles politically. If you wanted to get a party in line behind you, you ran on platforms about controversial issues that didn’t have a lot of gray area, like gun control or abortion. If the midterms had been held closer to the time of the Supreme Court leak about Roe vs. Wade, I think our elections might have been colored by this. It would be much the same if an incident occurred that made us genuinely fear for our right to bear arms.

But as it stands, people are really worried about two things and both of these greatly affect the lives we’re living right now.

Those things are the economy and crime.

Those two things are making it difficult for many Americans to get by financially or even exist safely. Of course, the two go hand in hand. If you fix the economy, some of the crime will disappear. But we’ve also experienced a dramatic shift in mindset so there’s more to fixing this violent crime wave than just making sure everyone is employed.

When you think about the midterms and the 2024 elections, my personal opinion is that these are the factors will have the strongest impact.  Ordinary folks want what is best for our country. We just have some different ideas about how to achieve that.

How the economy will affect the election

I’ve said this in discussions with my friends: whoever can fix this economic disaster we’re mired in (or who convinces people they can) will win seats in Congress and the White House.

First of all, they’re going to want to improve joblessness and underemployment. There are two different ways to approach this problem – and probably many variations on this.

  1. Increasing regulations governing businesses to raise wages and improve benefits
  2. Decreasing regulations so that businesses can run with less interference to make them more profitable

Next, they will want to have more money in circulation. There are a couple of ways this could happen.

  1. Some kind of government payment like Universal Basic Income and bailouts like loan forgiveness
  2. Tax breaks and incentives for average folks, as opposed to just for the ultra wealthy

As you can see, there are very distinctly different ways to attack these problems. The politicians have to convince folks that their way is the most beneficial. So while a lot of folks would like to say, “Clearly our way is right” it actually isn’t so clear. It really does boil back down to partisan politics.

The question is, are Americans fed up with politics that regulate them and raise their taxes or are they more interested in a rescue? It honestly could go either way, and I believe that whoever is the most convincing that their solution will work will win.

How crime will affect the election

The next thing that I believe will strongly influence voters (particularly at more local levels) is crime. And of course related to that is punishment for crimes.

While the media likes to obfuscate the crimes we’re seeing committed by telling us, “Don’t be silly, murder rates are actually down right now” the rate of violent crime has increased dramatically. The Atlantic published an article saying we aren’t having a crime wave but a violence wave. This article boasts of the statistics of homicide rates, which have gone down.

Potayto, potahto.

A crime is still a crime even if the victim isn’t dead. If someone beats the snot out of you, are you going to say, “At least I didn’t get murdered?” Well, you might breathe a sigh of relief that you aren’t dead, admittedly. But you’ll also wonder why in the world this violence happened in your formerly nice neighborhood.

Many of us have seen things occurring in our own backyards that were heretofore unlikely. A neighborhood where I used to live recently experienced a shooting in which the perpetrator fired 13 rounds into a vehicle at a stoplight. One of those rounds hit someone at a food stand by the light, killing a customer who was just there to grab herself a chili dog. When I talked to former neighbors, we just couldn’t believe it – someone opening fire in our neighborhood? What on earth! The perpetrators still have not been caught.

Then there are the smash and grabs going on in large cities as well as the large groups of people just walking in and clearing the shelves. We’ve all seen this on the news. This kind of lawlessness is largely unpunished.

We’ve spent the past few years hearing cries of “defund the police” and “why don’t we send social workers instead” and this is what we’ve ended up with – a dangerous society in which people don’t have a great fear of getting caught and punished for their crimes. Look what has happened in New York City, Seattle, and Chicago as the likelihood of arrest and conviction has dropped. Nothing good, that’s for sure.

People are very likely ready for serious changes regarding criminal justice. The candidates who can convince people they can fix this mess are likely going to be the ones who win. Unless of course you’re a criminal and you vote.

These two factors have some cause and effect, also.

When times are tough economically, property crime increases because folks are desperate. When crime scares people away, tourism suffers, which affects the economy of many places that rely on that industry.

Fix one and the other will improve somewhat by default. But the solutions have to encompass both aspects separately as well.

I firmly believe that the candidates who address these things most convincingly are the ones who will win in the upcoming midterms and 2024 elections.

What do you think?

What factors do you believe will influence the elections most strongly? Are these two things factors that will impact your decisions at the polls?  What do you believe are the solutions that need to be enacted to save our country? Let’s talk about it in the comments.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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38 Responses

  1. Have we easily forgotten a few short years ago already?! Crime was less than it currently is across the board, our retirement funds were healthier, less people sitting on their bored arses, inflation & prices were at an all time low (definitely lower than now, duh), people who weren’t drinking the proverbial kool aid of hate & division were generally happier. The bank bail outs & housing crash of 2008 infuriated people but now it’s ok & acceptable to bail everyone out of their own choices that put them there in the first place?! Our military was strong, our country was strong & not taking any crap. And it’s not because of Ukraine people. PLEASE remember how we got here come election day.

  2. First of all it seems like we are living out a country song:

    “The preacher man says it’s the end of time
    And the Mississippi River, she’s a-goin’ dry
    The interest is up and the stock market’s down
    And you only get mugged if you go downtown”

    Secondly if our elections were fair and honest perhaps we could vote our way out of this mess, but how is it that the same old politicians or just newer versions of the old ones keep getting elected and reelected. Once in office they propose legislation to fix problems previous legislation created and only ending up creating an even bigger mess.

    All that being said people tend to vote from their wallet and from how safe they feel they are so those issues will indeed be at the forefront of the election. Many will vote for either team A or team B depending upon which they believe will best benefit them and their family. To overly simplify the istuation yes it will be more government control/regulation or less
    I plan on voting not because I think it will solve anything on a national level, but to make my voice heard over county and state issues. I’m closing in on 70 years old and the America I grew up in is gone and i’s not coming back. There has always been evil but when I was growing up it was relegated to the darkness and the shadows. Then something changed. We kicked God out of our schools and the public square. Evil was free to walk among us in the daylight. It was first ignored by many, then accepted as normal and then embraced.

    Voting cannot change that. To vanquish evil one must first recognize it for what it is, then call it what it is, confront it and then fight it. We have to truly embrace God as a nation.

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams

    Ephesians 6:12
    For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

    Perhaps if we recognize the Truth, then voting will matter. So it goes…

  3. The two biggest things that will effect the election is how much the Democrats will cheat and how many illegals will be voting.
    The bad economy and rising crime will drive some Republican’s to the mid term polls, but not so much Democrats. Democrats will vote for more green stuff or Abortion rights. If Crime rates drove them to vote, we would not have any Democrat run, crime ridden cities,
    Independent’s are the majority of voters right now in many places and they vote for a multitude of reasons. Many of them are Liberal leaning. So it is hard to guess how they would vote.

    Just because people are upset by the economy and crime, it does not necessarily change whether they vote for R or D candidates.

  4. There is no real political solution to our problems. Too much of the population is ignorant of the causes of the problems or brainwashed by the media. Until the people become less dependent on the government and better informed there will be no solution to the problems created by the progressives and globalists. The loss of Christian values has also contributed to our national problems.

    The solutions to the economic problems would be to stop most government spending, balance the budget, close a lot of government departments, audit the FED, go back on the gold standard, and cut out most regulations. The country needs to stop pouring money into NATO, the UN, the WMF, and other international organizations. Neither the government nor the population has any will to do any of those things.

    The solutions to the crime problems are to have swifter and harsher justice for the violent criminals. When a violent crime is committed, the perpetrator should go on trial within 120 days, whereas it now takes a couple of years. The appeals process should take another 120 days and then the sentences should be enforced. Prison sentences should be longer and convicts should be forced to support themselves by growing their own food, making their own clothing, etc. Prisons need to be workhouses where the prisoners work 12 hours per day doing as much physical labor as they are able to do. That would become a deterant to crime. More effort needs to be made to control street gangs and the leaders should be held accountable and eliminated when possible. Less time should be devoted to wasteful investigations like the non-existant Jan. 6 “insurrection” that wasn’t criminal. The police need to be de-militarized and stop harrassing people who are non-violent and not harming society.

    1. “The loss of Christian values has also contributed to our national problems.”

      Fr. Bob,

      Well, the loss of those value can be traced directly back to weakling pastors that have packed our pulpits for the last 40 years. I have left church’s behind me (much in the same way I’ve left politics behind me) and took charge of my faith through internet resources and group studies at home. Folks who refuse to turn from the truth of the gospel are waking up to the vacant suits pathetically preaching to them. A shepherd that excuses open transgressions of their parishioners for fear the collection plate will lighten and not fearlessly leading his flock wilts those values over time like salt poured over a flower garden.

    2. We need more people who think like you do to run for office. Usually we’re stuck with those approved by the GOP establishment, and all they want is managed decline. They live in bubbles and don’t have to suffer the consequences of all that “reaching across the aisle” and compromise.

  5. I don’t believe we have any say in elections. Most of us just got the memo that elections have been rigged for years. I personally won’t be wasting my time in line.

    1. Please vote for my grandchildrens sake. We must overwhelmingly turn out to vote and don’t do it early. We can overcome the cheating if we vote in mass.

  6. Daisy,
    I love your articles very much and visit this site daily… but on this subject I must say – The only deciding factor in the upcoming election will be those who count the votes – free and honest elections are a thing of the past in the United States.

  7. I have seen a number of polls show various leading concerns of voters.
    NPR would have you believe abortion was the leading issue (according to their poll of course). They then followed up with airing a few voicemails of women stating exactly that.
    Then I have seen other polls showing abortion at 8% concern for voters.
    What was leading? Governance/poor leadership. Then the economy followed by crime. In one poll, the way the question was worded, the economy and crime were a result of governance/poor leadership.

    Recently Biden told a reporter, “The economy is strong as hell.”
    Yes. Really.
    Due to inflation, the average American worker has lost $3,000 annually. The average American family, lost $6,000.
    The average 401k lost 25% of value since the beginning of this year.
    A recent poll showed more Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and people making six figures, 46% are now living paycheck to paycheck up from 38%.
    Biden also said, “If the Republicans take control, the prices are going to go up, as will inflation, it’s this simple.”
    It does NOT matter who wins in the mid-terms, prices are going to go up regardless. Energy markets are tight. Farmers are now harvesting crops and those numbers are not looking good. The USDA says this year will be the lowest wheat for export in half a century. Farmers have been talking about costs of fuel, fertilizer, the weather, lower harvests, and higher prices since early this year. Who gets elected in November is not going to change crop yields. Who gets elected in November is not going to suddenly bring down the price of gas at the pump by 50% overnight.
    Prices going up, inflation remaining high was already baked into the cake.
    A recent survey showed 98% of CEOs are preparing for a recession.

    What many do not realize is the US is in a economic war to maintain dollar reserve currency status. China and Russia are creating their own monetary system. Pre-the Ukraine/Russia war, it appeared to be a pipe dream. Now, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt are petitioning to enter the BRICS. If this system is backed by commodities, gold, a mix, that may be more attractive than a fiat, USD dominated one
    Relations with Saudi Arabia are not looking good in the recent OPEC+ oil output cut. The Biden admin attempts to restart the Iran nuclear deal likely had a hand in the SA lead oil output cut.
    Last week the Biden admin set new regulations on the semiconductor market affect the entire China semiconductor industry.
    As one analyst put it,
    “Every American executive and engineer working in China’s semiconductor manufacturing industry resigned yesterday, paralyzing Chinese manufacturing overnight.
    One round of sanctions from Biden did more damage than all four years of performative sanctioning under Trump.”
    — Jordan Schneider

    Not exactly a winning hand to bring China closer and away from Russia.
    The new multi-polar world is emerging. The US lead uni-polar world is collapsing. Even our so called allies see the writing on the wall. They are just trying not to get the splatter on them.

    Just read an article about a reporter who went into downtown Minneapolis. She described open brawls in a bar parking lot, illegal street races, a woman twerking on top of a vehicle, and a few youths beat and kicking a man while others looked on.
    Interesting how the increase in crime comes on the heels of the defund the police movement.

    One issue that is quietly on the minds of many Americans is public education. One way to get parents pissed, tell them they have no rights in how their children are educated.

    1. A neighbor was chopping corn last week and the feeding schedule was out of balance for the heifers. He sent his son to feed out the TMR. When the boy was finished he told his dad he didn’t see the bull. Dad said he was probably lounging over the hill and they went back to filling the silo.

      Next day dad went out with the TMR to feed heifers. No bull. He went out to look for him. Far side of the pasture he found it. Half in half out of the fence with evidence that someone tried winching it into (presumably) a trailer. The bull was shot dead.

      He strain on people in this economic environment is reaching a breaking point. I can feel it.

      1. Good grief!
        I can see us getting to the point of someone trying to steal food from someone else and it going badly.

  8. Those two issues you quote Daisy, head up the list of factors just about every poll shows are major issues of concern with Americans. I question whether we’ll ever have a Free and Fair Election ever again. There was a lot of shenanigans and chicanery in 2020, and I’ve little doubt it influenced the Election. The problems with the Election, are being addressed but only among a few States. Whether or not this will correct the issues remains to be seen.
    We’ve witnessed first hand the DemoKKKrats’ “Democracy” (read Mob Rule) for almost two years, and it’s been an unmitigated disaster. DemoKKKrats own the Economic and Law Enforcement issues we face lock, Stock and Barrel. Their Green New Steal and coddling of criminals have brought the country to the brink of collapse. The Demented Dipschitt in Chief does the exact opposite of what should be done to correct the problems they created.

    All I know is our Founders would already be shooting.

  9. I hope more people wake up to and vote against the evil Democrats. I say evil because they promote abortion up till birth. When it gets cold, hopefully, that will help them make good choices on the ballots.

  10. The cause of the drastic increase in crime is obvious. So why the people in these crime ridden democrat run cities keep voting democrat is beyond me.

    Economics is not as easy to understand. But in this internet age where anyone with a cell phone can access the classic books on economics written by the most brilliant minds in history you would think that the vast majority would realize that free markets are the key to prosperity not centrally planned government controlled green economies.

    Virtually everything that comes out of the Biden puppet and the rest of the democrats is a globalist lie or in support of a lie. “Increasing regulations governing businesses to raise wages and improve benefits…Universal Basic Income…loan forgiveness” are all economic nonsense. Government regulations should be limited to preventing fraud and deceptive business practices, eliminating monopolies, preventing unsafe work conditions, preventing pollution caused by businesses and encouraging competition. Higher wages and benefits will result naturally. Welfare for those truly in need should be provided.

    Universal Basic Income is just another lie. Let’s all just sit back and collect our free money and live in our free government housing and free this and free that and the quality of everyones life in that globalist fantasy land will be so much better than under capitalism – lol. The UBI society is the goal of the democrats along with their puppet masters the globalists. In this far left dystopian globalist run society Klaus Schwab the leader of the World Economic Forum/Globalist headquarters says “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”. If you want to be part of that herd don’t forget to line up for your brand.

    The democrat party leadership has gone full Marxist. The Biden/democrats green economy is 100% a centrally planned government controlled economy. A pure disaster and a key part of the globalist Great Reset. By the word Reset they literally mean set the world economy to zero so they can start over with a Marxist type economy. They want to destroy the world’s economy while all the while claiming they are saving it and scapegoating anyone who opposes them. But their Marxist version of a “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” will be a “Dictatorship of the Globalists”. See Orwell’s Animal Farm.

    Do you doubt that Biden and the democrat party are controlled by the globalists/World Economic Forum? Remember “Biden’s Build Back Better bill”. Check out the below World Economic Forum article and you will realize that Biden is their puppet doing exactly what his globalist puppet masters tell him to do.

    To build back better, we must reinvent capitalism. Here’s how

    1. John Adams,
      In light of the COVID relief checks, I am inclined to agree with you about UBI not being the success some would have us believe. Strapping the turbo charger to the printing machine and pumping billions of dollars out of thin air into the economy is what got us to where we are now: Inflationary environment.
      What is inflation, but a tax on the people.
      Thing is, it is not just on Americans. It is also a tax on everyone who holds dollars, which is pretty much the whole world. In my opinion, that is what is driving the shift away from the US dominate uni-polar world, to a multi-polar one. Our frenemies are tired of dancing to our tune, and are taking advantage of the situation to their benefit, and to our detriment.

      The Biden admin was supposed to end their raid of the Strategic Reserve at the end of this month. In light of the OPEC+ cuts, they just announced another draw down of 10-15million barrels. Right now we have about 22 days of supply in the Reserve. If we were to have a real emergency, not a politically driven one, we could be seriously screwed.

      1. 1stMarineJarHead you said “we have about 22 days of supply in the Reserve”.

        Is it just a coincidence that the midterms are 21 days away from today? Is destroying our Strategic Oil Reserve just before the November 8, 2022 midterms part of a deeper plot to keep the Biden/democrats in power.

        If I were China or Russia and had this traitor destroying the United States from within what better time than just before the midterms and right after the Strategic Oil Reserve is depleted to launch offensives against the United States. The Joe Biden puppet would be granted emergency powers. There would be a full scale lock down on all dissent, martial law, suspension of elections. and we would be following in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler who after being given emergency powers created Nazi Germany. The propaganda arm of the democrat party, the mainstream media jackals would of course be supporting this takeover 100%. I hope this does not happen. But I don’t see the globalists allowing free elections to take their democrat puppets out of power and ruining their plans. It seems to me that they have a critical timetable and need to create their “You will own nothing and you will be happy.” dystopia soon and to do that they need a major emergency and scapegoats to blame for the problems they are creating. The Biden puppet is key.

        Look up Hegel’s Problem-Reaction-Solution strategy if you want to know what the globalists main strategy for conquest is. Every problem the Biden administration is creating is in the first part of their strategy. If they can trigger China and Russia that is also in part 1. Part 2 is the emotional reaction to the problem. Part 3 is their ready made waiting to be implemented solution I already mentioned. Like I said I hope this does not happen and we can just vote these crooks out of power and take back our country.

      2. I don’t know if we only have 22 days worth of oil in the Strategic Reserve. Biden only took out 180 million barrels of the estimated 768 million barrels. I am guessing you are confusing two supplies. There is an estimated 25 days of diesel fuel available if, and that’s a big if, refineries quit making diesel fuel. Normally there is an estimated 33-34 days of diesel fuel remaining. The only thing the forecast of 25 days is being used for is to warn that diesel prices will be higher than normal.
        For every barrel of oil refined, 20 gallons of gas are produced, 11 gallons of diesel and 3.5 gallons of heating oil. The remaining 7.5 gallons of oil from the standard 42 gallon barrel of oil go to plastics, cosmetics and other petroleum products. So if refineries stopped refining oil, then there is only 25 days of oil left. But I highly doubt any refineries are planning on shutting down, especially all of them globally.

  11. Has anyone seen the news report that Boston University researchers have created a COVID strain with 80% mortality in mice? I have friends in that area, and I’m trying to verify whether the published information is in fact accurate.

    Those who are really running our nation at this point (and it’s not the current occupant of the White House) are intentionally destroying the US because historically, we are all that stands between average human beings on the planet and the global takeover currently in motion by those who consider themselves superior to all other human beings.

    There are many good postings here in response to this article. I urge all Americans to stand up and get involved, if you are not already involved. We can not vote our way out of this situation.

    1. Kelvin Skye,
      Yep, I read the same report.
      By doing so, they might get insight into why the Omicron variant was more transmissible.
      Take the notes, then destroy everything.

      I do not think they are trying to destroy America. I think they are trying to preserve America as the dominate global leader and are failing. They are getting desperate not only here at home but globally.
      Trump was the antithesis to globalism or should I say, American globalism. He was also the antithesis to the progressives. Suddenly nearly half of the US was unified behind the idea of America First. That scared the begeebers out of neocons.
      Then we had COVID, and we had nearly half of the US said, “No,” to the jab. They were not going to just do what the government said. People began to ask questions. People were beginning to question the narrative.
      Seems to me, they are getting desperate.

  12. No, sorry to say, you are wrong. There are only two reasons that will decide the next election.
    1 Fraud and corruption
    2 A weak and stupid population

    I would suggest sticking to preparation, politics at this point is a dead end.

  13. I don’t think it matters much which candidate one votes for, until we get the ballot boxes back to paper ballots. It has been proven that the electronic ballot machines can be violated, so until they are gone, we’ll never have another honest election, and conservatives will remain screwed. Just my opinion.

  14. One problem I see is that people tend to confuse the economy with other factors. The economy is how the country is doing as compared to other countries. For the the 7 years prior to Covid, the US had a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) between 1.5-3.0%. It went up and down. When Covid hit, the GDP dropped below 1.5%, going to -3.4% by the end of 2020. In 2021 however due to the country opening back up quicker then many thought it would. The real GDP for 2021 was 5.7%. But in 2022, the quarterly GDP was -1.6, .6 for the first two quarters, leading many to believe we were heading for a recession. The 3rd quarter was 2.6%. Which has pushed off recession fears until the middle of 2023 at the earliest. The world currently is going through worldwide inflation. For instance, the UK recorded an inflation rate of 10.2% currently. In the US, the inflation rate is at 8.4%. This rise in inflation was mostly caused by Covid shutdowns, supply chain issues (Just in Time production contributed greatly), lower oil production globally and government spending. The war in Ukraine has caused the inflation to continue to be high due to its effect on oil production, supply and government spending. As for crime, while crime has been going up for the last 7 years, it is at a much lower rate than what it was 50 years ago.

    1. “This rise in inflation was mostly caused by Covid shutdowns, supply chain issues (Just in Time production contributed greatly), lower oil production globally and government spending. The war in Ukraine has caused the inflation to continue to be high due to its effect on oil production, supply and government spending.”

      Uh, Inflation is caused by an oversupply of currency in the system. Period.

    2. Inflation is caused by printing dollars out of thin air and injecting it into the economy.
      The reason the entire world is feeling inflation is the dollar (and petrodollar) is the world reserve currency.
      Every time the Fed cranks up the printing press, it is not just Americans who feel it, but globally.
      Inflation was going up long prior to hostilities between the Ukraine and Russia.
      The Biden admin has issued the least number of gas and oil leases since the 1940s. Biden campaigned on ending the fossil fuel industry. Just yesterday he said, “no more drilling.”
      The 2020 riots that lead to the de fund the police movement, soft on crime DAs, no cash bail are what have led to the current increases in crime. The murder rate is in fact down, but overall violent crime is up.

  15. Oldest son is an off shore tug skipper in the gulf. He sent me a pic of an oil tanker he pushed into a gulf terminal originating from Greece.

    I’v got no way of knowing (nor would anyone else), but, I wonder, is it possible we’re getting in on buying some of that notoriously cheap crude that is being transferred from Russian ships to ships from Greece? Hmm… I’d bet we are..!

    Something stinks. I think we’re being chumped.

    I’m starting to come around to the notion that the war in Ukraine is really a war against west Europe perpetrated by the Soviets, financed by a consortium of CB’s, confused and promoted by our government and theatrically reported on by controlled media.

    FJB two days ago went off script again and gave a maniacal grin as he said he’s for “No more drilling”. I’ll bet he is. Especially if we can get cheap crude from Russia via our drug mule allies from Greece.

    1. Yeah, I read that the US/EU is going to put price caps on Russian oil!
      Meanwhile, China and India ignore those caps, buy the oil, and the resell that oil on the open market.
      The caps dont cover the resell oil.
      Meanwhile, our so call allies the Saudis, Turkey and Egypt are all applying for entrance to the BRICS. They are fed up with the US using the dollar to beat them into compliance. This is why we are seeing the new emerging multi-polar world vs the old, US/West lead uni-polar world. The war in the Ukraine is a proxy war to maintain the status quo, the US dollar reserve currency status and the US/West uni-polar world.

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