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By the author of The Faithful Prepper and Zombie Choices
Three letters can fill new parents with dread: RSV. For newborns, RSV, otherwise known as respiratory syncytial virus, can lead to hospitalizations. During “normal” times, RSV rates typically average 58,000 hospitalizations of kids under five each year and 2.1 million outpatient visits amongst that same population. [source]
RSV spreads via respiratory droplets, predominantly in the form of sneezes and coughs. However, RSV can stick around on surfaces and spread via touching contaminated objects as well. [source]
Usually, RSV spreads throughout the fall and winter months. [source] Right now, though, since June, RSV has increased during the summer. America’s Southern region was particularly hard hit. [source]
So, what are the possible reasons for the rise in RSV? There are currently several hypotheses around to answer this. Let’s take a look at each.
Immunity debt
Babies have a set series of steps they take in their developmental process to become healthy, functioning kids. Interruptions within this sequence can lead to future health problems.
Consider that many allergists now believe that restricting food groups to babies is one of the leading potential causes of the increase in food allergies we’ve seen amongst children. More kids now have food allergies than ever before. Perhaps not allowing junior peanut butter until he’s five years old is part of the problem.
In the same vein, babies need to build up their immunity system by being exposed to the little germs and buggies of the world around them. The pandemic limited babies’ interaction with others a great deal. Limited contact leads to a lack of germ exposure, leading to a poorly developed immune system. Pandemic babies are now being exposed to germs for the first time. [source]
It’s the equivalent of telling a 15-year-old to bench 350. If the 15-year-old has never done a pushup, there’s likely no chance. If a baby’s immune system has not yet been exposed to the typical “germ load,” they will have little resistance to illnesses when someone finally takes them out in public.
Masks are making children sick
We’ve seen hosts of parents mask their young children over the past year – in many cases even masking newborns. Keep in mind this is being done despite hospitals telling parents for years that it’s unsafe for a baby to sleep on their stomach or be wrapped in a fluffy blanket because the lack of oxygen can increase the rate of SIDS. (Consistent, huh?)
Could it actually be the masks themselves that are making kids sick, though? Masks are not sterile environments. Furthermore, masks possibly hold germs close to a baby’s face throughout the greater part of the day. Instead of babies expelling germs through exhaling, they are repeatedly inhaled because they cannot escape.
Keep in mind that a group of Gainesville, Florida patients sent off their children’s masks for laboratory analysis. The findings were that masks harbored agents which could cause meningitis, pneumonia, Diphtheria, sepsis, Legionnaires’ disease, TB, and more. [source]
Recently, Dr. Baruch Vainshelboim published a study that found that regular mask-wearing can lead to immunosuppression. Other potential health problems associated with mask-wearing are shortness of breath, low oxygen levels, increased stress hormones, and a predisposition for the development of illnesses. [source]
If babies and small children wear masks regularly, they could have a much less robust immune system than children who do not wear masks. This poor immune response could then predispose one to the development of RSV.
Inoculations are causing problems
Last year, the scientific journal Nature Microbiology published a paper titled, “Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies.” This paper discussed how certain inoculations could lead to people developing antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).
This paper noted that ADE could worsen illness and increase other illnesses’ severity, particularly RSV. Could inoculated people be setting themselves up for ADE-caused RSV? Or, could nursing mothers who received the vaccination cause their children to get RSV? A well-known report claims a baby passed away shortly after being nursed by the mother who had just gotten the second Pfizer dose. [source]
Increased testing leads to the discovery of non-existent problems
For many, illness is at the forefront of their mind at the moment. Some parents naturally fear the worst when their children are sick. Therefore, those parents are likely to head to the doctor quicker now than ever before. Perhaps in prior years, what would have been a “let’s wait and see” endeavor has now become a “let’s go to the doctor immediately” kind of situation.
Often, you find what you seek. If that’s the case, then perhaps RSV is pretty much always at these rates. There are a lot of anecdotal reports that young adults are coming down with this as well, though – a population which generally doesn’t come down with RSV – so this one may have a chink in the armor.
Something has mutated
Viruses do mutate. This is the nature of viruses. Perhaps what we see here is simply some novel mutation?
What do you think about the rise in RSV rates?
Perhaps we can blame some combination of the above factors for the increase in RSV rates. Maybe this is, “Nothing to see here, folks.” Perhaps this is something more. Let us know your thoughts in the comments! While it’s hard to tell, I recommend we all stay tuned to this issue to monitor it.
About Aden
Aden Tate has a master’s in public health and is a regular contributor to TheOrganicPrepper.com, TheFrugalite.com, PewPewTactical.com, SurvivalBlog.com, SHTFBlog.com, ApartmentPrepper.com, HomesteadAndPrepper.com, and PrepperPress.com. Along with being a freelance writer, he also works part-time as a locksmith. Aden has an LLC for his micro-farm where he raises dairy goats, a pig, honeybees, meat chickens, laying chickens, tomatoes, mushrooms, and greens. Aden has two published books, The Faithful Prepper and Zombie Choices. You can find his podcast The Last American on Preppers’ Broadcasting Network.
8 Responses
Dear Daisy,
We had a really bad experience with our kid at 2 years old. He was in the hospital one week because of bronchitis, with intravenous antibiotics (Oil company full-coverage insurance paid everything, these days I surely would have to sell my SUV to pay for that and even with that would be in debt). Scared the Crp out of us. The source was our air conditioning, which hasn´t been properly cleaned by the guy we hired and in a couple of months (it was rainy season in a rainy area), mold was built up. Since then, I took care personally of this cleaning (fairly easy if you are careful unplugging the appliance and know what you´re doing), and in over 10 years no one got sick with anything of this kind anymore.
On September 13, I took my 15 month old daughter to daycare for the first time. By the end of the week she was sick. Her dad and I thought it was a little cold but that Sunday she had a roasting fever that wouldn’t quit even with meds. Took her to the emergency room, where they tested her for Covid, RSV and flu and the results came back positive for RSV. She went to the daycare for 3 days, Daisy. She lived her entire 15 months up until that point in a bubble-no interaction with anyone else. Fortunately it got dealt with before it got worse but still, it was very scary.
Children should be protected at all cost. This article shows we are failing as a nation.
Pfizer is now officially asking to vaccinate kids 5-11.
Alex Berenson… Based on a clinical trial that SHOWED PRECISELY NO EVIDENCE of actual health benefit for the children who received it.
Per Pfizer’s September 20 press release announcing the trial’s results, the trial didn’t show the vaccine reduced hospitalizations (which are basically non-existent in healthy children) or even mild cases.
Do you want to know the truth about Covid and vaccines? Dr Peter McCullough is one of the experts speaking up.
If you are basically unfamiliar with the true Covid vaccine problems, I would suggest you watch this video first…
Sep 27, 2021
If you are aware of Covid vaccine problems then you can better understand this presentation. It is long but there is very little in our lives that is more important.
Dr Peter McCullough speaks at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons on October 2, 2021. Don’t let the title scare you off.
Germophobia has been building for some time now. The plandemic exacerbated it. Everyone knows somebody who doesn’t allow their kid to get dirty. Overuse of sanitizers etc.
I raised my kids allowing them to play outside, in the dirt. We have always had dogs (and other pets). They played with their schoolmates and the neighborhood kids.
Sure, they got sick. Both had RSV when they were little in fact. One was hospitalized, but only because they were dehydrated.
But other than mild seasonal allergies, both are very healthy.
I want to scream every time I see a small child wearing a mask.
Let them be kids. Let them out of the sterile bubbles, they don’t keep them safe.
Yes – playing outside, in the dirt and don’t overdo anti-bacterial. However I don’t scream when seeing a child wearing a mask out in public. Covidiots abound – heck, sick people have no qualms about being out in public. Too sick to go to work but not too sick to retail therapy shop, get hair/nails done etc.
COVID-19 is no different than polio. I guess most have forgotten about polio – deaths directly from it, long term health issues, and/or death from its long term health affect.
RSV is nothing new. Vaccinate your kids (yes, this means COVID-19 as well as Gadarsil once they are old enough). Too many kids spend too much time indoors. Too many kids are raised Mommy-centric – meaning always home with Mommy/limited outside the house time with Mommy. And yes, once your kids start school, they will be exposed to various illness for which there is no vaccine. You can counter that with nourishing food, a schedule (not a military schedule – I’m talking timely meals and regular bedtime allowing for required rest), not freaking out over a sneeze/cough, and downtime. Kids need time to do nothing – quit planning every damn minute of their day.
Or in blunt terms, don’t blame daycare/school. I saw far too many moms (99.99% of boys) making a wake-up phone call, cleaning their dorm room/doing their laundry, and/or overnight shipping the latest video game. Don’t raise an incel and don’t bitch if your kid (usually male) is still living at home at age 30, 40, 50, 55.
Heard about this a couple of months ago.RSV is a fairly recent entry into the pathogen society.Discovered/created in late ’50’s I believe.Probably genocidal oppressors spreading it so more children die along with the deathjabbed.Something looking like a multifaceted diamond was videotaped over Columbia in the last month.It was spewing out something like smoke or an aerosol.orwellcity.com and europereloaded as well as Experimentalvaccines.org and Joyce-bowen blog will give insight.Dr. Mary’s Monkey and The Poisoned Needle as well ad Salk’s autobiography wherein he admits his support for genocide via vax are books which should be read by EVERYONE!! 🙂