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Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course
After the past few years we’ve seen in the United States, it seems to me that the possibility of having to evacuate has become more and more likely.
What with the wildfires (and not just in California – we’ve seen them in Colorado, Tennessee, and North Carolina to name a few), the industrial accidents, the hurricanes, the floods, and even volcanos, it seems that disaster can strike anywhere. And it can strike in a way that makes it impossible for you to hunker down safely at home.
I know that for most of us, bugging in is Plan A. Unfortunately, there are situations that make it by far the more dangerous choice. So even if bugging out is a last resort, you need to have a plan.
I can help you with that plan.
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Introducing The Bug Out Book
Our newest PDF is 83 pages of information about evacuating. Here’s the Table of Contents:
- Why would you need to bug out?
- What to do well before you ever need to evacuate
- Where will you go?
- How will you get to your destination?
- Should you stay or should you go?
- When should you go?
- What to do if you have a few days to get ready
- What to do if you have a couple of hours to get ready
- What to do if you have a couple of minutes to get ready
- Evacuating with pets
- Evacuating a homestead
- What if you miss your opportunity to evacuate?
- What if you can’t afford to evacuate?
- What you should know about going to a shelter
- Going home
- Replacing documents after a disaster
Use this book to help create a plan for any scenario. You may have reasons that bugging out feels “impossible” for you. Maybe you suffer from a disability or you have a family member who isn’t very mobile.
The truth is, you can evacuate in nearly any situation. This book will give you some things to think about so you aren’t suddenly trying to figure it out when the police are banging at the door telling you that a disaster is headed your way and you have to leave right now.
Wouldn’t you rather figure this stuff out in advance? Maybe even practice it?
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Grab The Bug Out Book this weekend
The Bug Out Book is on sale this weekend for only $6.49. This is an 83-page PDF with tons of information that can help you make a plan for any type of evacuation.
Buy it here: https://sowl.co/AUmyC
Thank you for supporting this website with your purchase! Please be on the lookout for an email from SendOwl. This will have your download link. If you don’t receive that email, check your spam folder. If it isn’t there, please drop us a line at daisyluther2 at gmail dot com. Please remember it’s a holiday weekend so it could take us a couple of days to get back to you.
I hope you find The Bug Out Book useful in helping you to make a viable evacuation plan for your family.
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2 Responses
Will hard copy be available soon?
That always depends on the success of the PDF. This format means you can print off the pages that you find most important. 🙂