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by Modern Refugee
In cold climates, like where I live, frozen bodies of water are a yearly occurrence. These frozen bodies of water open up new resources that are not available for a good majority of the year. However, going on the ice can be a hazard if not done correctly. Living near ice my whole life, I have learned how to exercise caution and utilize the ice as a great resource.
I feel many preppers in cold climates overlook ice as a resource. I made a video on ice safety, sharing all I know about venturing out on the ice. I also discuss the most common way people utilize the ice: Ice Fishing.
Native peoples, explorers, and pioneers all used the ice for travel and resources. If we look back at the old ways, we can see resources that could assist us in bad times and help us venture forward.
Current events suggest we should be looking at options for food acquisition.
Getting food may not always be as easy as heading to the store. Just the other day, Robert Wheeler wrote about the supply chain collapse and the faltering economy.
…Money that was once spent on luxuries such as eating out or going to the movies, entertainment, etc. is now being spent on necessities.
The price of everything will continue to rise.
This is, of course, due to the fact that many good jobs were sent overseas already before the COVID mandates took hold but also because the lockdowns and fearmongering of media outlets have now driven many of the businesses that were left into extinction.
Unemployed people and business owners who no longer own their businesses are faced with rising costs for the items they need and have no money left over for the items they want, something that has driven many more people to steal food and other necessities in an alarming trend. (source)
It’s becoming more important than ever to be able to acquire or produce our own food. Hunting, farming, gardening, raising livestock, trapping, and foraging are all important elements. And, if you live in the right climate, ice fishing might be another skill to add to your arsenal.
Have you ever gone ice fishing?
Have you been ice fishing? Do you live in a climate where it’s possible? Share your tips and questions in the comments.
5 Responses
My 10 yo son just caught his first fish ice-fishing last week! He was going to eat it, but then it flopped back into the water. He was still excited, though.
That is great to hear!
We live in a colder climate, Northern Canada. We ice-fish for fun. Our local lakes are catch and release. Make sure the ice is thick enough to walk on, or drive on. You need a way to make a hole in the ice, there are manual augers to make holes, or our favorite is the gas powered one, but in shtf you might want to have a manual one. It helps to set up tent with no bottom to stay out of the wind and elements. Dress to conditions, the wind on the lake or pond can bite thru the layers. And always have an extra pair of gloves, it is easy to get wet as a novice ice fisherman. (yes women as well) Ice fishing can be fun, we have all our generations that ice fish.
No place near enough to go ice fishing. My Uncle loved ice fishing on the Great Lakes. I live in the desert.
Good to see MR on here. No ice fishing here but good stuff!