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Author of Be Ready For Anything and The Prepper’s Hurricane Survival Guide
Hurricanes are not always completely predictable and sometimes we end up being surprised when the storm dramatically changes courses or gains power. Due to this, sometimes people aren’t as prepared as they’d like to be when suddenly the weather channel announces the newest named storm is headed straight for them – and it’s a big one.
Below, you’ll find a round-up of all of our hurricane preparedness resources. We hope this helps you to get better prepared at a time when supplies might be scarce.
Last-Minute Emergency Supplies: What to Buy When the Shelves Are Almost Empty
If you are facing bare shelves at the grocery or hardware stores, this article can help you cobble together some last-minute supplies.
Here’s a very thorough hurricane preparedness guide with a free shopping list. It’s pretty thorough, but not as thorough, of course, as this PDF book.
The Last-Minute Shopper’s Guide to Panic Prepping
This is another general overview of last-minute preps, not specific only to hurricanes.
What To Do If It’s TOO LATE and You Can’t Evacuate Before a Hurricane
You’ve waited too late. You should have evacuated. But there’s no time or money now. This article will help to decide how to best get prepared when resources and time are limited.
These Videos from Florida Show the Wrath of Hurricane Irma
The footage from Hurricane Irma was pretty shocking. If you want to see what it’s really like to ride out a hurricane, this article may serve as a deterrent.
What It’s Really Like to Live Through a Hurricane
Want more information about what it’s really like to survive a hurricane? Here’s an article from someone who has been there and done that. More than once.
How to Prepare for Hurricanes When You Live a Few Hundred Miles Inland
It isn’t only people on the coast who must worry about hurricanes. These strong storms can wreak havoc several hundred miles inland, too.
M4S 066: Hurricane Preparedness Tips to Survive the Storm
This podcast and article can help guide you on what to do before, during, and after the hurricane.
The Awful Aftermath of Hurricane Florence (and What Preppers Can Learn)
Hurricane Florence practically demolished parts of Wilmington, North Carolina. There’s a lot we can learn from the stories of survivors.
The Terrible Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey
Disasters are not just single events. The aftermath can be shockingly bad as well. Here are some real-life stories from Hurricane Harvey in the Houston, Texas area that can help you learn what to watch out for once the storm has passed.
What to Eat When the Power Goes Out
Here are some ideas for family-friendly, no-cook meals you can serve if the power goes out due to the hurricane.
The Prepper’s Hurricane Survival Guide
If you want to go more in-depth, pick up a copy of my PDF book, The Prepper’s Hurricane Survival Guide. It will be digitally delivered to you immediately and you can print the parts you want.
7 Responses
Unbelievable, an article about hurricane prep but a picture from the heartland showing a severe thunderstorm brewing.
Clearly, you’ve never been inland during a hurricane. It doesn’t just hit the beach and stop. 🙂
South Florida here with a few work throughs: For water containers, purchase soda in bottles, clean and fill with water. Ethnic food stores and gasoline stations for food.and other supplies.
Also puppy pads for the pooch.
Do what you can and rest.
Can you believe it? 16 years ago to the day of hurricane Katrina, Ida is coming ashore.
NOAA Hurricane Hunter aircraft recorded for 10 seconds 151mph winds.
NOAA – Extreme Weather Information Sheets https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/resources/newis
primarily for hurricanes
Hurricane Watch Net https://hwn.org/
A ham radio organization for gathering and disseminating hurricane current info.
Yeah…….Hurricane Season 2023……..sigh.
As a native Floridian, I’ve been through my share of Hurricanes & Tropical Storms.
I’ve already strapped my Chicken Coop down. Don’t want the chickens to go airborne while inside the coop. Brought in all potted plants including my young Banana trees in 20 gallon grow bags. I checked my Generator last week….good to go. I’m a Prepper (since 2008) so the normal stuff (food, water, batteries, etc.), I’ve already got.
I’m taking a lunch break right now at my Mom & Pop Shop, I’ve been prepping the office today while the wife is home cleaning up the patio of anything that might fly off.
I’m on the Space Coast, so we won’t get direct hit but we’ll get Tropical Storm force winds (I’m guessing gusts up to 60-65mph) plus the chance of EF-0 tornadoes zipping by doing hit and runs.
Hi Neighbor 🙂
I am south of you, so not much going on here. Taking advantage of the tax holidays though. Got a butane stove for my dad-cause I have one and I can just give him some canisters. Otherwise I am ready for the season.
Freedom Summer tax holiday is going on until September 4th. Disaster Preparedness tax holiday will end September 8th.