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By the author of Be Ready for Anything and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted
Has anyone noticed how the stock market has been extremely volatile? And how nearly everyone is soothed when industry specialists scramble to prop up our failing economy? And it’s not only happening in America – all over the globe, markets have been up and down more than usual. The last time the system showed this much volatility, the crash of 2008 occurred.
I’m no financial expert, but there seems to be a collection of very, very bad signs. When markets slowly freefall and no one in the media is talking about it, that means it’s time to sit up, pay attention, and be prepared to take immediate actions.
Take these immediate steps if the market continues to fall.
I hate predictions.
I really cringe when people try to make economic predictions or pinpoint specific dates for impending financial disaster. So please realize I’m not making a prediction when I say this.
Watch the market right now. Carefully. Like it’s your job.
If it continues to fall, we could be in big trouble.
If the market continues to plummet, it’s time to take action immediately. None of these steps will have long-term consequences if things level out, but they could make your life a whole lot easier if things get worse.
Here’s what you need to do immediately in the event of a stock market crash.
- Take your money out of the bank ASAP. If you still keep your money in the bank, go there and remove as much as you can while leaving in enough to pay your bills. Although it wasn’t a market collapse in Greece recently, the banks did close and limit ATM withdrawals. People went for quite some time without being able to access their money, but were able to have a sense of normalcy by transferring money online to pay bills or using their debit cards to make purchases. Get your cash out. You don’t want to be at the mercy of the banks.
- Stock up on supplies. Make sure you are prepped. If you’re behind on your preparedness efforts and need to do this quickly, you can order buckets of emergency food just to have some on hand. (Learn how to build an emergency food supply using freeze dried food HERE) Hit the grocery store or wholesale club and stock up there, too, on your way home.
- Load up on fuel. Fill up your gas tank and fill your extra cans also. Quite often, fuel prices skyrocket in the wake of a market crash.
- Be prepared for the potential of civil unrest. If the banks put a limit on withdrawals (or close like they did in Greece) you can look for some panic to occur. If the stores dramatically increase prices or close..more panic. Be armed and be prepared to stay safely at home. (Although this article was written during the Ferguson race riots, civil unrest follows a similar pattern regardless of the cause.)
- Be prepared for the possibility of being unable to pay your bills. If things really go downhill, the middle class and those who are the working poor will be the most strongly affected, as they have been in Greece during that country’s ongoing financial crisis. This article talks about surviving if you are unable to pay all of your bills.
After the crash, focus on information
Hopefully there’s no need to empty out your bank accounts, stock up on last minute supplies, or lock-and-load for home protection. However, if this is a crisis situation, an actual 1929/2008-style stock market crash, you need to take your preps to the next level.
Information is the key. It’s imperative that you learn everything you can so that you know what you need to add to your preps. Do these two things if it looks like the situation is more than a blip:
#1. Bookmark these preparedness websites. (Free)
The internet is a wonderful place, and best of all, this knowledge can be found for FREE! The more you know about crisis situations, the more ready you will be to face them. Some sites are friendlier to beginners than others, so if you stumble upon a forum where people seem less than enthusiastic about helping people who are just starting out, don’t let it get you down. Move on and find a site that makes you feel comfortable. Following are some of my favorites, and the link will take you to a good starting point on these sites. In no particular order:
Following are some of my favorites, and the link will take you to a good starting point on these sites. (Actually, it’s wise to begin increasing your knowledge even if we get a reprieve.) In no particular order:
- The Organic Prepper (obviously!)
- Ready Nutrition
- Graywolf Survival
- Survival Weekly
- SHTFplan
- Underground Medic
- Survival Blog
- Herbal Prepper
- Prepper Website
#2. Build your library. (Small expense)
This is where some money could come into play. Most of the time, people in the preparedness world like to have hard copies of important information. This way, if the power goes out and you can’t access the internet or recharge your Kindle, you still have access to vital advice.
Some of these books are for just such an event, while others are guides to building your self-reliance skills. Commit to picking up a good book each pay period until you have a library to reference during any type of scenario.
- The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster
(This is the be-all and end-all Bible of prepping. I wish I could put my own book first, but Tess’s book is the most complete compendium out there, broken into easy, manageable steps.)
- The Pantry Primer: A Prepper’s Guide to Whole Food on a Half-Price Budget
(This is my newest book, which outlines building your pantry while on a strict budget)
- The Complete Tightwad Gazette
(While this book is about hardcore frugality, trust me, there’s crossover. There are a lot of great suggestions for creating stockpiles on a budget, living simply, and doing things the old-fashioned way. And saving money is always a good idea, so that you can use it to help you become more prepared.)
- SAS Survival Guide: How to Survive in the Wild, on Land or Sea (I keep this little gem in my vehicle, my bug out bag, and in my kids’ backpacks. It doesn’t go into lots of detail, but if you find yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere, this small book could save your life.)
- The Encyclopedia of Country Living, 40th Anniversary Edition: The Original Manual of Living Off the Land & Doing It Yourself
(A compendium of all things self-reliance)
- Prepper’s Home Defense: Security Strategies to Protect Your Family by Any Means Necessary
(If you can’t protect it, you don’t own it. It’s that simple.)
- How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times
(By James Wesley Rawles, who many consider to be the “Father” of the modern preparedness movement)
- The Prepper’s Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster
(Quick, inexpensive preparedness steps that anyone can take)
- The Survival Medicine Handbook: A Guide for When Help is Not on the Way
(It’s vital to have a guide on hand that doesn’t rely on 911 for serious injuries, in the event that you’re completely on your own)
- The Prepper’s Canning Guide
(It’s awesome to grow your food, but how will you make it last through the winter, particularly during an off-grid scenario?)
- Prepper’s Natural Medicine: Written by my friend and colleague, Cat Ellis, this book has everything you need to know about creating your own medicine and caring for your family’s health in the event of a crisis.
- Get Prepared Now: Written by the autor of The Economic Collapse Blog himself, this book will provide you with budget-friendly, practical, collapse-specific advice.
- Prepper’s Financial Guide: By prolific author Jim Cobb, this book will help you figure out how to function in a post-collapse marketplace.
Be sure to check out used bookstores, libraries, and garage sales, too. Look for books that teach self-reliant skills like sewing, gardening, animal husbandry, carpentry, repair manuals, scratch cooking, and plant identification. You can often pick these up for pennies, and older books don’t rely on expensive new technology or tools for doing these tasks.
Collapse is inevitable
Hopefully, this is a brief crash and the market recovers. That gives us more time to prepare, and nearly everyone could deal with a little more time.
However, it’s imperative that you be watchful. This might be the triggering event for our next Great Depression. Be prepared to take action.
This may just be a warning bell, but we all know that it’s only a matter of time until we’re all out of warnings.
26 Responses
Things could get real at any time. It’s a surreal thought. The magnitude of it is a little staggering, no matter how long we’ve anticipated it. Here’s hoping for an anticlimax.
The Dow is the Dow and on it goes. Except for those who are so inclined to build their wealth on “click money” it means nothing. We will continue on day to day down here in our world of obscurity: Unless it gets so bad that the government is not able to replenish the ebt and snap cards. Then the cities burn, and the nation collapses from internal strife. It’s that simple and that complicated at the same time.
Been living on cash for some time now, including paying cash for our new farm. Got out of debt and now we am so grateful.
Though we pulled everything out of our 401k’s about two years ago, the company I have been working for continues to contributes and gives me stock. I have been watching and it may be time to just cash out one last time.
If it all goes south…I am not concerned at this point. We continue to prep and are thankful.
well done, Perky! 🙂
How to survive a Stock Market Crash? Ignore it! It’s like a plane crash, if you aren’t on it, it’s not your gig. The only way the “crash”, will directly affect anyone not invested in the market is if the government wakes up one morning and doesn’t have the ‘click money’ to place on the ebt and snap cards. Then the cities burn. It’s that simple. Thanks and Blessings upon you.
Hunkerdown and other who are not in the stock market:
What makes you think that when the only people who DO have jobs and money and are supporting our “supposed” economy stop buying things (stop consuming) because they are broke; that it will not affect you personally?
We are talking 99% of the population or more – who are “tied into” the system as it is now. The other 1% is living off those who are tied into the system one way or another. There is at least half the population who are on government assistance from just a little bit to 100% of their existence. Those are not the ones who are investing. The ones who are going to be wiped out in a crash are those people who are contributing to the economy (although most of it is government money anyway).
Those of us who have small business realize that our customers are those people who are tied into the system. The system goes down, so does anyone else. A stock market crash in the US will mean a worldwide recession/depression as well. If you don’t see it and you are a prepper, then that gives me hope that I will still have 72 hours after a market crash to take action because people will be in denial.
The current situation is not If the crash is coming, but When. And everyone reading this with a government job and a government pension? Those are all unfunded. My guess is The checks will stop. So have a plan.
Some say the stock market affects only the rich people.
Many people thought the same thing in 1929.
Great article Daisy! Timely and practical advice.
You advised to withdraw money from the bank. Any advice of where to hide it safely.
Thank you
This article has a few tips but not specifically WHERE to put it.
It’s a tough question because everyone will have different hidey holes available. It’s difficult to write about because people don’t want to discuss their own places to stash valuables. Just keep in mind that criminals are far smarter than they used to be about finding things if they toss your place. I tend to invest most cash into tangible goods.
That’s exactly what I want to know? We are going to be selling our house soon and watch to pay cash for a smaller home in a different state other than Northern California. I’m assuming you should split up your money’s in different banks because some banks will be more strict than others as far as not letting you pull money out if something happens? Maybe keeping some money cash available at home in a safe?
Nut jobs!
Stupid is as stupid does, and there’s no cure for it. Good luck to you, Dirk.
Hi Linda:
I’m sorry to read about your situation. Prepping as a single mom does have its own set of challenges, but you can still thrive. 🙂 Another book I strongly recommend is The Prepper’s Blueprint It’s jam-packed with information and can take you from the early stages of preparedness all the way through the advanced stuff. You can finish a chapter each week and be very well-prepped in about a year.
Hang in there! You’re on the right track with regard to preparedness.
Linda here is another blog as well that I’ve been learning from. She also has a Facebook page.
I hadn’t thought about having cash on hand. Thank you!
There are some Facebook groups for single preppers you might want to join. Single mom and prepper myself.
My father in law worked in the back office of what eventually became UBS. He always said that if you are going to be worried about the stocks going up and down, you shouldn’t be owning stock.
We never did own stock, but not because it went up and down. Stuff happens.
The other thing to consider is your age. Stocks can drop. The probability is very good that it will go up again. Unfortunately, if you are 65 or even older, and may take ten years or more to improve. In that case,you are kinda out of luck.
FIL walked the talk, purchased stocks and followed the market until he passed away. He could not take care of his very sick wife, and was able to pay for in house care.
Where should you hide your precious objects? There are a number of online articles that will tell you. My Advice: DO NOT HIDE THEM THERE. THINK OF SOMEPLACE ELSE THAT IT IS NOT MENTIONED ONLINE OR OTHER PUBLICATIONS. 🙂
The advice and references you gave are very good. No one can predict the future, and planning IS a good thing to do. We can only work on one day at at time.
Thanks for the great tips, Edy!
Deutsch Bank isn’t the only bank blocking withdrawals, it’s happening in the USA too. Read all about it readersupportednews dot org “American Online Banks”
“America Online Banks” at readersupportednews is reported withdrawals blocked in the USA at http://readersupportednews.org/pm-section/84-84/38813-american-online-banks
Great links & websites to bookmark! Thank you! ☕
“Has anyone noticed how the stock market has repeatedly plummeted over the past six months?” Nope. It’s gone steadily up for more than 5 years. Doesn’t mean it’s not going to crash, however – at some point.
Is it a crash?
Or a correction?
Only in the rearview mirror will we be able to tell.
We have been due for either for sometime now.
If it is a correction, and you have a long enough timeline till retirement, then this is actually a buying opportunity. If your timeline is short, well, you should of been moving your portfolio from stocks to bonds, cash or other non-volatile investments.
If it really is a full on crash, I hope everyone has most of their preps in order.
We always keep some physical cash on hand.
But Daisy’s recommendations are good reminders!
Not so sure about bonds. Greenspan himself admitted the bond market was a giant bubble last year. Physical cash will be very good in the short term but for a long-term store of value I prefer gold/silver and other tangible assets. Gold/Silver, at least in theory, will help with the transition to the new global currency that will be introduced after they collapse the dollar.
Not quite sure what all the panic is about. If the market just keeps going up and never goes down now that’s what should be worrying us. I was really glad to see this minor correction, I was starting to worry because it had not happened. The market is overvalued and investors will need to re- assess their positions. We have been in this bull market for a long long time so be prepared for more corrections to come. Being prepared is always good but making decisions in a panic, not so good. JMHO
God bless,
Just a reminder: Grandma (maybe great Grandma!) survived the Depression because her supply chain was local and she knew how to do stuff.
Wherever you are in your prepping journey, make the hard decisions and get something accomplished each day. Get to know your AO-your grocery, your pharmacy, your auto mechanic, your neighbors. They may not be on the prepping page, but having a personal relationship of some sort can only be a good thing in the coming troubles. My Grandmother was a baby nurse, she would thought of as a pregnancy nurse now. People kept right on having babies through the Depression, so she got “paid” in veggies, chickens, material for dresses, etc. Sounds crazy now, but my mom said that they always found a use for every item. My mom also remembered standing in line at Home Savings and Loan-who paid my formerly wealthy grandparents ten cents on the dollar for their money in the bank! Thankfully the house was fully paid for, so the only struggle was the taxes every year. And don’t think the cities/coounties won’t be looking to tax or take your property in a bad era.
I hope that we are all proven wrong, and wealth and prosperity for all-but I’m happier being prepared just the same!
Who owns the banks?