How to Protect Your Skin from Sun Damage

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Anybody remember that song “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” by Baz Luhrmann? I remember hearing that on the radio when the kids were in high school. Listening to it now gives me a totally new perspective, especially since I’m pretty sure I’ll be going back to the doctor to have some skin cancer removed again.

But it got me to wondering about the reality, or lack of maybe, of storing tons of sunscreen. I’d never thought of it before and decided if I didn’t want to spend anywhere from $4 to upwards of $30 (really?!?) per bottle, and if I didn’t want to take up precious room in my storage space, was there another option? It would be kind of ironic if we all survived a disaster scenario only to die of invasive skin cancer. But it turns out there may be some other ways to protect ourselves.

Have you thought about including sun protection in your preps?

According to, the main types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, and Merkel cell carcinoma, with the main causes of these being the sun and tanning beds. (I doubt we’ll have to worry about tanning beds post-global disaster, but they are worth mentioning now.) I’ve personally had squamous cell before, but it was minimally invasive when I spotted it and required no stitches post removal. Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer, with Basal Cell Carcinoma being the most common but most curable as well.

We can help ward off skin cancer by simply covering up from head to toe, restricting the sun’s rays from touching us, which will definitely cut our chances of developing it, as will not going outside, period. But then that presents a whole host of other problems (besides having a heat stroke) like vitamin D3 deficiency that can seriously affect your moods and cause some major depression; not something any of us want in an already depressing and stressful time. So, what about vitamin supplements? Vitamins sound easy enough, but it’s a little more complicated than popping a few pills.

Some supplements may help protect your skin from sun damage.

According to a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, it turns out that Vitamin B3 has been shown to provide a bit of protection against damage to our skin caused by ultra-violet radiation. It can even reduce the chances of actinic keratosis, a type of skin lesion that can become cancerous. Vitamin B3 is more commonly known as Niacin, which is a vitamin we get from many of the foods we eat, such as meat, (especially poultry), fish, milk, eggs, nuts, green vegetables, beans, enriched cereals, and yummy yeasty bread. A lot of those foods we can store away in our preps. And that’s what many physicians urge us to do – to gain our vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from food instead of vitamin supplements.

Physicians at Harvard note that too much vitamin A can lead to dangerous, toxic levels, and researchers at John Hopkins noted studies where 450,000 people who took vitamins did not reduce their risk for heart disease or cancer. They also noted that vitamin E and beta-carotene supplements appear to be harmful, especially at high doses. The exceptions to all of this, of course, would be in the case of women who are pregnant, lactating, or those who show an extreme deficit in vitamins and minerals from the get-go. Larry Appel, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research, had this to say:

Pills are not a shortcut to better health and the prevention of chronic diseases. Other nutrition recommendations have much stronger evidence of benefits—eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing the amount of saturated fat, trans fat, sodium and sugar you eat.

Another possible companion, or alternative, to sunscreen is an NSAID. Not just any old NSAID (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug), but one that specifically has aspirin in it. A meta-analysis on aspirin for the primary prevention of skin cancer states that “A daily dose of 50-400 mg aspirin was significantly associated with a reduced risk of skin cancers…Overall, these findings indicated that aspirin intake was associated with a reduced risk of developing skin cancer.”

Unfortunately, this seems to only relate specifically to women, as Science Daily reports almost the opposite; that aspirin is linked to double melanoma (the most serious of skin cancers) risk in men. Personally, and as a woman, I take aspirin several times a day and I don’t appear to be lowering my chances of skin cancer – at least by the looks of my history. So, in my own personal opinion, I would study this one a lot more before committing to it, especially since excess aspirin can cause organ damage in the long run. Even so, aspirin is an excellent medicinal item to store away for other problems, so don’t take it off your list.

There have also been studies and reviews involving essential oils/botanicals in the prevention and treatment of skin cancer. From what I have read, this is an ongoing area of research and so shouldn’t be discounted completely. Neither should simple things like staying in the shade, carrying an umbrella, or wearing a wide-brimmed hat. You can make your own sunscreen using Daisy’s recipe – she adds 4 tbsp of zinc oxide powder (add more if you burn easily) powder to a cup of coconut oil (which is something everyone should have in their stockpile anyway – here are 80 reasons why) and blends it in a food processor that she does not use for food. Store your homemade sunscreen in a little jar.

There are things that increase your risk of sun damage and skin cancer.

So, those are some ideas of things we should do, or can at least look into, but what about things we shouldn’t do? Aside from working, sitting, or playing in the sun all day long, there is one other suggested thing we shouldn’t do: Use alcohol.

I’m not a usual alcohol drinker. Although I’ve had my share of drunk moments, those are long gone, and I haven’t found a wine I consider palatable. I will occasionally (maybe once a year?) drink a Smirnoff Black (but would prefer a Bacardi Silver) but all in all, I just don’t drink alcohol. But I do use alcohol, and have for many things over many decades. Back when I was in high school, astringents (which contain rubbing alcohol) were one of my favorite things to reduce the oil on my face, and it was great in removing oil-based makeup that was so ‘in’ during the ’80s. As I got older and had kids, it was one of the cheap go-to’s for scratches and scrapes, and still was until a few years ago when I saw a new dentist who promptly and sternly told me “Alcohol kills cells.” Again, not an avid alcohol drinker, and I told him so. To which he replied, “How about your mouthwash?” Ooops.

Grasping for straws, I reminded him that we don’t drink mouthwash we just swish and gargle. And he reminded me that our throats and mouths, gums and tongue, are made up of cells. I felt foolish. And, he was right. Inside and out, alcohol does kill cells and is associated with many cancers. In research presented by Gary G. Meadows, Ph.D. and Hui Zhang, Ph.D., it is clear that;

Cancers for which strong epidemiological evidence indicates that alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk include, but are not limited to, esophageal, laryngeal, pharyngeal, stomach, colorectal, liver, pancreas, lung, prostate, breast, central nervous system, and skin cancers.

However, alcohol consumption doesn’t seem to cause or exacerbate the risk of all types of cancer and, may even be associated with a lower risk in some cases as it is associated with a lower incidence of several types of blood cancer, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma, and light drinking was associated with a ten percent reduction in leukemia. How confusing is that? Maybe we just have to make sure that everything we do, we do in moderation.

And here is some good news for you…

Caffeine can help prevent, and fight, at the very least, basal cell carcinoma. The National Institute of Health suggests from their research that only the caffeinated, not non-caffeinated, or de-caffeinated, items apply. Coffee, tea, chocolate (oh yum), and colas.

And where can we find more of this in the wild?

The bark of the Yoco tree in Africa, seeds of coffee beans, cacao beans and Kola nuts, the leaves, and buds of tea, guarana berries, guayusa, and the yaupon holly – in all, about sixty plant species around the world. Or in health food stores. So stock up on healthy foods, stock up on caffeine, have a good sturdy umbrella, and a nice big straw hat! And then if you want to throw in a few bottles of multivitamins, go ahead. Chances are, with everything else, you need them as much.

What do you think?

Have you thought about stocking up on some sun protection supplies? Which items do you keep on hand? Please share your thoughts in the comments.

About Sandra

Sandra is a published artist, photographer, fellow prepper, and animal advocate.

Picture of Sandra D. Lane

Sandra D. Lane

Sandra is a published artist, photographer, fellow prepper, and animal advocate.

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9 Responses

  1. Thanks for the article.

    Yea, skin cancer isn’t much fun, especially Melanoma as it can spread throughout the body and organs. Just because one doesn’t have skin cancer now doesn’t mean it will not appear later as it can take twenty years for the effects to show.

    Your article is additionally relevant as it points to the fact skin diseases will be a major issue during SHTF with the resulting lack of hygiene and sanitation. The German painter Matthias Gruewald’s alterpiece “Crucifixion” (1512-16) would be an apt title illustration for an article on that subject as it shows forty different skin afflictions of that time. Depending how far back we regress medically, say after the proverbial EMP blast, past the middle and ‘dark’ ages it would be time well spent studying indigenous treatments. Yaupon Holly (Illex Vomitoria) is an entertaining plant. Indigenous natives used it in contests drinking strong potent mixtures until the last man still standing vomiting (Illex Vomitoria) won. A treatment for cancer was to drink urine, go figure. Aloe Vera and Arnica would be plants to have around for skin applications but not necessarily for internal usage. Since the skin is our largest organ any break in it, say from sun blisters or walking, would be an entryway for infection.

    Twenty minutes of sunlight supposedly can give us our daily Vitamin D3 requirement. Vitamin K helps in its absorption (?). Niacin can give “hot flashes”. Aspirin would also be a blood thinner against embolism if and when one has Melanoma later on.

    Sunglasses would be good in bug-out bags as too much sunlight is detrimental. Make some ‘impromptu’ Eskimo slit sunglasses for sun glare and shrapnel. About one to three o’clock in the afternoon when the sun is hottest overhead would be a time to be sheltered. There are websites that have Sun Path Diagrams. Study them for your location. For general info: Vertical window blinds go on the east and west sides of the building while horizontal blinds block the sun’s rays on the south side. Interestingly in desert areas round bars, both horizontally and vertically, in windows break up the direct rays of the sun as the circular surface tangentially divert their paths. Might be useful for lessening migraine headaches from too much sun.
    But I digress.

    Sun lotion is a good idea. In a SHTF scenario the smell would carry a distance. Mud would protect the skin from harsh sunlight. Of course, patches under the eyes would help with sun glare and for anti-glare camouflage. My guess is in a SHTF setting we’ll be spending more time underground.

    Enjoyed your artwork. Some of the mix-media pieces remind me when I used sneaker imprints on canvas. Tried using tree bark from fallen trees, not live trees, as paint rollers. Gustave Klimt’s landscapes are interesting in their use of tree stems mixing positive/negative space with the vegetation … 🙂

    Best in your treatment.

    1. ps.

      On a sidenote regarding skin disorders.

      From my expreriences with Poison Ivy once the areas of the skin that are damaged by inflammation bursting the skin cells they will be ‘weak’ points for future occurrences since the new replacement matrix filaments will never be as good as the orginal skin structure. The next contact with ivy oil will spread along those areas first repeating the path it traveled before. Best to keep the areas dry and avoid clothing from spreading the urushoil further. Trash the affected clothes if you can since they’ll carry the oil for years. Crushing the leaves of the Beautyberry bush and rubbing it on your skin helps before potentially contacting poison ivy.

      The same idea goes for any injuries as they will need extra care after they heal.

      Apology for the long posting but along with skin cancers I feel there will be increases in skin disorders during a shtf scenario. Whether from contact with migrating populations or from the present increase of poison ivy plants and even ticks transmitting diseases.

      Turmenic root eaten with your meals in my opinion is good for damaged cartilage tissue as it helps blood flowing to those areas. And blood delivers nutrients needed for healing even to the bursa sac fluid surrounding damaged cartilage such as may occur in the knees. Stretching helps also.

      And if I remember correctly skin tissue is akin to cartilage tissue.

      Basically keeping the blood flowing properly is healthy naturally. (Along with your Chi energy.)
      Kinda like letting your skin breath. Yea, I’m from the sixties.

      The website “Running Writings” has some very good articles on sports injuries.

      1. (… and yet another post)

        Connective tissue.
        Both skin and bone tissue are from connective tissue.

        Also, tree bark is vascular cambium connective tissue.

        Haven’t read your E-coli article yet but amusingly in the spirit of the stream-of-consciousness of the sixties, the present day Israeli designer and architect Neri Oxman uses E-coli in her work which involves fiberbots building matrix structures.
        Parallel that to the concept of combining AI with DNA (and privacy concerns bought up in Daisy’s articles, somewhat) …

        ha, cosmic, man … or using an OR term, dystopic.

        just kidding

  2. Since this post is still open …
    (and posters eslewhere are busy debating if rich people are edible)

    Nice article for anyone who is interested at, “Can Your Diet Help Prevent Skin Cancer”.

    The trendy Paleo-Diet might acquire an additional dimension during SHTF.
    For example how many uses can you get from a bone.

    Bone marrow has nutrients.
    Bone can be made into needles, fish hooks, etc..
    Bone as a straw (blowing into burning kindle, holding char-cloth).
    Bone broth for skin ( connective tissue). As we get older we have less body collagen. Perhaps, and this is a light-year leap perhaps, as we age our skin weakens and may be more susceptible to UV radiation and free-radicals, so/or skin cancer may be already present from too much sun exposure in our twenties at the beach and appears twenty years later.

    Including collagens or amino-acids in your diet now might help keep a healthier flexible skin in the long run.
    (It’s said chicken feet have the best collagen.)

    Therefore a recommendation for an additional tool in your Bug-Out-Bag, short or long term, …

    … the Gigli Saw.

    Thanks again for the article.

  3. Don’t know why, but for some reason the sun in SoCal is especially hot on my aging skin. I’ve covered up for the past 20 years and so glad I did. DH and I wear hats and long sleeves when outdoors, even in the summer. We use thin, loose woven cotton shirts and drink lots of air temperature water when we are out of doors in the summer.

    Part of what I find essential for our well-being is cod-liver oil. We get a citrus flavored liquid. Both vitamins A and D are fat-soluble and are safe in large doses when they are used in their natural forms. Manufactured forms of A and D are the ones which can hurt you in large doses. When I feel like I’m coming down with something, a tablespoon at bedtime usually builds up my resistance overnight. It is the one supplement I don’t want to be without. It was my go-to during menopause as thyroid-nourishing. It also cuts down on inflammation in the body, supports heart, brain and eye health. Store it in a rotating system, always using and replacing the supply. Worth it’s weight in gold during SHTF! Didn’t take long to get over the fishiness because the bennies were so great.

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